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The new competitive environment of radio broadcasting in the Nordic countries consists of three sectors: (1) public service radio channels, (2) commercial radio stations and networks, and (3) community radio. Commercial radio represents the latest phase in a long process of transformation that started with decentralization inside the national broadcasting corporations in the 1960s and continued with introduction of noncommercial forms of local and community radio since the late 1970s. In the 1990s, commercial radio represents a hegemonic cultural form whose values and meanings penetrate to all sectors of radio. As a response to commercialization, the public service broadcasting tradition is undergoing a serious rearticulation. In contrast with the radical liberalism of the 1980s, there seems to be a growing political will to safeguard a balanced dualism of noncommercial and commercial forms of broadcasting.  相似文献   

The land of Florida was one of the first areas explored in the New World during the Age of Discovery; Miami is one of the newest major cities to develop in our present age. Members of the Medical Library Association are invited to come to the 1967 Annual Convention on Miami Beach and to enjoy both the past and the present in Miami and in Florida.  相似文献   

姚佳良 《编辑学报》2018,30(6):649-650
分析了青年编辑初入编辑学研究领域、尝试编辑学论文写作时的常见写作障碍并寻求解决方法,提出不能把写作的价值与发表的价值混为一谈。只有当青年编辑充分认识到写作的重要性,且不以论文能否发表作为衡量写作价值的唯一标准时,才能更好地迈过初始写作关。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of librarians in the technological environment of the future. The accessing and collecting of information generated by electronic means and distributed by new electronic media and the attendant challenges presented to acquisitions and collection management librarians are discussed here. Librarians will experience changes in expectations of products and services of vendors and publishers. Vendors and publishers will make changes in what they offer to libraries to stay competitive in an age of electronic information exchange and delivery. Acquisitions librarians will find themselves straddling two worlds, the traditional and the electronic, to meet the information needs of contemporary library users.  相似文献   

莫代碧 《编辑学报》2004,16(6):455-456
湖北民族学院学报编辑部以开展科技写作教学活动为契机,激励青年科技编辑努力改善自身的知识结构,不断实现自我超越,在培养学生的同时,编辑队伍素质、学报质量显著提高.  相似文献   

Christianity is undergoing fundamental changes in terms of cultural shaping and geographic distribution, yet North American libraries are not responding to these transformations. This article indicates why libraries must respond to the changing religious and cultural situation with strong collection development initiatives. It analyzes particular problems of acquiring Third World Christian documentation. Collection development objectives are formulated which take account of the needs of North American scholarship and of the production and supply of Third World materials. Finally, cooperative acquisitions methods are recommended.  相似文献   


This article describes a 12-year collaboration between a special collections librarian and history faculty for an undergraduate history writing course at Vanderbilt University. Originally taught as a one-shot session, the final 9 years of the course embedded the class into Special Collections for 10 weeks of primary source research. This article describes the evolution of the course from a one-shot session to full embedding, the mechanics involved in managing the sessions in Special Collections, student support considerations, and tips for other librarians offering such sessions.  相似文献   

首先我对<中国出版通史>的出版表示祝贺,对参与这项出版工程的所有领导和专家表示敬意.我刚拿到座谈会通知时,觉得这是件好事情,我要去参加研讨,参加学习.紧接着我就收到了九卷本的<通史>,我一看吃了一惊,原来想象的出版通史是一卷本或两卷本,没想到是按时代分类的九卷本.可以说接到邀请时我是心动,看到书后我是震动.  相似文献   

Rhetoricians have historically been compelled to consider the pragmatic role of intentional obsurity in human communication. This essay examines the highly cohesive directions for obscurantist style in the works of three Hellenistic critics: Demetrius Dionysius of Halicarnassus, and Longinus. Aristides’ encomium To Rome is analyzed briefly to illustrate rhetorical practice which parallels the ancient obscurantist theories.  相似文献   

A survey of selected library materials jobbers, cataloging agents, and library consortia shows that communication standards, vendor and library automation, and new partnerships among vendors and libraries are leading to greater opportunities for outsourcing acquisitions, cataloging, and collection development. Currently libraries can depend on vendors for preorder searching, verification, and claiming functions as well as copy and original cataloging. Libraries can receive shelf-ready materials from jobbers or cataloging agents; those that collect mainstream materials have the most options; others must shop among vendors. Collection development is the function least changed by automation, but materials jobbers are orienting more electronic services towards this area. Librarians should become full partners in the development of contract services. To do this, librarians must understand the evolving roles of the traditional partners and the costs and risks involved.  相似文献   

Most previous research into gender role stereotypes in the mass media has concentrated on television or print. Using content analysis, gender role stereotyping in radio commercials was examined. The goals of the study were to: (1) provide current data on level and content of gender stereotyping in Portuguese radio advertising; (2) compare levels of stereotyping in three countries. One hundred and sixty six advertisements were content analyzed into nine categories referring to the central figure, credibility, role, location, argument, reward, product, accent, and narrator. As previously found, male and female characters were portrayed in different ways particularly on credibility (males as authorities, females as users), role (males as celebrities/narrator, females as dependent), location (males in occupational setting more than females), and narrators (females as characters more than males). The patterns of bias in Portuguese radio commercials are consistent with, though less marked than, those in television commercials. Concerning the cross- national analysis, results showed more similarities than differences.  相似文献   

Previous scholarship has established a connection between information literacy and writing, highlighting in particular how writing theories could inform our understanding of information literacy. This paper continues this line of inquiry and discusses how information literacy and writing can mutually inform and support each other. Based on a review of major theoretical developments in both fields, this paper proposes a three-dimensional model of information-based academic writing (IBAW) in higher education that foregrounds information literacy as an integral part of the writing process. Specifically, the model illustrates how writing tasks situated in specific rhetorical, disciplinary, and information contexts activate one's knowledge base and generate information needs, which then guides the iterative information literacy and writing processes, as regulated by one's affective and metacognitive strategies, to generate new knowledge. The IBAW model, with the three dimensions and specific factors explicitly identified, also reflects truthfully the defining features of information literacy as contextual, process-oriented, value-laden, interactive, strategic, and always goal-oriented. As such, it also serves as a contextualized, process-oriented, and task-based model for information literacy instruction and development. Implications for how information literacy and information-based academic writing could be taught based on this proposed model are then discussed.  相似文献   

This article is based on a presentation given July 1, 1991, at the American Library Association's annual conference. It reports on an attempt to develop a CD-ROM price index modelled on the price indexes for serials and other materials produced under the aegis of ALA's Library Materials Price Index Committee and conforming to ANSI Standard Z39.20-1983. This proved to be an impossible task, primarily because of the inability to define a reliable unit of measurement for CD-ROM prices and the difficulty of tracking a sufficiently representative sample of the universe of CD-ROM titles purchased by libraries over the period from 1988–1991. However, the value of simply tracking the prices of a data sample without a base index year—a price inventory—was recognized by the Committee. The data gathered thus far were analyzed to show price trends by LC subject classification and publication types (monographs and serials). The 4.3% increase from 1989 to 1990 reflects the change from $1,783 to $1,860 in publication price for the average CD-ROM title. The evolution and stabilization of the CD-ROM publishing industry in the 1990s should support the eventual establishment of a CD-ROM price index, on which work continues.  相似文献   

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