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MICROTEXT is a new CAI authoring facility that has recently been developed by the United Kingdom's National Physical Laboratory. This paper presents an overview of the language, describes the mechanism of lesson creation and then outlines some of the applications for which we have been using it.  相似文献   

Database technology is often used to facilitate the manipulation and management of large volumes of data, information, and knowledge. In doing this, databases themselves are often used to model real-world situations involving different types of entity and the relationships that exist between them. Through the use of appropriate case-studies this paper discusses how database technology might be usefully employed in order to enhance and extend the quality of a student's computer-assisted learning experience.  相似文献   

Interactive videodisc technology is likely to have a significant impact upon many aspects of education and training. However, before this medium can be effectively utilized considerable attention must be given to overcoming the present problems associated with courseware authoring. Solutions to these problems are to be found in the provision of suitable courseware development aids. In particular, there is a requirement for a powerful and easy-to-use author language. This paper describes the approach used by the PHILVAS authoring system.  相似文献   

STAF is an authoring facility that was developed primarily to aid the teaching of science-based subjects. Since its development it has been used for the production of courseware that embodies a variety of different instructional strategies. This paper provides an overview of STAF, outlines some of its strengths and weaknesses as an author language and then describes some current areas of computer-based teaching in which it is used.  相似文献   

Images provide a useful method of presenting information to an audience. In a learning situation the use of pictorial forms can offer a high-bandwidth mechanism for the transfer of information between an instructor and a student. This paper discusses some ways of providing graphic support in a computer-based learning environment and describes some approaches to the provision of authoring facilities that utilize this technique.  相似文献   

Within all modern societies human survival depends critically upon the generation, dissemination and assimilation of vast quantities of information. In situations where there is rapid technological change, conventional information and knowledge transfer mechanisms are often both inappropriate and inadequate. This paper examines the role of computers as knowledge/information transfer agents and how knowledge-based computer-assisted learning may provide an effective and efficient means of aiding learning and training processes.  相似文献   

IPS is a sophisticated courseware authoring tool. This paper presents an overview of the language, its structure and mode of operation. Some illustrative examples of its use are given and the results of some initial investigations of its potential as a tool for computer-assisted instruction in an open-learning environment are briefly described.  相似文献   

Until recently the majority of applications of the computer within conversational computer-assisted learning and computer-based training have utilized a keyboard/ cathode ray tube model of human/computer interaction. However, because of its greater scope, instructional designers are turning increasingly to the use of a workstation model of student interaction with computers. Such a model can lead to the implementation of didactic dialogue that is more natural, more exciting and far more flexible. In this paper we show how such a model forms the basic foundations for multi- media CAL. We then outline some case studies involving the use of this approach and summarize some author languages that have been designed for use in this area.  相似文献   

本文重点从教学理论的目的论、过程论与方法论的角度探讨了计算机辅助教学。  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学应用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育领域中现代教育技术的应用和推广,以计算机技术为核心的现代化教学手段为广人教育工作认识、掌握和应用,解决了传统教学于段不能解决的诸多问题。然而事物都有其两面性,有其优越性同时也存在着不足,探讨计算机辅助教学在实际应用中存在的问题,有利于我们杨长避短,提高其使用的实效性。  相似文献   

本文结合远程高等教育的特点,着重讨论了高校计算机辅助教学软件创作流程,同时分析了我国教育软件的现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展普及和现代教育理论的发展,CAI课件在教育领域的作用也越来越突出.本文简述在教育领域中应用计算机辅助教学对教学的意义,CAI课件的构成要素和评价标准,从CAI课件的构思、开发环境、开发过程等三个方面说明课件的制作过程,以及CAI课件在教学中的有哪些特点.  相似文献   

计算机辅助函数图像教学的新途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用Excel辅助函数图像教学具有诸多优点: (1)软件的普及性高;(2)入门容易操作简单;(3)同步性好;(4)省时省力;(5)功能强大.在绘制函数图像、探索图像规律、理解图像变换、认识参数作用等方面有着广泛的应用.  相似文献   

计算机辅助体育教学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机技术在体育教学的应用已成为必然趋势 ,计算机作为辅助教学的手段不仅成为改变体育教学的方法 ,而且能够提高教师的兴趣和综合素质。分析了计算机辅助体育教育教学的影响因素 ,探讨了发展对策  相似文献   

目前,物理诊断教学中存在着病人来源不足、典型病例少、实习学生多、病人不愿配合等问题,教学资源的不足,严重影响实验教学质量.计算机辅助教学的引入较好地解决了这一难题通过人机对话的方式进行教和学,利用心肺听诊、触诊电子标准化病人代替临床病人,使教学内容形象化,多样化.但CAI不能代替实际病人,不能因此而削弱实习教学.  相似文献   

一种基于Internet的ICAI系统设计方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在信息社会,受知识的迅速更新、人才需求的多元化等因素的影响,使得我们传统的“精英”教育力不从心,因此,基于互联网络的远程教育悄然兴起。但同时也带来了诸如:ICAI中知识如何表示、教师模型和学生模型如何建立等技术问题。一种利用Microsoft的Agent技术来构建基于Internet的智能化计算机辅助教学系统的技术设计方案便是一种尝试。  相似文献   

多媒体技术在化学教学中有助于:突破教学难点,加大教学密度;反馈教学成果,优化教学过程:延伸课堂教学。  相似文献   

多媒体辅助教学是现代课堂教学的必备手段。然而,多媒体技术在帮助教师提高课堂教学效率的同时,也存在一些有待解决的问题。技术运用的局限导致课堂交互性不足,制约了教学效果的实现。通过对应用软件功能的充分挖掘以及外部设备的灵活使用,可以为提高多媒体教学的交互性提供实用的技术解决方案。  相似文献   

特殊教育是我国教育体系中不可分隔的部分。在教育信息化大环境下,在我国特殊教育中使用计算机辅助教学是十分必要的也是可行的。它的多媒体性、集成性、交互性不仅能够帮助特教学生们进行康复训练,而且还能帮助他们更好地学习。但是,计算机辅助教学在特殊教育领域中应用存在硬软件资源少、质量差、开发不均、应用模式单一的缺陷,没有发挥他们应该有的作用。为了使计算机辅助教学在我国特殊教育中更好地开展,转变观念,整合高校、特教学校的人力财力,共同努力开发和使用各类资源。  相似文献   

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