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刘明清 《文教资料》2011,(29):149-150
本文论述了支持系统成为IEP计划书组成部分的必要性.并结合一自闭症个案探讨了其可能的呈现方式.在此同时特别强调了保持系统支持的重要性,希望能引起广大特教工作者的重视。  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查法和访谈法,对10省市部分公立特殊学校和私立教育机构的自闭症儿童教师进行了调查,结果显示在对自闭症儿童进行教育干预时所采用的策略有以下倾向:教育以隔离干预为主,融合教育是目标而不是手段;认同对儿童进行科学评估,但实际操作较初级、简单;为儿童制定IEP,但操作中不乏随意性;赞同儿童能力均衡发展,不乏知识化...  相似文献   

从补偿缺陷的角度,对一例重度自闭症儿童进行了为期一学期的康复训练。通过分析此个案的康复训练过程,探讨对自闭症儿童进行康复训练的可行性方法,以期为此类儿童的教育与康复提出有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

在回顾感觉统合训练在自闭症康复中的作用的相关研究的基础上,以华北地区中小型自闭症教育和康复机构的5名感统训练师为个案,从教师在教学过程中占主导性的视角出发,研究该机构中感统训练师教学现状及影响其教学效果的因素,针对该机构感统训练师的发展与培养提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

音乐治疗在对自闭症儿童康复的应用中有非常好的效果,被世界各国研究自闭症儿童康复的专家关注.本研究就音乐治疗对自闭症儿童中有情绪障碍的儿童进行个案实践和研究,对音乐在有情绪问题的自闭症儿童中的应用与效果提出一些参考建议.  相似文献   

近年来,在对自闭症儿童进行干预和治疗的康复教育过程中,自闭症儿童暴露出很多心理健康方面的问题。在总结以往研究的基础上,分析了目前我国自闭症儿童康复教育存在的不足,主要包括忽视心理潜能挖掘、融合教育有待提高、社会支持不够等。同时梳理了影响自闭症儿童心理健康的主要因素,并从两方面对学校、家庭、社会三个主体提出了相应的教育举措,为自闭症儿童的康复教育提供思路和建议。  相似文献   

亚斯伯格症是神经发展障碍的一种,本文对亚斯伯格症的特征做了简单的叙述,辨析了亚斯伯格症与高功能自闭症的异同,并通过几个个案探讨亚斯伯格症儿童的教育康复策略.  相似文献   

随着自闭症儿童的不断增多,自闭症已经成为医学、教育等各界的棘手问题。自闭症的成因目前尚不能确定,自闭症儿童在我国的生活现状以及康复问题也成为社会不可忽视的重要问题。作为康复教育人员,面对自闭症儿童原生家庭认知薄弱、康复技术人才匮乏、机构管理不健全等众多困境,如何做好自闭症儿童的康复管理、走出康复困境是当前探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   

通过教育观察发现,自闭症学生的学校教育康复成效若得不到家庭教育康复的巩固和强化,其康复效果则收效甚微。通过家长问卷与访谈了解到,部分自闭症学生家长的家庭教育康复意识薄弱,自闭症教育康复知识匮乏,康复方法单一。因此,对自闭症学生家长的家庭教育康复方法指导势在必行。  相似文献   

针对轻度自闭症青春期学生的直接攻击行为问题,进行个案研究。在分析直接攻击行为产生的原因基础上,制定了以稳定情绪、矫正直接攻击行为为目标的个别化训练方案,采取教育康复、家庭康复、职业康复的综合措施。历时近一年半的研究与实践,实现了青春期自闭症学生直接攻击行为的有效矫正。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to examine the short‐term and long‐term effects of a curriculum‐based anti‐bullying intervention program on students' attitudes towards bullying, intentions to intervene in bully–victim problems, perceived efficacy of intervening and actual intervening behavior. The intervention program was applied in primary schools and was implemented by trained teachers within the classroom context. The sample consisted of 454 pupils drawn from fourth to sixth grade classrooms of 10 primary schools in central Greece. A quasi‐experimental pre‐test/post‐test design was used. The findings indicate positive short‐term program outcomes concerning students' attitudes towards bullies and victims, perceived efficacy of intervening in bully–victim incidents and actual rates of intervening behavior. However, the magnitude of the program effects was quite small, since the positive short‐term outcomes were not sustained in the long‐term (post‐test two measures). The results of the study also indicated clear time effects for attitudes towards bullies and victims, self‐efficacy of intervening and intention, as well as actual intervening behavior. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for anti‐bullying interventions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a project that incorporated mathematical modelling within a pre-university subject at a secondary college. The program emphasised modelling rather than models and extended over two years. A qualitative methodology was used to evaluate the program with information collected in a variety of forms including student written reports, oral interviews, video reports, diaries, questionnaire data, as well as informal observation. The program was evaluated in terms of five criteria derived from the stated aims. Erom the synthesis and triangulation of the data it was inferred that the program aims were achieved to an encouraging degree. The paper describes and illustrates key aspects of the program and its evaluation.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze whether subsidies provided by the Indonesian conditional cash transfer against child labor program (Program Keluarga Harapan: PKH) were sufficient for children to stop working and go back to schooling. Ex-post evaluations of the program found that it did not improve children’s enrollment rate and reduce child labor significantly. To search out reasons, this study analyzed the financial returns, on the short-, medium-, and long-term bases, of the children who attend school by participating in the program, in comparison with those children who did not attend school. The data for the analysis were obtained from the Indonesia Family Life Survey data from the RAND Corporation and Indonesian government statistical data. The results demonstrated that the financial returns to children joining PKH to attend primary school were lower than those of their non-participating counterpart in the short and medium terms. Only in the long term, the financial returns to most program participants were greater than those of non-participating counterparts. The subsidy was too low and short to make children attend school, driving children to workplaces. Therefore, this study recommends that the government extend the subsidy period and sensitize poor family parents, or reduce their burden of educational expenditures by awarding them scholarships for their children’s education, or combine both policy actions.  相似文献   

建立天津电大海燕数字化学习中心旨在探索大型工业园区外来务工人员数字化学习模式。在天津滨海新区海燕公寓住宿的外来务工人员,有较大的学习需求和较好的文化基础,基本认同现代远程开放教育的学习模式,有一定的学习时间、支付能力和必备的学习技能,具备参加天津电大海燕数字化学习中心学习的基本条件。中心根据调查结果设计首期资源配置和运营管理方案。  相似文献   

本文在对我校海外交流模式的持续探索基础上,提出了以学历项目、短期交流项目、寒(暑)期项目和实习类项目为主的本科生海外学习、实习渠道。最后,通过多年实践和探索,提出了以海外实习项目为核心的项目管理模式,并以学分认定类项目为例,分析了本科生海外交流模式和效果。  相似文献   

以连云港化工企业为背景,构建了化工专业校外课堂、生产性实训一体化校企合作模式,并对其保障机制进行了研究。在教育实践中,对人才培养方案进行了重新优化,对课程进行了改革与整合。为了提高学生解决问题的能力,对创新能力培养方案进行了设计。2008级应用化工专业学生为期半年的课堂、生产实训一体化教学,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

为改善印度小学生营养不良状况,印度中央政府于2001年启动了全国范围内的小学免费午餐计划。其目的在于通过改善儿童营养状况及提高入学率和减少辍学率,促进男女平等和社会平等。这一计划因其管理科学、经费来源及分担有强大的财政保障、定期进行检查与评价,取得了良好的执行效果。印度的这些措施对我国解决中小学生营养不良的问题有一定启示。  相似文献   

This study used a phenomenological approach to investigate the recollections of participants of an environmental education (EE) residential program. Ten students who participated in a residential EE program in the fall of 2001 were interviewed in the fall of 2002. Three major themes relating to the participants’ long‐term memory of the residential EE program were identified: (a) recollections were highly influenced by actions taken by the students; (b) program content/subject matter was retained by all of the students to varying degrees; and (c) emotional reactions to the experience were present. The results seem to support the notion that active experiences have an important role in episodic recall. Results also suggest semantic memory was achieved. The authors offer a potential model of learning for residential EE programs that is structured on episodic/semantic memory systems and is reflective of the results of this study as well as current research in cognitive sciences.  相似文献   

The present study reports the short‐ and long‐term effects of an anti‐bullying intervention program based on a particular set of curricular activities that aimed to create classroom opportunities for awareness raising, self‐reflection, and problem‐solving situations relevant to bullying. The core of the intervention was a four‐week period during which a series of activities were organised in each individual class. An experimental pre‐test/post‐test design with a control group was used. The sample consisted of 454 pupils (206 control: 123 boys and 83 girls; and 248 experimental: 126 boys and 122 girls) drawn from the fourth‐ to sixth‐grade classrooms of 10 primary schools in central Greece (mean age = 10.23, SD = .84). Data were collected using self‐report measures, before the intervention (December 2003), immediately after the intervention, at the end of the same school year (May 2004), and six months afterwards (November 2004). The results indicated that the program contributed to a positive reduction in outsider behaviour (children remaining uninvolved and thus silently allowing bullying to continue) and enhanced students’ self‐efficacy beliefs for both assertion and intervening in bully/victim incidents. However, the long‐term effectiveness of the program was limited. These findings have important implications for interventions to tackle the negative effects associated with bullying in schools.  相似文献   

This article describes an outreach continuing education program designed to increase the knowledge and skills of licensed practical nurses employed in long‐term care facilities in 26 rural southeast Georgia counties. The program used a modular self‐directed approach and was heavily supported with audiovisual materials. Four independent learning activities made up each of the nine modules. After pilot implementation of the curriculum, nonnurse health care providers asked to enroll in the course. Upon completion of the course, participants earned certificates as specialists in long‐term care of the elderly as well as continuing education credit.  相似文献   

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