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Three experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness of intravenous (IV) flavor injections in the formation of conditioned taste aversions and in the attenuation of neophobia. In Experiment 1, two groups of rats were permitted to drink either a .1% saccharin solution or tap water followed immediately by IV injections of lithium chloride (LiCl), and two more groups were given IV injections of a 2% saccharin solution followed immediately by IV injections of either LiCl or distilled water. Injected flavor did not serve as an effective CS for the conditioning of an aversion to .1% saccharin. The second experiment employed a two-bottle procedure to detect attenuation of neophobia using the injected-flavor technique. It was found that, whether saccharin had been injected intravenously (2%), injected intraperitoneally (2% IP), or orally consumed (.1%), neophobia for .5% saccharin was attenuated equally relative to controls. CS-US intervals were manipulated in the final experiment such that IP injections of 2% saccharin solution were followed 0–480 min later by IP injections of LiCl. In this case, it was shown that injected flavor (2% saccharin) could act as an effective CS if the US was delayed (optimally about 120 min) and when the test solution was .1% saccharin. The delay gradient found in Experiment 3 was interpreted as a generalization gradient where optimum conditioning was displayed at the point where the concentration of saccharin circulating in the animal at the time of illness onset most closely matched the concentration of the test solution.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined rats’ ability to discriminate a compound conditioned stimulus (CS) from the individual elements of that compound in a flavor aversion conditioning paradigm. In Experiment 1, presentations of a compound of sucrose and saline solutions were followed by lithium chloride injections, but presentations of those elements individually were nonrein-forced (positive patterning). Conversely, in Experiments 2 and 3, presentations of the individual elements were followed by lithium chloride injection, but compound presentations were non-reinforced (negative patterning). The discriminations were acquired in all three experiments. In addition, all three experiments investigated the effects of preexposure of the discriminative stimuli on subsequent acquisition of the patterned discriminations. In positive patterning, preexposure had no measurable effect on the acquisition of responding (suppression) to the reinforced compound stimulus, but slowed the loss of suppression to the nonreinforced elements. In negative patterning, preexposure slowed the acquisition of suppression to the reinforced elements but had little effect on the loss of suppression to the nonreinforced compound.  相似文献   

There appear to be unconditioned affective reactions to the four basic tastes: liking for sweet and salt and disliking for sour and bitter. We attempted to modify these reactions by pairing the tastes with calories and with sweeter tastes. Differing sucrose concentrations were ineffective in reversing the preference for salt over citric acid or for saccharin over quinine. We could, however, reverse the preference for salt over citric acid, producing an actual preference for sour over salt, by using sucrose and saccharin as the reinforcers. The initial reactions to tastes could also be modified by reducing the initial difference in affect produced by the tastes through mixing both tastes with sucrose.  相似文献   

In three experiments, rats received a single presentation of an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) beginning simultaneously with an electric grid-shock unconditioned stimulus (US). Later, the CS was presented while the rats licked a drinking tube for water, and CS-elicited suppression of licking was taken as an index of the excitation conditioned to the CS. It was found that conditioning increased as a joint function of the duration of CS-US overlap and US duration. The evidence suggested that weak conditioning due to a brief CS-US overlap could be increased by extending the US beyond CS termination. Extending CS duration beyond US termination, however, did not strengthen conditioning; indeed, extending the CS 60 sec beyond US termination weakened conditioning significantly. It is suggested that these results shed light on a discrepancy in the recent literature on simultaneous conditioning.  相似文献   

The influence of preexposure to the CS on classically conditioned heart rate was examined in three groups of rats receiving either 0, 10, or 50 CS-alone trials prior to the beginning of acquisition training. The conditioned response was a deceleration in heart rate for all groups. Compared to the 50 group, the 0 and 10 groups both showed a lower overall level of conditioning performance and a slower rate of development of the conditioned response. It was suggested that the presence of the nonhabituated orienting response may have interfered with the conditioning process.  相似文献   

In three experiments, groups of albino rats received one strictly simultaneous pairing of a 4-sec auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) and a 4-sec 1-mA shock unconditioned stimulus (US). Other groups received a backward pairing, in which the US began before the CS, or a forward pairing, in which the CS began before the US. Control groups received only the US or received both the CS and the US but widely separated in time. Later, the CS was presented while the rats licked a drinking tube for water, and CS-elicited suppression of licking was taken as an index of the Pavlovian conditioned response (CR). It was found that groups receiving a single forward or a single simultaneous pairing suppressed more than groups that had received a backward pairing; and the backward groups, in turn, suppressed more than the control groups. It appears, then, that excitatory fear conditioning, as reflected in conditioned suppression of licking in rats, can be produced in a single trial by both backward and simultaneous conditioning procedures.  相似文献   

Olfactory aversion conditioning of preweanling rats, 10 or 18 days postnatal, was tested after some had been given nonreinforced experience with the to-be-conditioned odor stimulus. In three experiments, it was established that the amount of prior exposure to the CS determined the effectiveness of conditioning. For both ages, odor-shock conditioning was more likely impaired with longer durations of preexposure. This effect was more apparent in the older animals. Low to moderate degrees of prior exposure to the CS under some conditions facilitated, rather than impaired, olfactory conditioning in the 10-day-old rat. This result is in agreement with one previous study in which facilitation in learning was reported for this age after short-term preexposure to the CS. The present study adds to previous data on differential effects of CS preexposure on conditioning. Although the conditions under which facilitation rather than impairment occurs are not yet clear, age-related differences in the effects of CS preexposure were apparent in the present experiments.  相似文献   

Rats received a single 4-sec 1-mA grid-shock US either preceded or followed by a 4-sec tone or light CS. Conditioning was later assessed by comparing the amount of lick suppression evoked by the forward- or backward-paired CS versus an explicitly unpaired CS. The backward-paired CS produced more suppression than the unpaired CS only when both were tone; the light evoked strong suppression whether paired or not. In the forward procedure, tone produced more suppression when paired and less when unpaired than did light; conditioning thus appeared stronger with the tone. In one experiment, observations showed that rats froze during the forward-paired tone but not during the light. Increasing CS duration from 4 to 12 sec had no effect for the forward-paired light but increased freezing to the forward-paired tone. Another experiment showed similar unconditioned suppression to tone and light but faster habituation to tone. Problems that these results create for interpreting evidence for excitatory backward conditioning in the conditioned suppression procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned taste aversion preparation overshadowing of flavor-illness association was produced through the presentation of a second flavor during the interval between the first flavor and illness. The modulatory effects of extinguishing the association between the second (over-shadowing) flavor and illness on conditioned responding to the target flavor was investigated. In Experiment 1, we found that, following one-trial overshadowing, extinction of the overshadowing flavor had no effect on conditioned responding to the target flavor. In Experiment 2, we found a similar absence of an effect of extinction of the overshadowing stimulus in a multitrial over-shadowing paradigm. Experiment 3 confirmed the results of Experiments 1 and 2 using conditioning parameters that were designed to weaken the association between the overshadowed flavor and illness. In Experiments 4 and 5, we used simultaneous presentation of the flavors during conditioning and obtained a weakened aversion to the overshadowed flavor when the overshadowing CS was extinguished. These findings are inconsistent with previous observations in conditioned fear preparations that suggest that extinction of the association between the overshadowing stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus attenuates overshadowing. Possible reasons for the discrepant results are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the capacity of a nominal CS to overshadow background stimuli. Rats received CS-shock pairings in one compartment of a double-compartment apparatus. After training, the shock compartment was re-presented but in the absence of both the CS and shock, and overshadowing was assessed by measuring the rats’ latency to enter the compartment. In the first experiment, predictive values of temporal cues provided by CS onset and CS offset were manipulated. Rats readily entered the shock compartment, provided shock onset had previously been predicted by CS onset or CS offset. This indicates that background cues in the shock compartment had acquired little associative strength during training. In contrast, rats avoided the shock compartment under every condition in which shock onset had not previously been predicted by either CS onset or CS offset. In the second experiment, a precise temporal cue provided by CS onset was dissociated from other factors arising from CS-shock contiguity. It was found that rats’ reactions to the shock compartment after training was governed by both temporal and contiguity factors. The results are relevant to theories which state that conditioning is a function of a competitive relationship between stimuli present in an animal’s environment during training.  相似文献   

Three experiments with rat subjects sought to enhance one-trial excitatory simultaneous and backward fear conditioning by using a two-element compound conditioned stimulus (CS) instead of only a single element. During conditioning, experimental groups received a 4-sec CS either coextensively with a 1-mA grid-shock unconditioned stimulus (US) or immediately after US termination. In subsequent tests, CSs evoked more lick suppression and freezing in these groups than in various controls. Compound CSs evoked more lick suppression and freezing than did CS elements, but did so equally for experimental and control groups. Therefore, the use of compounds did not enhance conditioning. Unexpectedly, an explicitly unpaired control in which CS followed US termination by 3 min tended to show more CS-evoked suppression and freezing than did a control in which CS preceded US onset by 3 min. This result raises the possibility that associations between the CS and the training context might engender responding to backward-paired CSs.  相似文献   

Blocking of conditioned suppression in rats was studied in three experiments using serial and simultaneous compounds in Pavlovian trace conditioning procedures. Experimental groups were first given trace conditioning trials with a 2-sec stimulus (A) presented at least 60 sec before an electric grid shock US. Next, both experimental and control groups received reinforced trials with a compound stimulus (AB). Both A and B were 2 sec in duration and were presented at least 60 sec before the US. For some groups during AB training, the A stimulus preceded the B stimulus; for others, B preceded A; for still others, A and B occurred simultaneously. Conditioning was subsequently assessed separately to both A and B. The results were as follows: First, varying the interval between the onset of A and the US during A training appeared to produce significantly different levels of conditioning to A but did not detectably affect A’s ability to block conditioning to B. Second, blocking was observed in both simultaneous and serial procedures. Third, in the serial procedure, A blocked conditioning to B whether it preceded B or followed B in the AB compound. Fourth, in tests given after AB conditioning, the experimental and control groups suppressed similarly to A. The relevance of these results to the conditioning model of Rescorla and Wagner (1972) and to Mackintosh’s (1975b) theory of attention are discussed.  相似文献   

The outcome-selective effects of presenting intertrial unconditioned stimuli (USs) in a rat appetitive conditioning paradigm were examined in two experiments. In both experiments, two stimuli were paired with different outcomes, while one of these outcomes was also presented in the intertrial interval (A+, B*, +). Two measures of learning, stimulus-elicited magazine approach and Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer, were used to examine these effects. The presence of freely occurring outcomes in the intertrial interval (ITI) was observed to interfere more with the learning of a new association (Experiment 1) and to degrade more an already established association (Experiment 2) when the conditioned stimulus had been paired with the same outcome as that occurring in the ITI. An outcome-selective effect of ITI USs distinguishes among accounts of contingency based on general performance, attentional, and motivational mechanisms from those based on more specific associative mechanisms. Overall, the data highlight the importance of specific encoding processes in the analysis of associative learning.  相似文献   

The acquisition of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to a tone + light compound and its components was examined as a function of the CS-US interval (Experiment 1) and CS duration (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, responding to the compound attained high levels in all groups, but responding on component test trials declined to low levels as the CS-US interval increased across values of 300, 800, and 1,300 msec. Further disparities between the compound and components appeared when the animals were shifted to a positive patterning schedule. In Experiment 2, disparities between the compound and components increased as the duration of the CS was increased across values of 50, 200, and 800 msec within a fixed CS-US interval of 800 msec. The results are discussed with respect to distributive processes, configuration, and speed-accuracy tradeoffs.  相似文献   

Using a light or backshock as the reinforced CS (A) and a tone or backshock as the conditioned inhibitor (X), rabbits experienced conditioned inhibition training in an A+/AX? paradigm. Following training, the amplitude of the unconditioned nictitating membrane response elicited by a mild (.5-mA) paraorbital shock was measured in the presence of X and AX and expressed as a percentage of the amplitude of the UR to the shock presented alone. In Experiment 1, the effect of X and AX on UR amplitude for conditioned inhibition animals was compared with that of control animals treated to a variety of pretest procedures. In general, UR amplitude in the presence of X exceeded that observed to the US presented alone. There was no consistent difference between the experimental and control groups. In Experiments 2–5, A test trials were added as an alternative reference point. Again, UR amplitude increased rather than decreased UR amplitude. In addition, X as a conditioned inhibitor enhanced the facilitating effect of A on UR amplitude in four out of five experiments. These findings have implications for theories of the “locus of action” of conditioned inhibitors.  相似文献   

For three groups of rats, an auditory CS, presented while the animals were responding on a variable-interval schedule for food reinforcement, was terminated on half of the trials with a noncontingent footshock. For two groups, half of the trials were also followed after 5 sec by the delivery of free food. In the positively correlated condition (PC) the free food was presented on shocked trials and in the negatively correlated condition (NC) on the nonshocked trials, while the remaining group (S) never received free food. In a fourth group the shock was omitted and free food delivered on half of the trials. Although all shocked groups showed a significant suppression, the magnitude was greater for Group PC than for Groups NC and S, which did not differ. Suppression did not result from the pairing of the CS with food alone. These results do not support the counterconditioning hypothesis that the pairing of a normally noxious stimulus with food reduces its aversiveness.  相似文献   

The effect of food deprivation level at the time of initial exposure to a subsequent food reinforcer was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, deprivation at the time of initial exposure influenced the subsequent acquisition and extinction of an instrumental response. In Experiment 2, the residual deprivation effect associated with a reduction in deprivation level occurred only when rats initially experienced the reinforcer at a high, as compared with a low, deprivation level. Results were discussed in terms of the assumption that the limits of incentive generated by a reinforcer are influenced by the deprivation state at the time of first exposure to that reinforcer.  相似文献   

A classically conditioned tail flexion in rats with a white noise as the conditioned stimulus and a tailshock as the unconditioned stimulus is shown to arise as a result of contingent presentation of the two stimuli rather than from sensitization or pseudoconditioning. After achieving an asymptote for conditioned tail flexion, different groups received response-contingent tail-shock increment, decrement, or omission. None of these treatments appreciably altered the probability of a conditioned response. Evidence is presented demonstrating that the response was sensitive to changes in the relationship between the stimuli and that the subjects could differentiate the various shock levels. The present data are viewed as inconsistent with the preparatory response hypothesis, which posits that classically conditioned behavior depends upon intrinsic reinforcement of components of the conditioned response syndrome. The possibility is discussed that classically conditioned responses observed in the laboratory are often only part of a larger, perhaps more clearly instrumental, set of behaviors that would occur in the unrestrained animal.  相似文献   

The effects of flavor preexposure and retention interval were assessed in 6- and 12-day-old rats. Conditioned aversions to a flavor appeared at both ages. The conditioning of the younger pups was unaffected by conditioned stimulus (CS) preexposure and was not evident after a 10-day retention interval. For the 12-day-old rats, preexposure to either the flavor CS or a different flavor attenuated aversion strength when the rats were tested soon after conditioning. Other 12-day-old rats that were tested 10 days after conditioning also expressed substantial aversions, but with a retention interval of this length, the aversions were equivalent for animals preexposed to the CS and those not preexposed before conditioning. This loss of the CS-preexposure effect over a long interval, which has also been observed in adult rats, identifies the locus of this effect as postacquisition and perhaps at the stage of memory retrieval.  相似文献   

Initial reinforced training with a conditioned stimulus (CSA) from one sensory modality subsequently facilitates the rate of acquisition of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to a second conditioned stimulus (CSB) from a different sensory modality. In Experiment 1, the level of transfer was a direct function of the number of CSA-US pairings (0, 15, 30, 60, and 120). In Experiment 2, cross-modal transfer appeared to be maximal after initial training was conducted to a performance criterion as small as two CRs to CSA. The results are discussed with respect to theories of transfer, particularly a layered network model of conditioning that suggests that CR acquisition to each CS depends on two sequentially organized associations, one unique to the CS and one that is common to all associations involving the target response system.  相似文献   

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