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本文通过对20112015年英语专业四级(即TEM4)完形填空题型特点进行分析,结合语篇分析理论,探讨广西大学行健文理学院TEM4完形填空题型教学中行之有效的教学模式,从而培养学生完形填空阅读理解能力,并有助于英语专业四级完形填空题型教学水平的提高。  相似文献   

完形填空是英语考试的必考题型。本文通过对近些年完形填空的试题特点及学生在傲完形填空时的一些心理和策略特点进行了分析,提出了应采用语篇教学法并在其过程中加强对学生元认知学习策略的训练。通过对语篇教学中元认知策略训练的探讨,希望对英语教学和完形填空备考有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

蒙坤 《中学文科》2009,(4):143-144
在各类英语考试中,完形填空一直是考生失分较多的题型,根本原因是缺乏应有的阅读技能,语篇意识缺失。本文从介绍完形填空题型入手,结合语篇理论,提出在日常阅读教学中,教师有必要以语篇分析为理论依据,从语篇的衔接这一层面来培养学生的阅读能力,从而从根本上提高学生的完形填空解题能力。  相似文献   

衔接与连贯是贯穿语篇的重要纽带,也是英语完形填空中用于考查学生的语篇整体意识主要测试手段。本文从衔接与连贯的理论入手,结合高三英语完形填空教学,以基于衔接与连贯的完形填空训练设计为例,探讨更加有效的备考复习方法和策略,提高学生的综合语言能力。  相似文献   

本文在简明阐述高考完形填空心理机制及语篇分析理论的基础上,着重介绍提升能力、突破高考完形填空瓶颈的四大策略,并进一步探讨了高三复习训练的方法,对高三复习教学有一定启示。  相似文献   

新课标实施以来,高考完形填空考点设置更加注重语境。这对学生的"语篇意识"提出了较高的要求。本文着重从近五年全国Ⅰ卷完形填空中词汇复现的角度进行分析,谈谈如何利用词汇复现增强学生的语篇意识,提高学生的完形填空解题能力。  相似文献   

完形填空,一直是阅读教学的重点及难点,也是对阅读实践能力和思维能力的考查方式。在日常教学中,存在翻译文章即学法指导的现象,无语篇教学、无思维拓展,以至于不少学生都会认为英语学习就是“背多分”。新课标要求教师能够帮助学生进行语篇阅读、理解语篇内涵、开展语篇分析。基于这一理念,笔者设计了一节完形填空的学法指导课,旨在帮助学生通过课堂活动,进行语篇的阅读、理解和分析,以达到提高阅读能力、训练思维能力的目的。  相似文献   

完形填空是一种在语篇层面上对英语语言知识进行考查的综合性测试,其考查点不但涉及诸多语法知识,而且涵盖词义,句子和语篇,具有极强的区分度。与此同时,完形填空也难指导,难得分。笔者结合初中英语教学多年的实际和经验,从被测试者解答完形填空中容易出现的错误入手,解析错误产生的种种原因,找出相应的对策,并全面解答解题技巧和思路。  相似文献   

在英语考试中,完形填空题是学生失分较多的一项。究其原因主要是学生没有树立准确的语篇意识,没有掌握基本的语篇知识。因此,英语教育者有必要为学生输入语篇知识,教授其用衔接连贯的理论分析完形填空,这一做法必将为广大学生的英语学习以及教师的教学提供帮助。  相似文献   

完形填空是障碍性阅读,即把一篇短文中某些词汇抽去让考生填空,这就要求考生能读懂缺词的语篇,能根据上下文通篇考虑,具备综合运用词汇知识,回填语篇挖空后缺词的能力。对语篇的理解是贯穿完形填空的一条原则,所有的选择都应服从于语篇意思和逻辑。因此,利用语篇知识是做完形填空的非常重要技巧和手段。下面重点介绍如何上下关联,捕捉线索,搜寻正确的选项。  相似文献   

CET4考试中,学生普遍反映在所有题型中,完形填空属于难度较大、失分较多的题型。经过调查分析,发现造成失误主要是因为学生缺乏相应的语篇分析能力。教师在教学过程中要有意识地培养学生的语篇意识,并引导学生运用于学习过程中,能提高解题能力,减少错误率。  相似文献   

阐述英语测试中完形填空的理论基础和主要的命题原则,指出完形填空具有五种可行的布局模式,对比分析了2006年6月与2007年12月大学英语四级完形填空,论证科学遵循完形填空的命题原则和方法的重要性。  相似文献   

通过采用定量研究法对74名非英语专业学生对合理删词完形填空与阅读能力之间的关系进行研究发现:合理删词完形填空与阅读理解有显著的相关关系,这一关系是预测学生阅读能力的一种有效手段。合理删词完形填空是一种很好的测试题,有助于考查学生对语言的综合运用能力。  相似文献   

在回顾测试中完形填空试题形式的演变及其发展的基础上,采用定性分析方法对2007—2009年大学英语四级完形填空分别从字数、题材、体裁及实词和虚词、句子层面和语篇层面等综合运用能力方面进行内容效度分析,分析结果表明完形填空题的内容效度较高并满足测试目的。  相似文献   

Ann Finlay 《Literacy》1997,31(2):30-35
When informal measures of reading assessment were used with a Further Education student the results were different to those obtained with the Basic Skills Agency’s reading test based on cloze exercises. After describing the informal assessment the reasons for the discrepancy between the two methods are discussed. These are based first on the language production demands of cloze, and second on the relationship between functional literacy materials and cloze success. The author concludes that the suitability of cloze for testing reading is in doubt; it is likely to underestimate some readers’ abilities and it should not be used to test reading in isolation from other measures. Please note ALBSU has changed its name to the Basic Skills Agency, and to avoid confusion BSA will be used throughout the article even if at the time referred to it was known as ALBSU.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that cloze measures are a function of content achievement among adult learners and, consequently, should be sensitive to instructional treatments was tested in two experimental studies. College juniors and seniors took tests immediately before (pre), immediately after (post) and four weeks after (delay) studying a prose passage. The types of tests administered in each session were: (I) a 20-item multiple-choice test, (2) a reproduction passage cloze test, (3) a recognition passage cloze test, (4) a reproduction summary cloze test, and (5) a recognition summary cloze test. All tests show significant differences between pre- and posteonditions, and between recognition and reproduction modes. The reproduction summary cloze test was found to be the most sensitive to the instructional treatment, as indicated by an oJ 2 statistic on pre-post measures. The summary cloze tests were resistant to forgetting while the cloze passage and multiple-choice tests show significant decreases in performance over the four week delay interval.  相似文献   

为丰富英语专业测试的结构效度的研究,文章用过程分析法对受试者进行英语专业四级(TEM-4)中的完型填空部分模拟测试,并采用回顾报告的方法与阅读和应试策略列表来获取信息和数据。实验结果表明,TEM-4中完型填空测试很好地考察了受试者在词汇和句子层面的阅读能力,但一些应试技巧却影响着受试者在测试过程中的思维方式,因此TEM-4完型填空的测试设计仍需改进以达到更高的结构效度。  相似文献   

完形测试建立于完形心理学的理论基础之上,自创建以来,倍受语言测试界的重视,被广泛用于各种大规模的测试中。但后来的研究表明完形测试也存在一些令人费解之处。本文通过分析Bachman模式揭开了完形测试的神秘面纱。分析表明,完形测试结果并不一定是应试者潜在能力(underlying competence)的真实体现,它还会受到方法因素的影响。该分析结果建议采用完形测试形式的命题者不仅要更好地定义测量目标,而且还要考虑测试中存在哪些潜在难点,尽量避免它们对测试结果带来的影响。  相似文献   

Teachers have been long concerned with the problem of detecting plagiarism. This study was undertaken to determine whether the cloze procedure might provide an objective, reliable, and practical method for detecting plagiarism. The objectives of the study were to: confirm that a plagiarism effect on cloze test scores exists; determine whether, if so, it is large enough to be of practical utility in detecting plagiarism; and, assuming a substantial effect is found, ascertain whether its magnitude varied as a function of the subject matter of the topic assigned, native language of the examinee, or race of the examinee. The results of this study comparing cloze test performances by plagiarists and non-plagiarists indicated substantial differences in error rates for these two groups. The data support the original hypothesis that the cloze procedure may be used as a valid and sensitive measure for discriminating plagiarists from non-plagiarists.  相似文献   

There are several types of cloze. The MC cloze is widely used in national examinations. MC cloze is similar to multiple choice, but not exactly the same. To develop an MC cloze, a suitable passage should be chosen first, then some of the words should be deleted, and finally the distractors for each item are set. To test whether the cloze is validable and reliable, the students are asked to take a pretest. The results are analyzed by GITEST. The data demonstrates that the difficulty level and the discrimination are not good enough. Some of the distractors are too tricky while some others are too weakly distractive.  相似文献   

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