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人类辅助生殖技术应用于临床给不孕夫妇带来了福音,却给人类传统的道德观念带来了挑战。文章介绍了该技术的类型及适用对象,以及我国人类辅助生殖技术的发展现状,并就我国的实际应用中出现的新情况提出相关伦理问题及解决办法。  相似文献   

运用教育技术的目的是促进远程学习者对知识的感知与认知。若将教育技术视为系统,可分解为抽象的概念子系统和具体的物质子系统。前者为实现教育、教学过程最优化的系统方法;后者则为印刷媒体、广播电视媒体,计算机网络媒体等多种媒体的软硬件设计、制作及使用。必须走出教育技术即媒体技术的认识误区。教育技术的核心是系统方法而不是媒体技术,前后两者间具有理论指导实践的关系。  相似文献   

同伴互助学习是传统课堂教学的重要补充,是深化本科教育教学改革、提高人才培养质量与效率的有力举措。但其在实践发展中却面临诸多问题,如顶层设计缺位、制度保障缺失、课内课外断层、师生重视不够、内涵特色消弭等。本研究致力于追溯同伴互助学习盛行之因,精准定位学生学习需求,从而探索提供与之相应的多样化学习支持服务,为开展互助学习之有效模式提出针对性意见与建议。基于对D大学两千余名学生的在线调查数据,结果发现:大部分学生面临着学业困难的问题;学业困难问题产生的原因以内因为主;不同年级、性别、学科的学生对学业困难及学业互助问题的认知存在差异,且差异显著;大部分学生支持或愿意参与同伴互助学习。据此,提出应在“理念重视、制度支撑;关注差异、凸显特色;拓展内容、不止于学”等方面持续发力,多维度、多视角、多面向地开展同伴互助学习。  相似文献   

Objective: The study aimed at comparing personal growth between fathers whose infants were conceived with the aid of assisted reproductive technology (ART) and those whose infants were conceived spontaneously and to examine associations with personal resources. Design: We examined associations between personal growth on the one hand and optimism, positive and negative emotions, and parenting stress on the other, among fathers whose infants were conceived with the aid of ART and those whose infants were conceived spontaneously. One hundred and seventy-two Israeli first-time fathers (76 following ART and 96 following spontaneous pregnancies) whose infants were 5–18 months old completed a series of self-report questionnaires. Results: No difference was found in personal growth between the two research groups. For all men, lower economic status, older age of the child, higher optimism, higher positive and negative emotions, and parenting stress were all associated with greater growth. Conclusions: Although a certain level of stress and negative affect is a prerequisite for personal growth, it is made possible by positive resources, such as optimism and positive emotions. In addition, the manner in which the pregnancy was achieved appears to have no long-term consequences for men’s experience of personal growth in the transition to fatherhood. Professionals should relate to the present needs and emotional states of new fathers rather than their fertility history.  相似文献   

新兴传媒技术在都市远程教育中的应用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
都市远程教育是指为满足都市居民对于兴趣教育、素质教育、终身教育的需求,利用计算机、多媒体、网络、通信等技术手段而开展的远程教育。本文具体探讨了以即时通讯工具、网络电视、移动通信技术为代表的新兴传媒技术在都市远程教育当中的应用,并且指出上述技术在都市远程教育中应用还需进行的理论研究与实践探索。  相似文献   

随着电脑的普及和网络的迅猛发展,以Windows Media为代表的流媒体技术在现代远程教育中得到广泛应用。本文主要介绍了Windows Media技术的三个组成部分:Media Player、Media Encoder、Media Services及其使用方法,提出了以Windows Media技术建立现代远程教育系统的方案。  相似文献   

Acquisition of conceptual knowledge is a central aim in science education. In this study we monitored an interdisciplinary hypermedia assisted learning unit on hibernation and thermodynamics based on cooperative learning. We used concept mapping for the assessment, applying a pre-test/post-test design. In our study, 106 9th graders cooperated by working in pairs (n = 53) for six lessons. As an interdisciplinary learning activity in such complex knowledge domains has to combine many different aspects, we focused on long-term knowledge. Learners working cooperatively in dyads constructed computer-supported concept maps which were analysed by specific software. The data analysis encompassed structural aspects of the knowledge corresponding to a target reference map. After the learning unit, the results showed the acquisition of higher-order domain-specific knowledge structures which indicates successful interdisciplinary learning through the hypermedia learning environment. The benefit of using a computer-assisted concept mapping assessment for research in science education, and in science classrooms is considered.  相似文献   

多媒体网络技术辅助大学英语写作教学探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语写作教学是英语教学中的一个重要方面,提高英语写作教学的效率一直是教学实践中急需解决的问题.多媒体网络技术对学生英语写作能力的提高有很好的促进作用,为这一难题的破解提供了一个新的思路.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact on learning of digital technologies and media practices across the secondary curriculum, with a particular emphasis on non-linear video editing in a specialist media technology school. It observes the making of a trailer for Psycho by a group of Year 11 girls, asking how the advent of this very new technology enables new kinds of reading of visual texts, as well as new kinds of textual production dependent upon new IT-based literacies. It suggests that we need to find an adequate language of the visual, and to understand how this relates to other ‘grammars’ and semiotic systems; to understand how these competencies are rooted in wide-ranging cultural allegiances and pleasures, embracing popular as well as ‘classic’ texts; and to understand the classroom as a site both of encounter with popular culture, and of increasingly professional audiovisual production.  相似文献   

Because traditional schools struggle to effectively understand, implement, and sustain digital learning initiatives, innovating with digital media in classrooms is a difficult endeavor. Practitioners need examples to better understand conditions necessary to move forward with digital media and learning (DML) in schools. This article provides examples and supports research proposing that context and culture matter when innovating in schools. Three classroom cases using Web 2.0, app development, and game design are discussed, offering educators a pathway to consider similar pedagogical and participatory approaches to foster learning. Classroom contexts, teachers' perspectives, district supports, technical requirements, and scalability are highlighted. The examples suggest innovative DML initiatives can flourish within schools when participants are mindful of context and when a participatory culture is supported (Jenkins, Clinton, Purushotma, Robison, & Weigel, 2006).  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术在造福人类的同时也陷入了诸多伦理和法律困境。通过探讨技术在伦理文化和生命哲学方面对传统文化的承继和背离,解释科技与人文的关系,丰富民众对辅助生殖技术的哲学和社会认知度显得十分迫切。关键在于正确处理工具理性与价值理性的关系,促进科技人性化、科学精神与人文精神的融汇。  相似文献   

This article describes the design and delivery of a program, “Global Business in a Digital World.” The program integrates the use of social media technologies and business applications in a series of courses that include short‐term study abroad components that focus on emerging markets. The objectives are to: (1) provide additional options for study abroad; (2) broaden the scope of the international business program to include more emphasis on emerging markets; (3) provide integration across business and liberal arts; and (4) integrate social media technologies into the study abroad experience. To achieve these objectives, students study business in the host country, interact with local company executives, and experiment with social media and related technologies. A conceptual framework describes the course structure and its relationship with the four categories of social media classified as 4Cs: Communication, Connection, Cooperation, and Collaboration ( Cook, 2008 ; Enterprise 2.0. Burlington, VT: Gower Publishing Limited). Conclusions reveal improved student learning outcomes after exposure to the study abroad, but also suggest the study abroad experience requires specific skill development. A research framework gives direction for future work.  相似文献   

本文所述的几何方法使弹性碰撞问题显得深刻而直观,并能方便地得到解析方法不太容易获得的重要信息.本文对相关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

对物体间的碰撞做了简化分析,给出了质点的和质点组的动量定理及动量矩定理,并用恢复系数对碰撞类型作了归类。  相似文献   

采用几何方法直观地反映了一般碰撞问题的实质,得到了在解析方法中不易得到的许多信息,并对相关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

分析、判定两个物体碰撞后可能出现的状态时要从多方面加以考虑,既要考虑到一个实际的物理过程可能受多个物理规律的制约,还要从具体问题入手看这个物理过程是否符合客观事实。概括地说,解决碰撞问题要体现下述的四条原则:1碰撞前后动量守恒,即P1 P2=P′1 P′2;2物体碰撞前的总动能应大于或等于碰撞后的总动能,即Ek1 Ek2≥E′k1 E′k2;3若物体碰撞后同方向运动,则后面物体的速度应小于或等于前面物体的速度(不穿越),即v′后≤v′前;4若在一个光滑的水平面上,两物体只能碰撞一次,不可能发生第二次碰撞。例1质量相等的A、B两球在光滑水平…  相似文献   

外源性生殖激素在动物生产中应用并产生重大的经济学效益.为了比较外源性生殖激素处理对北极狐生殖机能的影响.使用不同剂量PMSG(孕马血清促性腺激素)和hCG(人绒毛膜促性腺激素)对初产母狐发情及产仔等生殖能力的影响.结果表明,使用150、200 IUPMSG,母狐发情率与受胎率均100%、产仔数/窝分别为6.6、6.7只; 150 IUPMSG+150 IUhCG组合优于其他组,显著提高母狐的产仔数.  相似文献   

The creation of families by means of the new reproductive technologies has raised important questions about the psychological consequences for children, particularly where gamete donation has been used in the child's conception. Findings are presented of a study of family relationships and the social and emotional development of children in families created as a result of the 2 most widely used reproductive technologies, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and donor insemination (DI), in comparison with control groups of families with a naturally conceived child and adoptive families. The quality of parenting was assessed using a standardized interview with the mother, and mothers and fathers completed questionnaire measures of stress associated with parenting, marital satisfaction, and emotional state. Data on children's psychiatric state were also obtained by standardized interview with the mother, and by questionnaires completed by the mothers and the children's teachers. The children were administered the Separation Anxiety Test, the Family Relations Test, and the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance. The results showed that the quality of parenting in families with a child conceived by assisted conception is superior to that shown by families with a naturally conceived child. No group differences were found for any of the measures of children's emotions, behavior, or relationships with parents. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for understanding the role of genetic ties in family functioning and child development.  相似文献   

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