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运用实验法把研究性学习策略运用于<体育与健康>课程中,对耐久跑项目的教学进行了实验性的研究.结果发现:通过研究性学习策略,使学生的体能、技能、智力及心理方面都有所提高,极大地激发了学生的学习兴趣.  相似文献   

二十一世纪的文盲不再是不识字的人,而是不会学习的人,这已成为人们的共识.良好的学习策略有助于学生克服学习的困难.我国<英语课程标准>把学习策略列为课程目标之一,同时明确指出:学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证.并且英语是中学的主要课程之一,因此培养中学生英语学习策略已成为当前中学教育界的一大焦点.本文通过对学习策略的阐述就如何培养中学生英语学习策略提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

白晔 《中国教师》2014,(9):23-26
<正>《中国教师》:白老师您好!首先想请您谈一下苹果园中学具体是如何开展学生职业生涯规划的。白晔:2007年我们参与了"高中生职业生涯规划辅导研究"课题后,逐步确定了自己的特色,决定从课程角度系统地实施职业生涯规划辅导,毕竟对于学校而言,课程是主渠道。我们逐步建构了三类课程。一、专题独立课,这类课程以选修方式开展。它是  相似文献   

<正>一、教材分析本课例源自吉文林主编、江苏教育出版社出版的《职业生涯规划与就业创业》。本课题为学习领域五"就业导引"三个话题之一的"求职应聘"的第一学时。它是学生的实践技能课程,在职业生涯规划中起着就业指导的作用,是该课程的重点内容之一。二、教学目标认知:了解求职应聘中必备的基本材料,学会撰写求职书和设计个人简历,熟悉求职礼仪的基本规范。  相似文献   

自1957年马来西亚建立独立的民族国家以来,中学华文课程先后经历了三次重大改革(马来西亚中学有两个教育系统:一个属于国家教育部所辖的标准中学,一个属于民间董教总所辖的独立中学.这里所说的中学是指教育部所辖的标准中学),分别制订了<中学华文课程纲要>(1958年)、<中学华文课程纲要>(1989年)和<中学华文课程大纲>(2000年).  相似文献   

美国的职业生涯教育经历了40多年的发展,有着十分丰富的实践经验。文章对得克萨斯州于2010年更新的中学职业生涯教育课程进行简要介绍,以了解美国职业生涯教育课程设置的现状。得州中学职业生涯教育共有五门课程:初中部分有"探索职业""职业入口"两门课程;高中部分有"职业准备1""职业准备2""问题和解决"三门课程。每门课程都有具体的知识和技能指标,以此指导得州中学生的职业生涯教育。  相似文献   

该研究以当今高职院校办学模式中普遍存在的课程设置偏重于知识技能方面的培养而忽视了人文素质方面的培养,提出了这一教育问题予以探究。经教育实践证明:只有正确处理知识技能与人文素质二者的关系,才是符合国家人才可持续发展战略,有利于学生获得成功的未来职业生涯,有利于培养健全人格、德智体美全面素质发展的人才。  相似文献   

本文从当前<职业生涯规划与就业指导>课程教学中存在的问题出发,通过引入PBL教学法,以职前教育网络学堂为载体,进行大学生<职业生涯规划与就业指导>课程的改革,并提出完整的课程设计方案供同仁参考.  相似文献   

计算机应用技能的培养是高职院校和<计算机文化基础>课程的任务和目标.实行等级考试是加强计算机教学、普及计算机文化教育的重要举措.分析了在<计算机文化基础>课程教学中,技能培养与等级考试的现状,提出了实现技能培养与等级考试有机融合的措施.  相似文献   

<电路分析与应用>是培养学生进入电子行业应具备的知识、技能的基本课程.按照技能操作先行、知识学习配套的原则,以典型工作任务为基础来完成相应知识和技能的建构.创设了职业情景,构建了理论与实践一体化教学模式,实现学习的迁移.采用形成性考评与终结性考评相结合的方式评价学生.在课程建设中,加强校企合作,由校企专家组成的课程建设团队共同进行课程改革.  相似文献   

Basic Mathematics For Students With Learning Difficulties Peter Westwood and Wendy Stewart 1998 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $15.00 plus $3.00 p&;p

Context, Service Provision, and Instruction: Facilitating The Learning Of Students Experiencing Severe Learning And Behaviour Difficulties Roger Rees 1998 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $18.00 plus $2.00 p&;p

Computer Applications In Special Education: Issues, Uses And The Assessment Of Software Suitability Brian Matthews, Steve Jordan, &; Kathryn Bennett, 1998 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $8.00 plus $2.00 p&;p

Responding to Learning Difficulties In The Secondary School Peter Westwood et al. 1997 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $15.00 plus $3.00 p&;p

Understanding The Causes And Effects Of Severe Learning Difficulties In Junior Secondary Students Bill Young 1997 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $5.00 plus $1.50 p&;p

Teaching Numeracy and Literacy: Interventions and Strategies for “At Risk” Students Diane Barwood, Daryl Greaves, Peter Jeffery 1999 Melbourne Australian Resource Educators Association $15 (Please check this)

Enhancing English Literacy Skills in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students. A Review of the Literature and Case Studies in Primary Schools M. Batten, T. Frigo, P. Hughes, &; N. McNamara 1998 Melbourne, Australia Australian Council for Educational Research $39.95

Never too Late to Read: Language Skills for the Adolescent with Dyslexia: Based on the work of Alice Ansara Ann Cashwell Tuley 1998 Baltimore, Maryland, USA $27.50  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: New Labour's Policies for Schools: Raising the Standard? Jim Docking (Ed.) Taking Education Really Seriously Michael Fielding (Ed.) Schools Achieving Success (White Paper) Department for Education And Skills The Learning Country (Paving Document) National Assembly For Wales  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Jenny Mosley and Marilyn Tew, Quality Circle Time in the Secondary School: A Handbook of Good Practice
Helen Cowie and Patti Wallace, Peer Support in Action: From Bystanding to Standing By
Chris Watkins, Eileen Carnell, Caroline Lodge, Patsy Wagner and Caroline Whalley, Learning about Learning: Resources for Supporting Effective Learning  相似文献   

This study explored a concept that learning study skills in the context of the content area under study may transfer across courses, multiplying the benefits towards academic success. Methods that have been reported to influence academic growth at the community college level include success courses and applied study skills. In this pilot project among community college students, two instructors provided an enriched study skills curriculum by linking a success course with a psychology course. The instructors used techniques and activities geared toward enhancing study skills such as developing metacognitive strategies. The Learning and Study Skills Inventory (LASSI) was used to assess students’ progress. Despite few statistically significant findings, there were several interesting interaction effects. These provide some evidence for the need to emphasize the development of study strategies in existing success courses while also formally or informally tying such courses with a content course.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(4):197-199
Social Skills Training for Adolescents with General Moderate Learning Difficulties Ursula Cornish Fiona Ross Education Support Pack for Schools – Mainstream: Primary and Secondary Sandy Alton, Jane Beadman, Bob Black, Stephanie Lorenz and Cecilie McKinnon Developing Inclusive Practice: The SENCO's Role in Managing Change Elizabeth Cowne Worship ASAP Susan Murrell  相似文献   

The 1‐year Postgraduate Certificate in Education Secondary English method course at the University of Sheffield's School of Education has, since 2001, asked its students to write an essay of around 4000 words on their initial understanding and experience of the National Strategies promoted by the United Kingdom's Department for Education and Skills. The essay expects a critical, reflective and analytical piece of writing that records the student teacher's developing views on the place, role and value of the National Strategies in the classroom. Using grounded theory and content analysis techniques, this small‐scale study of the 2005 cohort identifies common perceptions regarding the National Strategies among student teachers of English and seeks to categorise these to account for their developing identities as future English teachers. Drawing on Twiselton's identification of teacher types, Task Manager, Curriculum Deliverer and Concept/Skill Builder, and Shulman's classification of knowledges necessary for teaching, this article will argue that the National Strategies and their respective Frameworks, while successful in moving teachers on from the role of ‘Task Managers’, runs the risk of locking teachers into being ‘Curriculum Deliverers’, and not developing the pedagogical content knowledge necessary for teaching English expertly.  相似文献   

Nigel Blake and Paul Standish, Enquiries at the Interface: Philosophical Problems of Online Education
Esther Cameron, Facilitation Made Easy
Judith Christian–Carter, Mastering Instructional Design in Technology–Based Training
Ian Forsyth, Teaching and Learning Materials and the Internet
Paula Gillespie et al (ed.), Writing Center Research
Walt Heineke and Jerry Willis, Methods of Evaluating Educational Technology
Richard Lomax, Statistical Concepts for Education and Behavioral Sciences
Chandra Mehrotra, Distance Learning
Manuel Ortega and José Bravo, Computers and Education
Christopher Wolfe (ed.), Learning and Teaching on the World Wide Web
Stephen Bigger and Erica Brown (ed.), Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
Etan de Cicco, Using the Internet in Secondary Schools
Sue Drew and Rosie Bingham, The Student Skills Guide
Keith Ross, Teaching Secondary Science
Neil Selwyn and Stephen Gorard, The Information Age: Technology, Learning and Exclusion  相似文献   

At the beginning of this essay, it introduces the disadvantages of Chinese education system.Next, this essay first describes some basic concepts of Cooperative Learning. Then, it describes the present situation of cooperative Learning in Secondary School. There are many advantages for Secondary School students to learn English with Cooperative Learning. Firstly, it can make the class active; Secondly, it can help students to get self-confidence; If we, English teachers, are able to take full advantage of such a Cooperative Learning mechanism in English teaching, then both our English teaching and students' English learning will be more exciting.  相似文献   

"小学科学教学技能"是小学教师的必修教法课程之一。通过本课程教学,使学生具备基本的小学科学教育理论和从事小学科学课程教学的能力,促使学生形成现代儿童观和教育观。但据调研,本课程的教学现状和教学目标达成度并不乐观。结合创新创业教育理念和教学实际,提出基于从业技能培养为导向的"小学科学教学技能"课程改革策略。  相似文献   

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