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The integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) into all levels of education is a key priority in Kosovo's environmental action plan. However, at present it is not even known how environmental education (EE) is integrated in the country's educational system. With the help of a written questionnaire and in-depth interviews with 18 teachers, this study investigated the integration of EE in high schools (optional upper secondary education) in Kosovo. The representative sample of biology, geography, chemistry, and civic education teachers (244 persons) focused on various kinds of pollution and hazards of pollutants. Teachers' choice of topics was highly relevant, place-based, and linked to the experiences of students, but excluded sustainability issues such as the loss of biodiversity. EE was approached in three ways. The first approach critically reflected links between the natural, social, and cultural environment, while the second approach was characterized by knowledge submission of environmental facts. The third approach aimed at capacity-building and, in the sense of ESD, understood learning as process-oriented, participatory, and action-oriented. However, this approach was rather uncommon, most likely due to insufficient teacher preparation, large classes (up to 50 students), and little time (just one hour per week for EE). Class size and time also restricted outdoor activities, in particular field work. Nevertheless, in view of the interviewees, ideal EE would mean outdoor education, field work and other place-based, capacity-building practical experiences, and the development of critical thinking skills. This exemplifies that approaches to ESD may find support from dedicated teachers in Kosovo.  相似文献   

It is difficult for teachers to track student learning on a daily basis. However, the Intemet and new technologies that students use every day can make this much easier and more accessible. This article intends to make evident that using student response systems, such as Socrative and a smartphone, teachers can get more control of their students' pace of learning and their progress. Socrative is a very useful tool that helps teachers track student learning in real time. Socrative software can be downloaded on students' smartphones, tablets, or laptops and can facilitate online testing with immediate feedback and access to test results. Students receive immediate feedback as soon as they finish answering test questions. It can also promote cooperative learning when students work in groups discussing coursework. Use of the software can increase motivation, self-esteem, and understanding of concepts discussed in class.  相似文献   

Striving for sustainability requires a paradigm shift in conceptualization, thinking, research and education, particularly concerning the science-technology-environment-society (STES) interfaces. Consequently, ‘STES literacy’ requires the development of students’ question asking, critical, evaluative system thinking, decision making and problem solving capabilities, in this context, via innovative implementable higher-order cognitive skills (HOCS)-promoting teaching, assessment and learning strategies. The corresponding paradigms shift in science and technology education, such as from algorithmic teaching to HOCS-promoting learning is unavoidable, since it reflects the social pressure, worldwide, towards more accountable socially- and environmentally-responsible sustainable development. Since most of the STES- and, recently STEM (science-technology-engineering-mathematics)-related research in science education has been focused on secondary and tertiary education, it is vital to demonstrate the relevance of this multifaceted research to the science and technology teaching in primary schools. Our longitudinal STES education-related research and curriculum development point to the very little contribution, if any, of the traditional science teaching to “know”, to the development of students’ HOCS capabilities. On the other hand, there appears to be a ‘general agreement’, that the contemporary dominant lower-order cognitive skills (LOCS) teaching and assessment strategies applied in science and technology education are, in fact, restraining the natural curiosity and creativity of primary school (and younger?) pupils/children. Since creative thinking as well as evaluative system thinking, decision making, problem solving and … transfer constitute an integral part of the HOCS conceptual framework, the appropriateness of “HOCS promoting” teaching, and the relevance of science and technology, to elementary education in the STES context, is apparent. Therefore, our overriding guiding purpose was to provide any evidence-based research to the vital LOCS-to-HOCS paradigm shift in STES education. The findings of, and conclusions derived from our longitudinal research on HOCS development within STES-oriented and traditional education, suggest that both—science and technology education (STE) and STES education—are relevant to primary school education. Based on this, what it should take to insure success in this context, is thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   


Results from a survey of teachers’ understanding and implementation of moral education in primary schools in Trinidad and Tobago are presented here, against consideration of the role of moral education in schooling. The paper discusses the range of moral curricula available for the implementation of moral education in schools and constraints on implementation in the classroom. It also compares the need for and applicability of moral education programmes in developing and developed countries. In Trinidad and Tobago, noted for its population and religious mix, the role of moral education has been given importance from the highest levels at the Ministry of Education and elsewhere in government. The survey of a representative sample of teachers in primary schools throughout the country showed that they largely felt themselves responsible for introducing moral education to their pupils, although they rarely drew upon any specific curriculum. They tended to take a ‘virtues’ approach in their teaching of moral education, and were generally satisfied with the results of their efforts. There were few differences between understanding and implementation of moral education that could be attributed to age, sex, experience or responsibilities of the teacher, or the age of the pupils. These results are not just characteristic of a developing country as they mirror earlier findings in England and elsewhere.


This article engages in the discussion about education's role in relation to sustainability problems, a debate characterised by a tension between two legitimate concerns: a concern about the instrumentalisation of education, and a concern for the urgent need of widespread engagement and mobilisation for coping with the consequences of severe socio-ecological problems. The authors argue for an approach that takes both concerns seriously. Drawing on transactional didactic theory—underpinned by a pragmatist perspective on the interplay of continuity and change through the phases of habit, crisis and creativity—they illustrate that engagement with real-world societal problems does not inevitably result in the instrumentalisation of education. It can, on the contrary, open up a space for newness, creativity, freedom and pluralism. Yet, realising this unique educative potential does not happen automatically. It requires specific didactical work, specific forms of teaching. Through a practical example, the authors illustrate how teachers can stage problematic situations and inquiries in such a way that sustainability problems are brought to the table, turned into a common matter of concern and made free by giving the students possibilities to renew the world. Thus, they turn the question whether or not to engage with real-world problems into the question how to do so.  相似文献   

生命教育最早由美国学者杰·唐纳·华特士于1968年提出,其缘起于深刻的主客观背景。已经引起了世界各国的广泛关注。当前我国各高校不断出现的在校大学生自杀现象。引起人们的深思:生命教育有待加强。生命教育应是高校思想政治教育的重要内容。但当前高校思想政治教育活动和相关课程对其体现不足。对此,我们需要在思想政治教育过程中探索种种必要的补救措施,借以推动高校校园的和谐。促进社会稳定。  相似文献   

The article first investigates the basis for designing teaching activities dealing with aspects of history, applications, and philosophy of mathematics in unison by discussing and analyzing the different ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of including these three dimensions in mathematics education. Based on the observation that a use of history, applications, and philosophy as a ‘goal’ is best realized through a modules approach, the article goes on to discuss how to actually design such teaching modules. It is argued that a use of primary original sources through a so-called guided reading along with a use of student essay assignments, which are suitable for bringing out relevant meta-issues of mathematics, is a sensible way of realizing a design encompassing the three dimensions. Two concrete teaching modules on aspects of the history, applications, and philosophy of mathematics—HAPh-modules—are outlined and the mathematical cases of these, graph theory and Boolean algebra, are described. Excerpts of student groups’ essays from actual implementations of these modules are displayed as illustrative examples of the possible effect such HAPh-modules may have on students’ development of an awareness regarding history, applications, and philosophy in relation to mathematics as a (scientific) discipline.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(1-2):159-161
(NCNA, Beijing, January 26, 1978) With the authorization of the State Council, the Ministry of Education recently issued a communique concerning the decision to do a good job in the experimental program of operating a number of key middle and primary schools throughout the nation.  相似文献   

清末早期的留学教育对中国近代化的起步具有重要意义。留美教育是留欧教育展开推动的基石,留欧教育是留美教育某种程度上的改进和延续。然而,不同的历史背景使得留美与留欧教育有各自鲜明的特色。文化背景不同的倡导者,越来越具体细化的留学目的及其准备工作,在中国近代化建设中不同角色的担当等都值得我们分析研究。当下,留学浪潮此起彼伏,跟风留学、低龄留学等现象成为大众焦点,各种国际班和形式多样的出国方式也给中国的留学教育事业带来许多新问题。本文通过对清末早期留美与留欧教育的比较,一则使读者对两次留学教育的具体情况有一个全面的体认;二则通过分析,取长补短,并结合当今一些留学现象给出指导建议。  相似文献   

First musicians using polyphony and homophony in their compositions can be seen during the 19th century in Turkey. These talented amateur composers, who worked in simple forms, such as marches or educational music, were not actually professional composers but either orchestral or choral directors. Later, during the Republic period (after 1923), "Turkish Five" emerged. "Turkish Five" consisted of professional composers who were educated in Europe and learned western musical forms. These musicians, according to their birth years, are Cemal Resit Rey (1904-1985), Hasan Ferit Alnar (1906-1978), Ulvi Cemal Erkin (1906-1972), Ahmet Adnan Saygun (1907-1991) and Necil Kazan Akses (1908-1999). "Turkish Five" achieved important accomplishments and did significant contributions to Turkish contemporary music in 30-40 years with their efforts. While doing this, they used over 500-year old musical legacy of the West. At the beginning, these musicians used Turkish folk tunes and their rhythmic and modal system, however, later, they began to use "impressionism", "neo-classicism" and finally "atonalism" in their music. In the current study, the contributions of "Turkish Five" to contemporary Turkish piano music and their approaches to piano education were examined via literature review. After an extensive research with the literature on the topic, the researcher has interviewed with six piano teachers from different music institutions in Turkey (including two schools of time arts, two conservatories and two music teacher training schools). During these interviews, the contributions of the "Turkish Five" were examined based on "relativity" and "local to global" principles in education, and the researcher has searched for the ways to use more of their music in piano education through the interviews. Therefore, the main purpose of the study was to discover ways to implement more of the music by "Turkish Five" in piano education in Turkey and to ffmd solutions fo  相似文献   

This paper triangulates perspectives on reflective pedagogy (Yancey, 2009), integrative learning (Eynon, 2009) and technology integration into learning and teaching (Wenzlaff, 1998) in order to connect the dots among a set of values, challenges and opportunities that concomitantly emerge from using eportfolios (electronic portfolios) in teacher education at BMCC (Borough of Manhattan Community College) in New York City. The aim of this paper is to share insights that could help to inform and encourage best practices across community colleges and other higher education institutions.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the gaps in management education highlighted by 3 primary stakeholders: students, faculty and alumni. The study tries to address the issue of relevance and compatibility of management education and investigates areas of improvement perceived by respondents. The paper assumes that business departments of universities have to bring changes in learning strategies to meet the requirements of stakeholders. This research takes UMT (University of Management and Technology) as a case study and presents gaps in management education. Data are collected from all the 3 stakeholders: students, faculty and alumni of MBA (Master in Business Administration) program offered at UMT. The survey is administered using an exclusively-designed research instrument and the data set of 211 students, 55 faculty members and 145 alumni is analysed using appropriate statistical techniques. The management of business schools should develop an integrated and well-coordinated mechanism to share common vision and strategies among stakeholders. A need to revise current MBA curriculum is identified, which emphasizes on the development of different types of skills among MBAs to make the program compatible with the existing corporate sector. The universities dealing in management education are recommended to redesign their curriculum in a more integrated and coordinated way in anticipation with aspiration of the existing corporate sector, which would then help reduce the identified gaps among stakeholders. The management of business schools should have a continuous assessment mechanism incorporating the feed back of all stakeholders, particularly students, faculty and alumni. The paper makes a fruitful contribution to the existing academic literature through an empirical investigation in Pakistani environment. A critical discussion is carried out, and gaps in management education are highlighted, which may motivate management institutions to revise their curriculums.  相似文献   

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