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遗传病遗传方式的判断是高中《生物》教材的一个重点,难点问题,遇到这类题目,应据系谱首先判断出遗传方式的显隐性,然后再进一步判断是属于常染色体遗传还是属于伴性遗传。  相似文献   

一种产鬼臼毒素真菌的分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从云南省嵩明县产的川八角莲(Dysosma veitchii)植株的韧皮部(地下茎)中分离得到29株内生真菌,并用薄层层析技术(TLC)和高效液相色谱(HPLC)对其中一株真菌BN-04的培养物进行了分析,初步结果表明此真菌培养物中含有抗癌药物鬼臼毒素,经鉴定菌株BN-04为无孢类群(Mycelia sterilia)。  相似文献   

马娟 《生物学教学》2004,29(4):52-52
人类遗传病危害着人类身体健康,贻害子孙后代,增加社会负担。大多数遗传病是由性染色体上的基因所控制的,由于性染色体在两性间的分布不一致,而在两性间出现比例上的差异,这就是人们所熟知的伴性遗传。但有时常染色体上基因控制的性状或遗传病,在两性间的表现程度或发病率也不一致,其表现也与  相似文献   

朱兰是兰科兰属建兰亚属建兰组建兰的栽培品种。本通过对朱兰的盆栽基质及根进行了研究,报道了中分离到13株真菌(其中有无孢目组丝核菌属3株)。  相似文献   

“基因突变和基因重组”是人教版高中《生物2遗传和进化》第五章第一节的内容。本节是在学生学习了“基因是什么”、“基因在哪里”和“基因是如何起作用”等问题的基础上对新问题“基因在代代相传的过程中,会不会发生变化”、“为什么会发生变化”、“怎样变化”、“发生的变化对生物会产生什么影响”等的回答和对遗传知识的进一步深入。  相似文献   

种皮、果皮、胚乳的遗传 在果实各部分结构中,胚来源于受精卵,包含双亲的遗传物质,正交与反交结果一致;胚乳细胞来源于受精极核,也含双亲的遗传物质,但其中母方提供两个极核,父方提供一个精子,故正交与反交结果不一致;种皮、果皮都是由母方的结构变化而来,无论正交与反交,其遗传物质与母方完全相同。在判断种皮、果皮的遗传方式时,首先要弄清亲代和子代。  相似文献   

以黄瓜为材料,用中国农科院的邱德文博士从真菌中分离的新型真菌激活蛋白处理后,对苯氨酸解氨酶、过氧化物酶、纤维素酶的活性以及脯氨酸含量进行了测定。结果表明:真菌激活蛋白处理后一定时间,处理的植株苯丙氨酸解氨酶、过氧化物酶、纤维素酶活性明显升高,且脯氨酸含量也明显高于对照。  相似文献   

遗传病遗传方式的判断是高中《生物》教材的一个重点、难点问题.遇到这类题目,应据系谱首先判断出遗传方式的显隐性,然后再进一步判断是属于常染色体遗传还是属于伴性遗传.  相似文献   

家系图中遗传病遗传方式的判断,是学习中的重点和难点,许多学生找不着规律,本文就这方面问题作如下探讨。  相似文献   

在高考中,含有人类疾病遗传系谱图的遗传题是常见的重要的图表类型题,而判断人类疾病遗传方式往往是解决个体基因型书写、遗传概率计算等问题的前提。本文将这类题型进行了基本分类,并相应地提出一些有效的解题步骤、方法和技巧供参考。  相似文献   

原生动物纤毛虫的性别系统与高等动物不同,表现为各种不同的交配型。交配型的表达受基因、环境等各种因素的影响。研究进一步发现,纤毛虫的有性生殖是由一种称为信息素的细胞型特异性物质诱导的。目前已经从赭纤虫等纤毛虫中分离到信息素,对其理化特性及分子结构等的研究已积累了较多的资料。  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT) system was assessed for conducting insertional mutagenesis in Penicillium digitatum, a major fungal pathogen infecting post-harvest citrus fruits. A transformation efficiency of up to 60 transformants per 106 conidia was achieved by this system. The integration of the hph gene into the fungal genome was verified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing. These transformants tested were also shown to be mitotically stable. Southern blot analysis of 14 randomly selected transformants showed that the hph gene was randomly integrated as single copy into the fungal genome of P. digitatum. Thus, we conclude that ATMT of P. digitatum could be used as an alternatively practical genetic tool for conducting insertional mutagenesis in P. digitatum to study functional genomics.  相似文献   

One thousand fifty-nine children with a chief complaint of sexual abuse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual assault victims (1,059) under the age of 17 were evaluated over a period of 44 months in a teaching, metropolitan county emergency room. The cases were recorded and reviewed by use of a protocol. The children ranged in age from 3 months to 16 years of age. Most were female (89%). The average age for all children was 8.3 years. There was no mean age difference between male and female victims 12 and under. Victims were 1.58 times as likely to be black, 0.22 times as likely to be Latin, and 0.96 times as likely to be white than the general population. Perpetrators were strangers in 13.8% of cases and close family (incest) in 28.1% of cases. A major finding is that 58.1% of the perpetrators were known to the child but were not family members. These episodes were severe with penetration occurring in 754 (71%) of the assaults. Cultures were positive in 1.5% of all cases. The medical and social response to these children's needs is noted to be inadequate.  相似文献   

BackgroundEffective prevention of child abuse depends on an understanding of factors associated with the abuse. Increased risk of child sexual abuse has been associated with parental substance use and adverse socio-economic factors such as living in poverty and parental unemployment. This study investigated overcrowding as a potential socio-economic risk factor in child sexual abuse taking into account other socio-economic, child and parental factors.MethodThis study used de-identified linked data from health and child protection data collections for the cohort of children born in Western Australia from 1990 to 2009 (n = 524,478). Cox regression was used to estimate adjusted and unadjusted hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for time to first sexual abuse allegation and first substantiated allegation, relative to the level of overcrowding and controlling for other risk factors.ResultsHigher levels of household overcrowding were associated with a 23%–46% increase in the risk of child sexual abuse allegations. Only the highest level of overcrowding was associated with a 40% increased risk of substantiated sexual abuse.ConclusionThe findings suggest that overcrowded living conditions are associated with an increased risk of sexual abuse for some children. This factor needs to be considered alongside other risk factors when assessing and improving child safety.  相似文献   

一对一数字化学习已在全球广泛开展,一对一环境中的班级文化建设已逐渐成为一个重要课题。本研究在对当前班级数字空间建设现状进行调研的基础上,构建了包含物质文化、行为文化、制度文化和精神文化的一对一班级文化建设四要素模型,并对该模型的界面设计、模块设计、在线活动设计等进行了深入探讨。在此基础上,开发了网络星星榜工具,并以实证研究的方式探讨了该工具对班级文化建设中班级凝聚力的影响。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,随着在我国境内外籍雇员人数的快速增加,对外汉语一对一教学日益成为外籍雇员学习汉语的主要学习形式,各种汉语培训机构也因之大量增加.但是,基于历史和现实的因素,一对一教学一直没有得到足够的重视,教学中诸多问题难以解决,极大地影响了教学.  相似文献   

中国发明的活字印刷术是印刷史上的伟大里程碑,南宋时期,中原已有人利用毕的活字印刷术进行活字印刷,西夏文佛经是最早的泥活字印本,也是目前世界上现存最早的活字印本,13世纪末,中国已有了金属活字印刷,活字印刷发明并在中国发展,成熟后,传入朝鲜,日本,也向西方延展,才有了15世纪德国古登堡印刷术的应用,西方人认为欧洲人发明了字母活字印刷,其实,字母活字也肇始于中国人。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a special sex education program in sexual health on Iranian newly‐wed couples. A sample of 64 couples referred to three health centers of Tehran Medicine University, a few months prior to their marriage, were divided into case and control groups. The case group received three lecture sessions given by the researcher. These lectures consisted of different aspects of sexuality such as reproductive and sexual health, the sexuality response cycle and sexual communication. The control group received only the lectures that are presented normally in the marriage preparation program, based on family planning and personal health. Six months after the program, we assessed the sexual satisfaction, healthy behaviors and sexual health of the two groups. The results indicate that the sexual health in the case group is significantly improved compared with the control group.  相似文献   

研究带有小参数的二阶拟线性微分方程的边值问题:εy″=f(t,y)y’ g(t,y),y(0,ε)=A,y(l,ε)=B.这里f(t,y)≤0且f(0,y)=0.利用微分不等式的相关理论,得到该问题的摄动解关于其退化解的渐近性及误差估计.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the pathways from child sexual abuse to sexual assault victimization and perpetration in adolescence and early adulthood, considering risky sexual behavior and lowered sexual self-esteem as mediator variables. In a two-wave longitudinal study with 2251 college students in Germany, male and female participants provided reports of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration since age 14 (T1) and again a year later (T2), covering the last 12 months. In addition, child sexual abuse (CSA; before the age of 14), risky sexual behavior, and sexual self-esteem were assessed at T1, and risky sexual behavior and sexual-self-esteem were assessed again at T2. Experience of CSA was significantly associated with greater likelihood of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration, lower sexual self-esteem, and more risky sexual behavior in both gender groups at T1 and was directly related to victimization at T2 among male participants. In both gender groups, CSA indirectly contributed to a higher probability of sexual victimization at T2 via its impact on victimization T1. In males, the indirect path from CSA to T2 perpetration via T1 perpetration was also significant. Through its negative impact on sexual self-esteem, CSA indirectly increased the probability of sexual victimization among women and the probability of sexual aggression perpetration among men. Risky sexual behavior mediated the pathway from CSA to sexual victimization at T2 for men and women and the pathway from CSA to sexual aggression perpetration for women. The findings contribute to the understanding of gendered effects of CSA on revictimization and the victim-to-perpetrator cycle.  相似文献   

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