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This paper examines the concepts of trust and transformational government, both of which have been the subject of increasing attention in recent times. It explores what trust and transformation mean, or could mean, for government, governance and public administration and whether transformational government is just a feel-good phrase or a genuinely new departure. As part of this, the question of what precisely is being, or could be, transformed is examined. The results of this examination suggest that the expectation that technology-enabled change has the ability to increase citizen trust, thereby transforming government may be too high, but that more research is needed. A framework for such research is proposed.  相似文献   

As the implementation of e-Government projects is becoming increasingly important in both public and private organizations, the need to successfully tackle project management emerges. Without a project management framework, those who commission an e-government project, those who manage it and also those who work on it will not have the necessary tools to plan, organize, monitor and re-schedule tasks, responsibilities and milestones. The present paper outlines a goal-driven and knowledge-based framework to plan and manage the critical aspects of e-government projects. A specifically designed tool supports the framework application and a lighthouse project of the Greek public sector is presented to illustrate the application context, leading to reusable conclusions on achievements and problems faced.  相似文献   

高校图书馆社会化信息服务的用户开发   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文分析了市场细分的意义,介绍了市场细分的依据和方法,探讨了选择目标市场应重点考虑的因素和与目标用户建立联系的途径。  相似文献   

公共图书馆少年儿童读者用户教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共图书馆少年儿童读者用户教育具有重要作用,其内容包括:少年儿童思想道德教育,公共图书馆意识教育、使用常识、阅读指导与推广、信息素养教育等.本文探讨了当前对少年儿童读者用户教育工作的几点思考.  相似文献   

The article analyses the role of Open Government Data policy as part of the broader public policy agenda of the UK government. A thematic analysis of interview, observational and policy documentation is presented which suggests that since 2010 the Open Government Data agenda has been used strategically by the UK's centre-right coalition government to progress a range of controversial policies, which are aimed at the continuation of the neoliberal form of state through its current crisis. Specifically, the relationship between Open Government Data policy and the neoliberal objectives of the marketisation of public services and privatisation of public assets, the leveraging of financial markets and the pharmaceutical industry, and the embedding of OGD into a broader agenda aimed at rebuilding trust in political elites are analysed. These findings are examined in relation to Braman's (2006, 2011) arguments regarding the strategic implementation of information policy by Governments in the exercising of state power, and the development of the ‘informational state’.  相似文献   

公共图书馆用户需求结构研究:现实需求的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公共图书馆要在持续关注社会变化的基础上把握用户需求结构状态,掌握用户核心需求的变迁情况.本研究抽取五所公共图书馆的954名现实用户进行了问卷调查和系统分析.研究发现,由于环境的变化,新时期用户对信息资源及信息服务的需求均呈现鲜明时代特征,具体表现出五方面的新需求倾向.论文最后提出了三点推论.  相似文献   

Access to government information has changed dramatically in the past 20 years. There are many indicators of information use, but it is challenging for service institutions to gain a current and comprehensive view of the research practices and preferences of their users. Information stakeholders must seek out current data to gauge the potential success of new initiatives and policies in order to meet user needs. To that end, a user study was conducted on the University of Montana campus in spring of 2006. The survey was sent to a random, stratified sample of the campus population. The instrument included questions on frequency of government information use, methods of locating and learning about government documents, awareness of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), and service and format preferences. The results show that the majority of researchers are using government information at least quarterly and that they most often use general search engines to find it. Respondents indicate a strong interest in alerting services, tutorials, virtual reference, and topic-oriented assistance. Although some respondents prefer printed materials for specific types of information, users generally want to find and access government information online. The results offer current data for program planning, collection development, and information policy creation.  相似文献   

Electronic services in the public sector: A conceptual framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electronic services provided by governmental organizations, here referred to as public e-services, are frequently discussed in the e-government literature. There is, however, little consensus on the meaning of the concepts used to describe and discuss these e-services, and hence, the literature is full of synonymous terms and concepts. This paper is conceptual and presents efforts to understand e-services in the public sector domain by unpacking the public e-service concept into three dimensions; as being (1) a service, (2) electronic, and (3) public (as contrasted to being private). Based on a hermeneutic analysis, these dimensions are discussed in a number of combinations, illustrating that a multi-dimensional take on public e-services must be adopted in order to capture the complexity of governmentally supplied e-services and contribute to theory development, as well as practical utility.  相似文献   

公共数据开放是深入实施国家大数据战略、推动落实创新驱动发展战略的重要支撑,用户能力在其中起到关键作用,它决定了公共数据能否被充分利用从而释放其价值。破译能力黑箱成为赋能用户、推动公共数据开放的核心问题。本研究聚焦三个问题:公共数据的用户能力是什么,用户能力如何形成,用户能力如何培育。基于成功智力理论,从知识视角对用户能力进行再认识,通过情境访谈法提取公共数据用户能力的知识构成要素,构建用户能力形成的IPO模型,并调查影响能力形成的关键问题,由此提出激发用户兴趣、拓展学习渠道、加大支持互动、营造激励协作环境的赋能思路。研究发现:(1)公共数据用户能力是一种成功智力,包括创造性、实践性、分析性三类能力,由不同知识构成;(2)公共数据用户能力形成于知识学习过程中,知识构成及知识环境决定了三种能力的不同知识输入和输出;(3)公共数据用户能力形成和发展中,内驱力、知识储备、自信心和敢为性、激励合作氛围等内容,是当前能力培育应关注的重点。图3。表3。参考文献48。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to suggest realistic guidelines that balance public access to government information and the need to protect sensitive data. Emphasis is on lessons learned from a 1979 case where the government attempted to prohibit the Progressive Magazine from publishing an article about making a hydrogen bomb and government reactions to the September 11th attacks. Executive Orders 12958 and 13292 and the new U.S. Geological Survey policy towards sensitive data can become the foundation for reasonable guidelines. The author concludes that the U.S. tradition of democracy and open government remains strong and will survive the attempts to limit information access since September 11, 2001.  相似文献   

基于用户满意度的图书馆电子资源质量评价模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出基于用户满意度的图书馆电子资源质量评价模型,并利用该模型设计问卷对中山大学图书馆用户进行了满意度调查;在运用相关分析与回归分析方法研究模型中4个自变量与用户价值感和用户满意度之间的相关性及影响程度的基础上,对模型进行了修正,并运用象限分析法,为中山大学图书馆改进电子资源建设提供了参考性建议。  相似文献   

本研究针对Z一代用户对游戏化信息检索系统(GIRS)中游戏元素的偏好、态度及使用意愿开展研究,探讨嵌入游戏元素的信息检索系统能否在一定程度上实现激发用户积极、有效、持续地使用,以获取有用信息的目的。研究采用原型法设计GIRS纸面原型系统、实验研究方法收集数据,发现Z一代用户群体最感兴趣的游戏元素包括好友、商店、积分/成就、排行榜/奖章、内容解锁;对用户检索最有帮助的游戏元素包括积分、好友、奖章、内容解锁、等级;吸引用户持续使用GIRS的游戏元素包括好友、成就、排行榜、奖章/等级/积分、交易。研究表明,在支持和帮助用户进行检索、激发用户使用兴趣以及吸引用户长期使用方面,用户对GIRS持积极态度。图3。表6。参考文献42。  相似文献   

采用数据挖掘技术中的关联分析和聚类方法,重点研究Web日志兴趣发现的理论和方法,指出普通日志记录方法的局限性,提出过滤用户偏好的定制Web日志方法,实验结果验证通过该方法采集的数据,可以发现隐藏在日志数据中的关联规则,同时找到相似用户的兴趣和偏好,并且能够提高过滤用户兴趣偏好的精度。  相似文献   

用户体验——信息服务研究的新视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从服务经济迈向体验经济,各行各业都关注用户体验,基于信息化发展和面向国家创新的信息服务也不例外。文章在分析体验经济的特征及体验经济时代用户行为特点的基础上,探讨了信息服务中的用户体验特征与要求、内容及价值。基于用户体验设计的应用,个性化服务和交互式信息服务中的用户体验得到极大提高,从而推动了基于网络平台信息服务的发展。  相似文献   

袁红军 《新世纪图书馆》2012,(5):73-75,21,2
论文采取网络调查方法,研究公共图书馆政府信息公开服务能力,对象为31个省级公共图书馆政府信息公开服务栏目。研究结果表明:公共图书馆需要从提高重视程度、法律法规保障、培训与推广、拓展服务以及加强合作方面等完善公共图书馆政府信息公开服务机制。  相似文献   

信息会使人受益,并改变人们的生活,但在海量信息出现时,人们并不总是去搜寻信息,反而会常常规避信息。本研究采用系统性综述方法,收集发表于2004至2019年间的59篇信息规避研究文献,并对其研究脉络与方法进行分析整合。研究发现:信息规避与选择性接触是两种不同的现象,研究时应该区分开来;以往研究主要围绕信息规避行为机制展开,其发生原因涉及个体差异、认知因素和情感因素三个方面,具体规避策略包括规避信息源、控制注意力、推迟获取、遗忘和否认信息,规避的结果以消极影响为主;研究人员偏向于采取定性或定量的研究方式。未来研究应丰富相关理论基础,完善信息规避行为机制研究,并且拓展至健康医疗以外的研究背景,最后加强混合方法论的应用。图2。表2。参考文献84。  相似文献   


In library user experience (UX) literature, physical and digital spaces are often studied separately. In academic libraries, different stakeholders often control and operate the logistics of each set of spaces. Additionally, library UX studies seldom consider the physical experiences of users beyond the borders of library websites or buildings. Our survey of 37?U.S. academic library websites found that 97% had some kind of digital representations of physical spaces – predominantly floor plans. A content analysis of those floor plans found that many were poorly designed, and identified two specific themes: non-accessible content and a lack of comprehensive information to facilitate the user journey. This paper offers several recommendations for building more accessible digital representations of physical spaces for the library website. These trends and recommendations are intended to be instructive for managers of library websites and elucidate larger themes about academic libraries.  相似文献   

This study explores user perception, the use of an academic library, and the correlation between user perception and library use. The findings indicate that the academic library is a preferred place to study and spend time during non-class times on campus. The frequent user activities in the library included individual study, reading, computer use, finding information, group study, using reference and information services, and meeting and socializing. The correlation between library use and each of the user activities was examined. The findings suggest that users perceive the academic library primarily as a place for learning and information seeking. The study shows how users perceive and use the academic library, and provides insights into how libraries can strengthen their place and advance their role in the academic community.  相似文献   

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