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《骆驼祥子》作为老舍先生的代表作,其成功不仅在于刻画的人物形象,揭示的社会意义,还在于作品的语言。在《骆驼祥子》中,老舍先生使用了大量的比喻,这些比喻是老舍先生在深入生活,深入人物内心基础上的匠心独用,体现了老舍语言的一大特点---实而不华,华而不虚,这些比喻具有鲜明的特色---乡土情结,俗而不俗。  相似文献   

幼儿教育的“实然”状态主要表现为远离幼儿现实生活,忽视幼儿当下生活。幼儿教育的“应然”状态应达到让幼儿成为幸福幼儿的目标,这要求幼儿教育必须关注幼儿的现实生活,把幼儿当成幼儿,让幼儿生活在童年里;关注幼儿的可能生活,为幼儿创造发展的条件,引导幼儿积极建构他们的完美生活。  相似文献   

This article examines the success of Doctor Benjamin Spock's best selling “The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care” (1946). It focuses on the case of the Netherlands during the 1950s. As in the United States, the book immediately became extremely popular after the first Dutch edition was published in 1950. In this case, however, the doctor's success was not at all likely, as conditions that are commonly held responsible were absent. First, the authors discuss the explanations of Spock's popularity in the United States. His book is generally considered an expression of the developing consumerism of the booming American post‐war economy. Secondly, an outline of economic, demographic, social and cultural developments in the Netherlands during the 1950 s shows that arguments relating to economic prosperity do not hold true for the Dutch case. The post‐war years were an era of poverty, scarcity, frugality, order, strictly hierarchical relationships, and a strong influence of religious doctrines on family life. Thirdly, as these conditions did not match with the doctor's secular, fun‐oriented, and allegedly permissive child‐rearing ideal, his advice is compared with Dutch family manuals of the post‐war years. The main difference appears to be Spock's much more positive and optimistic approach to parenting. For Dutch experts parenthood was loaded with difficulties, risks and responsibilities, whereas Spock presented it first of all as a source of pleasure. Therefore, the authors draw the conclusion that young Dutch parents must have felt attracted to an approach to child rearing they could associate with prosperity and success.  相似文献   

Conclusion The young child is in motion most of the time. Through movement, the child achieves mastery of the space he or she lives in. Teachers can “move” with the child by using topologically oriented science activities. Such activities capitalize on natural inclinations. They encourge the understanding of relationships which are basic to the developmental tasks with which the child is working. Cynthia Szymanski Sunal has taught children of a variety of ages and is at present studying the perceptual development of the young child. She may be contacted at Essex Community College, Baltimore County, Maryland 21237. Dennis W. Sunal is a specialist in science education who has developed programs for preschool-primary children.  相似文献   

Conclusion We feel that this program has been enormously beneficial in improving student’s writing skills, interpersonal skills, and computer literacy. According to Principal Linda Perdaems, “This program has had a powerful impact on participating students’ lives. It has opened their eyes to the world of business, helped them set goals for their education, and given them another adult with whom to build a relationship. The program has met and surpassed all expectations.” Teachers feel that as students experience a positive link with the workplace, they are motivated to do better in school. We have also had the pleasure of watching the participating students’ self-esteem blossom under the warmth and light provided through this meaningful and supportive relationship with an additional caring adult. She researches technology integration and implementation and also teaches related courses in the College of Education and Human Development.  相似文献   

This article describes kindergarten from the perspective of the whole child. Specifically, it reviews current research on best practices to improve children’s math and language arts competencies, memory skills, and the role of kindergarten in beginning science. It also describes the social experiences children have in kindergarten with respect to their academic success. Similarly, it reviews the impact of emotional competence on school success. This article then reviews research describing three major influences on children’s kindergarten adaptation and success (i.e., transition, parental involvement, retention). The article concludes with a discussion of full-day kindergarten programs and their potential for improving the chances of all kindergarten children, especially low-income and ethnic minority children, for success in school.  相似文献   

Conclusion In analysing the results of Tables 1–7, one is led to the conclusion that if environmental education is to have a significant impact in our schools, it has to have some educational relevance, that is, that it must fit into the real life context of the child. This study confirmed that children in an inner-city school had more positive attitudes about an inner-city environment than the outer suburban children who were more concerned with the aesthetically pleasing aspects of wilderness areas (Tables 1 and 7). It seems that the further the reference was from the respondents' immediate surroundings, the less reluctant the outer suburban students were to identify significant problems like pollution. Only by taking into consideration such basic information about each group of children — inner-city, outer suburban or rural — can environmental education programmes be planned so as to present to each group of students the most relevant and effective programme.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between achievement motivation at school and child rearing practices. It aims is to discover what aspects of rearing practices differentiate higher and lower motivated pupils and whether these aspects vary with the specificity of life contexts (SES, area of residence) or with the subject gender. Six variables (family life structuring, autonomy, authoritarianism, child acceptance, expectation of success and locus of causality) were assessed through a questionnaire administered to 288 mothers of sixth graders selected from a population of about 4500 pupils. Results show that the more motivated children live in more rigidly structured families than the less motivated. They have less autonomy, with the exception of rural girls from a high SES and urban girls from a low SES who have more autonomy than the less motivated ones. Internal locus of causality is associated with higher motivation in pupils of both sexes from an average SES, in boys from high SES and in girls from a low SES; and with a lower motivation in boys from a low SES and girls from a high SES. No meaningful association was observed between motivation and child acceptance, authoritarianism or success expectation. These results point to the usefulness of research to explore the differential influences of social context and individual gender on the relationship between child rearing practices and pupil’s achievement motivation.  相似文献   

Conclusion Longitudinal research on effective early childhood education programs has consistently demonstrated the importance of home-school communication (Berger, 1981). Ernest Boyer has stated it simply yet profoundly: “Good homes make good schools.” Child care programs must commit themselves to involving parents in their program with parent, child and staff acting as a unit (Yawkey & Bakawa-Evenson, 1975). This can be done by building a relationship with families that begins well and continues to develop in positive ways. Day care professionals can best enhance the development of children by planning programs which are responsive to the needs of families. Denise D. Shaffer is currently a granduate student in Early Childhood Education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She has worked as a day care teacher, family day care coordinator, and early intervention specialist with a Head Start program. She sincerely thanks Dr. Mary Renck Jalongo for her review of this article.  相似文献   

“爱情”在文学作品中是一个长盛不衰的主题一直被奉为神话。而池莉却用自己作品中的人物形象对爱情进行了瓦解。她认为初恋源于对异性的好奇,一见钟情来自欲望冲动,爱情的最终目的——婚姻充满了功利,而女性在男权社会中的孤独抗争证明了男性的不可信任,浪漫爱情只存在于诗里,现实社会中是不可能有的。  相似文献   

Pat Pridmore 《Prospects》1995,25(4):707-722
Conclusion This article highlights the inadequacy of the current model of schooling delivered to Basarwa children in Botswana, and contends that their education should be reevaluated from a cultural viewpoint. Children and teachers are enmeshed in a dynamic, cultural, social and political web, and there are serious language and cultural barriers to learning. These barriers underscore the need for a bilingual, multicultural model of education to affirm and strengthen the culture of the child. The high mobility of the Basarwa demands a flexible, less formal model of schooling and training of teachers from within the Basarwa culture. An innovative curriculum is needed, building on traditional Basarwa pedagogy and world view to develop skills needed to gain greater equity. The approach to health education known as Child-to-Child has considerable potential for curriculum development. Until a more relevant educational model is available Basarwa children will continue to be disadvantaged. A lecturer in education and development at the University of London Institute of Education, where she is responsible for advanced diploma and masters courses in health education and promotion. She is a qualified school-teacher and nutritionist, with more than ten years' experience in higher education and in community development for health in West and East Africa. She is conducting research in health through schooling, and will complete her Ph.D. thesis on ‘Children as health educators’ in 1995. She has a special interest in participatory research methods and gender issues, and is married with four children.  相似文献   

本文探讨了快乐,幸福的定义,以及欲求与快乐,痛苦的关系,认为:快乐是由俗求引起的心理的适应性,和谐性,不相矛盾性,是各种欲求的综合平衡,是意志力的顺畅,欲求是快乐之源也是痛苦之源,欲求越多快乐会越多,痛苦也越多,肉体快乐是一种肉体自由,精神快乐是一种精神自由,由于精神自由受时空,客观条件限制远小于肉体自由,所以精神快乐的种类,范围,程序远大于肉体快乐。  相似文献   

狄金森是美国著名诗人,她以独特的写作风格创作了500多首描写自然的诗。她热爱自然又害怕自然。自然成了她创作的源泉,她笔下的自然对人类时而慈爱友善,时而充满敌意,既带给人类愉悦与和谐,又给人类以伤害。本文通过对其作品的悟读,揭示了这位女诗人的内心世界。  相似文献   

Conclusions The key to the development of any nation is through the educating of its people. No civilized, humane or progressive society can ignore that right to schooling and education of its citizens, particularly its children. Therefore, to implement the right of the child to a development-oriented education is a fundamental condition for improving the child's quality of life, including spiritual and moral dimensions, and his/her ability to function fully as a constructive member of society. The child needs supportive conditions, not only to survive, but also to develop into a responsible human adult. Education must make the present and future well-being of the young generation as its ultimate goal, of which one of the most important conditions is to ensure the full realization of its rights as stipulated by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, for education in the broadest sense continues beyond school and throughout life in a myriad of social contexts. Original language: English Sandra Prunella Mason (Barbados) Chairperson, United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. She received her legal education at Sir Hugh Wooding Law School. First a private practice lawyer, she became a judge in 1978 and from then until 1992 was in charge of Barbados' Juvenile and Family Courts. She was Barbados' Ambassador to Venezuela, Chile, Colombia and Brazil from 1993 to 1994. She was appointed Chief Magistrate of Barbados in 1995 and Registrar of the Barbados Supreme Court in 1997. She has been a member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child from its inception in 1991, its Vice Chairperson 1993–95 and Chairperson since 1997.  相似文献   

"五四"小说的情感世界是丰富多彩的,从新文学刚刚开始的"短暂欢愉"、激情宣言,到发泄对传统思想和当下社会的不满与愤激之情,再到愤激过后的哀伤,经历了一个复杂的变化过程。其间有对纯真美好理想的赞美、追求爱情自由而不得的压抑、贫困生活煎熬的痛苦、与现实斗争失败后的哀伤、选择归乡后的失落等等情绪的表现,虽然情感表现多种多样,但都隐隐约约地透露出他们因处在这个时代和这个时代本身存在的感伤。  相似文献   

Louis Sachar’s novel Holes (US, 1998; UK, 2000) has received much praise from both critics and child readers, who love the complex tall tale he has woven about two boys whose lives are connected by fate and an almost magical legacy of ancestral curses and obligations. Because the novel is not (on many levels) realistic, and relies heavily on folk tale motifs, fantastically exaggerated characters and situations, and surreal imagery, the boys, and the fictional world surrounding them, are constructed in less “politically correct” ways than fans of the book might initially recognize, or even want to admit. While Holes may, on the surface, appear to champion a kinder and gentler version of masculinity, on the level of the subconscious, it portrays a more visceral, more Oedipal version of boyhood attempting to distance itself from its mother (or (m)Other) and all things feminine. In the process of its narrative, Holes, as a text, often treats feminine traits, symbols, and characters as frightening, disgusting, or excessive aspects – like the gaping holes in the landscape or the cruel Warden – that need to be filled in, covered over, silenced, or expelled. Annette Wannamaker is an Assistant Professor of Children’s Literature in the Department of English Language and Literature at Eastern Michigan University. She has published articles about children’s literature, drama, and gender, and is working on a book length study of portrayals of masculinity in children’s texts. Sachar, Holes.  相似文献   

Few studies have been made of the other children in families with a mentally handicapped child living at home. Dr Andersson, a lecturer at Gothenburg University, reports an investigation from Sweden. She compared siblings of handicapped children with their peers. The results show that the siblings are more socially isolated in school and in their leisure time; this isolation does not emanate from the children themselves; it can be explained partly by the parents' reactions to their circumstances.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the professionalization of human service work. It analyses learning processes and identity development in the emerging profession of child care with concrete examples from empirical research, based on a life history approach. It discusses examples of careers mainly based on students’ life experience, pointing out that their immediate success in the workplace may inhibit an even better qualification they had been spurred to critical reflection. It further follows a sample of students through their theoretical education and trainee periods, illuminating their changing identification with and understanding of their future work, and their learning of professional knowledge and competences. The conclusion is that the new 3.5 year education in child care pedagogy clearly improves the professional competences of child care, but it also identifies a set of further specific challenges to be met for the development of real professional competences.  相似文献   

This article explores how two African American professors both “outsiders” to the inner workings of the academy created a support system, which began nearly 10 years ago as a part of their formal advisee/advisor relationship. When they began their relationship one was a junior African-American female faculty member (promoted to associate professor in 2004) and one was an African-American female doctoral student (currently a tenure track professor). Utilizing elements of scholarly personal narrative and case study methods they reveal the process they engaged in over a nine-year period, which resulted in their retention and success in the academy. Sharon Fries-Britt and Bridget Turner Kelly received their Ph.D.’s from The University of Maryland. Dr. Kelly is an Assistant Professor of Education, Integrated Professional Studies, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA. Her research centers on marginalized students and faculty in higher education, namely women and people of color. Dr. Fries-Britt is an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland. Her work focuses on the experiences of high achieving Black collegians and their success and retention in higher education. She is also interested in patterns of success for Black faculty and administrators in higher education.  相似文献   

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