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采用文献资料法,问卷调查,数理统计法等研究方法,针对广西大学05级足球专选班学生运动技能水平差异大的问题,在实验班的专选课教学中实施分层教学。通过教学对比实验发现,分层教学与传统的课堂教学相比具有明显优势。它有利于不同足球技术水平基础的学生在学习足球课程时都能获得进步和提高。同时也是一种有利于教师开展教学的好方法。  相似文献   

依据人体结构和思维特点,遵循足球运动教学规律,对足球专修课完整教材进行了系统的组织,科学搭配和合理控制,编制出一种新的教学模式,可浓缩教与学的时间,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

因材施教对于教师、家长、学校以及教育公平的实现都具有重要意义。很多带有体育教育专业以及运动训练专业的学院都增设了足球专选班这样一个教学模式来增强足球教师专业人才后备储蓄。在关于足球专选教学的过程中也相继出现了学生因为理解能力和身体素质原因导致的班级学生水平差距越来越大,好的越来越好,差的越来越差,严重影响教学质量,本文将采用文献调查法、综合分析法、调查研究法、实验法等方法,从体育教学论的角度出发,带入因材施教教学方法的原则和理论,并通过实践合理地运用到足球专选班的教学课程中,提高足球专选班的教学质量,提升学生的足球技术技能,为我国足球教师的后备储蓄添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

本文对体育学院足球专修论文的选题、基础理论知识的运用,科研方法的采用以及文学表达能力等方面进行了分析研究。提出了加强学生科研能力培养和提高论文撰写水平的设想及具体方法。即低年级恢复大学语文课;举办多科报告会;加强专修学生的专项理论教学;加强科研课时的计划性和督促。  相似文献   

2014年12月17日,由中国大学生体育协会主办,北京理工大学珠海学院承办,中国大学生体育协会足球分会、北京理工大学珠海学院大学生体育联合会协办的全国大学生女子足球锦标赛在北京理工大学珠海学院正式开赛。本次比赛共有北京中医药大学、河北师范大学、北京师范大学等全国18所高校女足代表队参赛,其中包括13支高校队和乙组的5支高水平运动队,汇聚了全国大学生  相似文献   

目的通过对双师型足球师资需求的变革,探讨体育教育专业足球专选课程改革的必要性,梳理当前体育教育专业足球专选课程存在的主要问题,提出足球专选课程改革的路径。研究表明足球专选课程存在以下问题:课程目标定位脱离中小学足球师资核心素养内涵;课程内容忽视“教的能力”“训练指导”和“裁判执法”等实践能力培养;课程实施偏重传统教学方法,忽视线下教学与线上教学的混合式教学;课程评价注重“理论记忆性考核”和“技战术技能考核”,轻视“教”“训练指导”和“裁判执法”等实践能力考核;课程思政功能弱化,忽视足球教育信念与伦理道德培养。针对足球专选课程存在问题提出改革建议:课程目标凸显师范性,破解培养导向与双师型足球师资核心素养需求的难题;课程内容理论与实践并重、完善双师型足球师资培养体系;课程实施优化、搭建足球专选课程教学训练网络平台;课程评价内容和方式优化、构建并实施多元考核评价体系;课堂思政“教”与“育”并行、强化足球专选课程的教育功能。  相似文献   

浅析足球专修课的示范教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合多年教学实践,介绍了体育院校足球专修课六种示范方法,并提出了在运用示范教法中应注意的问题,强调示范应根据教学对象,动作难度和教学实际,力求做到示范动作正确、突出重点并与讲解相结合,可取得良好教学效果。  相似文献   

对高校足球专修课的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对高校足球选修课的教学步骤进行了新的设计,并提出了具体的训练方法,对改进教学促进足球教学的完善有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

采用访谈法,实验法、文献资料法等,结合目前湖北省足球裁判员培养目标,分析本地高校大学生足球裁判员培养体系中的重要作用与资源优势,指出地方高校足球裁判员培养过程中各个环节的相互作用。  相似文献   

广东部分高校足球专选班裁判水平现状分析及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从组织能力、耐力素质、心理压力、执法水平4方面,对广州高校体育教育专业三个年级足球专选班的学生足球裁判综合水平现状进行调查分析。目的在于了解足球专选班裁判水平,为进一步提高足球专选班足球裁判整体水平提供参考依据。  相似文献   

There is limited research in talent identification in youth Australian Football (AF), especially the factors that underpin selection into higher-level development programs. Therefore, this study explored age-related differences in high-level youth AF players and investigated characteristics influencing selection into a high-level development program. Anthropometry (stature, sitting height, body mass), maturity (estimated age at peak height velocity), motor competence (Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder), fitness (change of direction speed, lower body power and upper body muscular endurance) and coach skill ratings (kicking, marking and handballing) of 277 state academy players (U13-U15) were assessed. MANOVAs identified significant age-related differences for anthropometry, fitness, and coach skill ratings. Furthermore, 90.9 and 90.0% of U15 selected and deselected players were classified correctly. Selected players were more mature, taller, heavier, more explosive, faster at changing directions, and had superior kick technique and marking results. These results demonstrate considerable age-group performance outcome differences, highlighting that high-level academies should aim to select or deselect after 15 years of age. Additionally, it appears earlier maturing players are favoured for selection into a high-level academy. While practitioners must consider the confounding effect of maturation, early maturing players may be favoured for their ability to withstand increasing demands in higher-level youth AF.  相似文献   


This study investigated the association between talent selection criteria, draft order and match performance in professional Australian Football players. Physical performance results from the Australian Football League (AFL) National Draft combine and non-performance based talent selection criteria were collated for all players drafted in the National Draft with selections 1–80 between 2003 and 2008 (n = 318). Match performance was assessed via the AFL Player Ranking metric that was provided by a commercial statistical provider (Champion Data Pty Ltd). A combination of stepwise multiple regression and linear mixed model analyses examined the influence of National Draft combine physical performance assessments and non-performance based talent selection criteria on draft order and future match performance. Earlier draft selection was associated with Under-18 all Australian team selection, height, Under-18 National Championship participation and indigenous status. The 20 m sprint and state of origin were associated with later draft selection. Under-18 all Australian team selection increased both Player Ranking/game and total Player Ranking. Under-18 all Australian team selection displays efficacy for selecting players with the potential for success.  相似文献   


Effective sport talent identification and development (TID) programmes are integral to a nation’s success in international sport. Using a transdisciplinary approach that involved sport practitioners and researchers with diverse theoretical perspectives, we investigated TID factors in four Australian sports (Australian rules football, cricket, kayaking and tennis). A transdisciplinary approach allowed us to isolate and explore a range of factors critical to successful sport TID. This methodological article explores how this project moved TID research beyond its paradigmatic, quantitative, sport science lens and advanced knowledge and practice in TID from both theoretical and applied perspectives. The use of a transdisciplinary approach in future TID research is recommended.  相似文献   

高水平竞技体育人才的不同培养模式对提高国家竞技体育水平和推动高校体育工作都有重要的意义.以清华大学的田径运动员胡凯和邓亚萍,人民大学奥运跳水冠军郭晶晶,北京体育大学举重奥运冠军张湘祥为案例,对高校培养高水平运动员模式进行研究,为高校的高水平竞技体育人才培养模式提供参考.  相似文献   

通过对当前高等教育发展规律的分析,结合武汉体育学院教学改革实践,提出人才的可持续发展也应属于科学发展观的范畴.而人才的可持续发展依赖于以能力发展为核心的高校对才培养目标的设计与实现.文章对上述论点进行了多角度的论证和阐述,并对如何实现以能力发展为核心的人才培养目标提出了建议.  相似文献   

Given the significance of monitoring the critical environmental factors that facilitate athlete performance, this two-phase research aimed to validate and refine the revised talent development environment questionnaire (TDEQ). The TDEQ is a multidimensional self-report scale that assesses talented athletes’ environmental experiences. Study 1 (the first phase) involved the examination of the revised TDEQ through an exploratory factor analysis (n = 363). This exploratory investigation identified a 28-item five-factor structure (i.e., TDEQ-5) with adequate internal consistency. Study 2 (the second phase) examined the factorial structure of the TDEQ-5, including convergent validity, discriminant validity, and group invariance (i.e., gender and sports type). The second phase was carried out with 496 talented athletes through the application of confirmatory factor analyses and multigroup invariance tests. The results supported the convergent validity, discriminant validity, and group invariance of the TDEQ-5. In conclusion, the TDEQ-5 with 25 items appears to be a reliable and valid scale for use in talent development environments.  相似文献   

根据体育成人教育的特点,结合教学上存在的问题,通过整合成教体育专业的教学管理、课程体系、课程内容、时间安排以及师资队伍来构建以提高成教体育专业人才综合素质为目的的培养模式。  相似文献   

从满足体育教育专业学生就业的角度出发,根据市场需求和培养学校实际科学定位,采用分类剐、分阶段、分层次培养的教学模式,优化课程体系设置,调整课程设置内容和时间安排,构建以就业为主的多元化人才培养模式,从而提高体育教育专业人才培养的实效性.  相似文献   

This retrospective study focuses on the comparison of different predictive models based on the results of a talent identification test battery for female gymnasts. We studied to what extent these models have the potential to optimise selection procedures, and at the same time reduce talent development costs in female artistic gymnastics. The dropout rate of 243 female elite gymnasts was investigated, 5 years past talent selection, using linear (discriminant analysis) and non-linear predictive models (Kohonen feature maps and multilayer perceptron). The coaches classified 51.9% of the participants correct. Discriminant analysis improved the correct classification to 71.6% while the non-linear technique of Kohonen feature maps reached 73.7% correctness. Application of the multilayer perceptron even classified 79.8% of the gymnasts correctly. The combination of different predictive models for talent selection can avoid deselection of high-potential female gymnasts. The selection procedure based upon the different statistical analyses results in decrease of 33.3% of cost because the pool of selected athletes can be reduced to 92 instead of 138 gymnasts (as selected by the coaches). Reduction of the costs allows the limited resources to be fully invested in the high-potential athletes.  相似文献   

分析了市场经济条件下受众信息需求与体育新闻传播的现状,从体育新闻传播内容的“软化”及后现代发展趋势等方面,论述了受众需求与体育新闻传播发展趋势之间的关系,阐明了如何平衡两者之间的具体举措:了解受众需求而不一味迎合;正确理解后现代的大众化、浅俗化的内涵。  相似文献   

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