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你是球迷吗?你是什么样的球迷?像达拉斯那样喜欢翻跟头或者彩绘自己的疯狂者?还是像迈阿密那样冷静淡然却玩转“布娃娃”巫蛊之术的戏码?即便你不是球迷,你一定会有喜好。  相似文献   

“场边教练制”的处境有点尴尬:它没能像鹰眼那样,引起球员和观众的共鸣;也不至于像ATP的小组循环赛那样,受尽冷嘲热讽。没有媒体炒作女子比赛里新增加的角色,更准确地说,是没有人关注这个角色。就连球员自己也说不清楚,他们到底是不是需要一个人告诉自己应该怎么做。场边教练,到底是喋喋不休的唐僧,还是万能的上帝?  相似文献   

球场上每一个激动人心的胜利都远远超越了荣誉本身。当你捧起奖杯的那一刻,无论是像比约·博格那样屈膝跪下,还是像麦肯罗那样高举双拳,或是像阿加西那样送出飞吻,那都是无以言表的情绪奔涌的瞬间。  相似文献   

你是球迷吗?你是什么样的球迷?像达拉斯那样喜欢翻跟头或者彩绘自己的疯狂者?还是像迈阿密那样冷静淡然却玩转布娃娃巫蛊之术的戏码?即便你不是球迷,你一定会有喜好。《十月围城》里胡军阴笑着对甄子丹说:听说你喜欢赌,喜欢赌是好事,有喜好才会执着,有执着才会不顾一切。疯狂行为来自于执念,而执念则源自爱恨。  相似文献   

Black Day 《当代体育》2010,(18):30-33
我是罗恩·阿泰斯特。 我生活在另一个世界里。你看不到的是,我可以钻进你的脑子里窥视你的思想,就像在赛场上做到的那样。  相似文献   

每逢大赛,总会有人在最后时刻捡到馅饼,但真正能像当年的比尔霍夫,或丹麦队全体球员那样将幸运进行到底的实在不多。  相似文献   

凉雨 《当代体育》2009,(1):38-39
想想看在你的脑海中,什么样的球员才配冠以“关键先生”这名?是像特克格鲁那样,在最后拳头冲锋陷阵,用力挽狂潮的三分球完成致命绝杀;是像史蒂夫·纳什那样,在比赛已呈白热化之争的时候,依然可以保持大脑清醒,  相似文献   

冬瓜书斋 《桥牌》2013,(2):46-46
我是东家而且毫不犹豫地派司掉了2红桃。嗯,它得到了回报,像你看到的那样。  相似文献   

当开季之初他们打出漂亮的4连胜的时候,当神枪手斯托贾科维奇又可以找到最好的伏击点的时候,当老鬼鲍比·杰克逊又能像10来年前那样利用空当表演扣篮的时候,人们开始对黄蜂这支上赛季后劲不足的球队刮目相看。因为那个小家伙可以像阿伦·艾弗森那样得分;可以像贾森·基德那样传球;甚至可以像拉里·休斯那样把你手中的皮球偷走——没错,小个子又回  相似文献   

似乎有好久的时间都没有提及湖人队了。自从奥尼尔离开洛杉矶后,媒体的关注似乎也一并跑到了迈阿密那里,这也从另外一个侧面说明了,在以前的那支湖人队里,到底谁才是真正的老大。 浮华背后,当一座无比盛华的都市回归平凡时,其实有很多事情是你无法猜度的。比如说,他真的像你从前一样那样爱戴中的喧嚣可爱吗?也许,但是很多事情其实已经改变了很多,正如同你我心底密议的那样,很多事情是不可能再回头的了。 最近有关科比的消息是,他受伤了,而且是五场之多,接着进入了伤病名单。但这时,反而是有些人觉得这似乎很有利于湖人队打出所谓的集体篮球。好了,湖人队今天的篮球打得怎样怎样其实并没有多少人关心,他们在乎的惟一一件事情就是:是否洛杉机人真的在等待姚明。  相似文献   

时间:6月25日 02:45地点:布鲁塞尔实况录像 这是本届杯赛的第二场1/4决赛。开场后,双方打得都比较谨慎,意大利队依旧是老办法。先是一阵猛攻,而且他们的攻势也较有威胁。第7分钟,菲奥雷左路横传门前,因扎吉插上射门将球打偏。第16分钟,托蒂在左路小角度凌空远射被守门员斯泰莱亚扑出。托蒂、因扎吉和菲奥雷的三角组合已经显示出很强的威力。第26分钟,又是托蒂斜传右翼的因扎吉。因扎吉传中,菲奥雷凌空射门将球打高。 第33分钟,意大利任意球被罗马尼亚队员顶出,菲奥雷在外围将球妙传禁区左侧,罗马尼亚队员造…  相似文献   

"创一流、创名牌、创特色、出精品"的战略目标,是<武汉体育学院学报>抢占体育科技信息制高点,在激烈的市场竞争中求发展的根本.理论结合实践,总结了<武汉体育学院学报>发展的基本经验,分析了存在的问题与不足,找出了努力的方向.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether a constructivist approach, in particular a visit to a zoo, could be effective in consolidating mechanical concepts and applying those concepts to coaching and teaching. Ten students in their final year of their Bachelor of Physical Education at the University of Edinburgh participated in a visit to Edinburgh Zoo. During the visit students completed a worksheet of questions and engaged interactively in discussing how various animals are adapted mechanically to survive in their environments. Immediately after the visit they completed a questionnaire with four sections. The first section assessed whether they could apply the mechanical concepts discussed during the visit to human sports performance. The second canvassed their opinions on whether the visit was effective in reinforcing mechanical concepts, in developing 'lateral thinking' about mechanical concepts, and in improving their ability to apply mechanical concepts to coaching and teaching. The third canvassed their opinions on whether the visit would be effective for senior high school Physical Education and Sports Science students for developing mechanical concepts and applying them to coaching. The fourth section canvassed their opinions on when the visit should be conducted for Physical Education and Sports Science students in universities and in senior high schools. The results indicated that the visit was effective in reinforcing mechanical concepts and in applying them laterally to improve understanding of human sports performance. Participants believed that the visit would also be effective for senior high school students. All participants believed that the visit would be most beneficial after at least one course in biomechanics that covers the basic biomechanical principles.  相似文献   

我曾经很想担负起明尼苏达的重任,我曾经希望它变得积极,希望它变得……新鲜。这始终都是我奋斗的动力。他开创了高中球员称霸江湖的新时代,他将作为NBA历史上最杰出的球员之一被后世铭记,他对篮球的热情很少有人能够匹敌……然而残酷的现实  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether a constructivist approach, in particular a visit to a zoo, could be effective in consolidating mechanical concepts and applying those concepts to coaching and teaching. Ten students in their final year of their Bachelor of Physical Education at the University of Edinburgh participated in a visit to Edinburgh Zoo. During the visit students completed a worksheet of questions and engaged interactively in discussing how various animals are adapted mechanically to survive in their environments. Immediately after the visit they completed a questionnaire with four sections. The first section assessed whether they could apply the mechanical concepts discussed during the visit to human sports performance. The second canvassed their opinions on whether the visit was effective in reinforcing mechanical concepts, in developing ‘lateral thinking’ about mechanical concepts, and in improving their ability to apply mechanical concepts to coaching and teaching. The third canvassed their opinions on whether the visit would be effective for senior high school Physical Education and Sports Science students for developing mechanical concepts and applying them to coaching. The fourth section canvassed their opinions on when the visit should be conducted for Physical Education and Sports Science students in universities and in senior high schools. The results indicated that the visit was effective in reinforcing mechanical concepts and in applying them laterally to improve understanding of human sports performance. Participants believed that the visit would also be effective for senior high school students. All participants believed that the visit would be most beneficial after at least one course in biomechanics that covers the basic biomechanical principles.  相似文献   

一定要把奥林匹克教育坚持下去   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北京奥运会后把奥林匹克教育继续坚持下去,是奥林匹克主义在中国传播的重要途径,也是建设我国和谐社会所需要的精神食粮,这是当前应该考虑的现实问题。奥林匹克运动是以体育为载体,教育为核心的国际文化运动,教育是奥林匹克运动的核心,奥林匹克教育对每个被国际奥委会所承认的国家(地区)奥委会来说,都是一项《奥林匹克宪章》规定的任务。从广义和狭义的奥林匹克教育来看,都是一种社会教育,而且在我国已经开展。1993年我国出版第一本奥林匹克教材以来,奥林匹克运动的课堂教育和研究工作有了长足的发展和进步,但也受到资料来源、外语水平和体育社会科学知识欠缺的困扰。  相似文献   

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