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Although prostatitis is a common male urinary tract infection, clinical diagnosis of prostatitis is difficult. The developmental mechanism of prostatitis is not yet unraveled which led to the elaboration of various biomarkers. As changes in asparagine-linked-(N-)-glycosylation were observed between healthy volunteers (HV), patients with benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer patients, a difference could exist in biochemical parameters and urinary N-glycosylation between HV and prostatitis patients. We therefore investigated if prostatic protein glycosylation could improve the diagnosis of prostatitis.

Materials and methods

Differences in serum and urine biochemical markers and in total urine N-glycosylation profile of prostatic proteins were determined between HV (N = 66) and prostatitis patients (N = 36). Additionally, diagnostic accuracy of significant biochemical markers and changes in N-glycosylation was assessed.


Urinary white blood cell (WBC) count enabled discrimination of HV from prostatitis patients (P < 0.001). Urinary bacteria count allowed for discriminating prostatitis patients from HV (P < 0.001). Total amount of biantennary structures (urinary 2A/MA marker) was significantly lower in prostatitis patients compared to HV (P < 0.001). Combining the urinary 2A/MA marker and urinary WBC count resulted in an AUC of 0.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) = (0.70–0.89) which was significantly better than urinary WBC count (AUC = 0.70, 95% CI = [0.59–0.82], P = 0.042) as isolated test.


We have demonstrated the diagnostic value of urinary N-glycosylation profiling, which shows great potential as biomarker for prostatitis. Further research is required to unravel the developmental course of prostatic inflammation.Key words: diagnostic marker, prostatitis, urinary asparagine-linked glycosylation  相似文献   

IT-业务融合问题一直是信息系统领域研究的热点话题。一方面,许多学者直接将IT-业务融合能够提升企业绩效这一结论作为研究的潜在假设;另一方面,有研究提出"融合悖论",认为IT-业务融合会使企业陷入"刚性陷阱"。那么,IT-业务融合与企业绩效之间的关系到底是怎样的?利用元分析技术对二者关系进行定量综合分析,并探寻这一影响关系的边界条件。分析结果显示,IT-业务融合显著地正向影响企业绩效(r=0.398),同时二者间关系受到融合的测量方式、数据调查方法和研究年份的调节作用;行业和企业规模的影响关系尚不明朗,需要进一步验证。  相似文献   

公路线形设计是公路总体设计、总体布局的关键,对交通事故的产生有很大的影响。公路线形设计中的平面线形、纵断面、平纵组合对交通安全的影响尤为重要,优化公路线形设计是提高公路的安全性及行车舒适性的保障。  相似文献   

The structure of invention   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores the process by which radically novel technologies - ones such as radar, the turbojet, or the polymerase chain reaction - come into being. It shows that this process - “invention” - has a certain logical structure common to all cases. Invention is a process of linking some purpose or need with an effect that can be exploited to satisfy it. It may begin with a purpose or need for which existing methods are not satisfactory; this forces the seeking of a new principle (the idea of an effect in action). Or it may begin with a phenomenon or effect itself - usually a freshly discovered one - for which some associated principle of use suggests itself. Either way, translating this base principle into physical reality requires the creation of suitable working parts and supporting technologies. These raise their own challenges or problems, the solution of which may raise further challenges. As a result, invention is a recursive process: it repeats until each challenge or problem (and subproblem, and sub-subproblem) resolves itself into one that can be physically dealt with. It is challenging, usually lengthy, part-conceptual, and part-experimental.  相似文献   

国外产业结构转型理论述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国璋  魏梅 《科技管理研究》2008,28(11):58-60,73
产业结构与经济增长具有密切的双向因果关系。文章从需求和供给两个角度以及最新的进展方面对产业结构转型这一领域的研究进行了梳理。其中,需求角度的产业结构转型主要是收入增长和多样化、专业化的需求导致的;供给角度的产业转型则基于农业和工业生产率的提高。政策、制度以及人力资本的积累会影响到产业转型。该理论的最新进展是围绕着同时考虑供给和需求面对产业转型的影响以及考虑符合卡尔多Kaldor事实的产业结构转型两个方面展开的。  相似文献   

To sum up our argument then: It is shown, in the first place, that the arrangement of the atoms in certain crystals, as determined by the X-ray spectra, indicates definitely that in these crystals there is no molecular structure.In extending the argument to all solid matter it is pointed out, from the dependence of crystal form on chemical composition, from a consideration of the Dulong-Petit law and of the nature of cohesion, and from the evidence of X-rays as to certain crystals, that each atom in a solid oscillates about a definite position of stable equilibrium.From a further examination of the nature of cohesion and of the forces concerned in chemical combination and especially from the general relation found between the atomic heat of formation of a substance and its melting-point it is found that the forces holding the atoms in their positions of stable equilibrium are of the same nature and comparable in magnitude with the forces binding together a chemical molecule.It is seen further that the atoms in a solid are very close together so that they often come in contact. And, since an atom attracts equally all atoms of another kind which are in contact with it, an atom cannot remain combined for more than an infinitesimal interval with any other particular atom ordinary temperatures.Finally, it was shown that, since in the solid state each atom has three degrees of translational freedom and is strongly attracted by atoms other than those of its own “molecule,” it must, on the average, exert equal attractions on all the neighboring atoms.From this the conclusion is drawn that in the particular molecules cannot be definitely defined.When those properties of solid matter which have been explained by molecules are considered, nothing is found which indicates at all definitely a molecular structure.We feel justified in concluding, therefore, that the structure of solid matter is not molecular.  相似文献   

人力资本结构对产业结构优化升级有着重要影响,并且呈现出地域间的空间相关性。本文首先在提高效益目标下进行了产业结构优化的测度,其次根据2005-2017年中国30个省份数据,构建了全国及东中西三大区域的空间面板数据模型,分析不同教育层次的人力资本对产业结构优化的影响程度。研究表明,在提高效益目标下我国初等教育劳动力对产业结构优化升级的影响产生负面效应,中等教育和高等教育劳动力对产业结构优化升级影响产生正面促进效应。在东部、中部和西部三大区域中不同教育层次的劳动力对产业结构优化升级的影响存在着差异,最后根据实证结果提出相应建议。  相似文献   

方阳春  金杨华 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):546-552
根据薪酬制度的权变观点,探讨薪酬制度与组织文化的匹配关系。从是否采用能力工资、有否长期激励以及可变薪酬比例三个方面分析薪酬制度与组织文化对员工的薪酬满意度和离职倾向的影响,研究结果表明,采用能力工资的企业与没有采用能力工资的企业相比,其组织的创新、目标、支持、规则导向都比较强;可变薪酬的比例与企业的规则导向有显著的负相关;与没有提供长期激励的企业相比,具有长期激励的企业目标导向更强。薪酬制度与企业文化联合作用,能显著影响员工的薪酬满意度。薪酬满意度与组织的目标导向及支持导向交互作用,共同影响员工的离职倾向。  相似文献   

刘丽 《大众科技》2013,(3):87-88,91
利用武汉大学自行建设的登封航空定标场和飞行试验数据,对数码航空相机DMC不同控制点分布下的几何精度进行了对比分析和评估。实验结果证明,DMC平面精度相对稳定,均匀布设控制点时间隔基线数量的减少,和密集周边布点时中心控制点的加布,均可以提高高程精度。  相似文献   

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