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Researchers have long aimed to quantify environmental attitudes, subsequently incorporating them into more comprehensive models of values, attitudes, and behaviors. However, many metrics, notably the New Environmental Paradigm scale, conflate a situated, incomplete set of environmental attitudes with pro-environmental worldviews generally. Further, the measurement of environmental worldviews is often used instrumentally to engender pro-environmental behaviors, proving problematic both theoretically and pragmatically. Three dimensions are suggested to better explain the diversity of contemporary environmentalism—view of technology, view of societal response, and view of nature. This article argues that any multi-item scale will be limited in its ability to capture a dynamic concept like environmentalism, but when used appropriately quantitative scales can engender individual and community empowerment; therefore, reassessment rather than rejection is the appropriate way forward.  相似文献   

The New Environmental or Ecological Paradigm (NEP) is widely acknowledged as a reliable multiple‐item scale to capture environmental attitudes or beliefs. It has been used in statistical analyses for almost 30 years, primarily by psychologists, but also by political scientists, sociologists and geographers. The scale's theoretical foundation is, however, seldom discussed and not comprehensively specified. This article explores the environmental ethics that underlies the scale, analysing which ethical positions on human—nature relations the scale seem to match. The study shows that pronounced forms of anthropocentrism are well captured by the scale, while the environmental position is ‘shallow’ rather than ‘deep green’ and misses crucial elements of the contemporary environmental ethics debate.  相似文献   

环境保护机制发挥作用过程不但蕴含着推演环境伦理的科学“事实”与保护环境实践“应当”这两个基本条件,而且蕴含着在这两个基本条件之间建立由此及彼相互转化的内在要求与实现的可能性。以环境保护机制效能为取向的环境伦理观的基本内容包括:以反馈机制与预防机制为取向的生态整体利益观、以制约机制与协调机制为取向的生态平等观、以责任机制与参与机制为取向的道德主体观。  相似文献   

A goal of most environmental education is to motivate students toward environmentally friendly behaviour change. This article describes a study that elucidates how such motivation can be fostered in the classroom. It compared students’ development of environmental motivation in a conventional post-secondary environmental biology course and a similar course guided by self-determination theory (SDT). Students in the SDT-guided course experienced less amotivation after the course than students in the comparison section. This article presents a preliminary empirical examination of the utility of SDT in a formal environmental education setting.  相似文献   

提高成人高等教育的办学效益,需要考察成人高校办学规模及教育资源的利用率。文章结合市场经济特征,以广东佛山地区2008年教育统计数据为例进行分析,认为要提高成人高等教育办学效益,必须通过坚持以政府部门主导、市场合理调节和调整教育布局、扩大整体效益来实现。  相似文献   

The principal objective of this research is to test the factorial structure of the New Ecological Paradigm scale on a population of men and women residing in France. The tested model is a second-order factorial model. This factorial structure is evaluated on two separate samples to test the stability of the solution (a first sample of 253 participants, diversified in terms of age and socioprofessional category, and a second sample of 266 students). The results confirm the existence of a second-order factorial structure in which environmental beliefs, measured based on 13 items taken from the New Ecological Paradigm scale, would constitute a homogeneous system of beliefs supported in five distinct dimensions.  相似文献   

教师道德意识是内在的、本能的一种道德彰显,是衡量师德标准的一种重要尺度。而这种意识的形成,需要有一个良好的教师道德意识环境。文章通过树立人本共同体、转变学校领导行为、实施有效的激励措施三个方面力求为教师道德建设提供借鉴,以供管理者和研究者参考。  相似文献   

This article explores the potential for critical and informed engagement with biblical texts to form a key element of the study of Christian perspectives on ethical issues at GCSE and A level. Given the current dominance of philosophical and ethical topics, and weaknesses in the engagement with biblical texts within existing curriculum materials, the article appeals to recent developments in approaches to biblical scholarship, in particular a focus on the history of interpretation and influence, as a means by which the Bible may be fruitfully and critically engaged in modules focused on contemporary religious ethics. The article then presents the topic of environmental stewardship as a test case for the practical application of such a method, outlining two examples – the stewardship of creation (Genesis 1 and 2) and the future of the earth (2 Peter 3) – to demonstrate how a more sophisticated treatment of the Bible as part of ethical enquiry might be achieved.  相似文献   

提出一种新的纠正CORDIC算法中模因子的方法以解决传统方法所带来的电路结构不规则、系统吞吐率降低等弊端.首先根据迭代方程之间的关系,通过推导引入一个新的迭代方程,将模因子的校正过程转化为只需要移位和加法运算即可实现的简单的迭代过程.然后分析了该算法量化误差中的舍入误差所带来的影响,并提出该误差可以通过对迭代方程中的系数进行合适取值来降低.最后对提出的算法通过Matlab建模并利用Verilog HDL语言进行RTL级编程,经过综合后在FPGA上进行了验证.仿真结果表明,与传统方法相比,在相同精度条件下使用所提方法只需要额外的一个时钟周期即可达到模校正的目的,且不需要修改基本的迭代操作.因此电路实现比较规则,同时系统吞吐率变化较小.  相似文献   

新公共管理的理论和实践对行政伦理提出了挑战,对行政价值和行政个体伦理都产生了较大的冲击;另一方面人们在批判新公共管理的过程中深化了对行政伦理的思考,提出了新公共服务、公共行政文化等思想,行政伦理将进入一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济体制改革的深入,越来越多的经济伦理问题凸现出来。这些问题的出现有着制度和非制度方面的因素,传统经济伦理的现代变革将是一个相当艰难的过程,建立适合我国经济体制的现代经济伦理是一件刻不容缓的事情。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine an alternative configuration of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), a psychometric instrument used as a measure of academic motivation in various academic environments. The analyses utilised data from a convenience sample of 2354 business students, broken into two random subsamples of 1177 cases. Exploratory factor analysis of the 28 AMS scale items was conducted on the estimation sample. The results indicated good model fit for a four-factor configuration consisting of amotivation, external regulation, identified regulation, and intrinsic motivation as indicated by factor loadings, as well as internal consistency and reliability statistics.

Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the holdout sample to independently assess the construct validity and internal consistency of the item loadings on the reconfigured scale. Results indicated good model fit for the four-factor configuration and a significant loss of fit for competing three- and one-factor models. The uncovered factor structure advances our understanding of how the items on this scale cluster into theoretically meaningful constructs. This knowledge may be utilised in research designed to further assess the impact of motivational states on educational outcomes such as academic performance, absenteeism, dropout rates, etc.  相似文献   

生态风险本质上都是人为的。生态风险形势越来越严峻,主要是由于人类在错误的伦理价值与文化观念引导下的错误行为造成的。有效地防范生态风险,需要我们从工业文明的末端治理模式向生态文明的生态综合治理模式转变,注重观念创新和消费方式的变革。我们应该在全社会进行生态启蒙,加强环境教育,提升公众生态意识,提高公众保护环境的自觉性。尤为重要的是,我们需要建设一套科学合理的环境伦理规范和运行有效的道德约束机制,促进人们实现生产方式生态化和生活方式绿色化。  相似文献   

近几十年来,全球生态环境的恶化使得人们对和谐生态环境的渴望超过了以往任何时候。上世纪90年代,各国语言学家开始关注语言在解决环境问题上所起的作用和影响,生态语言学应运而生。本文对生态语言学的发展状况、研究内容、研究方法等方面作一概述,并选取中国和美国报刊中针对日本福岛核污染事件相关报道为语料,对其进行对比分析,以期使读者能自主识别环境语篇中操纵、隐匿施事等行为,提升读者对生态语篇的认知能力。  相似文献   

生态文明建设首先需要依靠环境德治,通过环境道德教育唤起人们对生命的尊重、对大自然的敬畏,从而实现人与自然的和谐相处;与此同时,还必须建立健全我国的生态法制体系,完善生态立法,加强生态司法,规范生态执法,为生态文明建设提供有力的法治保障。  相似文献   

结合研究生学术道德的内涵和所包含的具体内容,采用开放式问卷和专家评价相结合的方法获得问卷题目,编制了包含正确的学术道德认知、健康的学术道德情感、坚强的学术道德意志、端正的学术道德行为四个维度的量表。通过对185个样本进行因素分析,发现本量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以初步作为研究生学术道德评价的工具。  相似文献   

导游工作满意度综合反映了导游对自身工作的认同情况,是影响导游工作者离职率的重要因素。在借鉴相关研究的基础上,通过设计量表,以实地调查为依据,用SPSS16.0做因子分析得出影响导游工作满意度的七大因子是工作感知、旅行社的鼓励措施、稳定保障、工作环境、报酬认可、出团工作压力、社会评价;得出导游对所从事的工作的满意度综合得分仅有44.5分;分析了不同社会人口学特征的导游群体的工作满意度差异情况。该研究结果有利于找出提高导游工作满意度的实施方案,从而更好地为旅游业服务。  相似文献   


The Children’s New Ecological Paradigms scale was originally developed for children ages 10–12 and was presented as valuable for comparing that age group with older participants. This study uses cognitive interviews and measurement invariance testing to investigate how well the scores maintain the same meaning between these two age groups. The qualitative and quantitative results were consistent in revealing that at least 20% of the items function differently than expected when we use it for this purpose. The findings revealed similarities with critiques of the adult NEP and questioned the validity of the use of this instrument in its present form.  相似文献   

论环境教育的价值目标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着环境教育的不断发展,其成效也日渐凸现,而其最重要的价值目标则体现在树立人与自然和谐发展的新自然观,追寻全面、协调、可持续发展的新发展观,弘扬人类利益的新公正观,重塑“真、善、美”相统一的新人格观几个方面,其价值目标的实现将进一步推动环境教育的发展。  相似文献   

生态伦理观是庄子思想的一个重要组成部分。从伦理学的角度,论述了庄子的“万物平等”道德观、“道法自然”发展观和“天人合一”整体观。  相似文献   

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