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利用公式推理和实践测量对牛顿环实验中环中心出现亮纹、环内凹、环中心出现较大暗斑的变形牛顿环进行了分析,结果表明,环中心出现亮纹、环内凹变形牛顿环对透镜曲率半径测量结果无影响,而环中心出现较大暗斑的变形牛顿环会使透镜曲率半径的测量结果偏大于真值。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在手工彩扩实验中,如何较快地确定曝光时间和校色数据的方法.  相似文献   

科学实验是科学认识的基础,没有科学实验就没有真正意义上的科学。近年来,发展心理学家对传统的研究方法作了创造性的改进,使研究对象有所扩大,研究内容有所拓展,从而对早期教育产生了更加丰富的实用价值。在儿童发展心理学中,实验法与其他方法的综合运用有着广阔的发展空间,但主流的方法依然是实验法。无论是哪一种研究方法,都必须坚持客观性原则。沉浸于后现代主义的相对主义和无政府主义思潮对科学发展和社会实践活动,包括对幼儿教育的发展是有害的。  相似文献   

中学物理课《牛顿第二定律》实验改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中学牛顿第二定律的教学是建立在用实验得出对质量相等的物体,物体的加速度跟作用在它上面的力成正比和在相同的力作用下,物体的加速度跟它的质量成反比这两个结论的基础上的,再进一步总结出牛顿第二定律及其公式。可见,作好这两个实验乃是教学成功的关键。教材中实验设计的思考方向是正确的,利用教材图5-4“研究牛顿第二定律的实验装置”,把夹子放开让两小车同时开始运动,然后把夹子又关上,让两小车同时停下来,即两小车运动的时间相等,即:t1=t2,利用:s1=12a1t21,s2=12a2t22得:ss12=aa21用比较相同时间内两小车运动的位移来求两小车加速度之…  相似文献   

虚拟仪器是现代仪器的一个主要发展方向,也是实验和教学的重要补充方式。本文基于LabVIEW设计了虚拟牛顿环实验演示仪,一方面,利用LabVIEW强大的功能模拟了牛顿环实验的光强分布图,使虚拟仪器的整个实验仿真过程动态、直观、形象,可直观地分析各参数对干涉结果的影响;另一方面,虚拟仪器的使用不受环境的限制,可为理论教学和实验教学过程所用,从而加强学生对光干涉理论的理解。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型牛顿第二定律实验装置。与传统气垫导轨实验装置相比,精度更高,操作简便,结构简单,成本大为降低。  相似文献   

Newton插值是数值分析课程的重要内容,利用Matlab语言的优势,结合对比和反思的方法,讨论了Newton插值的数值实验课的教学问题,以加深学生对Newton插值问题和算法的理解,提高应用能力,进而对Matlab环境下的数值分析实验课教学进行了探索.  相似文献   

开设创新性物理实验培养学生创新能力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了创新性物理实验,对其特点和课程设计进行了探讨,并通过教学实践给出了创新性物理实验的一般教学过程,对创新性物理实验的开展有一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The article traces briefly the history of dyes and pigments from the prehistoric times to modern times. Till the late 18th century, the colouring substances obtained from natural sources, i.e., earth, plants and animals, were used. From the middle of the 19th century, starting with Perkin’s work, synthetic dyes were being made. Much research effort went into developing an increasing number of colouring materials. Today, the range of applications the dyes enjoy is limitless.  相似文献   

Paul K. Newton 《PRIMUS》2017,27(8-9):814-826

The subject of fluid mechanics is a rich, vibrant, and rapidly developing branch of applied mathematics. Historically, it has developed hand-in-hand with the elegant subject of complex variable theory. The Westmont College NSF-sponsored workshop on the revitalization of complex variable theory in the undergraduate curriculum focused partly on identifying scientific areas where complex variables plays an active role. The author presented a lecture on this topic and here we highlight parts of that presentation and follow-up discussion.  相似文献   

针对学生在牛顿环实验中提出的问题,本文通过对实验数据处理进行分析,指出牛顿环实验数据采集和数据处理过程中选取环序数和序数差应注意事项,并指出在数据处理过程中使用绘图拟合软件Origin进行线性拟公得到曲率半径的方法是可行的.  相似文献   

在高中物理教学中,弹簧振子振动过程中的位移、回复力、加速度和速度等物理量的方向和大小的变化,以及振子的扳动原理一直是教学中的一个难点问题。传统的教学用具很难把这个问题讲清楚,如果采用计算机模拟动画辅助教学则能清楚地演示弹簧振子的振动过程,轻松地攻克这一教学难点。本丈介绍如何利用Flash MX的脚本语言制作振子的振动过程。  相似文献   

During the spring semester of 1987 a mathematician and a physicist from Oberlin College went with twenty-one undergraduates to London to use the resources of England as the basis for a course with the above title. This unusual interdisciplinary course is described, with emphasis on its experimental, experiential nature and the challenges and satisfactions which it provided.Joseph L. Snider is Professor of Physics at Oberlin College. He received his undergraduate degree in physics from Amherst College in 1956 and his Ph.D. in experimental physics from Princeton University in 1961. He has taught and done research at Harvard University and at Oberlin College. His areas of interest are solar physics, astrophysics, relativity, and the history and philosophy of science. Recently he has become interested in working to improve the teaching of physics and astronomy to pre-college students.Bruce Pollack-Johnson is Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Oberlin College, where he is responsible for the operations research program. He received a B.A. in sociology with a minor in education from Brandeis University in 1975, an M.A. in mathematics from Temple University in 1979, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in operations research from the University of Pennsylvania in 1980 and 1983, respectively. He has published in the areas of human resource modeling, forecasting, educational planning, simulation, and project management, and his current research includes project scheduling and conflict resolution. He has helped develop new courses for liberal arts students on introductory computer science and educational philosophy, as well as the course described in this article, and is also Co-Director of the Lorain County Peace Education Project.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of complex systems research for educational psychologists. We outline a philosophically and theoretically sourced definition of complex systems research organized around complex, dynamic, and emergent ontological characteristics that is useful and appropriate for educational psychology. A complex systems approach is positioned as a means to align underexplored elements of existing theory with appropriate interaction dominant theoretical models, research methods, and equation-based analytic techniques. We conclude with a brief discussion of several foundational topics for complex systems research in educational psychology.  相似文献   

Traditionally, Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) has focused on instructional methods to decrease extraneous cognitive load so that available cognitive resources can be fully devoted to learning. This article strengthens the cognitive base of CLT by linking cognitive processes to the processes used by biological evolution. The article discusses recent developments in CLT related to the current view in instructional design that real-life tasks should be the driving force for complex learning. First, the complexity, or intrinsic cognitive load, of such tasks is often high so that new methods are needed to manage cognitive load. Second, complex learning is a lengthy process requiring learners motivational states and levels of expertise development to be taken into account. Third, this perspective requires more advanced methods to measure expertise and cognitive load so that instruction can be flexibly adapted to individual learners needs. Experimental studies are reviewed to illustrate these recent developments. Guidelines for future research are provided.  相似文献   

课程论的"大"字情结先后经历了从教学论析出独立,与教学论齐头并置,试图涵盖教学并与教育同义三个历史发展阶段。其立论基础是教学观中的生本说,生本说中的学习论,学习论中的材料学,进而以广义材料学来自我证成并逻辑自洽。这一立论基础不仅致使其在理论认知上存在多因化约一因、静态涵盖动态、主动演化被动等问题,也致使其在实践上导致教师能动性降低,教材结构性削弱,学生学习混乱性加剧,学科发展无序性增强等问题。为此,应当再度审视作为活动的教学与作为学科的教学论的本份与职责坚守,重申教学活动构成的教师、学生、课程三个基本要素,共立教学语义构成的教、学两维界定,析明教学论学科构成的教导论、承习论、课程论三类研究,并将课程锁定在静态层面、将教师锁定在动态层面、将学生锁定在动静交构的双向互动层面。  相似文献   

笔者通过考察9所开设化学教学论实验课程的高校,针对课程实施中普遍存在的问题提出如下改革:强化基本实验技能训练、重视实验教学能力培养、加强信息素养教育、注重实验安全教育、引进“数字化实验”。  相似文献   

介绍了机械原理虚拟实验系统的开发和应用;实践表明,该实验系统对激发学生的学习兴趣、优化教学过程以及提高实验课的教学质量都产生了积极的作用。  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,"新教育实验"总的目标是努力成为中国素质教育的一面旗帜,全力打造一个根植于本土的"新教育学派".具体来说,该项实验未来五年将在基础理论与实践模式两个方面作进一步的研究和探索,即以"全面发展学说"、"行动论"为哲学基础,以"潜力论"、"状态论"、"个性论"为心理学基础,以"和谐论"与"崇高论"为伦理学基础,不断强化实验项目的学理性研究,逐渐形成系列的可操作的实验主题、实验内容和实验方法,打造素质教育的经典个案,进一步促进素质教育思想的行动化、具体化和大众化.  相似文献   

哥本哈根学派复合安全理论的修正和演进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高峻 《教学与研究》2005,5(10):89-96
以巴瑞.布赞和奥利.维夫为代表的欧洲安全研究———哥本哈根学派是活跃在国际安全研究领域的一支重要力量,他们由于提出了著名的“复合安全理论”而成为近些年欧洲安全研究领域中最为显赫的流派。本文首先将简要介绍“复合安全理论”提出的背景和理论演进过程;其后分析“古典复合安全理论”、“超越古典复合安全理论”以及后来的“地区复合安全理论”的内容和特点,以试图勾勒出其较完整的理论框架;文章的最后部分将对“复合安全理论”进行评论与分析。  相似文献   

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