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语境原则,是语用学、语义学、语言哲学等学科中的一个基本和核心的概念。语境是语言赖以生存、运用和发展的环境,制约着语言的表达。在语言哲学上,语境原则自弗雷格的提出之后,经过斯特劳森的引用和解释,发展到今天已成为语言哲学中的一条重要的方法论原则,对于哲学问题的研究具有深远的影响。  相似文献   

体态语言是一种重要的教学语言,本文论述了体态语言的种类、特点、作用以及运用体态语言应遵循的原则和注意的问题。  相似文献   

李金金 《考试周刊》2011,(61):98-99
礼貌是人类社会文明的标志.约束着人类的社会活动。礼貌原则是语言交际中制约语言行为的一种规范。在日常社会交往活动中,人们为了实现自己一定的交际目的.会话时往往会遵循一定的原则。本文结合高考例题论述Leech的礼貌原则及其在英语日常交际中的应用.并阐述了中西文化对礼貌原则的异同,从而提出在教学过程中提高学生运用语言能力的对策.让学生掌握正确恰当使用英语交际用语。  相似文献   

本文结合实例论述了现代公关言语及其运用准则①。"言语",不同于"语言","公关语言"实为"公关言语";现代公关言语交际和一般言语交际有密切联系,现代公关言语运用准则要接受一般言语交际原则的制约,前者是后者的具体化,也是对后者的补充;现代公关言语运用准则也适用于非公关言语交际,但二者有区别。  相似文献   

人类交际通常是由两个渠道而 实现的:语言渠道和非语言渠 道。体态语是非语言交际中最 重要的一种。体态语在课堂教 学中起着非常重要的作用,它 能辅助有声语言,优化英语教 学,提高教学质量。本文论述了 体态语的概念、功能,重点介绍 了体态语在英语课堂教学中的 运用及运用时应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

数学课堂教学语言既不同于数学语言,也有别于数学教师的日常生活用语,它是数学教师的“工作语言”,受数学教学规律的制约,不得有随意性。数学课堂教学语言的基本要求包括以下几个方面:科学性要求、启发性要求、艺术性要求以及思想性要求。教师合理运用数学课堂教学语言应遵循的基本原则是:知识性原则、明晰性原则、针对性和可接受性原则、激励性原则。  相似文献   

合作原则与礼貌原则是人们在交际活动中应当遵守的语用原则。把这些原则用于大学英语教学中,可以提高学生的学习及语言运用能力,同时礼貌是制约语用的关键。教师应通过礼貌原则的教授来提高学生的语言素质。  相似文献   

句法象似性在《高级英语》教学中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
象似性是当今认知语言学中的热门话题之一,它是指语言符号的能指与所指之间的自然联系,其研究对了解语言和认知之间的关系有重要意义。语言结构的象似性是指语言结构与人的经验结构或概念结构之间的自然联系,而句法象似原则是其重要原则之一。本文分别论述距离象似性,数量象似性,顺序象似性在《高级英语》教学中的运用。  相似文献   

"礼貌原则[1]是语用学中研究的最重要的原则之一."礼貌原则"主要是指人们在日常会话中,通过礼貌语言的运用,顺利地实现交谈的目的.介绍了礼貌语言的级别性和合适性并阐述了在怎样不同文化背景下才能正确地运用礼貌语言,旨在论述礼貌语言和损益级差之间的关系.  相似文献   

恭维语是人类言语交际的一种重要形式。但因受文化因素的制约,英汉两种语言中的恭维语之间存在着较大的差异。文章从恭维语的使用、应答模式、语用原则诸方面作了比较,探讨和论述了英汉恭维语之间的差异。  相似文献   

The present study examined the extent to which preschool classroom supports—relational support (RS) and instructional support (IS)—are associated with children's language development and whether these associations vary as a function of children's language ability. The language skills of 360 children within 95 classrooms were assessed using an expressive narrative task in the fall and spring of the preschool year, teachers rated RS in the fall, and observations of IS were collected across the year. Research Findings: Hierarchical linear models revealed main effects of IS, but not RS, on preschoolers’ development of expressive language skills. In addition, the associations between RS and IS on children's expressive language development were moderated by children's fall language ability. Specifically, the association between IS and language development was stronger for children with stronger expressive language skills, and the association between RS and language development was stronger for children with weaker expressive language skills. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest that professional development for preschool teachers might focus on aligning classroom supports with the needs of children with weaker language skills who are at risk for difficulty acquiring literacy.  相似文献   

余昱 《教育学报》2004,(6):15-18
语文读写资源开发的终极目标是促进学生语言的发展。学生语言发展具有三个特征 :学校语文习得的语言是书面文学语言系统 ;语言的发展具有层级性 ;学生在语言使用中创造语言。为此 ,从学生语言发展的层面上开发读写资源必须精心挑选读本 ;注重语言习得环境的营造 ;关注对学生语言发展的评价。  相似文献   

English language has undergone a long-term development and now it has become an international language.The wide spread of English contributes greatly to its status as an internationally dominating language which results in the linguistic imperialism and the loss of linguistic identity for many people speaking other languages.Their linguistic identity is becoming a problem now.  相似文献   

The purpose of the longitudinal research reported in this Monograph was to examine language acquisition in the second year of life in the context of developments in cognition, affect, and social connectedness. The theoretical focus for the research is on the agency of the child and the importance of the child's intentionality for explaining development, rather than on language as an independent object. The model of development for the research is a Model of Intentionality with two components: the engagement in a world of persons and objects that motivates acquiring a language, and the effort that is required to express and articulate increasingly discrepant and elaborate intentional state representations. The fundamental assumption in the model is that the driving force for acquiring language is in the essential tension between engagement and effort for linguistic, emotional, and physical actions of interpretation and expression. Results of lag sequential analyses are reported to show how different behaviors--words, sentences, emotional expressions, conversational interactions, and constructing thematic relations between objects in play--converged, both in the stream of children's actions in everyday events, in real time, and in developmental time between the emergence of words at about 13 months and the transition to simple sentences at about 2 years of age. Patterns of deviation from baseline rates of the different behaviors show that child emotional expression, child speech, and mother speech clearly influence each other, and the mutual influences between them are different at times of either emergence or achievement in both language and object play. The three conclusions that follow from the results of the research are that (a) expression and interpretation are the acts of performance in which language is learned, which means that performance counts for explaining language acquisition; (b) language is not an independent object but is acquired by a child in relation to other kinds of behaviors and their development; and (c) acquiring language in coordination with other behaviors in acts of expression and interpretation takes work, so that acquiring language is not easy.  相似文献   

英国华文教育的发展经历了三个阶段:从20世纪50年代末以前的初步发展,到20世纪60年代初至80年代末形成的第一波热潮,再到20世纪90年代至今的新高潮。目前正面临着机遇与挑战并存的局面。英国华文教育的发展主要受到四大因素的影响:移民潮的涌入构成了英国华文教育两次跳跃发展的直接动因;英国政府语言政策的变革为华文教育的发展提供了政策空间;华人社会的倾力支持为英国华文教育的发展提供了原动力;香港政府的鼎力支持和祖国的繁荣昌盛为华文教育的发展提供了外部环境支撑。英国华文教育的未来变革应注重与主流学校的协调与耦合,以形成合力,相互促进,使华文教育既能满足英国经济与文化教育发展对汉语学习的需求,又能符合英国华人社会对华文教育的基本诉求。  相似文献   

生态语言学为网络语言研究提供了一个崭新的视角.网络语言是“一种新的特定的社会方言”,它的出现增加了语言的多样性,丰富了语言生态系统,提高了语言环境的稳定性.网络语言以前所未有的方式、出人意料的影响为语言生态系统注入了生机和活力,在语言生态系统中形成了一种新的语言态势,使之达到了新的动态平衡.应当从保护语言生态平衡的前提出发,积极调控和干预语言生态进程,科学规范和利用网络语言,推动语言生态的和谐发展.  相似文献   

Language is an important way of presenting an identity, either individual or group. This paper explores the language used in the presentation of the identity of academic development. The study is based on an analysis of websites from academic development centres in the UK and Australia and outlines the public ways in which academic developers present their work and the meanings that are attached to this presentation. It uses frame theory to analyse the language of academic development websites in order to explore some of the assumptions underpinning the public face of academic development. It explores the ways in which language is used to frame and persuade in order to establish the credibility of academic development as an expert and scholarly field.  相似文献   

网络与外语教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为在外语教学过程中 ,网络活动 (1)使外语学习者的学习动机由为通过考试而学的纯工具性转为既为考试又为交流的综合性动机 ;(2 )作为传统课堂教学的辅助与延伸 ,为学习者提供了更多的语言输入和输出机会 ,使课堂集中进行更高层次的语言教学成为可能 ;(3)能够为外语教学与研究提供丰富、准确而真实的统计数据  相似文献   

本研究通过对天津地区高校80名外语教师的问卷调查,分析了影响外语教师专业成长的个人因素和外部环境.研究表明教师对待本职工作能够做到爱岗、敬业、热爱学生,但以课本为中心的教学观仍主宰着教师的课堂教学行为.教师主要阅读与课本相关的材料,在很大程度上忽略了学习支撑教师专业成长的教育学知识、语言教学理论、语言学习理论和科研方法等理论体系.研究结果同时也表明学校和学院为教师提供了一个基本平等和谐的外部环境,教师间有机会分享教学科研活动.因此,研究结论对探寻有效的外语教师专业成长途径有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

This article contains a review of recent research on the topic of language development in an educational research perspective. The contribution is focussed on research which was carried out in the German education system. The starting point of such research was the insight that mastery of a language is of core importance for educational success as well as for participation in a society. The research which is presented in this review article strives to identify factors that are relevant for the development of different language abilities during an education biography. The article starts with an overview of international and national research traditions which build the ground for the investigation of language development in an educational research perspective. A second part of the article deals with research projects that aimed to unveil factors which are influential for differential language development during a school career. In the third part of the article, an outlook on recent research is presented which deals with the question how language development can be fostered and supported by educational institutions. In Germany, such projects are just beginning. They mainly derive from the evaluation of model projects or other practical experiments; only very few experimental intervention studies have been carried out.  相似文献   

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