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韩礼德主要提出概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻两种形式。概念语法隐喻指概念元功能的及物性过程可以隐喻成另一个过程(以及名词化),人际语法隐喻则包括情态隐喻和语气隐喻。在《雾都孤儿》原著和简写本的对比分析中,发现情态隐喻和语气隐喻都更多地存在于前者,且对意义表达发挥了其独特的作用。  相似文献   

刘薇 《鸡西大学学报》2008,8(6):132-133
在所有的隐喻语言使用中,歌词隐喻是最值得一提的。它不仅是口语隐喻的升华,也是文学隐喻的平民化,它兼有两者的优点又别具风格,堪称隐喻语言的一朵奇葩。具体分析歌词隐喻的语言特色及其与其他隐喻语言之不同之处,意在为歌词隐喻的理解和分析创造一新的视角。  相似文献   

隐喻分为方位隐喻、本体隐喻和结构隐喻,以China Daily商业新闻标题为语料,探索人们在经济领域的认知规律.研究结果表明:在英语商业新闻领域中,结构隐喻运用范围最广,是人们理解商业领域概念的重要手段.方位隐喻包括up-down隐喻;本体隐喻包括容器隐喻和人体隐喻;结构隐喻则包含战争隐喻、交通隐喻、天气隐喻、医疗隐喻和饮食隐喻.在同类型隐喻中,“up”隐喻、“eye”隐喻和“war”隐喻分别占据主导地位,突显商业领域中人们更关注“向上”趋势,时刻保持“敏锐的洞察力”以及“商场如战场”的竞争理念.  相似文献   

比较理论认为,隐喻理解始于辨认其中的比较,然後按本义比较方式理解。Glucksberg和Keysar(1990)提出,隐喻是范畴包容性断言,本体被归于一个用喻体命名的临时范畴。本文举证支持了这一模型。另一问题涉及Lakoff和Johnson(1980)提出的概念隐喻。Gibbs(1992)坚持认为,隐喻是长时记忆中的概念映射的实现,隐喻理解利用概念隐喻。范畴包容模型认为,隐喻理解无需调用概念隐喻。本文论证,概念隐喻是在隐喻理解後被认识的,其作用是解释隐喻的系统性。结论:比较过程和概念隐喻在隐喻理解申没有被使用。隐喻理解是一种范畴化过程,把本体归于一个喻体代表的上级范畴,井把喻体的特性赋予本体。  相似文献   

认知隐喻理论宣称语言中无数的隐喻表达可以追溯至有限数目的概念隐喻,这就意味着概念隐喻有可能在我们的语言学习中发挥积极的作用。本文以认知隐喻理论为基础,旨在探讨隐喻对中国大学生英文阅读理解的影响。本文用量的研究方法对广州某高校英语专业三年级54位学生隐喻知识培训前后所得阅读成绩进行分析,结果表明隐喻知识有助于他们的英语阅读理解。  相似文献   

This article looks at the use of extended metaphor in teaching. Our case studies as two teachers using metaphor in different settings show how metaphor is experienced by learners to different pedagogical effect. The article demonstrates that metaphor can be used not only for the similarity between vehicle and target systems, but also for the difference. In the subject of electronics, extended metaphor (water, waves and webs) scaffolds learning by merit of the similarity of the vehicle system to the target. However, when teaching doctoral students to improve their writing skills, extended metaphor exploits the difference between vehicle and target. In this case the frustration of academic challenge is defused by using metaphors that are homely and ordinary in contrast to the formal academic genre of thesis writing. Our experience in using metaphors to teach provides support for the theory that they may be monistic (forgotten once they have fulfilled the pedagogical scaffolding task) or dualistic (remembered because both systems remain in play). The article prompts other higher education teachers to more consciously consider the potential of metaphor as a pedagogical aid.  相似文献   

This article examines the role elementary school children’s spontaneous metaphors play in learning science. The data consists of tape recordings of about 25 h from five different schools. The material is analysed using a practical epistemology analysis and by using Dewey’s ideas on the continuity and transformation of experience. The results show the rich and varied meanings that children put into their spontaneous metaphors. Their metaphors deal with facts as well as norms and aesthetics in relation to the science content taught and they influence learning both through what is made salient, as well as through their relations to the children’s possibilities of proceeding with their undertakings. Often one and the same metaphor encompassed all these cognitive, aesthetic and normative aspects at the same time. It is discussed how this rich meaning can be cultured in a productive way, and how the children’s spontaneous metaphors, with all their relations, can be used to enhance conceptual learning and also learning about the nature of metaphor use in science. Through their connection with various experiences of the children, it is also shown how children’s spontaneous metaphors have the potential to enliven and humanise the subject.  相似文献   

隐喻认知过程就是从源域到目标域的系统映射过程。多模态隐喻指源域和目标域分别用或主要用不同的模态来呈现的隐喻。视频语篇集合了声音、图画、语言、动作等多种模态,是典型的多模态话语。以短视频Tough Love为语料,从视觉和听觉两方面分析其中多模态隐喻,对于帮助观众更深刻地理解视频背后的文化内涵和审美价值,促进文化的交流与发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

作为隐喻研究的哲学视角——体验哲学认为只有通过经验基础隐喻才能被人理解。隐喻具有体验性特征。由于隐喻是与不同民族的体验密切相关的。这就给翻译带来了困难,其可译性就具有相对性。  相似文献   

This study sought to describe the metaphors entry level preservice teachers bring with them as they begin a teacher education program. One hundred thirty four (134) students certifying in elementary education and 119 students certifying in secondary education completed a questionnaire designed to capture the metaphors they hold on life, children, and teaching. Secondary preservice teachers were more likely to write their own metaphors of life and childhood than their elementary counterparts. No one from the elementary group created his/her own metaphor for life and childhood, while nearly 31% of the secondary group created a metaphor of life, childhood, or both. The metaphors students created to describe teaching revealed four dominant themes: teaching as guiding, teaching as nurturing, teaching as stimulating, and teaching as telling. The chapter closes with a discussion of implications for how changes to the cognitive structure of students’ metaphor entailment patterns occur over time.  相似文献   

A great deal has been written about the representational use of metaphor to understand teacher candidates’/new teachers’ conceptions of teacher practice. This article will discuss recent research that explored secondary visual art teacher candidates’/new teachers’ visualising of visual metaphors to provoke their a/r/tographical inquiry into their perceptions of practice. This article engages with the Deleuzian conception becoming as well as the ontology of difference to provoke the reimagination of metaphor in research. We offer new understandings about visualising the visual in research and the methodological implications of relational research practices.  相似文献   

文章以文化与语言、文化与隐喻的关系为切入点,首先从文化差异的视角,通过比较英、汉、蒙三种语言的隐喻表达的异同,重点分析了文化对隐喻翻译的影响问题。其次,对字面意思与隐喻意义的关系,翻译的不确定性,隐喻的可改述性和隐喻的可译性等隐喻翻译的若干问题展开了讨论。最后建议在保持多元文化的同时为了避免文化冲突现象的发生,在外语教学中既要强调隐喻所呈现的中西方文化的差异,同时有必要在汉族与其他少数民族或少数民族之间的在隐喻所体现的文化差异方面进行更深层次的研究和探索,这对我国外语教学有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Energy is one of the most important unifying themes in science. Yet the way energy is conceptualized varies depending on context. In this paper, the discourse used to explain the role of energy in systems from biology, chemistry, and physics is examined from the perspective of metaphor theory. Six substance metaphors for energy are identified in pedagogical discourse (i.e., textbooks and the science education literature): energy as a substance that can be accounted for, can flow, can be carried, can change forms, can be lost, and can be an ingredient, a product or stored in some way. Each of these conceptual metaphors highlight and obscure various characteristics of energy, and provide a set of frameworks that each afford a different understanding of the energy concept.  相似文献   

吕文君  杨颖 《重庆师专学报》2008,27(2):77-79,88
文章从中西文化对比的角度研究英汉词语隐喻。首先介绍了隐喻发展史及其基本特征;继而探讨了认知隐喻在文化比较中的积极作用;然后重点分析了英汉词语隐喻文化的异同;最后结论认为外语学习者要深入学习隐喻背后的文化内涵,只有这样才能掌握地道的英语和准确地理解隐喻的真正涵义,以达到更好地交流。  相似文献   

汉语中与时间的顺序性有关的隐喻大多使用时间在动的隐喻模式。在同一种隐喻模式中,由于观察角度的转换而造成了"前"来"往"等既能表示过去也能表示未来。时间隐喻模式中的这种观察角度的转换来源于空间隐喻模式中类似的转换。  相似文献   

语言迁移是外语教学研究的关注点之一。传统的研究方法,如对比分析、错误分析法,主要局限于语言层面的探讨。但自从隐喻被认为是人类认知的手段之一,概念隐喻理论就为语言的迁移研究提供了新的思路,换句话说就是对比不同文化中的概念隐喻能让我们从思维系统角度来探寻语言之间的异同,从而更有效地促进语言正迁移。  相似文献   

认知语言学认为,隐喻是普遍存在的,是人类的一种认知工具。语言中遍布的隐喻表达是由于人类概念系统中存在着概念隐喻,但不同文化中的概念隐喻是否相同需要跨文化的研究。语料表明在英汉中都存在"人是物体"这个概念隐喻,而对比由此衍生出来的隐喻表达,可以为概念隐喻提供跨文化方面的依据,并为一词多义现象提供了合理的解释,这对语言的教与学都有帮助。  相似文献   

This study describes how one teacher educator used metaphor as a self-study tool over an eight-year period. Several methods of eliciting metaphors are discussed and the effects of multiple metaphors on the educator's perspectives on practice are highlighted. The interplay among the metaphors and their meaning is described and used to provide additional insights. The work demonstrates how long-term use of metaphors can be a way to step back from practice, take a new look at the meaning of the particulars of practice, and reframe events of practice. Potential avenues for improvement of practice emerged from these interpretations, and the effects of these changes and possible future efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

A tension has been identified between the acquisition and participation metaphors for learning, and it is generally agreed that this tension has still not been adequately resolved. In this paper, we offer an alternative to the acquisition and participation metaphors for learning: the metaphor of mastering. Our claim is that the mastering metaphor, as grounded in inferentialism, allows one to treat both the acquisition and participation dimensions of learning as complementary and mutually constitutive. Inferentialism is a semantic theory which explains concept formation in terms of the inferences individuals make in the context of an intersubjective practice of acknowledging, attributing, and challenging one another's commitments. We first introduce the key concepts of inferentialism and consider the perspective on learning that inferentialism inspires. Then, we condense the lessons of the inferentialist concepts into a single mastering metaphor for learning and argue that learning consists in the process by which learners come to master concepts and practices. We conclude by discussing how the mastering metaphor could be put to work in a theoretical reconciliation of the cognitive and sociocultural dimensions of learning.  相似文献   

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