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Abstract Aims: To determine the current level of library service to people in their own homes in the United Kingdom and to compare it with results from previous surveys. It is many years since a similar survey has been undertaken or guidelines produced and it is hoped that this work will help fill the gap. Methods: A questionnaire was sent in January 2004 to all public library authorities in the UK, a total of 208; 72% (149) were returned in the timescale allowed. The questionnaire covered the criteria for eligibility to receive a home library service; service structure and delivery: who delivers the service (specialist librarians or specialist non‐professional staff, branch library staff or volunteers); training; range of material and services provided; reading aids; materials for reminiscence; information provision; transporting people to the library; services to people in residential homes, sheltered accommodation, nursing homes and day centres; reader development; lifelong learning; and publicity and promotion. The focus of the survey was on quality issues and good practice wherever possible. Results: The number of customers receiving a service to ‘housebound’ readers in the UK in 2001/2 was 123 407. In 1984 it was 43 807 people in England. This still bears little relation to the number of people who should be receiving the service. The majority used paid staff (88%). Volunteers supported 52% of the services, with most having links with staff. There were opportunities to improve and develop services under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The service was publicized and promoted by only 62% of the respondents. Of those that use paid staff and that answered this question, 73% provide disability equality training for staff. Only 21% provide disability equality training for volunteers. Only 36% are involved in reader development or lifelong learning and only 23% provide a newsletter in print, 11% on tape and 3% in Braille; 12% take laptops into people's homes. Conclusions: Many authorities were still providing a tokenistic service and were reluctant to publicize for fear of not coping with demand, which makes them vulnerable legally under the DDA. However, there were some excellent examples of good practice where the full range of services are provided to a high standard.  相似文献   

Background: Most NHS library services routinely offer both mediated searches and information skills training sessions to their users. We analyse the impact of these two services on the amount of literature searching demonstrated by users of hospital‐ based library services in the north‐west of England. Methods: Data for (1) mediated literature searches, (2) number of library users attending information skills training sessions, (3) amount of library staff time devoted to information skills training, and (4) number of Athens‐authenticated log‐ins to databases were obtained from statistical returns for 2007, and analysed for significant correlations. Results: There was evidence of quite strong correlations between the two measures of training activity and the number of mediated literature searches performed by library staff. There was weaker evidence of correlation between training activity and total literature searching activity. Discussion: Attending training sessions may make some library users aware of the difficulty of complex literature searches and actually reduce their confidence to perform their own complex searches independently. The relationships between information skills training, mediated literature searches, and independent literature searching activity remain complex.  相似文献   

Background: In the recent times of recession and budget cuts, it is more important than ever for library and information services to deliver cost‐effective services. Objectives: This rapid review aims to examine the evidence for the most cost‐effective ways of delivering enquiry services. Methods: A literature search was conducted on LISA (Library and Information Sciences Abstracts) and MEDLINE. Searches were limited to 2007 onwards. Results: Eight studies met the inclusion criteria. The studies covered hospital and academic libraries in the USA and Canada. Services analysed were ‘point‐of‐care’ librarian consultations, staffing models for reference desks and virtual/digital reference services. Conclusions: Transferable lessons, relevant to health library and information services generally, can be drawn from this rapid review. These suggest that ‘point‐of‐care’ librarians for primary care practitioners are a cost‐effective way of answering questions. Reference desks can be cost‐effectively staffed by student employees or general reference staff, although librarian referral must be provided for more complex and subject‐specific enquiries. However, it is not possible to draw any conclusions on virtual/digital reference services because of the limited literature available. Further case analysis studies measuring specific services, particularly enquiry services within a health library and information context, are required.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Clinicians report difficulties using research in their practices. The aim of the study was to describe needs and preferences for a mental health clinical question‐answering service designed to assist this process. Method: Multi‐disciplinary clinicians participated in a focus group; users of the service supplied feedback. Results: Fifty‐four clinicians received answers to 84 questions about mental health treatments. User ratings showed that the answers had multiple uses: informing health care (43), education (22), staff development (28) and research (12), and were considered useful, clear, relevant and helpful. Focus group participants appreciated critically appraised summaries of evidence and stressed the time‐saving benefit of the service. Clinicians without a medical training were least confident in applying evidence. Attitudes to research were positive, but concern was expressed about its potential misuse for political purposes. This appeared to arise from an ambiguity around the term ‘insufficient evidence’, which participants felt is widely misinterpreted as ‘evidence of no effect’. Conclusions: A highly valued, responsive service has been developed. A range of clinicians find critically appraised summaries of research useful. Education about the use of research may help clinicians to be more evidence based.  相似文献   

Background: Milford Care Centre is a major centre for specialist palliative and gerontological care in the Mid‐West of Ireland. In August 2008, a Librarian was employed to support the information, research, teaching and professional development needs of staff and students. In planning associated with this role, it was necessary to undertake an analysis of the information needs of staff. Objectives: (1) To understand the information needs of staff with regard to the new Library and Information Service. (2) To identify current access to and levels of skill in information literacy and ICT. (3) To ascertain the need for training in those skills. Methods: A web‐based questionnaire was disseminated in November by email and printed copies were left at other locations. Results: Assistance with obtaining journal articles was rated most highly by respondents as being an important service. Eighty‐three per cent indicated that they did not have access to online health databases. Small group classes were considered the preferred method of providing training. Afternoons were also considered more convenient for visiting the library. Conclusion: The results will be used to plan the development of the library with a better insight of users needs and assist us to utilise resources more effectively.  相似文献   

Background: Leadership is a necessary facet of professional practice for health library and information managers (HLIMs). Several training needs analyses (TNA) in the health library and information services field have been conducted in recent years, all identifying a need for professional development in leadership skills. However, these previous TNAs have not focused on specific elements of leadership skills required by health library and information managers. Objectives: The National Library for Health (NLH) commissioned the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield to conduct a TNA where HLIMs assess their current leadership skills and identify any future development needs in this area. The results would inform a programme of influencing skills workshops. Methods: HLIMs in the UK were invited to complete a self‐assessment online questionnaire. The questionnaire utilised items from Manning and Robertson’s Influencing Skills Style Profile (ISSP). This allowed the results to be characterised by influencing ‘style’. Results: HLIMs considered themselves to have strengths in the leadership areas of influencing, negotiating, managing change and delivering presentations to decision‐makers. They identified significant development needs in communicating with stakeholders, conflict resolution, using body language and being assertive. Most HLIMs demonstrated two collaborative styles identified by the ISSP, namely strategic collaborator and opportunistic collaborator. Conclusions: In difficult times, HLIMs may need to adapt to more of an ‘opportunistic‐battler’ influencing style. It is important that HLIMs not only assess their own leadership skills but also that they take opportunities to employ 360° feedback, comprising assessment from subordinates, peers and supervisors.  相似文献   

Public Health England plays a vital role in ensuring the health of the nation. The Knowledge and Library Service (KLS) is a key part of the organisation's evidence supply chain. KLS staff handle over 200 requests for literature searches per annum, and this number is increasing exponentially year on year. Searches are often complex and require specialist public health knowledge to complete effectively. Library staff who are new to the area of public health require support and training. In this article, Anh Tran, Knowledge and Evidence Specialist for Public Health England, discusses a peer supported literature search training course that has been developed in‐house for the benefit of new library staff, and to increase the Knowledge and Library Service's literature searching capacity at Public Health England. H. S.  相似文献   

Background: This article describes the potential role for National Health Service (NHS) libraries in supporting health research. The content is partly based on the proceedings of the ‘Best Information for Best Research for Best Health’ event at University of Leicester in November 2006. Objectives: With reference to the UK Department of Health's Research and Development (R&D) strategy, Best Research for Best Health and the Cooksey Review of public funding of health research, the article seeks to identify areas where NHS library and information staff can become involved in supporting the research process. Methods: The authors examined the challenges and opportunities that these reports offer and looked at two areas where library and information services (LIS) staff can potentially expand their services‐supporting researchers at every stage of the research process and transferring research into practice. Results: Staff in NHS libraries need to create an environment in which their role in the research process is recognized and valued. LIS staff can develop roles within the research process and thereby improve the robustness and validity of research outputs. Training and development of LIS staff is a key priority and can be taken forward despite the limitations of budgets and staffing levels. Conclusions: A proactive and assertive approach is needed to achieve a cultural shift within NHS library practice from supporting research from the outside, to being fully integrated within the research process.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To explore library staff and health professionals' views on the effectiveness of information skills training and librarian mediated searching as methods of providing information for patient care. This is the second article describing the Effective Methods of Providing InfoRmation for patIent Care (EMPIRIC) project. The first paper, in a previous issue of this journal (Brettle et al. The costs and effectiveness of information skills training and mediated searching: quantitative results for the EMPIRIC project. Health Information and Libraries Journal 2006, 23, 239-247) describes the quantitative results. METHODS: A questionnaire survey to library staff and health professionals in the North West. Data was collected on perceptions of services, satisfaction and service usage. Statistical data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and qualitative data using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Both information skills training and mediated searches are perceived by library staff and health professionals to be effective. There is strong support for mediated searches carried out on behalf of the health professional and information skills training to enable them to carry out their own searches. The results provide insights into the effectiveness of the services and the factors that make them effective. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence and stakeholders views support the provision of both information skills training and mediated search services. Both services are valued by users who see them as complementary methods of obtaining information depending on their needs at different times.  相似文献   

Outreach services are becoming more prevalent throughout the health library sector both in the UK and abroad, and they have the potential to impact on information support for evidence‐based medicine. This article reports on a study which explored the perceptions of UK health library staff about the term ‘outreach’ and demonstrated that a variety of services are being offered under this umbrella term. Whilst practitioners are also divided over the impact of outreach services, many of them see this as key to future service developments. The study was completed by Rebecca Dorsett as part of her MSc in Information and Library Management at Northumbria University. She was supervised by Sue Childs and graduated in 2012 with a Distinction. Rebecca is now due to commence a new role as Information Support Officer for the Ministry of Defence. AM  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to find out more about the information needs of doctors‐in‐training and to identify their preferred sources of information. The methodology included interviews with consultants and administrators, a focus group discussion with library staff and a postal questionnaire sent to 347 doctors‐in‐training (there was a 43% return). The shortcomings of a questionnaire primarily composed of closed questions were addressed by the inclusion of one‐to‐one interviews which offered the opportunity for more in‐depth commentary on specific issues highlighted in the questionnaire. Results indicated the frequency with which various types of information sources were consulted and how this related to the ‘ease of access’ of each information source. There was also the opportunity to comment on future information needs. It was clear from the interviews as well as comments made on the questionnaire that the two most important requirements for doctors‐in‐training were ‘more time to find and obtain information’ and ‘better access to information sources when and where they are needed’. The results, although not surprising, included specific suggestions that have been used for the strategic planning of the library service to deliver the best possible support to users within the current framework of evidence‐based medicine.  相似文献   

The UCLA Biomedical Library, in cooperation with the UCLA Graduate School of Library and Information Science, offers a medical library internship program for second-year library school students. Goals, objectives, competencies, and training guidelines have been developed for the reference services section of the internship, including reference desk experience, online searching, group discussions, assigned readings, and training new staff members, allows flexibility in meeting the differing interests, needs, and abilities of trainees.  相似文献   

Reports selected results of a Masters research project which examined provision of higher education library and information services for students with disabilities within the context of the new disability legislation, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA), which came into force on 1st September 2002. Five HE libraries were selected as case studies and provision was evaluated via staff interviews, student questionnaires and an accessibility audit. The results are presented under three themes: policies; procedures; and practices. Both good and bad practice was identified. All libraries had a disability representative, demonstrating a commitment to disability issues, and many staff had received disability awareness training. Libraries were often well supported by the institutions’ student support services. Accessibility of the built environment was often inadequate for the needs of people with disabilities. Often, lighting was poor, shelving was of inappropriate width and height and signage was far from ideal. Recommendations to improve provision are given covering policies, training, publicity and promotion, co‐operation and liaison.  相似文献   

The ‘traditional’ academic library system model – i.e. a central system constructed around a common catalogue record that also dictated the end‐users' view – is breaking down. Systems that were constructed to handle the processing and lending of printed items are no longer capable, on their own, of dealing with the variety of different information resources handled by modern academic libraries. A great deal has been written about how end‐users expect more ‘Web 2.0’ features than library catalogues currently provide. New front‐end services have been designed by libraries and library system providers to cater for this need. However, not much has been written about the needs of internal library staff who struggle with processing, handling, and supporting the huge volume of electronic resources subscribed to by libraries. Electronic resource management systems have been developed to cater for these needs, and new standards for data interchange with such systems have been developed. Just as standards were important in encouraging electronic data interchange (orders, invoices, claims, etc.) between libraries, publishers, and agents in the last century, so new standards are evolving for such transactions in the electronic era.  相似文献   

Background: Worcestershire Health Libraries provides services to all NHS and social care staff in Worcestershire. Despite intensive marketing, statistics showed low usage of the library service for professions allied to technical services and allied health professionals. Objectives: To discover why there was low usage of the library services using qualitative techniques and to use focus groups as a marketing opportunity. This article also aims to outline the processes involved in delivering focus groups, the results gained, and the actions taken in response to the results. Methods: Focus groups were conducted in two departments, Pathology and Occupational Therapy. The Biochemistry department (part of Pathology) had two focus groups. An additional focus group was conducted for all the Pathology education leads. Occupational Therapy had two meetings, one for hospital based staff, and the other for community staff. Results: Issues centred on registration, inductions, time, library ambience, multi‐disciplinary service and resources. The findings raised marketing opportunities and the process identified potential candidates for the role of team knowledge officer, to act as library champions within departments. It also identified areas in which the library service was not meeting user needs and expectations, and helped focus service development. Conclusions: Focus groups allowed an opportunity to speak to non‐users face to face and to discover, and where appropriate challenge both their, and library staff’s pre‐conceived ideas about the service. The information revealed gave an opportunity to market services based on user needs.  相似文献   

Major holdings libraries within the UK higher education (HE) sector have until very recently received no compensation for the ‘burden’ imposed by visiting research‐active staff and students from other UK higher education institutions. The joint UK higher education funding bodies' Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP) Access strand seeks to compensate the libraries for extra costs incurred in providing access and services for these ‘external researchers’. As there was no comprehensive and auditable data already available, RSLP commissioned the first large‐scale survey of the use made of UK higher education libraries by external researchers. Almost 5,000 research‐active staff and students were surveyed. The work was carried out between March and August 1999 and measured the number (and length, where appropriate) of in‐person, e‐mail, letter, fax and telephone contacts that researchers had with libraries other than those of their own institution. It also asked respondents to list the top five UK HE libraries in terms of importance for research in their discipline(s). The survey confirmed that there is very extensive use of libraries beyond those of the ‘home’ institution and provided the data on which the RSLP Access strand annual allocations for the academic years 1999–2000 to 2001–2002 were made.  相似文献   

This paper shows how the Galter Health Sciences Library of Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine developed and implemented a program to assess reference staff competencies for assisting users in the electronic environment after completing a new training program. The first phase was a year-long assessment of reference questions to identify the types of questions received at the desk. Next, a training program for reference was developed and implemented with an emphasis on answering the most common questions identified such as remote access, access privileges, holdings information, and database searching. The program included individualized instruction on library policies, electronic resources, access restrictions, and troubleshooting. The next phase was to create instruments to test staff competencies in answering questions after training. Based on the scores, additional training was individualized and provided to the appropriate staff member to enhance their skills where needed. The training system that was developed has proven to be effective as most staff scored better than 92% on initial testing. As a result, library management can be certain that users' questions are being answered correctly and that the staff has the skills required to work in an electronic environment.  相似文献   

英国公共图书馆的管理、服务与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章首先简介了英国近年来公共图书馆发展的概况,其次从宏观和微观两个角度论述英困公共图书馆的管理和服务.作者从法律保障、管理机构、经费支持和政策引导四个方面论述了英国公共图书馆管理的体制,并重点从服务内容、品牌意识、信息与通讯技术的应用等方面介绍了英国公共图书馆读者服务的主要特点、英国公共图书馆的建筑设计和馆员资格认证与培训,最后对英国公共图书馆的发展趋势进行了简单的分析和总结.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives: UK health policy advocates a patient‐centred approach to patient care. Library services could serve the rehabilitation needs of mental health service users through bibliotherapy (the use of written, audio, or e‐learning materials to provide therapeutic support). Part 1 of a two part article describes a systematic review of the evidence for the effectiveness of bibliotherapy in mental health services. Methods: The systematic review of the literature used Cochrane guidelines, together with an overview of evaluations of bibliotherapy initiatives, and assessments of the needs of adult mental health service users for rehabilitation support. Results: The evidence strongly suggests that library‐based interventions and the provision of information could be beneficial for service users and economical for the health service in assisting treatment of a range of conditions. At present, public libraries in the UK are developing basic bibliotherapy services. Conclusions: Librarians, including librarians working for the health service, might provide more sophisticated bibliotherapy services, but the evidence to guide delivery is limited.  相似文献   

Background: Various methods of impact assessment for health library services exist, including a toolkit developed for the UK. The Knowledge, Resource and Information service (KRIS) for health promotion, health service commissioning and public health (Bristol area, UK) commissioned an independent team at Aberystwyth University to provide an impact assessment and evaluation of their services and to provide evidence for future planning. Objective: The review aimed to provide an action plan for KRIS through assessing the impact of the current service, extent of satisfaction with existing services and views on desirable improvements. Methods: Existing impact toolkit guidance was used, with an adapted impact questionnaire, which was distributed by the KRIS staff to 244 users (response rate 62.3%) in early 2009. The independent team analysed the questionnaire data and presented the findings. Results: Users valued the service (93% considered that relevant information was obtained). The most frequent impacts on work were advice to patients, clients or carers, and advice to colleagues. Literature searching and current awareness services saved staff time. Many users were seeking health promotion materials. Conclusion: The adapted questionnaire worked well in demonstrating the service impacts achieved by KRIS, as well as indicating desirable improvements in service delivery.  相似文献   

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