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在我国当前市场经济中,存在着严重的信用缺失现象。面对这种现状,学者们提出关于信用保障的多种措施,如加强政府的宏观调控和法制建设等,但这些措施在实践中显得不力。作者认为道德由于具有独特的作用,因此加强道德建设是信用保障的治本之策。但传统的道德已不适应新的形势,道德建设应与时俱进。  相似文献   

在市场经济活动中,信用是市场经济的道德基础,是市场的基本原则,但是,单纯注重道德建设还是远远不够的,同样重要的是必须搞好符合经济规律的财务制度建设。  相似文献   

市场经济是信用经济,信用经济必须建立相适应的信用道德。当今社会信用道德出现弱化的倾向,究其原因主要有历史的因素、计划经济的影响、市场经济本身的缺陷等,我们应当从强化信用道德在社会主义市场经济伦理建设中的地位、加强制度建设、建立健全诚信约束和惩罚机制、加强市场主体自觉修养等方面强化信用道德建设。  相似文献   

信用问题涉及人类社会活动的方方面面,触及社会生活的每一个角落。首先就涉及社会道德观念,社会道德文化观念与传统影响和决定信用,信用水平与信用秩序可以反映一个国家或地区在一个阶段的社会道德观念。  相似文献   

政府信用在新环境、新形势下的地位与作用十分重要,同时,在新形势下政府信用也面临着许多危机,其突出表现之一就是政府信用在某些地方和某些方面呈现下降趋势,政府信用受到严重损害,已经较严重地影响了政府行政以及政府行政效率,因此,有必要对政府信用的地位与作用进行再认识。政府信用是社会信用体系的核心与支柱,是政府职能顺利实现的保障,能有效地促进市场经济的发展,是党和政府形象的具体体现,也是我国在新的国际形势下融人国际社会,在国际社会中发挥积极作用的必然要求。  相似文献   

主体的信用道德选择受制于利益、环境和制度诸因素。利益是信用选择的前提和基础,只有充分肯定和尊重主体的个人利益,信用道德之义务要求才会为人们所自觉履行。因此,信用道德选择需要权利与义务相统一、德行与幸福相一致的正义的社会道德环境。在现代社会,只有法律才能为信用的道德选择提供基本的制度保证。  相似文献   

谈重建信用道德   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最近读到《健报》主编戎东贵先生的一篇短文。文中有以下情节,一位美国朋友问他:“当今中国最为缺少的优秀品质是什么?”他认真地想了想答道:“大概是信用道德吧!信用看起来不是多大的事,但如果政府缺少信用,政府就没有凝聚力;媒体如果缺少信用,人们就不会相信媒体;企业如果缺少信用,  相似文献   

郭宏 《内蒙古教育》2009,(16):27-28
幼儿德育是未成年人思想品德建设体系最初的环节,担负着启蒙和奠基的重任。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,我国道德状况出现了紊乱和“滑坡”的现象。这在很大程度上是由于道德规范的软约束机制造成的,因此,应从道德与法律的内在规律出发,结合道德法律化的历史和现实的实践经验,强化道德软约束,加强道德法律化建设。  相似文献   

试论信用行为的道德价值判定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用是最基本的社会道德,但信用行为的道德价值却不是绝对的。信用行为可能具有负的道德价值,非信用行为也可能具有正的道德价值。伤害了更高道德原则、伤害了公共利益和从恶的目的出发的信用行为,都不具有正的道德价值。市场交易时价格商谈过程中出现的“不诚信”言行、出自善意的不诚信言行和无违道德原则的不得已的谎言,都不具有负的道德价值。判定信用行为的道德价值应该遵循公信原则、大义原则和经权原则。  相似文献   

党和政府高度重视诫信道德建设,并把诚信道德建设作为社会主义道德建设的氐?关键是如种何建设.当前,建立和完善诚信道德建设的道德教育和政策法规机制、舆论引导和信息监督机制、资信评估和奖惩等保障机制,摘好诚信道德实践,才能使诚信道德建设落到实处,使人们普遍树立起"以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻"的社会主义荣辱观.  相似文献   

学分制作为一种教学管理制度,具有独特的制度优势,其前提和基础是选课制,足够数量的高水平师资是实现学分制的条件保障。学生选课局限性和盲目性的消解依赖于本科生导师制。  相似文献   

完善农户信贷担保体系,建立信贷担保长效机制,是新形势下解决农户贷款担保难题,促进三农发展的重要手段。鉴于目前我国农户信贷担保尚存诸多问题,未能有效发挥农户与金融机构间的信贷桥梁作用,本文从分析我国农户信贷担保运行现状及问题入手,设计适合我国国情的农户信贷担保良性运行框架,进而提出构建农户信贷担保长效机制的对策思路。  相似文献   

中小企业在辽宁社会经济发展中发挥着重要的作用,但融资难严重阻碍着中小企业的发展。要从建立中小企业信用担保机构、建立中小企业信用信息系统、为中小企业发展创造良好的外部环境等方面入手,建立和完善中小企业信用担保体系,促进中小企业的发展和老工业基地的振兴。  相似文献   

研究了Koch曲线的Hausdorff测度的上、下界的估计,得到两个结论.其一,考虑了一种部分覆盖,利用这个覆盖计算出了Koch曲线的Hausdorff测度的一个新的上界估计值Hs(K)≤14099566×38476s≈0.587847293.其二,导出一个估计式μ(V)≤1.88|V|s,并结合质量分布原理得到了Koch曲线的Hausdorff测度的一个更好的下界估计值Hs(K)≥0.531914893.  相似文献   

This is the report of a five month study, undertaken by Sundridge Park Training Technologies in association with Guildford Educational Services to assess the potential of smart card technology to support learning and the management of learning. The study had two strands—the state of the art of the technology and its potential for supporting, delivering and managing learning. In addition to a study of the literature and extensive discussions with people using smart cards, potential users of smart card and visionaries, the project team developed two illustrative systems using cards to store personal data relating to education and training. The term ‘smart card’ is often used loosely to describe three different types of card, each of which is similar in general shape and size to a traditional credit card. These are: memory cards, laser cards—and true smart cards incorporating a processor and memory. This study has been concerned with memory cards and smart cards. The focus for smart card applications has been predominantly financial: there are relatively few applications in education or training. A notable exception is the large scale project at the University of Bologna which uses smart cards to manage the progress and achievements of a large number of students in the Department of Electronics. The two illustrative systems provided valuable experience of using memory cards and smart cards in quasi‐real education and training applications. They highlighted the problems of limited memory capacities and confirmed the high level of user acceptance reported by other trials. We can expect considerable advances in the technology of both memory cards and smart cards over the next months and years. The memory capacities of both types of cards will increase many‐fold and the unit costs will fall as large quantities of cards are produced for financial applications. Education and training applications will benefit from this expanding market. The major surprise from the study was the level of interest in the work and the enthusiasm expressed by almost all of those who came to hear of it. The general level of awareness of smart card technology was found to be low. However, the requirement for a system which will enable individuals to manage and own their learning on an extended timescale was generally recognised. Some of the possible applications for smart cards and memory cards in education and training had emerged before the official start of the study and it is clear that the technology is potentially pervasive. The project team and those consulted identified a wide range of possible applications both in education and in training. These focussed on assessment, personal course planning and management, identification of relevant learning opportunities, and the ownership of learning. It was felt that, over the next few years, smart cards are very likely to be in common use as credit cards for financial applications. Therefore, their use for education and training should be planned now. The recommendations from the study are that: More detailed studies are needed to find out how smart cards and memory cards could be used by different organisations in a fully operational system; Standards should be established for smart card applications in education and training, similar to those governing financial applications; Applications should be developed after the standards have been established. To be convincing, these should take a case study approach with small pilot studies in a variety of contexts and must follow real needs rather than attempt to drive them; The case studies would then form the basis for a campaign to increase awareness of smart cards and their potential for education and training, together with a programme for building an infrastructure to support the proposed systems. The public sector should fund the task of developing standards and providing interfaces with existing educational systems and projects to demonstrate the feasibility of various applications. Since educational standards have a European dimension, the European Community may be a source of support for work in the area of standards. At the same time, private sector funding should be sought for skill development and career development systems in industry and in education. The Training Agency itself should consider the application of smart card technology to the control and management of the Youth Training Scheme (YTS).  相似文献   

溶液表面张力测定的实验数据处理分析与改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对最大气泡压力法测定正丁醇(n-G4H9OH)溶液表面张力的实验数据处理进行了分析与改进,用改进后的方法计算得到正丁醇分子的横截面积与文献吻合得较好.  相似文献   

高职院校实行学分制有利于调动教、学双方的积极性,有利于学生实践能力的培养,有利于提高学校的管理水平和教学水平.  相似文献   

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