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Sap flow and environmental conditions were monitored at two Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla S.T.Blake)plantations at Hetou and Jijia, located in Leizhou, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province. It was found that daily sap flux density (SFD) of Eucalyptus was closely related to daily atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (R2=0.76, P=0.01 at Hetou and R2=0.7021, P=0.01 at Jijia) at both sites. No significant relationship existed between daily SFD and mean daily air temperature at both sites. Daily SFD varied with wind speed Y=-17585X3 15147X2-1250.7X 2278.4 (R2=0.68; P=0.01) at Hetou and Y=-101.67X3-1.65X2-376.4X 1914.8 (R2=0.40, P=0.05) at Jijia, where Ywas daily SFD, Xwas daily wind speed.Experimental observations yielded the following data: (1) the critical lower and upper daily VPD threshold were 0 and 2 kPa,slightly lower under high relative humidity (>80%) compared with those at the Jijia site; (3) The upper and lower threshold  相似文献   

Sap flow and environmental conditions were monitored at two Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake) plantations at Hetou and Jijia, located in Leizhou, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province. It was found that daily sap flux density (SFD) of Eucalyptus was closely related to daily atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (R 2=0.76, P=0.01 at Hetou and R 2=0.7021, P=0.01 at Jijia) at both sites. No significant relationship existed between daily SFD and mean daily air temperature at both sites. Daily SFD varied with wind speed Y=−17585X 3+15147X 2−1250.7X+2278.4 (R 2=0.68; P=0.01) at Hetou and Y=−101.67X 3−1.65X 2−376.4X+1914.8 (R 2=0.40, P=0.05) at Jijia, where Y was daily SFD, X was daily wind speed. Experimental observations yielded the following data: (1) the critical lower and upper daily VPD threshold were 0 and 2 kPa, within which daily SFD varied from 540±70 L/(m2·d) to 4739±115 L/(m2·d) at Hetou site, from 397±26 L/(m2·d) to 3414±191 L/(m2·d) at Jijia site; (2) Diurnal SFDs at Hetou site were much higher under low relative humidity (<30%) and slightly lower under high relative humidity (>80%) compared with those at the Jijia site; (3) The upper and lower threshold of daily and diurnal RAD for the optimal water use of E. urophylla plantations were 18±2.7 and 2±1 MJ/(m2·d), 669 and 0 J/(cm2·h) during the observation period. Project supported by Knowledge Innovation Funds from Chinese Academy of Sciences (Nos. KSCX2-SW-120, KZCX1-SW-01-01A3) and the Key Project of Guangdong Natural Science Foundation (No. 010567), China  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Fish behavior under culture conditions holds important information for aquaculturist (McFarlane et al., 2004; Kristiansen et al., 2004). Most physiological,environmental changes and handling process can in-duce variations in fish behavior (Israeli and Kimmel, 1996; Israeli-Weinstein and Kimmel, 1998; Petrell and Ang, 2001; Almazán-Rueda et al., 2004). Meth-ods of monitoring and quantifying the behavioral re-sponse have become potential alternatives for assess-ing stress…  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of a tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) school to low (0.13 mg/L), moderate (0.79 mg/L) and high (2.65 mg/L) levels of unionized ammonia (UIA) concentration were monitored using a computer vision system. The swimming activity and geometrical parameters such as location of the gravity center and distribution of the fish school were calculated continuously. These behavioral parameters of tilapia school responded sensitively to moderate and high UIA concentration. Under high UIA concentration the fish activity showed a significant increase (P<0.05), exhibiting an avoidance reaction to high ammonia condition, and then decreased gradually. Under moderate and high UIA concentration the school's vertical location had significantly large fluctuation (P<0.05) with the school moving up to the water surface then down to the bottom of the aquarium alternately and tending to crowd together. After several hours' exposure to high UIA level, the school finally stayed at the aquarium bottom. These observations indicate that alterations in fish behavior under acute stress can provide important information useful in predicting the stress. Project (Nos. 2001AA620104 and 2003AA603140) supported by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (863) of China  相似文献   

生态文明是人、自然、社会和谐发展的伦理形态,是人类社会持续发展的动力和目标。环境竞争力成为人类社会竞争的一个新兴领域,是人类迈向更高发展阶段的重要问题,已日益成为全球共同关注的焦点。本文通过对环境与竞争力关系的理论分析,阐述环境竞争力的内部构成和主要特征,并在进一步分析提升环境竞争力对生态文明建设重要意义的基础上,提出加快提升中国环境竞争力的路径选择,为推进生态文明建设提供更为全面而丰富的理论依据。  相似文献   

As we enter the sixth great mass extinction event, an event that points to humanity’s exploitative attitude towards nature, posthumanist ethics offers a different way of engaging with the world, a way which has clear and extensive implications for the way environmental education is taught in South African schools. However, given the official curriculum and assessment practices currently in use in South Africa, can a posthumanist approach to environmental education actually work within the current educational framework of discrete discipline/subject areas and specializations? The paper diffractively engages with the Department of Basic Education National Curriculum Statement: Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement: Foundation Phase Grades R-3: Life Skills for South Africa (the phase where environmental education is most likely to take place), and superpositions this text with a research study on environmental education undertaken in Canada and key posthumanist notions as they relate to environmental education. The paper concludes with a section on the implications for teachers, teacher development, and teacher training programs (not solely in South Africa) of using such an approach in the teaching of environmental studies.  相似文献   

Ten studied steels including different carbon content, silicon content, and manganese content were deformed in compression over a temperature range of 600 C to 1 000 C at the strain rate of 1 s1. The curves of the mean flow stress-deformation temperature were drawn up. The mean flow stresses of higher carbon content steels decreased continuously as the applied deformation temperature increased in the whole temperature range, while the mean flow stress of lowest carbon steel displayed an abrupt drop near the two phases region. The reason for the abrupt drop phenomena was explained as the result of phase transformation. The mean flow stresses of steels with high silicon content and low manganese content also have this phenomena.  相似文献   

Invasion and control of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) was first introduced from South America into China as a good fodder plant in 1901, and had become a serious en- vironmental problem in China by the early 21st cen- tury (Ding et al., 2001). Of the total loss of USD 7 billion brought about by foreign weed species in China, water hyacinth occupies the major proportion. The large coverage of this weed on water would re- duce sunlight penetration and lower oxygen content in water, which ha…  相似文献   


The WaterCircle (WC) project was implemented in a school, with young adolescents, to address environmental problems. Framed in a participatory research (PR) approach, this school-and-community based intervention includes the use of online tools through which environmental problems in the community are discussed within and by a group of students. Using a quasi-experimental design, with intervention and control groups, the present study involved 361 young adolescents, in grades 7 to 9, from a public school in the northern region of Portugal. Mixed methods were used for data collection and analysis, namely based on questionnaires administered in the pre- and post-test moments, as well as on students’ discourses produced in the classroom during planned activities. Statistically significant changes on self-efficacy were found for the experimental group, suggesting that the intervention program has the potential to raise young people’s empowerment regarding environmental issues. The WC program seems to foster students’ awareness of the socio-political dimensions of environmental problems, since they were able to identify different actors in the community who should be involved in the proposed solutions. Longer-term intervention is required to foster the impact of the PR on the students’ experience.  相似文献   

Environmental education imparts knowledge and creates experience to change beliefs, attitudes – and most importantly – behavior. What are the deep motivators of human behavior? Theory and research suggest that feeling connected to someone or something motivates protective and self-sacrificing behavior. This paper reviews the large body of research demonstrating that connectedness to nature is an important predictor of environmentally responsible behavior. We review past research on self-reported behavior, then summarize new research from our lab that demonstrates a link between connectedness to nature and actual conservation behavior (electricity use). We conclude that promoting connectedness to nature should be a goal for environmental education programs, and should therefore be an important part of any assessment.  相似文献   

文章利用传世史料和敦煌文书,通过研究《净心诫观法》中的一些问题,来证明道宣思想中从西北到东南的佛学传统。道宣生活在隋唐之际,目睹了全国一统之后佛教文化和社会的种种变化,对于南北朝长期南北分裂所产生的佛教传统的不同也深有体会,所以这种政治分裂导致的佛教传统南北地域之分在道宣的佛学思想中也有所彰显,文章利用梳理道宣佛教思想之渊源,分析了道宣作品中反映出来的佛教传统之地域性。  相似文献   


This article discusses the scientific research work on environmental education presented during the last decade in three Brazilian conferences: the meetings of the National Association of Graduate Research on Education (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação, ANPEd), the National Association of Graduate Research on Environment and Society (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ambiente e Sociedade, ANPPAS), and the Environmental Education Research Meetings (Encontros de Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental, EPEA). It analyzes the authors, institutions, and regions whence the studies came from, as well as their main research subjects. Our findings indicate the prevalence of women in all academic degree segments; of PhD holders and candidates; of professors in public higher education institutions located in the Brazilian Southwest and South regions; and of environmental education in formal teaching as the main subject in all three conferences. Based on these results, we discuss how this body of research relates to the development of Brazilian academic and educational policies, and indicate some of the challenges involved in building a research tradition in this field, in close dialogue with the arduous political and pedagogical path of environmental education in Brazilian schools.  相似文献   

对南水北调中线工程实施后,南阳灌区农业土地利用问题进行分析,对如何合理利用日益短缺的土地资源,实现农业可持续发展作了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

南水北调中线工程与南阳市水资源可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了南水北调中线工程概部及南阳市水资源开发利用现状,分析了工程对南阳市水资源与水环境的影响,在此基础上提出了我市水资源开发利用战略。  相似文献   

甘南藏族自治州是甘肃重要林区,森林资源极为丰富,由于历史上的多次破坏,森林覆盖率逐年下降。民国时期是甘南森林破坏最为严重的一个时期,主要是由于木材交易业的兴起、人口增加、森林火灾等原因导致的。对此,民国初期甘南地区的各级政府采取了多项保护措施,收效颇大,给今天此区的森林保护提供了一些经验。  相似文献   

首先,设计了一种水环多联式集成空调(WLVRF)系统.该系统节能环保,是多联机、水环路和空气源热泵的集成产物,适用于北方大型建筑中.其中,水环路替代制冷剂管路承担了建筑各区域间能量转移的任务,从而减小了单台多联机的规模,提高了机组效率.然后,应用现有的制冷剂和建筑负荷模型,以DATAFIT和MATLAB软件为工具,建立了该系统中各主要组成设备及其他组件的集总参数法数学模型,并模拟了系统性能.通过市场调查,计算出系统的初始投资和运行费.最后,将WLVRF系统和传统多联机(VRF)系统进行比较,结果显示WLVRF系统具有更优良的运行工况,运行费用更低.  相似文献   

西江流域有机氯农药含量组成特征及年通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用固相萃取和气相色谱法对西江(珠江的主干)进行了为期1a的水相和颗粒相中17种有机氯农药(OCPs)测定。结果表明,水相OCPs的含量范围在2.28~10.21ng/L之间,颗粒物是OCPs的含量变化在20.29-58.74ng/g之间,经过分析得出西江水体中,有机氯农药主要以水相为主,颗粒物中农药所占比例远小于水相中。就OCPs来讲,研究区水质符合国家I类水标准。其来源方面地表径流对此有很大的贡献。西江中六六六类、DDT类和总OCPs的年通量为272.3,164.6,1245.3kg。  相似文献   

分析了南水北调中线工程库区移民的特点、水源工程对库区环境的特殊要求,论述了该工程库区各移民安置方式的利与弊,并据此提出了南水北调中线工程库区移民安置应以远距离农业安置为主,疏散安插县内农村及投靠亲友和人力资源非农化转移安置为辅的方针,同时提出了几点政策建议。  相似文献   

Environmental Citizen Science (CS) initiatives have been largely embraced in K-12 education, as they are often hypothesized to improve students' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours to act as “environmental citizens” according to the notion of Environmental Citizenship (EC). However, the potential of environmental CS initiatives to promote Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) has not been systematically explored. At the same time, environmental CS initiatives for educational purposes are highly heterogenous and learning is enacted in diverse ways, according to the participatory and the pedagogical components underpinning each initiative. To address the complexity of the field, this review study adopts the PRISMA methodology to synthesize thirty-four empirical studies (n = 34) retrieved from a systematic review of the literature covering the last two decades (2000–2020). The reviewed environmental CS initiatives were subjected to a content analysis to identify their impact on students' EC (e.g., EC competences, actions, outcomes), as well as to unveil the CS initiatives' constitutional components in terms of (a) Participation (e.g., types of students' contributions, level of data collection, frequency of students' participation, modes of student engagement, forms of students’ involvement), and (b) Pedagogy (e.g., learning goals, educational contexts, learning mechanisms, EEC pedagogy). Our analysis shed light to the three territories (Participation, Pedagogy, Environmental Citizenship) underpinning the reviewed CS initiatives as well as to their interrelations. We reflect on these findings, and we provide directions for future research to guide the development of more successful environmental CS initiatives in K-12 education, serving as a vehicle for EC.  相似文献   

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