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We should care for those disabled people.In the world,some are lucky,and they have a healthy body;some are not so lucky,for them life is difficult and hard.  相似文献   

Sixteen Minnesota families with children with disabilities participated in a 2-year interview study of their care experiences. Findings show that families developed a network of care providers, struggled to pay additional costs for care, were not informed of community services and programs, and believed that their children received adequate child care. This study highlights the need to provide information to families and providers and to link services in both rural and urban communities.
Deborah Ann CeglowskiEmail:

Unwillingness to share depression experiences with primary care physicians contributes to the undertreatment of depression. This project examined college students’ reasons for depression nondisclosure to primary care providers (PCPs). Undergraduate participants read a vignette describing someone with depression and completed measures of disclosure barriers. Analyses indicated 26% of respondents would NOT disclose depression symptoms to PCPs. Reasons for nondisclosure included difficulty initiating the depression conversation, medication aversion, and fear of referral to a psychologist. Also, anger toward the vignette character varied with disclosure willingness, suggesting that nondisclosers feel more stigma than disclosers and are less likely to engage in psychotherapy. Because engagement in pharmacological and/or psychotherapeutic treatment requires identification of depression in healthcare settings, increased understanding of disclosure barriers could increase students’ access to depression treatment.  相似文献   

Concerns about non-participation in lifelong learning may indicate an emerging moral authoritarianism arising from pessimism about the future. Low expectations of potential for social progress, human agency and learners' motivation to take part in formal learning, exacerbate moves towards a 'minimalist pedagogy' regulated by government agencies and encourages the idea that lifelong learning should be compulsory for adults 'at risk'.  相似文献   

Many preschool children fail to achieve the National Association for Sport and Physical Education physical activity recommendations placing themselves at increased risk of overweight and its associated health consequences. The early learning and care system is well positioned to intervene. Yet few child obesity prevention efforts have focused on systematically integrating physical activity into early learning and care. A pre/post design examined the association between changes in physical activity practices and providers’ beliefs regarding their role in supporting children’s physical activity. Survey and observational data from 43 sites participating in the Encouraging Healthy Activity and Nutrition in Child Care Environments pilot project were analyzed. Statistically significant increases were found in providers’ perceptions of role salience and the need for adult leadership to increase children’s physical activity. Significant improvements in indoor child care physical activity practices, physical education, and family communication occurred. A binary logistic regression indicated that changes in adult leadership and role salience were significantly associated with changes in physical activity practices. Understanding and modifying child care providers’ beliefs regarding their role in children’s physical activity is a critical component for the successful implementation of obesity prevention initiatives designed to increase child activity levels.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study was designed to assess whether investments in child care quality were maintained 3 years after public funding for these centers was significantly reduced. An earlier evaluation documented significant improvements in classroom environments, teachers' sensitivity, and teachers' child-centered beliefs following a 15-month state intervention in 24 early care and education programs serving high numbers of children from low-income families. The current study used a quasi-experimental design, with pre- and postdata collected through direct observations and questionnaires in nonrandom treatment and comparison groups. Practice or Policy: Results at the 3-year follow-up showed that the majority (92%) of centers in the intervention group were accredited and that significant improvements in classroom environments were maintained after funding was significantly reduced. However, erosion in more sensitive measures (i.e., teacher sensitivity and child-centered beliefs) during the period of reduced funding suggested some concern that programs serving high concentrations of children from low-income families may require some consistent state support if they are to yield the positive life outcomes desired by economists and policymakers.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Examining the effects of professional development of the early childhood workforce that fit within the constraints of government policy is crucial for identifying types and amounts of effective training and informing child care policy. The present study used a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate the effects of a professional development program for child care providers designed to meet the criteria for 2 state-level policies: (a) that child care providers working in licensed centers engage in 10 hr of professional development annually and (b) that all licensed child care settings provide 30 min of developmentally appropriate literacy activity daily. Results indicated that 10 hr of professional development focused on literacy was effective for significantly improving the literacy practices and knowledge of child care providers. However, it was not effective in eliciting substantial growth in child literacy outcomes, at least in the short term. The lack of child outcomes illustrates the importance of measuring professional development effects at both the provider and child levels. Practice or Policy: This study illustrates the importance of critically questioning and analyzing state policy, particularly dosage. In practice, dosage is an influential factor in how professional development is selected by programs and providers, because most policies only specify a required number of hours to be completed. The design of policy, which can influence both provider practice and child outcomes, relies upon alignment between early childhood research and policy.  相似文献   

An experience expectable environment in child care classrooms is one in which teachers consistently provide positive and nurturing interactions within daily routines and activities to enhance children’s learning. Growing numbers of children are being enrolled in child care at earlier ages and staying for longer periods of time each day which is heightening the need to attend to the context of child care for very young children. Several large scale studies in social policy, biology, and human development have confirmed the links between children’s early experiences and later outcomes, and recent brain research and research in child care classrooms has highlighted the importance of these consistent, responsive, and respectful patterns of interaction, especially for very young children’s development. Yet, examination of the quality of child care has indicated interactions in these classrooms that may not support optimal development and/or that could be considered harmful. Given toddlers’ need for consistent and nurturing care, coupled with the current substandard quality of care for very young children, discussing the context of child care in terms of an experience expectable environment provides a perspective to understand the context of toddler child care. This perspective underscores the connections of routines and interactions to children’s development of neural pathways, thus setting the foundation for optimizing learning and development.  相似文献   

In response to a reader's question, Dr. Philipsen examines the possibilities of conflict of interest in various methods of physician reimbursement.  相似文献   

英语except, besides, but, excepting, except for, but for, save, bar,barring, apart from等介词和复合介词,彼此在含义上和用法上多有异同。如何区别和正确使用它们,正是本文所要讨论的。 1.except和besides besides和except含义相反。besides的意思是in addition to, as well as,除……之外还有,包括在其中(including)、而except的意思是but not, not includ-  相似文献   


Research Findings: Continuity of care is a recommended practice in child care intended to promote secure and supportive relationships between infants and toddlers and their caregivers. Toddlers (= 115) between 12 and 24 months were observed in 30 continuity and 29 noncontinuity classrooms. The average duration of care for toddlers with caregivers was 14 months in the continuity rooms and 5 months in noncontinuity rooms. Toddlers observed in continuity rooms experienced higher levels of interactive involvement with their caregivers and were rated by their caregivers as having fewer problem behaviors compared with the toddlers in noncontinuity rooms. Toddlers in rooms with higher staff–child ratios also experienced more involved caregiving. We did not find evidence that the level of involved caregiving mediated the association between continuity of care and toddlers’ social competence or problem behaviors. Practice or Policy: Continuity of care may be a promising practice for programs that strive to provide high-quality care for infants and toddlers.  相似文献   

同学们,转眼已进入寒假,假期里看电视、读小说、做习题、上网……可别忘了保护你的眼睛哟!下面教你几招,好让你的眼睛也放个“假”!Youreyesareyourbestfriends.Youshouldtakegoodcareofthem.Theyareprotectedinsomewaysbynature.Butnaturealonecannotprotectthem.Youmusthelpi  相似文献   

This is a photograph I took during my trip to Sanya.That wasmy first trip by air.I had been looking forward to being there for along time.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a cross-cultural research study of children’s preferences for group musical activities in child care centres. A total of 228 young children aged 4–5 years in seven child care centres in Hong Kong and in the Adelaide City of South Australia participated in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected via a mixed method approach. Result showed that dancing/moving was children’s most preferred musical activity in centres. Significant differences were found between children’s cultural contexts and their preferences for three activities: (1) Singing; (2) Listening; and (3) Playing instruments. Qualitative data further revealed the social phenomena of these two cultural contexts which influenced children’s preferences. Implications for the curriculum planning of early childhood music education arising from these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

这一组词都含有“由于、因为”的意思,但用法不同。本文就其不同用法归纳分述如下,供同学们学习参阅。  相似文献   

Victims and survivors of sexual violence are sometimes blamed for the assault because of irrelevant factors such as how much they had to drink or what they wore. Research has indicated that conservative religious beliefs increase the prevalence of victim blaming. In order to see if this pattern extended to college administrators, we used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach and interviewed eight sexual assault investigators at a faith-based institution to understand their lived and shared experiences. Four significant themes emerged from our study: the tension between student care and a legally defensible process, hope amid a never-ending saga, forbidden knowledge, and victim blaming. We conclude with a call to focus more carefully on language used, recommendations for decreasing the prevalence of victim blaming, and on preventing investigators from compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatization, and burnout.  相似文献   

世界杯的狂热犹在眼前,你还在为阿根廷叹息吗?请看下面这位球迷朋友的文章。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The growing body of literature demonstrating the importance of quality interactions with caregivers to infant development coupled with the increasing number of infants spending time in classroom settings highlights the need for a measure of interpersonal relationships between infants and caregivers. This article introduces a new measure of quality in infant classrooms based on the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) framework. This measure focuses on teacher–infant interactions with the goal of understanding how these proximal process features can be assessed in this environment. Results from a small pilot study of 30 infant classrooms indicated that the CLASS–Infant demonstrated adequate variability as well as expected convergent and divergent validity with the most commonly used infant child care quality measure. The dimensions of the measure composed a single construct of classroom quality based on teacher–infant interactions. Practice or Policy: Implications of using this measure as an assessment of center-based infant classroom quality and improving professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

Live-in home care provided to older adults blurs the boundaries between private and professional, personal and public matters, and working hours versus off-duty time. As a result, live-in home care workers are at risk for exploitation. The present study examines the extent to which older adults, family members, and migrant live-in care workers are familiar with the rights of migrant live-in care workers. A random stratified sample of adults over the age of 70 who receive home care services was conducted. Overall, 338 migrant live-in care workers, 224 older adults, and 442 family members were interviewed and asked about their knowledge regarding 10 basic migrant live-in workers’ rights. Moderate levels of knowledge regarding migrant live-in care workers’ rights were found. On average, older adults were aware of 4.22 workers’ rights (out of a possible number of 10 rights), whereas family members and migrant live-in care workers were aware of 7.77 and 7.34 rights, respectively. No more than 4% of older adults, 18% of family members, and 10% of migrant live-in care workers were aware of all 10 workers’ rights. It seems that whereas some rights regarding social benefits were well acknowledged, core issues related to the job and to the status of migrant care workers remain unclear. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

在英语中,except,except for,but,besides均可以表示“除外”之意,但在具体使用时须谨慎。一、在肯定句中,except后面的内容一般是“例外”,即“不包括在内”。例如:1.A ll the students went to see the film except Tom.(=A ll the stu-dents w ent to see the film,butTom didn t.)除了汤姆,所有的学生都去看了那部电影。2.A ll except Jane and M ary were present at the m eeting yesterday.(=A llw ere presentat the m eeting yesterday but Jane and M ary weren t.)除了简和玛丽,大家都参加了昨天的会议。3.John is a good s…  相似文献   

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