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随着改革开放的不断深入,我国经济取得巨大的发展同时也存在大量的社会问题,如环境污染、资源浪费、食品安全、假冒伪劣产品、煤炭矿难事故等。一系列恶性事件折射了我国部分企业对社会责任的漠视,这些现象不得不引起人们的思考。从我国企业社会责任信息披露的现状出发,剖析了其存在的主要问题并提出构建我国企业社会责任信息披露的对策思路。  相似文献   

超越象牙塔:现代大学的社会责任   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
早期的西方大学曾经具有与社会保持一定距离 ,以维护其学术研究和教学自由的历史传统。随着社会的发展 ,大学逐步走出了“象牙塔”,与社会的联系越来越密切 ,同时也使大学面临一种艰难的选择———如何既适应社会又崇尚学术 ,怎样才能在为经济和社会发展需要服务的同时保持大学应有的独立品格和价值追求。人类社会已经进入了全球化时代 ,时代强烈呼唤大学不仅要走出“象牙塔” ,还要超越“象牙塔” ,全面承担起时代赋予大学的教育责任、学术责任、既要服务又要引导社会前进的责任以及国际责任  相似文献   

Based on two cycles of assessments for accreditation, this study assesses the differential impacts of accreditation on public and private universities in Ghana. Analysis of the evaluator reports indicates no statistically significant difference – improvement or deterioration – between the two cycles of evaluations for both types of institutions. A test comparing the two-cycle aggregated assessment scores between the two categories of universities, however, indicated a significant difference, with the public universities achieving better scores (improvements). Drawing on the evaluators’ reports and the opinions expressed by academics from both categories of institutions, the conclusion was that isomorphic pressures, largely faced by the private universities, accounted for their implementation of suggestions for improvement by the evaluators.  相似文献   

作为国学代表的儒学思想一脉相传,深刻地影响者每一个国人的世界观、人生观和价值观。本文通过深入研究儒学思想内容,从企业社会责任的道德基石、核心内容、践行方式、施行标准和现实典范五个方面挖掘我国企业承担社会责任的思想文化渊源。  相似文献   

试论高校财务信息公开   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李杨 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2011,(2):419+422-419,422
高校财务信息公开是高校信息公开的重要组成部分,加强财务信息的公开,有利于社会公众监督高校的财务状况,防范其财务风险及遏制腐败现象的发生。本文从高校财务信息公开的必要性入手,分析了目前高校财务信息公开存在的不足之处,提出相应的解决对策,希望能以此为我国高校财务信息公开建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

在公司行为导致一系列社会问题的今天,如何看待公司社会责任,如何界定其内涵和性质,有经济责任论、道德责任论、法律责任论等观点。并拟结合各国立法情况对公司社会责任做进一步的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

高校要加强大学生社会责任感的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生是祖国的未来、民族的希望,肩负着重要的社会责任.由于各种因素的影响,大学生社会责任感淡化的倾向日益凸显.加强大学生社会责任感的培养,是我国高校面临的一项重要而紧迫的任务.高校应通过多种载体、多种形式强化对大学生社会责任感的培养.  相似文献   

公办高校法人治理结构及其建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国大多数高校创新能力不足的主要原因是没有建立现代高校法人制度。目前公办高校法人制度建设的主要任务,首先是依法规范政府与高校的所有权与管理权的关系,建立现代法律契约或委托代理关系;其次是健全高校内部的决策、执行与监督机制,确保高校中政治权利、行政权利和学术权利的平衡和制约,为高校的科研创新、人才培养创新和社会服务创新服务。  相似文献   

Learning social responsibility in schools: a restorative practice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Vygotsky regarded the site of learning to be within a matrix of relational action. From this perspective, learning social responsibility will involve a focus on the learning environments that are made available in schools. Adapting the concept of restorative justice to a school context, restorative practice offers a range of relevant learning opportunities. These learning opportunities relate to episodes of wrong‐doing, and to actions that reflect the values and principles of a socially responsible school culture. The importance of dialogue, respect for “the other” and social collaboration will be evident in school‐based restorative practices.  相似文献   

Prior literature suggests that teaching corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability has led to little development of students' reflexive engagement with the challenges of sustainable development. To shed light on this criticism, we apply sensemaking—as entailing the three stages of scanning for information, interpreting it and identifying alternatives of action—to CSR/sustainability education. Analysing cognitive maps of CSR, drawn by undergraduate finalists from a UK business school, we find that students are able to produce complex cognitive maps in terms of scanning for information; however, cognitive bottlenecks occur at the second and third stages of sensemaking. A key pedagogical challenge is, therefore, to support students in moving beyond scanning towards developing meaning and acting on that basis. By introducing a sensemaking lens, we add to a deeper understanding of the complexities associated with CSR education as it aids (or impedes) critical engagement and action.  相似文献   

Socially responsible educational development issues include examination of whether students in diverse situations have access to educational programs. Within a global society that supports equal opportunities for individuals, issues of access to educational content have merit at both individual and societal levels. A framework for thinking about social responsibility in educational access three primary areas is examined. These include (a) meeting the needs of underserved populations, (b) preparing for and capitalizing on diversity, and (c) using access to build society. Online learning offers one viable strategy for social responsibility by providing significant benefits in the areas of educational access for underserved populations, exposure to and experience with diversity, and building social communities through shared electronic communication.  相似文献   

公民教育包含着一种全新的教育理念,是以自由、民主、平等为基础,培养主体性公民的教育活动,它的倡导和开展可以培养人的主体性,健全人格,从而增强社会责任感。  相似文献   

社会公正与大学角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social justice is not only a vital ethical principle of the human society but also the all-important value of the entire social system. As a public sphere, the university undertakes the purpose to achieve public interest. It plays a significant role in reflecting, defending, and fostering social justice. Nurturing people with social justice awareness is a key mission of the university; it communicates and advocates the ideas of social justice, which helps to foster social justice consciousness of the public; and, for its own part, it must strive to embody and defend procedural justice. __________ Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2007, 28(1): 13–19, revised by Zha Qiang, Faculty of Education, York University  相似文献   

The new engineer: between employability and social responsibility   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The reasons behind the demand for what is sometimes called the New Engineer are critically examined and it is argued that a focus on employability alone is not sufficient to prepare socially responsible engineers. By examining issues around work organisation and sustainability it is proposed that engineers need to understand the wider social context in which they work. It is argued that the focus of ethics education should be broadened to focus on the social structure and the way it both enables and constrains socially responsible conduct. There is a call to refocus engineers’ attitudes towards the systems of regulation so they see them not only as constraints but as potential enablers supporting socially responsible engineering.  相似文献   

A substantive and differentiating element of the Jesuits’ university paradigm is the promotion of social justice. The results of a telephone poll conducted amongst professors and researchers convey the initiatives to further social justice that Jesuit universities in Spain have been carrying out primarily since the 1990s. Although still a limited presence, respondents largely favour continuing said initiatives.  相似文献   

面对目前高职院校学生社会责任感淡薄的现状,应加强高职学生思想道德教育,培养高职学生正确的价值理想,组织学生参加社会实践活动,构建社会、学校、家庭相结合的教育机制。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):254-268

The growth and development of private universities has been one of the most dramatic features of African higher education in the last two decades. Using the three East African countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda as a case in point, this analysis examines the extent to which developments in the region echo international trends, as well as how they illustrate contrasts. The analysis focuses on three key themes: (a) growth and historical antecedents; (b) institutional developments in terms of continuity and innovation; and (c) internationalism. While only relatively recent phenomena, private universities in East Africa and the increasing privatisation of public universities mirror developments in other parts of the world with a longer tradition of private university developments in terms of growth and historical antecedents, continuity and innovation in institutional development, as well as in internationalism. However, there are some situations in which the East African case is exceptional.  相似文献   

我国房地产业在促进国民经济发展的同时,也承载不少社会矛盾和社会情绪,公众对房地产企业缺乏全面客观的认识,有时会把一些不应由企业承担的社会责任归咎于房地产企业。因此本文从房地产企业利益相关者入手,剖析房地产企业的社会责任,找寻其社会责任的合理承担范围,以期促进房地产企业社会责任的践行。  相似文献   

高校社会资本论   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
高校社会资本是一种重要的资本形式,在高等教育的发展过程中起着重要作用。提出高校社会资本既有必要,又是可行的。高校社会资本具有社会融资、信息获取、合作创新等多项功能。高校社会资本的积累,需要法律政策、高校领导、团体组织、社会责任等多重保障。  相似文献   

我国对社会责任的研究起步较晚。企业在履行社会责任方面还存在一些问题,各企业的重视程度及履行程度参差不齐,实践情况远远落后于西方国家。将企业社会责任信息的披露作为企业角色转变的切入点,从行业分类、企业性质分类等角度,研究我国上市公司社会责任信息披露指数和社会责任报告披露情况,提出加强我国企业社会责任信息披露的建议。  相似文献   

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