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This article used several data sets from a large-scale state testing program to examine the feasibility of combining general and modified assessment items in computerized adaptive testing (CAT) for different groups of students. Results suggested that several of the assumptions made when employing this type of mixed-item CAT may not be met for students with disabilities that have typically taken alternate assessments based on modified achievement standards (AA-MAS). A simulation study indicated that the abilities of AA-MAS students can be underestimated or overestimated by the mixed-item CAT, depending on students’ location on the underlying ability scale. These findings held across grade levels and test lengths. The mixed-item CAT appeared to function well for non-AA-MAS students.  相似文献   

Identifying the Causes of DIF in Translated Verbal Items   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Translated tests are being used increasingly for assessing the knowledge and skills of individuals who speak different languages. There is little research exploring why translated items sometimes function differently across languages. If the sources of differential item functioning (DIF) across languages could be predicted, it could have important implications on test development, scoring and equating. This study focuses on two questions: “Is DIF related to item type?”, “What are the causes of DIF?” The data were taken from the Israeli Psychometric Entrance Test in Hebrew (source) and Russian (translated). The results indicated that 34% of the items functioned differentially across languages. The analogy items were the most problematic with 65% showing DIF, mostly in favor of the Russian-speaking examinees. The sentence completion items were also a problem (45% D1F). The main reasons for DIF were changes in word difficulty, changes in item format, differences in cultural relevance, and changes in content.  相似文献   

1 中国古人对光的认识和简单光学仪器 与古老的力学一样,中国古人对光现象的认识及光学仪器的发明创造应用方面,走在了世界的前列.早在公元前五世纪,学者墨翟对几何光学就有了较全面的研究,他在《墨经》一书中较为详细地记叙了影的定义和生成,光与影的关系以及平面镜、球面镜中的物像关系.其中引用了物点和像点的概念沿用至今,他用光的直线传播原理成功地解释了小孔成像现象:"景,光之人,煦(照)若射.下者之人也高;高者之人也下.足敝(蔽)下光,故成景于上;首敝(蔽)上光,故成景于下."意思是说:"光向人照去,好像射箭那样直进,通过小孔成像,见到人的下部在高处,人的高部在低处.其原因是:足遮住了下部的光线所以成影在上,头遮住了上部的光线所以成影在下."这是迄今为止发现的最早最详实的有关光成影现象科学的文字记录.  相似文献   

The call for preservice teachers to exercise reflective practices has echoed through U.S. education policy and research for a number of years and is evident in U.S. preservice teaching standards. As a result, educator preparation programs are challenged to design learning experiences and assessments that foster reflection skills. This study describes a promising assessment technique, named Assessment360, which can be implemented during coursework to prepare future teachers to be reflective practitioners. Assessment360 is a formative assessment technique in which students reflect on the content of a quiz individually and collaboratively in order to develop a deeper and more integrated understanding of the material. Thirty-one preservice education students enrolled in an undergraduate educational psychology course participated in this research. Results of the questionnaire suggested participation in Assessment360 potentially (a) fostered reflection, (b) encouraged peer interaction and learning (i.e., collaboration), and (c) promoted timely and frequent feedback. Implications and significance are discussed.  相似文献   

众包翻译是21世纪一种新兴的翻译模式。通过结合具体的众包翻译案例,分析众包翻译较之传统翻译所具备的革新式的优势,同时也指出其存在的问题。最后指出了众包翻译须在项目管理、翻译质量和版权处理等方面加强改进方可保持其可持续发展。  相似文献   

火把节被誉为“东方的狂欢节”。随着时代的发展,丽江火把节在形式、内容和功能上都发生了很大的变化。通过对传统和现代火把节庆祝方式及其所包含的体育项目的比较,剖析其变化的原因,并寻求对策,以达到更好地保护和开发这一民俗节日以及依附于其中的体育资源的目的。  相似文献   

Regular use of questions previously made available to the public (i.e., disclosed items) may provide one way to meet the requirement for large numbers of questions in a continuous testing environment, that is, an environment in which testing is offered at test taker convenience throughout the year rather than on a few prespecified test dates. First it must be shown that such use has effects on test scores small enough to be acceptable. In this study simulations are used to explore the use of disclosed items under a worst-case scenario which assumes that disclosed items are always answered correctly. Some item pool and test designs were identified in which the use of disclosed items produces effects on test scores that may be viewed as negligible.  相似文献   

<尔雅>是我国先秦时期的重要古籍,为训诂名物之书.它的以义训为主的释义方法开创了按意义分类编排的辞书体例,体现出模糊的整体词汇系统观.本文即以此为出发点,以<尔雅·释乐>为研究对象,借鉴现代语义场理论,试图分析<尔雅·释乐>的词义系统,并构建出其语义场结构,以便于人们更直观、更明晰地理解古词语的意义.  相似文献   

Both multiple-choice and constructed-response items have known advantages and disadvantages in measuring scientific inquiry. In this article we explore the function of explanation multiple-choice (EMC) items and examine how EMC items differ from traditional multiple-choice and constructed-response items in measuring scientific reasoning. A group of 794 middle school students was randomly assigned to answer either constructed-response or EMC items following regular multiple-choice items. By applying a Rasch partial-credit analysis, we found that there is a consistent alignment between the EMC and multiple-choice items. Also, the EMC items are easier than the constructed-response items but are harder than most of the multiple-choice items. We discuss the potential value of the EMC items as a learning and diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

为提高大型仪器使用效率,暨南大学分析测试中心结合实际,进行了一系列尝试,包括聘请教授,组成技术顾问团;仪器小组管理,并要求仪器管理人员"一专多能";实行严格的预约上机制度;增加晚班制,延长服务时间;建立入职导师制;开设专题讲座;通过国家计量认证,全面提高实验室管理和服务等等,将分析测试中心建设成为有特色的公共平台。  相似文献   

This article reports on In‐Service Education and Training (INSET) workshops offered in Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces in the field of environmental education. The purpose of these workshops is to assist practising teachers to enhance their teaching skills, to infuse environmental education in their teaching and to participate in solving environmental problems in their communities. Aspects of the workshops were assessed using a questionnaire which was completed by teachers on conclusion of the workshops. These data are provided as well as recommendations provided by the attendees. Although this is a case study report where findings are usually not perceived to be generalisable, it is believed that the participants' perceptions of and recommendations for improving INSET opportunities could substantially inform similar INSET initiatives.  相似文献   

提高大型精密仪器设备使用效益的探索   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
从贵重仪器设备的使用管理的实践中,通过测试基金等办法提高贵重仪器设备的使用效率,促进资源共享。  相似文献   

虚拟仪器的结构特点及研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟仪器是利用计算机显示器(CRT)的显示功能模拟传统仪器的控制面板,以多种形式表达输出检测结果,利用计算机强大的软件功能实现信号数据的运算、分析和处理.由I/O接口设备完成信号的采集、测量与调理,从而完成各种测试功能的一种计算机仪器系统.  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国医师执照考试试题开发机制与工作程序,医师执照考试的特征、考试设计的主要方面以及同医学院校考试的主要区别,重点介绍了USMLE界定医师执照考试内容的主要方法——基于模型的实践分析,包括这一方法的特点、理论基础和步骤。  相似文献   

根据我国传统针灸刺激穴位,恢复睫状肌调节功能的原理,我们于87年研制6台激光近视治疗仪。通过在大学、中学、小学等四个单位进行的临床试验表明,只要接受治疗,视力均有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

传统的静电场测量描绘仪仅局限于二维平面,且是“理想化”、“模型化”下的近似,有碍于实验者对真实情形的理解与接受。本文介绍了三维静电场的测量描绘的理论依据、设计与研制,让实验者掌握静电场分布的真实情形,帮助他们走出“理想化”、“模型化”的怪圈。  相似文献   

通过对大学物理实验课程开放实验教学目标的分析,指出目前开放实验仪器采购方面存在的误区,提出以平台化实验仪器为主进行开放实验项目设置和仪器采购。  相似文献   

Although test scores from similar tests in multiple choice and constructed response formats are highly correlated, equivalence in rankings may mask differences in substantive strategy use. The author used an experimental design and participant think-alouds to explore cognitive processes in mathematical problem solving among undergraduate examinees (N = 64). The study examined the effect of format on mathematics performance and strategy use for male and female examinees given stem-equivalent items. A statistically significant main effect of format on performance was found, with constructed-response items more difficult. The multiple-choice format was associated with more varied strategies, backward strategies, and guessing. Format was found to moderate the effect of problem conceptualization on performance. Results suggest that while for purposes of ranking students on performance, the multiple-choice format may be adequate, for many contemporary educational purposes that seek to provide nuanced information about student cognition, the constructed response format should be preferred.  相似文献   

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