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This article argues that a design studio can be a dynamic medium to explore the creative potential of the complexity of sustainability from its technological to social ends. The study seeks to determine the impact of an interior design/architecture studio experience that was initiated to teach diverse meanings of sustainability and to engage the participants with refined design applications that used sustainable choices. A teaching scheme that utilised a team of instructors with varying degrees of knowledge and competence in different aspects of the topic, mediated the education of both the students and the instructors themselves. The results were documented through observing the students and, later, a survey of the graduates. The study revealed that this studio experience developed a heightened awareness of sustainability as a multidimensional concept that requires critical thought processes, and greatly influenced the recognition of environmentally responsible design as an imperative in education. The findings also suggested that, ideally, sustainability should be addressed earlier, at lower levels, and needs to be woven into every aspect of a curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study of the daily life of an art teacher educator. It examines the intellectual, moral, emotional, and physical undercurrents of this work and how these qualities are reflected within the daily context of the pre‐service university — or college‐level classroom environment. To date, few research studies have examined the daily practices of university or college‐level faculty members who prepare art teachers and how these faculty members go about their jobs. The author spent an academic term as a participant observer and researcher in the art teacher educator's secondary art education methods course. Examples and narratives from this study are forwarded, as well as a discussion on the importance of this form of inquiry for art teacher education today.  相似文献   

为了提高建筑学专业人才的素质及创新能力,在建筑设计课程教学中应加强对学生进行基本功的训练,注重创造性思维的开发,以及综合技能的培养.  相似文献   

基于甘肃省腊子口景区朱立沟综合服务区规划设计的工程实践,从总体规划设计、建筑设计、景观设计等三个方面,论述设计过程中如何把地域特点与项目实际相结合,把自然景观与人文环境相融合,把建筑设计与周边环境相协调,以期对旅游建筑规划设计有所启示并改进.  相似文献   

Urgent societal challenges have led to unease in our socio‐cultural interactions and the production systems that underpin our lives. To confront such challenges, collaboration stands out as an essential approach in accomplishing joint goals and producing new knowledge. It calls for interdisciplinary methodologies such as co‐design, an approach capable of bridging multiple expertise. The core activities of co‐design are based on the premise of collaboration and on developing creative social environments. Yet achieving collaboration through co‐design is challenging as people need to understand each other, and develop trust and rapport. We argue that ‘informal‐mutual learning’ is central to building mutual understanding. This article explores how we create spaces for collaboration through co‐design by examining the social environments supporting them. It examines the value of collaboration and its impact upon participants within an action research project conducted in Scotland. We identified Cultural‐Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as a suitable theoretical framework. It offers support for holistic inquiry into participation and learning. Its strength was in the attention that it pays to multi‐dimensional human interactions within the social environment. This led to an understanding of the concepts of boundary‐crossing and boundary space examined through a CHAT lens. The findings shed light on four designerly conditions supporting informal‐mutual learning when engaged in collaboration during co‐design situations: choreography and orchestration, aesthetics, playfulness, and quality and quantity of participation. The findings enable us to elaborate on the theorisation of boundary space, a theoretical space for the assemblage of multiple levels of expertise to achieve collaboration.  相似文献   

城乡教师教学共同体是在城乡一体化背景下,促进城乡教师高质量发展、缩小区域教育发展差距、推动乡村振兴战略实施的重要举措,但在实践过程中,却存在教师公共精神匮乏、协作交流机制受阻、科层管理体制桎梏、利益最大化的追逐等现实困境。因此,为充分发挥城乡教师教学共同体的作用,在加强教师德性修养的基础上,需要健全交流协作机制、重构组织管理制度、完善监督评价体系,引导和规约共同体成员的行为,共同促进乡村教师的专业成长、提升乡村学校的教学质量。  相似文献   

城市规划原理是建筑学的专业基础课程,承担着拓宽学生专业知识面,形成正确的城市规划价值观的积极作用。通过对传统教学实践中存在问题的反思,积极探索适应当前时代发展需要的城市规划原理教学模式和教学手段。  相似文献   

村小教师专业水平不高,是其成为义务教育体系中薄弱环节的根本原因。构建村小教师学习共同体,是促进教师发展的有效路径。本文通过分析、反思村小教师专业发展障碍,论证了增强构建村小教师学习共同体的针对性,利用学习共同体所具有的教育问题共享、群体动力、资源整合的特征,弥补村小教师专业发展动力不足等问题。揭示出村小联盟、城乡结对互助、大学与村小合作等丰富的村小教师学习共同体形态,是构建村小教师学习共同体现实地发挥其作用的关键所在。  相似文献   

Teachers’ beliefs are crucial to the success of inclusion programmes and reform efforts for children with special educational needs (SEN). Based on this evidence, one hundred and thirty‐nine primary pre‐service teachers from one training institution in the Netherlands completed an adapted version of a measure of beliefs towards inclusive education. In contrast to previous studies on pre‐service teachers, results of this study showed participants held neutral or negative beliefs towards this matter. In addition, limited time for pupils received the highest rating as a barrier to inclusion, whereas direct teaching experience was the most preferred method of inclusion. The implications of this study for practice and indications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

会计信息系统实验是会计学专业学生步入职业生涯前必修的一门综合性实验课程,是连接理论与实践的重要桥梁课程.为了更好地搭建这一桥梁,从职业规划牵引和知识架构基础两个视角构建会计信息系统实验教学的设计框架,在具体分析职业需求和已获取的专业理论知识的基础上,探讨实验目标、内容和平台选择等要素的具体结构化设计,以期更规范、清晰、合理和有针对性地指引实验教学的设计.  相似文献   

现今大学生普遍认为高等数学难学,学习高等数学的兴趣不高。要改变这一现状就要努力探究如何利用学生已有的认知结构,挖掘数学思想、利用数学史实和知识间的辩证关系、利用具体实例抽象出数学概念,通过在学生认知冲突等方面创设情境,让学生在情境中感性地探索、发现、理解和掌握高等数学的内容、思想和本质。  相似文献   

村规监督员是中世纪英国村庄共同体的重要执法者,是保证村庄共同体正常运转的重要成员,本文通过对监督员的选举、人数、身份以及职能等方面的阐释,试图揭示中世纪英国村庄共同体的内部结构,并通过其发展变化来进一步的了解中世纪的英国社会。  相似文献   

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and UNESCO have proposed that the International Year of Chemistry, 2011, should make a strong educational contribution to the goals of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. This emphasis is absolutely necessary because education for sustainability remains practically absent nowadays in many high school and university chemistry curricula all over the world. Behind this lack of attention to the current situation of planetary emergency, there are several obstacles that we analyse in this paper. We firstly discuss an extended conception of “pure Chemistry”—object of chemists’ research and teaching- the object of which would just be to increase knowledge: moral problems should only appear in connection to the use of the applications of science by, generally, nonscientists. This belief that genuine scientific activity lies beyond the reach of moral judgment is logically transferred to teaching, voluntarily limited to the transmission of the corpus of knowledge. Consequently, the challenges of sustainable development, with so many social implications, are put aside. After questioning this and other obstacles, we develop the possible contribution of chemistry and chemical education to the construction of a sustainable future, in accordance with the goals of the International Year of Chemistry.  相似文献   

本文针对农村教育质量与低年级学生就近入学之间的矛盾,论证一种滋养村小的城乡统筹教师管理创新机制。认为从多层面建构城乡统筹教师共同体,寻求一种多方共赢的联系,可以吸引优秀年轻教师农村任教,缓解基层农村教师缺乏专业发展机会,英语、音乐、美术专业教师长期结构性缺失等问题,而疏通城乡教育资源共享机制,是农村教师专业可持续发展的基础。  相似文献   

可持续发展是当今世界普遍关注和研究的一个热点问题。城镇体系作为社会、经济和文化的重要载体也必须顺应这一形势,走可持续发展之路。城镇体系规划应坚持可持续发展的原则;可持续发展是城镇体系规划的前提条件;城镇体系规划有利于促进可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于工作过程的项目教学是职业教育提高教学质量的重要方式,如何设计与实现有效的教学项目是教学实施的关键。本课题基于ARM9嵌入式处理器,在无操作系统的条件下,设计并实现三路ADC电位监控仪的教学项目。首先,通过GPIO接口控制LED灯实现监控仪的警示灯;接着,通过ADC接口实现监控仪的数据采集;再次,通过LCD接口实现监控仪的数据显示;最后,通过中断按键实现监控仪数据显示的开启和关闭,并与其他已完成的模块进行整合。经过项目整体测试,结果表明所设计的项目是有效的。  相似文献   

突破城市规划本科实践教育瓶颈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过分析目前城市规划专业教育存在的问题,探索了提高学生实践能力的方法,提出解决问题的措施,以使毕业生在就业过程中达成学校与社会的无缝衔接,满足新形势下国家城市规划建设的需要。  相似文献   

文章阐述了双语教学的含义及模式,分析了城市规划原理课程进行保持型双语教学的可行性,并具体论述了进行城市规划原理双语教学中应注意的问题和实施步骤.  相似文献   

社区学校专职教师多由中小幼学校转岗而来,经历了普通教育教学向社区教育教学的转变。当前,社区学校专职教师的教学积极性和教学能力有待提高、教学需求有待满足。解决这些问题,亟需行政管理部门、业务指导部门和专职教师共同努力。  相似文献   

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