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A sequential anode-cathode double-chamber microbial fuel cell (MFC), in which the effluent of anode chamber was used as a continuous feed for an aerated cathode chamber, was constructed in this experiment to investigate the performance of brewery wastewater treatment in conjugation with electricity generation. Carbon fiber was used as anode and plain carbon felt with biofilm as cathode. When hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 14.7 h, a relatively high chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency of 91.7%–95.7% was achieved under long-term stable operation. The MFC displayed an open circuit voltage of 0.434 V and a maximum power density of 830 mW/m3 at an external resistance of 300 ?. To estimate the electrochemical performance of the MFC, electrochemical measurements were carried out and showed that polarization resistance of anode was the major limiting factor in the MFC. Since a high COD removal efficiency was achieved, we conclude that the sequential anode-cathode MFC constructed with bio-cathode in this experiment could provide a new approach for brewery wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

从COD测定实验的改进看分析化学实验教材的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析化学实验教材中化学耗氧量(COD)测定实验的改进入手,阐述分析化学实验教材应增加知识点,开阔知识面的必要。  相似文献   

Evaluating the performance of a biotrickling filter for the treatment of wastewaters produced by a company manufacturing beer was the aim of this study. A pilot scale trickling filter filled with gravel was used as the experimental biofilter. Pilot scale plant experiments were made to evaluate the performance of the trickling filter aerobic and anaerobic biofilm systems for removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nutrients from synthetic brewery wastewater. Performance evaluation data of the trickling filter were generated under different experimental conditions. The trickling filter had an average efficiency of (86.81±6.95)% as the hydraulic loading rate increased from 4.0 to 6.4 m3/(m2·d). Various COD concentrations were used to adjust organic loading rates from 1.5 to 4.5 kg COD/(m3·d). An average COD removal efficiency of (85.10±6.40)% was achieved in all wastewater concentrations at a hydraulic loading of 6.4 m3/(m2·d). The results lead to a design organic load of 1.5 kg COD/(m3·d) to reach an effluent COD in the range of 50–120 mg/L. As can be concluded from the results of this study, organic substances in brewery wastewater can be handled in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner using the gravel-filled trickling filter.  相似文献   

Aerobically activated sludge processing was carried out to treat terylene artificial silk printing and dyeing wastewater (TPD wastewater) in a lab-scale experiment, focusing on the kinetics of the COD removal. The kinetics parameters determined from experiment were applied to evaluate the biological treatability of wastewater. Experiments showed that COD removal could be divided into two stages, in which the ratio BOD/COD (B/C) was the key factor for stage division. At the rapid-removal stage with B/C>0.1, COD removal could be described by a zero order reaction. At the moderate-removal stage with B/C<0.1, COD removal could be described by a first order reaction. Then Monod equation was introduced to indicate COD removal. The reaction rate constant (K) and half saturation constant (KS) were 0.0208-0.0642 L/(gMLSS)·h and 0.44-0.59 (gCOD)/L respectively at 20 ℃-35 ℃. Activation energy (Ea) was 6.05×104 J/mol. By comparison of kinetic parameters, the biological treatability of TPD wastewater was superior to that of traditional textile wastewater. But COD removal from TPD-wastewater was much more difficult than that from domestic and industrial wastewater, such as papermaking, beer, phenol wastewater, etc. The expected effluent quality strongly related to un-biodegradable COD and kinetics rather than total COD. The results provide useful basis for further scaling up and efficient operation of TPD wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInordertogetpliableandelegantterylenefabricjustlikesilk,terylenegreigeclothisalwayspretreatedwithalkali-decompositionprocesswh-ereinterylenegreigeclothishydrolyzedtosomeextentinNaOHsolutionatcertaintemperature(T)andpressure.Duringthisprocess,thesuperficialterylenefibreispeeledofffromtheclothanddis-solvedintosolution,inwhichteryleneacid(TA)andethyleneglycolaredischargedaspollutantsinwastewater.Theobtainedterylenefabricwithsi-lkenwrinkleandsoftfeelingiscalledartificialsilkfabr…  相似文献   

武夷山市人工湿地系统采用水解酸化+接触氧化+垂直流人工湿地处理工艺处理城市生活污水,经过5年多的运行,结果表明系统对COD的净化效果好。近17个月的监测数据显示,COD的去除率超过92%,系统出水水质达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》的一级A标准。此外,人工湿地系统处理城市生活污水的耗能低(平均的耗电量为0.14 kWh/m3),节省日常的运行费用。  相似文献   

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