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What is poetry? Pressed for an answer, Robert Frost made a classic reply“: Poetry is the kind of thing poets write.”In all likelihood, Frost was not trying merely to evade the question but to chide his questioner into thinking for himself. A trouble wit…  相似文献   

Teachers’ current uses of technologies still tend to replicate traditional and/ or administrative practices, with research indicating that the pedagogies required for the effective integration of educational technologies are not yet in evidence amongst the majority of teachers. In order to conceptualise what could be considered effective pedagogies for the use of technology, greater understanding of what informs teachers’ particular approaches and how teachers come to change their approaches over time is required. Succinctly, what is needed is a deep understanding of a teacher’s developmental process for their conceptualisation of the relationship between technology and pedagogy. Through an in-depth, two-year case study methodology, three teachers’ journey to use game-based technologies in their classrooms was examined. The results provide valuable insights into the relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices about the use of technologies; trigger points in teachers’ journeys that influence change in their pedagogical orientation for the use of technology; and rich stories of innovation in teaching. This study has implications for teacher professional development and supporting effective technology integration.  相似文献   


Following four years of continuous expansion in scale, the Confucius Institutes have begun entering the stage of implicit development: the most pressing question that needs answering is whether the Confucius Institutes, which are devoted to the dissemination of Chinese culture, can achieve the spread of Chinese culture overseas through day-to-day Chinese teaching. This paper reviews the Confucius Institutes’ strategy for the dissemination of Chinese culture from four perspectives: first, it dissects the connotations of Chinese culture, to clarify precisely what aspects of Chinese culture the institutes are seeking to disseminate; second, it analyzes the current international cultural order and challenges that may be faced in the process of cultural dissemination, and uses this foundation to draw lessons from other countries’ strategies for linguistic and cultural dissemination; third, it clarifies the methods, channels, and mechanisms for cultural dissemination; and last, it tracks the results of overseas cultural dissemination by the Confucius Institutes, and offers a scientific assessment.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItisafundamentalproblemincomputeraidedgeometricdesign (CAGD)andmanufacturetofindtheintersection (Laneetal.,1 980 ;Wang ,1 984;Sederbergetal.,1 986)oftheparametriccurves.SincemostofthecurvesinCAGDaredenotedbypolynomialsorrationalpolynomials,tofindtheirint…  相似文献   

This paper explores the essential understanding and underlying perspectives of career implicit in EU career guidance policy in the twenty-first century, as well as the possible implications of these for the future mission of guidance. Career theories, models and concepts that serve career guidance are shaped on the twentieth-century industrial division of labour and now face a crisis due to the influence of globalization on working life. The transition to a knowledge-based society also challenges the traditional view of career: vocational and educational paths are no longer linear, predictable or stable. The analyses of EU policy documents and ethical declarations discussed here indicate that meanings of career are under reconstruction and that these documents fail to clarify the underlying meanings or perspectives on career contained therein. The essential meaning of career, as communicated through characterizations and dominating underlying perspectives in EU policy, puts greater emphasis on career guidance as being conducted on behalf of society, rather than the individual. Ethical tensions within the career guidance profession appear to have increased, and the profession is also challenged in its professionalization by contradictions and broadened areas, activities and functions.  相似文献   

By using some elementary inequalities, authors in this paper makes further improvement for estimating the heights of Bézier curve and rational Bézier curve. And the termination criterion for subdivision of the rational Bézier curve is also improved. The conclusion of the extreme value problem is thus further confirmed. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60173034) and the Foundation of State Key Basic Research(973) Program (No. G1998030600), China  相似文献   

This paper tries to address the reference point for orientation of Educational Technology and starts to draw an orientation for the synthesis and applies subject-Educational Technology, which belongs to the education and remains the features of Technological layer. We take a further look and find that this subject is existing at the cross part of education and technology by which we can draw the boundary of the subject as Educational Technology. Then we discuss the significance of how and why we have to correct the orientation for Educational Technology, and by doing that we can do good things to construct the concept of Educational Technology and cultivate more qualified technological personnel in this area so that we can get more benefits from the practice of Educational Technology.  相似文献   

Historical representations of the National Society for the Study of Education’s Committee on Curriculum-Making typically recount that the purpose of the committee was to assemble representatives from competing curriculum camps to achieve consensus on curriculum principles, depict the committee’s work as important, cast doubt on the consensus the committee achieved, overlook the principles proposed by the committee and ignore its call for deliberation. A historical reconstruction of the committee’s work in the USA during the 1920s reveals that the purpose of the committee changed from reviewing research to prescribing techniques and finally to proposing general curriculum principles, with the aim of fostering deliberation among curriculum workers. A review of the US curriculum literature reveals that, after some initial attention, the Twenty-Sixth Yearbook fell into relative obscurity, but was rediscovered in the 1960s. A new analysis of the committee members’ supplementary statements argues that the committee indeed achieved consensus on foundational curriculum principles. As a historical document, the yearbook represents the coalescence of curriculum development as a professional field in the USA during in the 1920s. As a repository of professional knowledge, the General Statement remains pertinent to curriculum reform in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

In the past few years, worries about decreasing jobs or even the possible disappearance of the history of education as a field of study have frequently surfaced. Hence, the question arises as to whether the history of education, as a field of study, has a future – or is it, as many authors have remarked, in danger? This article starts from the idea that our field of study is definitely not alone in its struggle: many branches of the humanities have fallen victim to similar appeals of economic efficiency and relevance. In response to these developments, digital humanities in particular have been identified as a way out of the impasse. Therefore, this article explores the ways in which digital humanities or digital history can offer valuable contributions to the future of the history of education. This paper advocates that, although digital humanities or digital history cannot magically make our problems disappear, historians of education should further embrace the possibilities digital technology has to offer for the investigation of our educational past. I argue that digital technology not only has the potential to make our lives considerably easier; it can also help in addressing new research questions, give new meaning to existing concepts within the history of education and further enhance the interdisciplinary character of our discipline.  相似文献   

Poetics by Aristotle sets the dogmas for literature,while Waiting for Godot,the representative of the Theater of the Ab?surd,violates the former’s principles to achieve certain effects.The thesis will analyze the violation from the angle of Solidity or Authenticity of art and poetry,which are the likelinessandnecessity,and credibility.By digressing from the traditional rules,Wait?ing for Godot helps to create absurdity reflecting the inner loss of people after the war and to form a sense of alienation from reality.  相似文献   

Numerous countries are introducing National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs), or preparing to introduce them, despite the limited empirical evidence for their effectiveness. This paper takes advantage of recent additions to the evidence base on NQFs in order to assess their impacts, focusing on comprehensive frameworks. It also presents analytical tools for studying these impacts, by distinguishing among different types of framework and among the different ‘change processes’ by which they try to achieve their objectives. The evidence, while still inconclusive, shows that the impacts of NQFs have been smaller than expected, have often taken many years to appear, have varied across frameworks and sub-frameworks and have been negative as well as positive. However, the most important conclusion is the variability of the impacts of NQFs and the complexity of the underlying causal processes.  相似文献   

This article explores the discourse of international educational reform that aims at meeting the various challenges of globalisation and a knowledge-based economy and preparing students for a better future in the twenty-first century. Specifically, it reviews the dominant themes, trends and goals of modern education. It does so by exploring the shared themes of curriculum adaptation, the emerging models of learning and innovation, the trend towards lifelong learning for all and the growing need for the internationalisation of education. It concludes by suggesting an overall trend of the sectorisation and de-sectorisation of education emerging under new social and economic circumstances in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Computercalculationofphasediagramsbeganmorethan30yearsago.Aclearanddetailedreviewoftheearlyworksl'-'lwascontributedbyAnewton-Raphsoniterationtechniqueandthesimplexmethod,andpointedoutthatthemathematicaldeductionsofthelatterarelesscomplicated.Manynsaral'I.…  相似文献   

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2014 as the premier international human rights treaty focused on childhood rights and protections. In this article, we briefly review the 41 substantive principles embodied in the 54 Articles of the Convention and stress the need for educators, and specifically school psychologists, to work in concert with families to promote these premises through effective collaborative partnerships. Finally, we review examples of how the themes and positive ideology of the Convention can be enhanced through family–school collaboration infused into schooling practices within a multitiered service delivery framework to meet the learning and development best interests of the child.  相似文献   

This article explores the use of open learning to meet pharmacists' continuing development needs in the UK—a topic that the researchers first explored in 1996. First, it sets those needs in the context of the changing role of the pharmacist within the health care team. Second, the authors report the findings from a one-year study conducted in 1999–2000 by the Scottish Council for Research in Education of continuing professional development (CPD) provided by the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education at the University of Manchester. Data were collected from a 10% sample of registered pharmacists, telephone interviews with some employers and focus group meetings with a sample of pharmacists and tutors. Changes in pharmacists' attitudes to, and uptake of, CPD over the period are highlighted, the most significant of which is the growth in informal learning, an approach that now requires to be incorporated into an integrated model of CPD.  相似文献   

ApproximateFormulaeforCalculatingtheDeflectionontheSurfaceofFlexiblePavementHuangWei(黄卫)(TransportationColege,SoutheastUniver...  相似文献   

ParalelComputationoftheNoncooperativeEquilibriaforDynamicGamesLuZifang(卢子芳)DaQingli(达庆利)XuNanrong(徐南荣)(SchoolofEconomicsandMa...  相似文献   

Ionizationconstantsofpolyproticweakacidsarebasicthermodynamicsdata .Undermanycircumstances ,measurementsofionizationconstantsofpolyproticweakacidsareroutinelynecessary ,e .g .,fornewcompounds ,forwell establishedcompoundsatagiventemperaturewherepreviousdataareunavailable,andindifferentsol ventsystems.ThemainmethodsfordeterminationofionizationconstantsreportedinRefs.[1]— [4 ]arecon ductometricmethod ,potentiometrictitrationmethod ,NMRmethodandspectrophotometricmethod .Inthispaper,anewmethodf…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The elastic properties of coating layers in coating materials are very important in the design and evaluation for engineering purpose. They can serve as ground knowledge in the selection of surface coatings for particular applications, and can be used to monitor the quality of physical processes (Every, 2002). Therefore, estimation of the elastic properties of coating layers is of great practical value. Much effort has been put into measuring the material properties of coatin…  相似文献   

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