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Teaching students how to conduct bibliographic searches in health sciences’ databases is essential training. One of the challenges librarians face is how to motivate students during classroom learning. In this article, two hospital libraries, in Spain, used Escape rooms as a method of bringing creativity, teamwork, communication and critical thinking into bibliographic search instruction. Escape rooms are a series of puzzles that must be solved to exit the game. This article explores the methods used for integrating escape rooms into training programmes and evaluates the results. Escape Rooms are a useful tool that can be integrated into residents’ training to support their instruction on bibliographic searches. This kind of learning stablishes competences like logical thinking and deductive approaching. These aspects aid participants to make their own decision and to develop social and intellectual skills.  相似文献   

Background: Research is essential for evidence‐based practice yet many health professionals do not have enough time to find research. Studies relevant to occupational therapists can be particularly difficult to find. Most search engines are broad and return a large number of irrelevant articles. Occupational Therapy Systematic Evaluation of Evidence (OTseeker) is an occupational therapy database available at http://www.otseeker.com . Developed by Australian occupational therapists, the resource aims to increase access to research and support clinical decision making. This discipline‐specific database contains pre‐appraised information from a variety of sources and decreases the time required to locate best evidence. Objectives: The aims of this paper are to: (i) describe how health librarians can use OTseeker to help allied health students, researchers and practitioners, particularly in occupational therapy, to find quality evidence; (ii) provide a teaching resource for health librarians based around the OTseeker evidence database; and (iii) highlight new features contained on the OTseeker database. Methods: A case study is provided which focuses on searching for evidence on the effectiveness of upper limb rehabilitation after stroke using OTseeker. Conclusion: This paper may increase the knowledge, skills and competencies of health librarians, helping them to access evidence‐based databases, and educate other professionals.  相似文献   

医学文献检索在医学期刊编辑中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍医学文献检索在选题、初审、复审、退修、编辑加工、校对及编制主题词索引等医学期刊编辑各个环节中的应用及价值,认为医学编辑应掌握良好的医学文献检索技能,时时借助文献检索控制编校质量.  相似文献   

利用医学文献检索提高编辑工作质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭青  张柏林  李小萍 《编辑学报》2007,19(2):106-107
对各种信息的感知、获取、处理及利用,已成为期刊编辑工作中不可缺少的重要部分。医学文献检索在医学期刊编辑工作中尤为重要,对于保证所刊发的论文的新颖性、真实性及准确性将起到非常重要的作用,对于提高医学期刊的整体质量具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

诚信是科研之本,医学研究生作为一个特殊的科研工作群体,其学术诚信建设更要引起社会的广泛重视,而学术诚信建设是学术期刊应承担的社会职责。文章在分析医学研究生学术失信表现及原因的基础上,从期刊视角提出了事前的预防与引导机制、审稿完善机制、责任编辑学术诚信负责制、导师学术诚信负责制、学术诚信控制机制等医学研究生的学术诚信建设机制,以期全方位预防和遏制医学研究生的学术失信行为,净化学术环境,促进期刊的可持续发展。  相似文献   

郝秀原  陈立敏 《编辑学报》2013,25(4):307-309
通过对国内外医学期刊撤稿现象的调查,探讨撤稿的主要原因,并通过对国内外相关的理论及实践操作规范的考察,对我国医学期刊撤稿的操作流程提出建议。还探讨撤稿过程中期刊和编辑的作用,为今后相关的理论研究及实际操作提供参考。  相似文献   

提高医学编辑专业素质 促进学术论文的发育和成熟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据中华医学会杂志社多年来的实践与经验,从学科专业知识、科研设计、编辑加工、学习和使用英语能力等方面探讨如何提高医学编辑的专业素质,以促进学术论文的发育和成熟。  相似文献   

于小雪  陈小蕾 《编辑学报》2011,23(3):229-230
调查医学论文题名和关键词中5组易混淆字词的使用情况,并对其进行辨析。提醒作者和编辑规范使用名词,建议全国科学技术名词审定委员会进一步统一各学科间的交叉名词术语。  相似文献   

论医学科普期刊的手机出版   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李法宝 《编辑学报》2011,23(1):72-74
分析医学科普期刊开展手机出版的必要性,阐述其进行手机出版的策略,即强化手机阅读,创新商业模式。  相似文献   

留学生医学文献检索双语教学探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从多角度分析了留学生医学文检课双语教学的优势及教学模式,提出了留学生医学文检课应从全英文教学模式向阶梯式双语教学模式转变,并强调了在教学中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

对安徽省医用软件和数据库业的现状进行了调查与分析,指出其存在的丰要问题,提出安徽省医用软件和数据库业的发展策略。  相似文献   

MEDLINE, which includes the Index to Dental Literature, has been the database of choice for most search requests generated at Indiana University School of Dentistry. However, many requests extend beyond dentistry and the health sciences into the realms of business, education, psychology, law, and computer technology. For these requests, DIALOG'S new OneSearch feature can be a simple and cost-effective mechanism for supplementing - searches that would otherwise be confined to MEDLINE.  相似文献   

Background: Search filters have been developed in MEDLINE and EMBASE to help overcome the challenges of searching electronic databases for information on adverse effects. However, little evaluation of their effectiveness has been carried out. Objectives: To measure the sensitivity and precision of available adverse effects search filters in MEDLINE and EMBASE. Methods: A case study systematic review of fracture related adverse effects associated with the use of thiazolidinediones was used. Twelve MEDLINE search strategies and three EMBASE search strategies were tested. Results: Nineteen relevant references from MEDLINE and 24 from EMBASE were included in the review. Four search filters in MEDLINE achieved high sensitivity (95 or 100%) with an improved level of precision from searches without any adverse effects filter. High precision in MEDLINE could also be achieved (up to 53%) using search filters that rely on Medical Subject Headings. No search filter in EMBASE achieved high precision (all were under 5%) and the highest sensitivity in EMBASE was 83%. Conclusions: Adverse effects search filters appear to be effective in MEDLINE for achieving either high sensitivity or high precision. Search filters in EMBASE, however, do not appear as effective, particularly in improving precision.  相似文献   

The Academic Database Assessment Tool (ADAT) from the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) enables users to compile and compare journal title lists from many different suppliers. The makers claim that this tool can help identify overlap of coverage among comparable databases and platforms. This article provides an overview of the tool's major features, including limitations, and how it can be used in academic libraries to make informed collection development and management decisions regarding electronic databases.  相似文献   

李洁  李娜  栾嘉  孙菲  孙静  孔朝霞 《编辑学报》2020,32(3):350-354
本文旨在了解我国医学科研人员对出版伦理相关问题的认知情况、相关投稿经历和对学习出版伦理的态度,探析医学期刊在我国科研诚信建设中的作用。我们发现医学科研人员对于学术不端主观上防范意识较好,但普遍存在出版伦理认知的不足和偏差。医学期刊是其出版伦理认知的主要来源之一。医学科研人员对出版伦理的学习意愿与课程的可信度和可及性有关。我们认为我国医学期刊和编辑在科研伦理教育和科研诚信建设中大有可为。医学期刊应在完善自身出版伦理建设的基础上,切实履行出版伦理规范,积极参与医学科研人员科研伦理的教育活动,发挥期刊在科研诚信体系建设中应有的作用。  相似文献   

With the increasing amount of health information available, the Association of American Medical Colleges recommends that medical students be proficient in information management. Librarians can and should play a role in teaching students these skills. Medical information management instruction is most effective if integrated into the curriculum. However, if options are limited for librarians to teach within courses, there are ways to reach students outside the classroom. This article describes strategies librarians are implementing, outside the curriculum, to teach Texas A & M Health Science Center's first- and second-year medical students how to use library resources.  相似文献   

高影响力论文是名牌医学期刊的特征   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
在某一学术领域内,某一篇论文的被引用次数在某种程度上可以衡量该论文在某一时期内的学术影响.<中国高影响力医学期刊论文计量报告>一书详细而科学、客观地揭示了中国高影响力医学论文的被引频次和专业分类.本文在此基础上进一步分析被引80次以上的299篇中国高影响力医学论文的来源期刊的情况,认为高影响力论文是名牌医学期刊的特征.  相似文献   

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