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本文考察了计算机回收运动在美国的兴起与成功的历史经验,指出这场运动的成果源于其利用了经济机会结构、政治机会结构和话语机会结构,并指出这场运动对中国环保运动的可资借鉴之处。  相似文献   

进步主义运动的发生,使美国的政治、经济、文化、价值观念发生了巨大的变化。同时,美国妇女积极投身进步主义运动,尤其表现在改善贫民窟状况上。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍日本学术振兴会JSPS(JapanSocietyforthePromotionofScience)历史与现状 ,评述由日本JSPS掌控和管理的日本科学研究补助金 (Grants -in -aidforscientificresearch)的特点 ,分析JSPS在日本科学进步过程中所发挥的积极作用 ;以及新世纪日本JSPS发展趋势和给我们提供的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

杨阳 《科教文汇》2021,(10):187-188
以基础日语课程为例,在培养语言能力和思辨能力的基础上,该文从政治认同、意志品质、校风校训等角度深入挖掘课文中蕴藏的思政教育素材,以实现日语教学与课程思政的有机融合。  相似文献   

In 1974 a British biologist, John Randal Baker (1900-1984), published a large and controversial book simply entitled Race that reiterated persistent eugenicist themes concerning the relation between race, intelligence, and progress. The history of Baker's book is a case study in the politics of scientific publishing, and his ideas influenced scholars associated with later works such as The Bell Curve. Baker, a student of Julian Huxley, was a longtime participant in the British eugenics movement and opponent of what he took to be a facile belief in human equality. In 1942, together with Michael Polanyi, he founded the Society for Freedom in Science to oppose those who advocated the central planning of scientific research. Baker's eugenics, political activities, and views on race express an elitist individualism, associated with the conservative wing of the eugenics movement, that this paper explores in the context of his career as a whole.  相似文献   

张燕燕 《科教文汇》2012,(1):94-94,102
史料表明,古代新罗、日本女王体现了最高女巫的色彩。前者是新罗内忧外患的紧张政治局势下的产物。作为国民的一种精神寄托和慰藉,国家巫术仪式和宗教作用尤其受到重视。后者源自日本根深蒂固的巫师传统。母权制的延续导致了日本自原始社会起女神崇拜现象持久存在,形成了根深蒂固的巫师传统。  相似文献   

The free and open source software (Foss) movement deserves to be placed in an historico-ethical perspective that emphasizes the end user. Such an emphasis is able to enhance and support the Foss movement by arguing the ways it is heir to a tradition of professional ethical idealism and potentially related to important issues in the history of science, technology, and society relations. The focus on software from an end-user’s perspective also leads to the concept of program conviviality. From a non-technical perspective, however, software is simply a new example of technology, and the effort to assure that technology is developed in a socially responsible manner has a significant history. The argument thus begins with observations about the history of technology. This leads to critical reflections on the development of professional engineering ethics, and to a discussion of the alternative technology movement. Finally, it concludes by indicating some criteria to consider when imagining the design of convivial software.  相似文献   

水稻能量积累的模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑志明  孙国夫 《科技通报》1993,9(4):257-259
利用CA-3岛津绝热式能量计测定水稻各生育期的能量,建立水稻能量积累的Logictic模型.该模型能有效地模拟一定试验条件下水稻能量积累的动态变化;揭示一定试验条件下水稻能量积累的饱和值和转折期.  相似文献   

满铁地质调查所   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁波  冯炜 《科学学研究》2002,20(3):251-255
本文通过对日本侵华时期的殖民科研机构———满铁地质调查所的历史沿革、规章制度及主要研究活动的研究和分析 ,揭示了满铁地质调查所为日本帝国主义的经济和资源掠夺服务的特征  相似文献   

This article initiates exploratory empirical research on how civil society collective action has reacted to and affected communication–information policy (CIP), a policy domain that has been reshaped by technological and industrial change. It reviews the relevant theory on social movements, citizens groups, and interest groups from political science. Data are gathered on two dimensions of the research question: (1) We quantify the number of public interest advocacy groups focused on CIP in the United States from 1961 to the present, using organizational ecology methods. (2) We track the number of U.S. Congressional hearings held each year on CIP issues. The results show that CIP now exceeds other social movement issues (women, civil rights, the environment, human rights) as a major concern of Congressional activity, that the issues are becoming more interdependent, and that modes of citizens advocacy have undergone drastic changes in recent years.  相似文献   

This article initiates exploratory empirical research on how civil society collective action has reacted to and affected communication-information policy (CIP), a policy domain that has been reshaped by technological and industrial change. It reviews the relevant theory on social movements, citizens groups, and interest groups from political science. Data are gathered on two dimensions of the research question: (1) We quantify the number of public interest advocacy groups focused on CIP in the United States from 1961 to the present, using organizational ecology methods. (2) We track the number of U.S. Congressional hearings held each year on CIP issues. The results show that CIP now exceeds other social movement issues (women, civil rights, the environment, human rights) as a major concern of Congressional activity, that the issues are becoming more interdependent, and that modes of citizens advocacy have undergone drastic changes in recent years.  相似文献   

本文通过对抗战后期国民政府及学术机构有关我国境内古籍、图书被掠夺和损毁统计资料的爬梳,从一个侧面揭示了日本侵略者在中国历史上制造的难以弥补的文化灾难。日本侵华期间,除战火损毁图书典籍外,另有预谋的对古籍善本、文物古迹进行疯狂掠夺与破坏,侵略者妄图掳掠我民族精神文化遗产险恶居心可见一斑。今年时值纪念抗日战争胜利68周年之际,日本右翼势力抬头,中日钓鱼岛归属问题凸显,希望能有更多的人关注日本侵略者对中国近代文化造成的巨大损失,并引起重视、深思及深入研究。  相似文献   

"90后"幼师生知识面广,爱国意识大大增强,历史教师必须紧紧把握时代脉搏,密切联系学生实际,以时政为契机才能更好地激发学生的学习兴趣。本文论述了新时期利用时政与幼师历史教学融合来提高历史教学效率的必要性和有效途径,具有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

陆鹏 《科教文汇》2013,(5):120-121
本文以日语复合动词的分类为研究对象,在梳理迄今为止的日语复合动词研究历史的基础上,通过对主流复合动词分类的调查,并做了几种不同复合动词的分类的对比考察.发现在日语教学领域,没有明确复合动词分类的倾向,也导致了教学上的不便。而且通过对于复合动词的深入研究,做出明确的教学要求.列出教学重难点,已成为需要关注解决的课题。  相似文献   

日本政府将创意设计作为促进自主创新和提高产业国际竞争力的主要手段之一,通过持续实施"G"标识(Good Design)制度等奖励表彰措施以及实施"感性价值创造"国家战略和全民运动、支持中小企业采用创意设计和立法防止不正当竞争保护设计知识产权等措施,极大地促进了日本企业自主品牌的培育和自主创新能力的提升,给我国诸多启示.  相似文献   

思想政治教育,作为社会意识形态的一部分,伴随着人类社会的产生而产生,发展而发展。我国拥有着五千年的辉煌文明史,这对于我们研究中国思想政治教育理论的历史演变,探究思想家们的理论贡献,探索思想政治教育的发展规律,有着得天独厚的优势。本文旨在研究中国共产党思想政治教育的同时,还应注重中国传统思想政治教育现象的研究以及它对中国共产党思想政治教育的影响。  相似文献   

衣永红 《科教文汇》2013,(25):18-19
当代高校的思想政治教育必须是以马克思主义的理论情怀为价值旨趣的,而总体看来,马克思主义的理论情怀体现在实践性、人本性和历史性上。这样的价值旨趣也为高校的思想政治教育提出了目标要求,那就是从社会现实需求出发,培养全面发展的人才,并将自身的目标置于整个国家发展的目标体系中。  相似文献   

吴振华  黎芸 《大众科技》2012,14(4):257-259
文章以日本对外贸易政策措施为研究对象,通过对日本对外贸易的历史变迁、其政策措施的内容和特点等方面的系统研究发现:日本入关后在经济贸易发展的过程中,政府强有力的宏观调控发挥了很大的作用,日本政府在不同的发展时期采取不同的对外贸易政策,促进了经济增长。充分借鉴日本的对外贸易政策方面成功的经验,有利于我国制定正确、合理的贸易发展战略,增强经济实力,以获取更大的经济利益。  相似文献   

政治哲学作为一种由科学实践升华而来的意识理论,先后经过了自然经验主义阶段,内在先验主义阶段与客观绝对主义等阶段的锤炼。作为一种主体哲学,不言而喻的是,政治哲学本身仍然存在着无法摆脱的局限性,同样的,任何一种意识理论都必然会在其发展的历程中,陷于因其自身的完善性等所带来的固有的,停滞于某个阶段内的困境。从被政治哲学奉为圭臬的马克思主义哲学核心的可法良规入手,对政治哲学的困境进行了历史与现实的解构,并对政治哲学现阶段的迷思与困境命题进行了解析与超越的阐述。  相似文献   

魏海燕 《科教文汇》2011,(26):155-156
众所周知,外来语在日语中占有很大的比重,是日本人生活不可或缺的一部分。笔者曾经留学日本,当漫步于东京的街头,会发现无论是商店的名称或是广告招牌,用片假名标注的数不胜数,甚至一些地方将自己原本的地名也改用外来语标记。一些学者不禁指出这是一种"外来语泛滥"的现象。本文将就日语外来语的历史及发展现状展开论述。  相似文献   

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