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Over the years parents, professionals, and politicians have come together to advocate on behalf of children’s rights. Advocacy can occur individually, collectively, or a combination of both. Although some advocacy efforts are more successful than others, it is the process of the advocacy and voices behind it that matter most. In this guest editorial, the history of two major advocacy organizations and ideas for becoming an advocate are discussed.  相似文献   

Pakistan introduced the Tenure Track System (TTS) as a new performance-based reform in public universities in 2005. The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of higher education authorities, university leaders and tenure-track faculty about the implementation of this reform. This is a qualitative interpretive study and utilised a nested case study design, focusing on two cases—Science Faculty and Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty in a large provincial university. It utilises three perspectives taken from organisation theory—instrumental, cultural and myth perspectives. The main results show instrumental problems of hierarchical authority and horizontal coordination, lack of expertise to implement, cultural compatibility problems through active resistance from some groups and active use of symbols to modify the impression of a challenging reform implementations. Summing up, this is a Western-inspired reform that meet challenging conditions in Pakistan, making is rather less successful.  相似文献   

作为一部表现盲童生活的影片,伊朗导演马基·麦吉迪的《天堂的颜色》在色彩和声音的运用上极富动感和造型。导演通过对颜色和声音的细致敏锐的感知,使影片在影像风格上逐渐偏离现实而拥有一种极致的抒情风格,在看似写实的镜头里透出浓重的象征意味。  相似文献   

In this qualitative study we address two primary research questions: What are the experiences of women faculty of color (WFOC) who departed the tenure track at predominantly White, research universities? Using the modified lens of the newcomer adjustment framework, what socialization factors may have contributed to the WFOCs’ departure? Through a longitudinal, in-depth examination of three WFOC who left their university prior to earning tenure, themes of gendered and racialized tokenization and isolation, a need for a more intrusive style of mentoring, and poor institutional fit were identified. Implications for future research on faculty members’ social identity and promising practices for faculty development are shared.  相似文献   

Because the academic department is the foundational unit of U.S. universities, conflict in that setting is both theoretically and practically important. This analysis focuses on divisiveness in votes for promotion and tenure in departments at a large research university. The findings suggest that the departments most likely to experience very split voting patterns are those with larger instructional loads for faculty, low levels of internal curricular specialization, and soft disciplinary paradigms. The implications of these results for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The experiences of first-year, tenure-track faculty have been missing in the literature about new or junior faculty. Furthermore, the extant literature about new faculty does not offer a critical outlook on how oppressive institutional structures shape how first-year faculty of color approach faculty work. Drawing from analytical narratives, the authors reframe how doctoral student socialization and new-faculty support systems are discussed, especially pertaining to first-year faculty of color. In doing so, and utilizing narrative inquiry as a methodological framework, the authors draw out the distinct voices of new faculty of color. The implications offered are important for scholars who study faculty experiences and for faculty advisors to doctoral students interested in the professoriate.  相似文献   

Non-tenure track faculty members (NTTF) constitute what has been referred to by scholars as the new faculty majority. The growing numbers of NTTF have led to debates about the role they should play in shared governance. Currently, however, an overall lack of empirical knowledge exists regarding the status of their involvement in institutional governance. Using data from highest research activity doctoral universities, this study investigated current standards related to NTTF eligibility for election to institution-wide faculty senates. We also explored what these faculty governance standards and criteria reveal about the status and position of NTTF within the professoriate.  相似文献   

This study sought to understand predictors of faculty satisfaction with promotion and tenure processes and reasonableness of expectations in the context of a striving institution. The factors we investigated included discipline (high-consensus [science and math] vs. low-consensus [humanities and social sciences]); demographic variables; and institutional support including mentoring, collegiality, work-life integration, and college commitment to faculty members’ fields. High-consensus faculty members were less satisfied with promotion and tenure processes than were low-consensus faculty members (p?<?.01). Faculty members who were more satisfied with collegiality (p?<?.001) and with college commitment to their fields (p?<?.05) were more satisfied with promotion and tenure processes. Faculty members who were more satisfied with work-life integration and mentoring were more satisfied with reasonableness of expectations (p?<?.05).  相似文献   

从民族声乐艺术传统与现代的碰撞与交融的视角,以歌唱发声的科学原理为依据,结合自身的声乐学习与歌唱实践,探讨了唱法女声在音色调节方面的借鉴与发展问题。  相似文献   

Institutions of higher education are increasingly hiring non-tenure track faculty members (NTTF) to help meet the demands of the institutional teaching mission. Research suggests NTTF experience inadequate working conditions that hinder performance and negatively impact the quality of undergraduate education. Given the growing number of NTTF responsible for teaching undergraduates, it is essential for institutions to help them be effective teachers. In this article we consider the use of cohort based faculty learning communities (FLCs) to engage and socialize NTTF, thereby enhancing their working conditions, performance, and the quality of undergraduate education. We discuss implications of using FLCs for the promotion of good practice and future research.  相似文献   

对人身份识别是社会认知的重要方面,面孔—语音特征为对人身份识别提供了丰富的信息。已有的研究主要运用再认、识别范式探讨对面孔—语音的联合加工。对人面孔—语音加工的机制为独立的序列加工或者联合的平行加工,所涉及脑区主要包括颞上沟等区域,然而对二者的探讨并没有统一结论。通过改进研究范式、确定对比基线等方法可以对面孔—语音联合加工进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

本文通过审视美国学术职业所面临的挑战,将美国高校终身教授制度置于学术职业的背景之下,对美国社会和学术界关于终身教授制度的质疑和批评进行了梳理,评述了美国高校对终身教授制度的改革,并重点介绍了终身聘任后评审制度这一改革措施.说明美国高校终身教授制度所面临的问题以及一些州政府和各高等院校对终身教授制度的改革是与美国高等教育所处的外部社会经济政治环境和高等教育自身的困境息息相关的.  相似文献   

传统高校教师眼中的网络教育:机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在了解当前传统高校教师眼中网络教育的机遇与挑战问题。结果表明,传统高校教师对网络教育可能带来的一些机遇表示了积极认同的态度,对所列举的三十项影响网络教育发展的挑战因素,教师们的认同程度有轻有重。基于结果,本研究提出今后中国网络教育建设过程中战略认识、激励与培训以及系统研究的重要性。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,日本在资金有限的情况下,为了提升国家的科技竞争力、培养科技后备人才,于2011年推出了"普及与确立终身教职制计划"。该计划通过向高校提供经费支持,鼓励与推动高校实施终身教职制,为优秀的年轻研究者提供稳定的工作岗位和优厚待遇,以及利于其开展研究工作的支持。该计划在高校的积极参与下,招揽了优秀的年轻研究者,年轻研究者也在该制度的激励下以及政府和高校的扶持下,取得了出色的科研成果。但随着计划的推行,也出现了急功近利、重理轻文等问题。  相似文献   

The present study describes the level of faculty--student interaction on 2-year college campuses, examines student characteristics correlated with faculty contact, and considers how interaction may differ among racial subgroups of students. Using data collected from the Transfer and Retention of Urban Community College Students (TRUCCS) survey, a sample of 2500 students informed this research. The findings reveal generally low levels of interaction, and especially with Asian American/Pacific Islander and Latino students. Having positive perceptions of the college environment and interacting with other members of the institution, from students to academic counselors, glow the strongest positive association with faculty contact among all racial subgroups of students. Prominent among the differences is the negative relationship between perceiving racial difficulties and interacting with faculty for Asian American/Pacific Islander students. The findings provide insight in how to increase and enrich faculty interaction on these campuses to better retain underrepresented students in the educational pipeline.  相似文献   

当前,在全球化、新公共管理运动和大学排名等因素的影响下,世界各国的学术职业均受到更强的管理控制.为了提高人才竞争力,芬兰许多高校陆续引入了美式终身教轨制度,通过强化绩效和竞争导向,详细规定教师在聘期内须完成的学术任务,同时鼓励他们进行国际发表和竞争外部经费,终身教轨制度成为大学管理层控制学术工作和提高学术产出的有效工具.终身教轨制度的引入既是机会也是挑战,一方面,它为学术人员提供了更具有国际可比性和可预测性的职业发展路径;另一方面,它也可能带来学术职业分化、大学多元使命单一化、学术工作指标化等一系列风险.如何平衡效率与公平、组织专业主义与职业专业主义、绩效竞争与职业安全,是各国学术职业变革过程中均面临的关键挑战.  相似文献   

The fastest-growing group in postsecondary education is part-time faculty. The authors examine why the number of part-time faculty has increased so rapidly and then discuss some of the problems that part-timers face. Part-timers are increasing in academe, and administrators need to treat and evaluate them effectively and fairly. The authors recommend mentoring, job security, compensation, and self-worth as ways to improve performance.  相似文献   

This study examined non-geriatrician physicians' experiences in a geriatrics-focused faculty development program, and effects of the program on their geriatrics knowledge and their teaching and practice. In-depth interviews were conducted with all physicians (n = 26) participating in the Dean's Faculty Scholars in Aging program. Most participants reported substantial gains in geriatric knowledge, and in the knowledge that older people are a distinct group with special needs. Most reported substantial changes in the way they care for older patients. Most reported incorporating notably more geriatrics content into their teaching. The program may serve as a process to address the growing need for physicians with geriatric knowledge.  相似文献   

高等教育面临着一系列的新挑战,新的变革对大学教师的传统价值观产生了冲击。如何在各种冲突之中保持大学教师的活力和创造力,是高等教育发展的关键所在。文章旨在通过利用动机理论,对在新的环境中如何对大学教师进行管理提出建设性的思路。  相似文献   

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