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This essay examines the current state of rhetoric of health and medicine as a subfield strongly dependent on interdisciplinary contributions. While some of the field's research comes from scholars trained in rhetorical history and theory, much of it consists of “rhetorical” commentary by nonrhetoricians in disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, and cultural criticism. The author examines questions of the relation of rhetorical research to discourse research in other fields, and considers what might count, especially in graduate student training, as rhetorical study of health and medicine.  相似文献   

Medical rhetoric has long been characterized by a focus on disease and on the physician as healer. Now, in the era of managed health care, patients are increasingly being viewed as agents in the management of their own chronic diseases. This article examines the concept of patient agency from a rhetorical perspective in lay and professional medical discourse relating to diabetes care. Kenneth Burke's dramatistic pentad is used as a tool to help uncover and analyze sites where values appear ambiguous. This study shows that patient agency is closely related to patient compliance in the language of biomedicine. The terms “compliance” and “adherence” operate as terrninistic screens in professional discourse and serve to limit discussion of patient agency. In managed health care, tension is evident between the trend toward greater patient agency and the constraints of biomedical text conventions concerning doctor and patient roles.  相似文献   

This article employs aspects of Jurgen Habermas's theory of communicative action and his concept of a lifeworld, alongside composition theory's use of community, to examine the effectiveness of guilt as a rhetorical strategy in two national environmental publications. It finds that, ultimately, for long-term cdmmunicative action to occur, environmental groups should not rely on guilt as a rhetorical strategy because outside their “discourse communities”, it will not lead to “dialogue, deliberation, and consensus-building.”  相似文献   

职业教育课程的学科话语与实践话语   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
20世纪90年代以来,我国职业教育课程的学科话语与实践话语的争论经历了从“数量”到“逻辑”两个阶段。尽管在学术领域实践话语占据了主导,在实践领域却是学科话语占据着主体。目前,我国职业教育课程正处于从传统的以学科课程为主体的课程模式,转向以项目课程或任务引领型课程为主体的课程模式阶段。职业教育课程从学科话语到实践话语的转换,实际上意味着思考课程问题的思维方式的转换。职业教育课程设计应当充分考虑学生的学习特点,打破从理论到实践的机械课程设计思路,转向让学生在工作实践的基础上,通过自我反思来建构理论知识。  相似文献   

职业教育学的学科发展,是职业教育基本理论的核心问题之一,职业教育学“学科”的“身份”问题研究,则是厘清职业教育本质内涵的“一把钥匙”和与其他学科对话的“话语资本”。前者的研究,不仅关系到职业教育学的体系构建,而且关系到职业教育学的自我意识与自觉行动,关系到职业教育学发展动力的探寻,关系到职业教育学发展趋向的把握;后者的研究首先涉及到学科的地位与角色,其次影响到学科研究工作者和职业教育工作者的“学科的自觉意识”与“学术共同体”的建立,最后关系到学科发展的质量与方向。  相似文献   

The prominence afforded to literacy in the Irish Primary School Curriculum has received considerable attention in recent years, spurred by Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings, governmental priorities, public commentary and academic debate. At times, this discourse has presented literacy as a separate and distinct entity to the other areas of the curriculum, including the arts, social and scientific education. The current paper proposes a more integrated view of literacy’s role in the curriculum. Recent research on the teaching of literacy in the content areas has emphasised the potential of a disciplinary approach, which embraces the key skills, dispositions and forms of knowledge connected with reading, writing, speaking and listening in different disciplines. This paper examines some of the key features of disciplinary literacy, including its underpinning rationale and learning implications. It also highlights the potential for a disciplinary literacy lens in the review of the Primary School Curriculum, as well as associated opportunities and challenges.  相似文献   

理工科优势大学的学科发展有其历史渊源,遵循了知识和学科演进的基本规律。学科变革促使理工科优势大学必须及时调整学科方向和教育内涵。学科建设因而被大学教育改革所重视,成为影响理工科优势大学教育发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

The twelve-year long battle over the relicensure of the Kingsley Dam in western Nebraska is a representative anecdote of environmental regulation. Typical of regulatory discourse, the metaphor of “balance” determined the available fopoi. We argue that “balance” procedurally diminishes the public, cloaks the subjectivity of decision making, and reduces the reasonable rhetor to the role of umpire. Finally, we explore rhetorical strategies for undermining the appeal to “balance.”  相似文献   

构建"大采矿"学科体系培养优秀能源科技人才   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国矿业大学在近年来的改革发展中保持了固有的学科传统,构建了“大采矿”学科体系。实践证明,“大采矿”学科体系在形成和发展过程中有效地促进了学科的融合与交叉,促进了学校管理体制的创新,突出了学生创新精神、工程实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育综合改革的深入,大学学科建设环境发生了重大改变。"双一流"战略的实施,国家重点学科评审取消,省级统筹权扩大,学位授权审核权力下放等改革措施的推进,使得大学学科建设面临着老困难和新挑战并存的复杂局面。在新的形势下,大学学科建设应该从多方面推进:扩大省级统筹权,推进管办评分离;转变学科建设理念;回归学科建设本质;立足学校实际、突出特色。  相似文献   

当代西方修辞学科建设近三十多年来步履蹒跚 ,未能取得人们一度预期的重大突破。造成这一状况的原因固然很多 ,西方修辞学界将目光局限于学术话语内部 ,仅期望通过和其它学科的互动确立自己的学科地位 ,则无疑是其中的一个关键因素。修辞研究是西方人文和社会科学中和实践的关系特别密切的一个部门。修辞学科的中心任务是对发生于当代西方社会、文化、政治生活中的各种修辞实践高屋建瓴地作出富有阐释和指导意义的理论表述。如果忽略了这一根本任务 ,西方修辞学科将难以摆脱被边缘化的命运 ,更不用说将自己发展为一门当代显学。  相似文献   

A number of international students, predominately from Asian countries, are present in universities in the UK, United States, and Australia. There is little research exploring their experiences as they negotiate the disciplinary requirements of their courses. This paper investigates students' agency as they write their first assignment for their Master's of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages course and the academics who teach them. Talk around texts and the positioning theory are used to analyse the data. It is argued that the students demonstrate strategic agency, which allows them to better understand the academic requirements of their disciplines. The analysis reveals the complexities involved in international students' adaptation to disciplinary discourse and the implications for teaching and learning in higher education.  相似文献   

中国教育学学科危机探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究教育学的学科危机,可以把教育学置于与其他学科的“关系”中,寻找教育学在研究方法、指导思想、范式、领域、知识、价值取向、话语方式、思维方式,以及研究者学术信仰、学术能力等方面的危机表现。当前的中国教育学学科危机是一种综合的、整体的危机,应该放在“教育学与教育实践”的关系中进一步加以认识和考察。在社会转型的大背景下,这种危机更直接地表现为对于教育实践的功能性危机。  相似文献   

In this theoretical article we use an interpretative study with physics undergraduates to exemplify a proposed characterization of student learning in university science in terms of fluency in disciplinary discourse. Drawing on ideas from a number of different sources in the literature, we characterize what we call “disciplinary discourse” as the complex of representations, tools and activities of a discipline, describing how it can be seen as being made up of various “modes”. For university science, examples of these modes are: spoken and written language, mathematics, gesture, images (including pictures, graphs and diagrams), tools (such as experimental apparatus and measurement equipment), and activities (such as ways of working—both practice and praxis, analytical routines, actions, etc.). Using physics as an illustrative example, we discuss the relationship between the ways of knowing that constitute a discipline and the modes of disciplinary discourse used to represent this knowing. The data comes from stimulated recall interviews where physics undergraduates discuss their learning experiences during lectures. These interviews are used to anecdotally illustrate our proposed characterization of learning and its associated theoretical constructs. Students describe a repetitive practice aspect to their learning, which we suggest is necessary for achieving fluency in the various modes of disciplinary discourse. Here we found instances of discourse imitation, where students are seemingly fluent in one or more modes of disciplinary discourse without having related this to a teacher‐intended disciplinary way of knowing. The examples lead to the suggestion that fluency in a critical constellation of modes of disciplinary discourse may be a necessary (though not always sufficient) condition for gaining meaningful holistic access to disciplinary ways of knowing. One implication is that in order to be effective, science teachers need to know which modes are critical for an understanding of the material they wish to teach. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 27–49, 2009  相似文献   

库恩的以范式发展水平为区分的学科分类、比格兰的以认知为基础的分类方法和比彻的强调文化性、社会性的学科分类对学科分层产生了重要影响。在它们的影响下,范式发展水平成为现代学科分层的公认指标,硬、应用学科的学科地位普遍高于软、纯学科,学科的会聚程度决定其学术地位。因此,弱势学科应努力提高学科的范式发展水平,提升合法化程度,突出学科文化特点,体现学科独特性。  相似文献   

Reflection is not a new concept in the teaching of higher education and is often an important component of many disciplinary courses. Despite this, past research shows that while there are examples of rich reflective strategies used in some areas of higher education, most approaches to, and conceptualisations of, reflective learning and assessment have been perfunctory and inconsistent. In many disciplinary areas, reflection is often assessed as a written activity ‘tagged onto’ assessment practices. In creative disciplines, however, reflective practice is an integral and cumulative form of learning and is often expressed in ways other than in the written form. This paper will present three case studies of reflective practice in the area of Creative Industries in higher education – Dance, Fashion and Music. It will discuss the ways in which higher education teachers and students use multimodal approaches to expressing knowledge and reflective practice in such a context. The paper will argue that unless students are encouraged to participate in deep reflective disciplinary discourse via multi-modes then reflection will remain superficial in the higher education context.  相似文献   

学科产生伴随着知识分化,学科地位的高低又与知识分层密不可分,故知识与学科之间存在着唇齿相依的关系。从知识的角度来看,一种知识能不能成为一门学科,涉及到该科知识有没有分化并在大学得以建制,而一门学科的地位如何,涉及到该种知识的权力大小问题。从教育学知识及其学科权力的形成来看,教育学要真正突显其学科价值,就应以开放的态度迎接各学科知识的融合,积极投身于大学科系统之中,为社会发展贡献自己的力量。探讨教育学的形成以及教育学学科地位的形成,相较于就教育学谈教育学学科地位来说,更能说明教育学的学科地位及其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

对修辞情景的正确认识与否,直接决定了话语的效果.因此,修辞情景成为西方修辞学最重要的概念之一.然而,各方对这一概念的理解却不无争议.为了理清这些争议,本文在西方修辞提供的框架内,对这一概念做重新审视.文章首先指出传统情景现存在的问题,然后通过对比分析国内外的相关研究,得出“修辞情景是修辞者基于事实的话语构筑,是一个开放、动态的范畴”这一结论.  相似文献   

我国职业教育学科建设:使命与方略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国职业教育学科建设在学科体系、学科梯队、学科成果、学科平台及学科反思方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。今后的主要任务是:谋划学科布局,明确主攻方向,构建学科体系,完善规训制度,创建研究学派。其建设策略是:着眼价值学科,丰满学科事实;着重应用研究,催生学科理论;着力人才培养,彰显学科功能;着实合作研究,打造学科精品;着手学科整合,构建学科文化。  相似文献   

与研究型大学相比,应用型高校起步晚、底子薄、基础差,实力较弱,应用型本科高校的学科建设存在管理者思维局限与学校可持续发展之间的矛盾、人才瓶颈与学科建设需求之间的矛盾、学科与专业“建设领域”之间的矛盾。为加强应用型本科高校学科建设,高校需充分认识应用型本科高校学科建设的重要性、做好应用型本科高校学科建设的定位、推动应用型本科高校学科专业一体化建设、构建应用学科话语体系与文化体系。  相似文献   

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