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10月28~29日,由江苏省文化厅主办,南通市文化局承办的长三角地区文化人才论坛在南通举行。开幕式由省文化厅副厅长高云主持。文化部、南通市的领导以及来自文化部人事司、中国艺术研究院、北京大学以及江苏、浙江、上海近30个市、区有关方面的领导、专家等80余人出席开幕式。论坛以文化人才与文化繁荣为主题,旨在从当代国际文化背景和中国文化生态环境全局来展望文化队伍的建设前景,以理论结合实践的视角,切实剖析现状,进一步加强长三角地区城市之间文化工作的交流与合作,探索文化人才队伍建设的新路。  相似文献   

"巴有将,蜀有相"是晋代史家常璩对巴蜀两地人才不同特征的扼要概括.巴蜀两地无论其自然地理条件,还是社会民族构成,均各具特色,因而造就了巴蜀人才的地域差异.两汉时期,中央王朝根据两地人才的不同特点,因势利导,充分利用其人才资源,为汉中央王朝开发和经营整个西南地区起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

实施上海高校特聘教授(东方学者)岗位计划是贯彻十七大精神、学习实践科学发展观的重大举措。明确资助“东方学者”岗位对象主要为国外或留学回国的高端人才和少数外省市高层次人员。招聘的重点对象是海外人才。重在引进,强化团队,组建和带领一支创新团队进行教学、科研工作,在学科建设、队伍建设中起到核心作用。科研经费配套跟上,加强服务和管理,教育主管部门和所在单位共同在人力、物力、财力上给予大力支持,提供必须的支撑保障条件,保证入选者在聘期内从事岗位规定和要求的工作。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,越南的一些学校开始积极与企业进行合作,以培养适应经济发展和社会需要的人才。  相似文献   

社会在不断发展,物质文明的提高必然会推动精神文明的进步,江总书记“三个代表”的提出,给精神文明建设提出了新的更高的要求。要发展要提高.关键是对人才的发展和培养。纵观目前基层文化艺术队伍人才的现状和发展前景,确实令人有所担心。笔者根据所从事的基层人事管理角度,就基层文化艺术队伍人才的培养与开发发表一点浅见和感受。  相似文献   

创建于1984年的太阳马戏团(下称马戏团)的总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,起初这只是一个街道表演团体,现已成为全球性的娱乐公司,其年收入6亿美元。  相似文献   

日本政府最近做出决定,在今后5年间,将吸引30万名外国优秀人才前来日本留学。据称,此举源于福田首相提出的“30万名留学生计划”。目前日本各大学的在读海外留学生总数约为12万人,福田首相的这份计划要求在2020年时将接收留学生的人数增加到30万人。  相似文献   

作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国拥有5000年的历史化资源、惊人的经济增长速度、13亿消费人群。而这个世界未来的制造中心和消费大国,其传媒业却刚刚起步。在中国开垦传媒产业,意味着高额的媒介市场回报。因此,大批国际传媒集团看好中国市场并纷纷进入。无论是资本规模、运作机制,还是经营理念,这些国际传媒集团都占有很大优势。它们与国内媒体在新闻资源、受众群体、  相似文献   

日前,文化部与财政部联合启动了2014年文化产业创业创意人才扶持计划。该计划旨在进一步提升文化产业领域创意创业水平,充分发挥文化创意在助推国民经济转型升级、提升国家产业竞争力、提高人民群众生活质量和增强国家文化软实力等方面的重要作用,加大对文化产业创意人才培养力度,加快文化创意与我国制造业、建筑业、信息产业、旅游业、体育产业和特色农业等国民经济相关领域融合发展。  相似文献   

A Way of Life     
"Life is like a card game: the cards you get are a matter of chance; how you play them is up to you." Philosophers and artists all over the world have produced thousands of analogies about the puzzles of life, but this epigram by Indian politician Nehru is especially noteworthy. Eventually, the cards in my hands will be played out. There is one card - life - that will be taken away without warning. Fortunately, it is still in my hands, and I am searching for the best way to play it. I will do so freely and handsomely; meanwhile, I'd like to share my pleasures with those who appreciate my game. This game needs a plan, as well as some dedication.- from Life is a Game by Fu Weici  相似文献   

Nujiang River, rising in the Tanggula Mountains in west China, stretches southeast through Yunnan Province. Known as Salween River in its lower course, it flows into Myanmar in Dehong, a Chinese prefecture dwelled by Dai people, and finally joins the Indian Ocean in Myanmar.[第一段]  相似文献   

Access to gifted and talented education (referral, identification, and classes) and advanced classes has been challenging for two student groups of color—Black and Hispanic students. More than 10?years of data from the Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Data Collection and numerous reports reveal that discrimination is in operation and gravely compromises access for these gifted students of color. In this article, the authors share data on the aforementioned groups’ under-representation, along with desegregation and integration barriers. Our recommendations are guided by equity rather than equality. We call for accountability and deliberate efforts to desegregate and integrate gifted and talented education with excellence and equity fundamental for change. We also draw attention to the Culturally-Responsive Equity-Based Bill of Rights for Gifted Students of Color.  相似文献   

We investigate how economic immigrants in Canada negotiate their identity in the process of “becoming Canadian” through an analysis of public texts. Drawing on the master narrative framework, we examine the interplay between individual and societal narratives as immigrants grapple with the tension between notions of “desirable” immigrants as those that are well integrated professionally and the reality of facing career related barriers. Among those whose success stories align with the master narrative of professional attainment there was little questioning of this expectation, thereby allowing it to remain invisible. Among those who had not (yet) achieved work related success in the receiving country, they tended to engage alternative narratives elaborating on the antecedents, outcomes, and barriers to labor market participation. Despite the countering nature of these alternative narratives, they strengthen the societal expectation of professional success as a key pathway to inclusion, thereby reinforcing the rigidity of this narrative. We contribute to literature on the social construction of national identity by examining the process of becoming national and the role of labor market participation in immigrants’ perceptions of inclusion in their new society. Our study highlights the importance of including immigrants’ voices in the construction of a more inclusive society, which may aid in breaking down exclusionary narratives of national identity.  相似文献   

王义芝  宋琪 《寻根》2006,(2):60-63
荷包,是中国传统服饰中,人们所随身佩带的一种装零星物品的小包。荷包的造型有圆形、椭圆形、方形、长方形,也有桃形、如意形、石榴形等;荷包的图案有繁有简,花卉、鸟、兽、草虫、山水、人物以及吉祥语、诗词文字都有,装饰意味很浓。  相似文献   

林青 《寻根》2011,(1):103-107
生活在新疆塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县的塔吉克族,是帕米尔高原上的主人。帕米尔高原常年被雪,冰峰万仞,自然条件极其严酷。但塔吉克人却像高原雄鹰一样,一代接一代地在这里生存繁衍,创造着生命的奇迹。实际上,  相似文献   

杜晓波 《寻根》2021,(1):36-40
亲戚朋友互相串门与送礼,是历久弥新的浙中习俗.伴随着这一习俗共生共荣的礼篮,是浙中民间竹篾编制的提篮,用于盛装礼物,因提梁高耸,笼竹篮身,故东阳、义乌又叫“梁笼篮”,武义叫“洋篮”,永康叫“凉笼”,至今仍在农村流行.礼篮做工精细,美观实用,造型优美,别具一格.通常新购置礼篮经髹漆后,会请民间号字先生书上吉祥语及物主姓名...  相似文献   

杨红君 《寻根》2010,(6):106-114
<正>比较视野中的彝族民间文学在悠悠的历史长河中,彝族人民不仅创造了丰富的物质财富,而且创造了独放异彩的民间文学,它是彝族悠久、灿烂文化的一个重要组成部分。广泛流传于民间的彝族民间文学,不仅题材广泛、内容丰富、形式多样,而且具有鲜明的民族特色  相似文献   

Bian Qing has developed a painting method of his own.He first paints on a canvas with ink so that it is filled with unique black images.These images feature distinctive characteristics.They can be perceived as concrete objects,vague landscapes or simply color blocks with no significant meanings.Then he paints on the canvas with light pigments repeatedly until the original ink images become almost invisible,or in other words,to an extent that he is satisfied with.The original ink images are so blurred and  相似文献   

<正>The Torch Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals for Yi people. Known as the Oriental Carnival, the Torch Festival carries forward Yi people’s primitive worship of fire and their time-honored fire-related traditions.  相似文献   

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