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对经典力学中的矢量力学形式、分析力学中的微分形式和积分形式的时空对称性进行了分析,探讨了空间均匀性、空间各向同性和时间均匀性所对应的动量守恒、角动量守恒和能量守恒三个守恒量的物理规律,从而全面阐述了经典物理学中的时空对称性与守恒量的关系.  相似文献   

泊松(Poisson)积分公式是微积分中很重要的公式之一,并在许多领域中得到广泛应用.泊松积分公式可使所需解决的问题简单化.重点讨论泊松积分公式在经典统计物理中的应用,利用它能较为快捷地推导出经典统计物理中的重要原理之一———能量均分原理.  相似文献   

This edited volume of essays presents a countermainstream view against genetic underpinnings for cancer, behavior, and psychiatric conditions.This edited volume is a project from the Council of Responsible Genetics, a private organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, whose mission, as stated on its website, includes as one of several goals to “expose oversimplified and distorted scientific claims regarding the role of genetics in human disease, development and behavior.” This book represents such an effort. Editors Krimsky and Gruber are chair and president/executive director, respectively, of the organization and appear to have solicited contributions to the book from affiliates and other colleagues. Fewer than half of the 16 chapters are written by active laboratory scientists, however, and as a result, the book suffers from arguments clouded by imprecise use of terminology and preconceptions about genes and their functions. One might consider this book, or parts thereof, for an advanced undergraduate genetics class in which positions counter to the mainstream scientific view are presented and evaluated, and in which students are challenged to critically assess the quality of support for all arguments.The general theme of this book is to question the role of genes (and reproducible molecular mechanisms, more broadly) in cancer, behavior, psychiatric disorders, evolution, and other phenomena. One chapter promotes the tissue organization field theory (TOFT) against the somatic mutation theory of cancer. TOFT was proposed by the chapter authors in 2011 (Soto and Sonnenschein, 2011 ) but has not found traction and has garnered little attention beyond an initial refutation (Vaux, 2011 ). The authors assert that cancer is a disease of development and tissue repair primarily from environmental exposures and independent of genetic changes. Most cancer researchers agree that environmental factors can trigger cell growth but that ensuing mutations complete the picture in the genesis of malignancies. This chapter would be a good starting point from which one could assign students to explore papers cited in the Cancer Genome Atlas database, a growing resource compiling cancer genome data and subsequent validation in other systems of the effects of mutations found. In another chapter, a nonscientist author asserts that “in only a small percentage of cases are genes notable contributors to breast cancer,” implying imprecisely that only rare inherited cancer predisposition is genetic, when in fact cancer stemming from somatic mutations is also gene based. To assert that cancer stems only from environmental effects, to the exclusion of genes, overlooks the intertwining of the two arenas—radiation induces somatic mutations, for example, and estrogen mimics trigger cell division, which sets the stage for additional new mutations during DNA replication. Open in a separate windowOther sections of the book argue a lack of evidence for genetic influence on behaviors and psychiatric conditions. One chapter centers on several refuted ideas of biology and behavior (for example XYY and monoamine oxidase genotypes associated with aggression), with the intended implication that all other biological connections to behavior must be suspect. A chapter on autism accepts but downplays a partial role of genetics in the disorder, while emphasizing environmental exposures. Students exploring this topic could examine the growing literature on de novo mutations found in autism patients (Huguet et al., 2013 ), among other autism studies, to see how interlocking causes of the disorder might best explained by the available data. In the context of disorders such as schizophrenia, the book does not acknowledge or address the literature reporting genetic associations with psychiatric predispositions. In a troubling instance, a cited reference is misrepresented as refuting a genetic connection to schizophrenia; the reference in question (Collins et al., 2012 ) actually reports genome-wide association studies showing linkage of schizophrenia to particular loci (just not to the genes originally suspected). The same research group the previous month reported copy number variations associated with schizophrenia (Kirov et al., 2012 ), but this finding was not cited. Psychiatric genetics is a rich area for students to explore, and the contrarian viewpoint of the book can provide a starting point to trigger students’ delving into the literature.Genetic Explanations: Sense and Nonsense includes two chapters with assertions counter to the neo-Darwinian synthesis of evolution. One claims, fairly misleadingly, that “a growing number of evolutionary biologists … believe that macroevolution was the result of mechanisms other than natural selection.” Another states that “not genomic DNA but epigenetic environmental influences … overwhelmingly affect our health and well being.” The idea that gene regulation via environmental and epigenetic effects is somehow not reducible to genes (and that genes are therefore not central to evolution) would be an interesting subject for students to explore in the literature to see what the data actually support.This book is recommended only for use in advanced classes centered on weighing evidence and dissecting arguments in scientific controversies. The book''s countermainstream assertion of a lack of significant genetic connection to cancer, autism, schizophrenia, and other phenomena provides multiple opportunities for students to explore the scientific literature surrounding such genetic connections.  相似文献   

本文探讨了因果概念的历史并以亚里士多德的四因说为基点,探讨了因果性的几种含义。通过对科学解释结构的分析,认为近代物理学中所探索的因果关系并不包含在“四因”中。而一些科学家和哲学家宣称不得不放弃的因果律只是因果同一的决定论和日常思维中的动力因。从近代科学的兴起直到现代科学的进展,科学家一以贯之追求的是柏拉图式的因果解释。如果放弃了这种因果解释,那就等于放弃了认识自然的企图。  相似文献   

对现代物理中相对论所革新的物理基本概念--时空观、质能观和宇宙观做了简明的概述,说明更新物理观念的创新意识及其对发展创新思维方法的促进作用。  相似文献   

在现实生活中,侵权案件纷繁复杂。构成损害事实的原因多种多样,在对这些原因的认定上,一方面受到人类现实认知能力和知识水平的限制,另一方面也面临法的价值判断这一主观因素的影响。研究侵权法上的因果关系的目的在于为司法实务中对因果关系的认定提供理论帮助。  相似文献   

刑法因果关系历来是理论界争论的热点。在详细阐释了什么是刑法因果关系、刑法因果关系的研究对象以及刑法因果关系的客观性的基础上,对刑法因果关系同犯罪构成、刑法责任之间的问题作了大量论述,阐明在刑法因果关系中不存在偶然因果关系,并以马克思主义的内因与外因的辩证统一关系理论为指导,批判、继承了相关的“条件说”、“原因说”,提出在刑法因果关系中造成危害结果的原因的判定上,应坚持“刑法内、外因辩证统一”的观点。  相似文献   


Gender gaps in physics in favour of boys are more prominent in Israel than in other countries. The main research question is to find out what gender issues are at play in Israeli advanced placement physics classes. Matriculation exam scores from approximately 400 high schools were analysed across 12 years. In addition, semi-constructed interviews were conducted with 50 advanced placement physics students (25 girls and 25 boys). In terms of participation, it was found that the ratio of girls to boys has been unchanged from 1988 to 2000 and is roughly 1:3. In terms of performance, it was found that the final matriculation scores of boys and girls are similar. However, breaking up the final scores into its two components - teachers' given grades and matriculation test scores - showed that boy's test scores are usually higher than girls' test scores, while girls' teachers' given grades are usually higher than boys'. Results from semi-constructed interviews pointed to two factors that are especially unfavourable to many girls: excessive competitiveness and lack of teaching for understanding. Girls' yearning for deep understanding is seen as a form of questing for connected knowledge. It is suggested that instructional methods that foster students' understanding while decreasing competitiveness in physics classes might contribute to girls' participation and performance in advanced physics classes while also supporting the learning of many boys.  相似文献   


Efforts to ameliorate gender disparity in pursuit of science careers in the USA have focused on equalizing girls' participation in pre-college science courses and out-of-school activities. Our examination of nearly 1500 US college students at 16 universities found that gender and preparation both have an impact on success in introductory college physics courses. In terminal, algebra-based physics females perform better than their male classmates. However, in calculus based introductory college physics courses, which are prerequisite to advanced study in many fields, women do significantly worse than their male counterparts with the same background. For both genders, taking a high school course that limits coverage and concentrates more time in in-depth study is associated with better performance in college physics. We conclude that efforts to ensure the success of women entering the physical sciences should concentrate on increasing the depth and reducing the vast coverage of most high school physics courses as well as addressing the apparent bias in college courses that mark the first step in careers within scientific research and engineering.  相似文献   

论证变量的相关性不等于因果性,相关性只是因果性的必要条件之一。同时提出变量之间因果性关系成立的条件是要求自变量必须满足正交性与完备性。正交性是对自变量之间独立性而无相互依赖的要求,完备性是对自变量具有充分条件与必要条件的要求。  相似文献   

At this time big and important transformations of the social system are taking place in my country. In consequence of this process, practically all concepts, notions, traditions and criteria are changing. So Slovak society is in need of new ideas. Undoubtedly, history may become a source of such ideas. One can expect this for the history of physics in Slovakia too.  相似文献   

近似法是指在分析、处理和研究某些物理现象和问题时,忽略研究对象和问题的次要因素,突出其主要矛盾和本质特征,科学、合理地对所研究的问题进行近似处理的方法。文章研究了物理学中近似法的几种类型,并列举了近似法的应用实例。  相似文献   

Responses of close to 2000 twelfth grade biology majors in Israel were analysed with special reference to their ability to distinguish between causal and teleological explanation. Ability to make the distinction was found to be dependent on the context, namely the knowledge base of the students and the extent to which the teleological explanations resemble everyday common sense logic. Inability to distinguish between causal and teleological explanations is considered to be the reason of students misconceptions peculiar to learning of biology. Special attention of teachers to this problem in terms of opportunties provided for students to make the distinctions while studying pertinent topics is highly recommended. There are indications that the ability to distinguish between causal and teleological explanations can be acquired with relatively little effort by students who comprehend concepts and principles commonly taught in biology classes.  相似文献   

人们往往在强调票据是无因证券时,忽视了票据的无因性是有限制的,本文通过一个案例的剖析,说明了票据的无因性会受票据基础关系违反法律,行政法规规定的限制;在票据法没有规定时,适用其他及行政法规。  相似文献   

在对文化问题的诠释上,目的论诠释和因果论诠释都有缺憾,应该引进一种诠释学的诠释模式.这种模式基于伽达默尔"效果历史"的理念,不仅注重文化中的因果关联,而且把人的理解当成文化中的因果关联得以建立的必要环节和基本要素.理解的介入,打破了因果关联通常要求的那种时间上的接续关系,使得不同文化能够实现超时间的因果关联.  相似文献   

文章主要通过对高中物理新教材(司南版)和旧版教材的对比,从设计、内容、评价、课程目标等多个方 面进行比较和讨论,以期体会新教材所渗透的崭新的现代教育理念。在文章的最后,也提出了自己的一些困惑,希望能 与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

偶然因果关系理论学说能否满足实践需要,能否有效地指导司法实践处理具体的案例,特别是疑难案件?本文通过判例研究的方法.对司法实务处理偶然因果关系的判例进行研究,并对司法人员的思维过程和案件的论证说理进行实证分析。发现该学说的认定标准抽象、模糊、不规范,认定的主观性和任意性较强,从而削弱判例的说理性。从司法实践规范的立场看,采用相当因果关系说可以较好地解决因果关系的判断标准问题。  相似文献   

本文证明 ,仅从物理上的因果性原理出发 ,也能代替光速不变原理而导出整个狭义相对论。或者说因果律是光速不变原理的等价表述形式  相似文献   

How do children solve force and motion problems in computer simulations without explicit knowledge of the underlying physics? This question was addressed by saving the keystroke input of 19 sixth-grade children in computer memory as each interacted with a simulated, frictionless object using Logo turtle-graphics. The keystroke sequences were first used to determine subject performance on the gamelike features of the simulation. A second analysis used the Newtonian structure of the program to investigate alternative methods for controlling turtle velocity. Five boys and five girls were interviewed during the simulation concerning the perceived relationship between keyboard input and turtle behavior. Subjects who could clearly state some keyboard effects did not score high on either computer analysis, yet achieved the most general solutions of the computer problem. They did so by exploring turtle behavior under a greater variety of conditions than the subjects who achieved partial solutions. For the successful subjects, the turtle was related by analogy to useful information from existing conceptions of motion.  相似文献   

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