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协商课程是一种实践性浓郁的后现代课程理论,它在实施过程中强调协商学习而反对促动学习,库克与布莫分别提出了自己的协商学习模式。批判教育学是协商课程的重要思想渊源。协商课程的后现代本质体现在:倡导动态的课程本质观,反对技术理性的价值取向,反对二元对立的课程思维方式,彰显学生的课程主体角色。  相似文献   

Kate Ruttle 《Literacy》2004,38(2):71-77
This article explores the idea that in order to improve the way we teach children to write, we need to improve our understanding of children as writers. Although developing their metacognitive skills can give us a clearer window into children's understanding, we must be wary of assuming that they ascribe the same meaning to their metacognitive metalanguage as we, their teachers, do. But we also need to beware of making assessments based just on the children's writing – children can use writing to hide from us what they do not know and cannot do. Through the presentation of three brief case studies of lower‐attaining Year 4 (8–9‐year‐old boys) the article considers the implications of assessing writing without acknowledging the role of the writer.  相似文献   

低调陈述在商务谈判语言中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在商务谈判中,适当的谈判语言策略能使交流双方在突出自己优势的同时,建立和维持良好的业务关系,从而使这项通过语言交流来持续的商务活动能不断继续下去。所以商务谈判中低调陈述的运用是十分讲究的。  相似文献   

本文旨在评介由Robert Blackwood等学者编著的《语言景观中身份的协商与竞争》一书。该书关注多国公共空间中的语言景观,探讨身份的建构、协商与竞争,代表着语言景观研究领域的新进展。本文将简述该书的主要内容,并做评介。希望通过评介让国内研究者了解语言景观研究的近况,明晰公共空间中语言使用、身份建构的核心问题以及相关的研究方法,进而思考开展本土化研究,为语言景观研究增添中国美景。  相似文献   

乌拉圭回收农业协议的实施推动了全球农业领域贸易的自由化,新一轮农业谈判将进一步推动这种自由化进程,谈判的目的在于建立一个公正,以市场为导向的贸易体系,来收正和防止世界产品的市场中出现的限制和扭曲贸易行为,谈进展取决于谈判模式,谈判议题以及各成员国的立场,观点,同时保障谈判结现各方利益的总体平衡是新一轮农业谈判的一个重要问题,对此的了解将有助于我们正视现行多边贸易体制中存在的明显缺陷,加深对新一轮农业谈判的认识,有助于我国农业政策的进一步完善。  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the way novice teachers, who are part of a one-year postgraduate diploma in post-primary teaching, have opted to negotiate their status as school teachers. In particular, it asks why novice teachers prefer to hide as they scramble to learn how to teach. On the basis of three separate interviews spaced out though the teaching year 2009 (January, March, May), a team of university-based tutors probed for student reactions to competence-based issues. Adopting a sociocultural perspective, this study drew upon roughly 10% of the pre-service student cohort (n?=?17), each in a different placement location. The study looked, in particular, at their negotiating power, particularly the effect of school supports for their reality as learners. Findings suggest that without quality mentoring support, our pre-service teachers prefer to become ‘invisible’ as learners. Three pre-professional stances are identified: fragile, robust and competitive. The key finding is that none of these pre-professional stances mitigate pre-service students’ lack of negotiating power. On the other hand, informal school-based supports can help students considerably.  相似文献   

日本政府宣布无条件投降后,由于江西玉山机场被破坏,加上芷江有得天独厚的条件,国民党政府最终将对日受降地点放在芷江,但由于盟国的受降工作尚未完成、国民党政府对日受降准备工作尚未充分,加上日本侵略者投降专使地位不足以及日方的故意刁难,使得在芷江举行对日受降签字仪式条件不成熟,不得不将原计划的受降改为商谈日本侵略者投降的条件。学术界因此称此为“芷江洽降”,这有失偏颇。称“芷江受降”或“洽降”是站在不同的角度来讲的,从日本侵略者的角度而言是“洽降”,从中国方面的立场而言,是接受日本侵略者投降,是“受降”,因而称“芷江受降”更合适些,更容易被人们所理解、所接受,更能明了芷江受降的历史意义和地位。  相似文献   

浅析高职谈判英语的口语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对谈判英语口语教学现状的分析来看,大部分高职院校,在讲授专业英语方面存在一些问题。从教材选取,课堂授课到补充阅读材料三个方面进行教学模式改革,培养适应社会发展需要的“实用型”英语专业人才。  相似文献   

本通过对国内外公司收购制度和实践的考察,专门对上市公司收购的三种常见方式进行了分析,由此探究我国证券立法和理论在上市公司收购方式上的一些基本问题,并提出一点粗浅思考。  相似文献   

本届在中国上海举办的世界博览会更显示出中国在国际商务中举足轻重的地位,因此与外界交往合作的主要方式——国际商务谈判越来越显示出其重要的作用。国际商务谈判,是国际商务活动中不同的利益主体,为了达成某笔交易,而就交易的各项条件进行协商的过程。由于谈判的主体来自不同的国家,国际商务谈判的过程必定会面对双方之间的文化差异,本文试图从Fisher(1980)在《国际谈判》(International Negotiation)中提到谈判团队、决策方式、民族性格、文化噪音、翻译人员的选择这五项因素入手,分析每个因素中东西不同的文化会对谈判产生的影响。  相似文献   

This article describes an action research (AR) study with multiple cycles undertaken with undergraduates over three years. The university is a trilingual institution in Italy where degree programmes are taught in Italian, German and English. The study’s aim was to improve the syllabus of an advanced English for Specific Purposes course using a blended approach: it would be more learner-centred, but it would also provide more speaking practice during class. This would thus combine elements from process and product approaches to syllabus design. However, students had to attend class to benefit from the speaking skills practice planned, which was not automatic, as the university does not require compulsory attendance. Although optional attendance was a given, its impact on the syllabus was not fully considered and led to an AR cycle that failed to implement the proposed syllabus. However, an advantage of using multiple cycles was that this unexpected problem was identified and addressed in a subsequent cycle when action was taken: the introduction of extra credit exercises (ECE) to motivate students to attend class. The use of ECEs had a startling effect on attendance levels and a positive impact on the study’s central focus, the blended syllabus.  相似文献   

The idea that the educational needs of secondary school students are best met by providing them with learning experiences that are both intellectually challenging and connected to the world beyond the classroom underpins several recent pedagogical initiatives in Australia. However, such learning experiences are rarely found in practice. Many reasons for this have already been identified, but we suggest there may be another dimension to this problem. From our experience of trialling a similar pedagogical approach with Years 8 and 10 students, the participating teachers seemed to be struggling with a conceptual dilemma that interfered with creating learning experiences that are both intellectually challenging and relevant. We suggest this dilemma was generated by a dualistic framework of thinking and practice, endemic in education systems, which constructs academic rigour and relevance as incompatible with each other. We conclude that there is a need for more extensive teacher professional development in pedagogies which attempt to integrate intellectual rigour and relevance.  相似文献   

劳动合同属于兼具公私法性质的社会法调整范畴,在多个方面区别于民事合同,但其仍具有合同的本质特征。以传统债法为制度基础的缔约过失责任同样应适用于劳动合同,以弥补当事人因受对方违背诚实信用原则而导致的直接损失与部分间接损失。在劳动立法全球化的背景下,《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》借鉴了部分国家的做法,较为明确地规定了劳动合同中的缔约过失责任。结合我国立法与司法实践,应准确把握劳动缔约过失责任的若干情形,明确其归责原则与举证责任,科学界定责任人的赔偿范围。  相似文献   

Differential academic language proficiency is an issue of major educational concern, bearing on problems varying from pupil performance, to social prospects, and citizenship. In this paper we develop a conception of the language-acquiring subject, and we discuss the consequences for understanding differential language proficiency in schools. Starting from Wittgenstein's meaning-as-use theory we show that learning a language requires an activity that relates the subject both to the community of language users, and to the things language is about. In opposition to Luntley, we contend that this does not mean that linguistic development involves linguistic adjustment to the world 'as it is'. It is argued that, in as far as linguistic development involves a process of adjustment, this concerns conceptions about the world as it is presupposed to be—a 'world' that is subjected to doubt and revision time and again. With respect to dealing with differential academic language proficiency, this approach to linguistic development suggests bringing pupils into situations which require active participation in processes of 'negotiating meaning', including negotiating the prevailing presuppositions about what the world is like. This also puts novices in a different position—less assimilatory—recognising their co-constructive potencies at a more fundamental level.  相似文献   

Differential academic language proficiency is an issue of major educational concern, bearing on problems varying from pupil performance, to social prospects, and citizenship. In this paper we develop a conception of the language‐acquiring subject, and we discuss the consequences for understanding differential language proficiency in schools. Starting from Wittgenstein's meaning‐as‐use theory we show that learning a language requires an activity that relates the subject both to the community of language users, and to the things language is about. In opposition to Luntley, we contend that this does not mean that linguistic development involves linguistic adjustment to the world ‘as it is’. It is argued that, in as far as linguistic development involves a process of adjustment, this concerns conceptions about the world as it is presupposed to be—a ‘world’ that is subjected to doubt and revision time and again. With respect to dealing with differential academic language proficiency, this approach to linguistic development suggests bringing pupils into situations which require active participation in processes of ‘negotiating meaning’, including negotiating the prevailing presuppositions about what the world is like. This also puts novices in a different position—less assimilatory—recognising their co‐constructive potencies at a more fundamental level.  相似文献   

It is worthy of noting that, whilst Crookston Castle witnessed the earlier and happier portion of Mary's variegated life,  相似文献   

一、吃和喝吃苹果 eat an apple, 吃药 take medicine,吃糖 have some sweets,吃饭 have one's meals,吃馆子 dine out,吃惊 be surprised/  相似文献   

Many college freshmen arrive woefully unprepared to do college work, and as disadvantaged populations continue to grow, the share of the American work force that has made it through college is expected to plummet. Many experts blame that educational failure not just on high schools but also on colleges. School & College, a special report by The Chronicle, looks at efforts to fix the system. What reforms would better prepare students for college? What should schools and colleges be doing differently? How should state and federal officials help?  相似文献   

There are numbers of crossroads on our long and unpredictable life journey where we totally have no idea about which direction to choose. No matter what our decision is, we should not turn back, but face the music and go ahead instead. I am this kind of girl who always does try without regretting, one example is how I dealt with my love.  相似文献   

王菲 《华章》2007,(12):273-273
Migration occurs behind a variety of reasons and has a great effect on the whole world. People may migrate in order to improve their economic situation, or in order to escape civil strife, persecution, and environmental disasters. The impact of migration is complex, bringing both benefits anddisadvantages. This paper briefly talks about the causes of migration, the allocation of benefits, and the ways in which individual countries and the international community deal with this important subject.  相似文献   

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