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The aim of this research was to investigate the attitudes of Israeli Arab (n = 259) and Jewish (n = 259) high school students toward extrinsic and intrinsic values. A questionnaire, which consisted of eight value scales in two groups—extrinsic and intrinsic values—was administered. Participants were asked to state whether they agreed or disagreed with 31 statements on a five-point Likert scale. Jewish students who experience school-based values education endorsed more intrinsic values (e.g. autonomy: Jews M = 4.27, SD = .53; Arabs M = 3.92, SD = .83), whereas Arab students, whose education as a minority group focuses on education towards achievement, endorsed more extrinsic values (e.g. attractiveness: Jews M = 3.56, SD = .82; Arabs M = 3.96, SD = .84). The findings suggest that the use of a more refined and complex analysis of extrinsic–intrinsic scales yields multiple interpretations of moral education in a modern world. This research may contribute to the discussion on moral education for minority groups, especially where they are a distinct minority in a society where they are surrounded by different cultural values. The growing cultural diversity in the Western world requires that through moral and civic education, schools explicitly expose their students, and especially minority groups, to the diverse interpretations of values and to the need to both respect differing interpretations, on the one hand, and to challenge them, on the other.  相似文献   

关于俄英双语对比教学的设想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对部分高校俄语专业招收俄英双语制学生的现状,配合“宽基础、高素质、有特长、适应广”的人才培养目标,我们提出俄英双语对比教学的设想。通过对比教学使学生掌握俄英语音、语法、词汇、修辞、语言国情等知识,再通过交际情景发展学生跨化交际的技巧和能力,最终达到语言知识和言语能力的完美结合。这正是我们外语教学的最终目的。  相似文献   

论述俄语谚语研究的意义。分析对比俄汉谚语的内涵和特征。阐述俄语谚语在教学中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Electronic culture constitutes a new form of social adjustment in the digital era. Our study aims to reveal socio-cultural differentiation in the social...  相似文献   

Salient goals and values of early childhood educators in six Moscow child care centers were compared to those of a decade ago (before the collapse of the USSR). Current goals and values were determined from interviews, observations, and recent Russian pedagogical books. Educators’ opinions about changes in children and parents were also ascertained. Good health, kindness, politeness, and appreciation of beauty continue to be important childrearing goals. Changes include more emphasis on goals with an individualistic flavor (happiness and self-confidence), more attention to fostering appreciation for Russian history and culture, and more focus on academic preparation for school. Early childhood educators view today’s children as more relaxed, more spontaneous, more noncompliant, less idealistic and innocent, and less skilled at the time of enrollment than their predecessors. They view today’s parents as more assertive and more knowledgeable about the potential of child care to contribute to children’s development, and yet as investing less time in their children than parents of a decade ago. These changes are related to change in the wider society.  相似文献   

During seven decades following the Revolution, Russian education became overburdened with ideology; no discussion was possible about general human values that might transcend class boundaries. In the wake of perestroika, there was an extreme counter-reaction against everything connected with Soviet education. This has resulted in colossal pessimism among many educationists and teachers, who feel that the entire educational system is in ruins. Additional problems are created by the commercialization of all spheres of life and the growth of criminality. Teachers are unclear about what values should be inculcated in schools, and the value of education itself is called into question in a society where it is becoming increasingly difficult to make an honest living. The author welcomes the move towards an educational system based on choice rather than coercion, but he believes it will take many years to develop a new set of values that could be inculcated in Russian schools.
Zusammenfassung In den sieben Jahrzehnten nach der Revolution war das russische Bildungssystem mit Ideologie überfrachtet, eine Diskussion über allgemeine, möglicherweise klassenüberschreitende menschliche Werte war nicht möglich. Im Zuge der Perestroika gab es eine extreme Gegenreaktion auf alles, was mit sowjetischer Bildung zusammenhing. Dies führte zu enormem Pessimismus bei vielen Pädagogen und Lehrern, die das ganze Bildungssystem in Scherben sahen. Zusätzliche Probleme schafften die Kommerzialisierung aller Lebensbereiche und der Anstieg der Kriminalität. Lehrer sind sich über die in der Schule zu vermittelnden Wertvorstellungen im unklaren, und der Wert der Bildung selbst wird in einer Gesellschaft in Frage gestellt, in der es immer schwieriger wird, seinen Unterhalt zu verdienen. Der Autor begrüßt den Trend zu einem Bildungssystem, das eher auf freier Wahl als auf Zwang basiert, befürchtet jedoch, daß die Entwicklung neuer für den Unterricht in russischen Schulen geeigneter Wertvorstellungen viele Jahre dauern wird.

Résumé Au cours des sept décennies qui suivirent la révolution, le système éducatif russe était imprégné d'idéologie et interdisait toute discussion sur les valeurs humaines fondamentales outrepassant les délimitations sociales. La perestroika a marqué l'avènement d'une contre-réaction radicale, condamnant tout ce qui avait trait à l'éducation soviétique. Ceci se traduit par un très grand pessimisme parmi de nombreux éducateurs et enseignants qui voient tout l'édifice éducatif effondré. D'autres problèmes résident dans la commercialisation de tous les domaines de la vie et dans la croissance de la criminalité. Les enseignants restent indécis quant aux valeurs à transmettre dans les écoles, et la validité de l'éducation elle-même est remise en question dans une société où il s'avère de plus en plus difficile de gagner sa vie honnêtement. L'auteur approuve néanmoins l'évolution amorcée vers un système éducatif fondé davantage sur le choix que sur la contrainte, mais estime que de nombreuses années seront nécessaires pour élaborer un nouveau système de valeurs susceptible d'être enseigné dans les écoles russes.

Sumario En Rusia, durante los siete decenios que siguieron a la Revolución, la educación pública estuvo recargada de ideologías, sin que fuera posible ninguna discusión sobre valores humanos generales que pudieran trascender las barreras sociales. A raíz de la perestroika se produjo una extremada contrarreacción contra todo lo que estuviera relacionado con la educación soviética. Esto derivó en un enorme pesimismo entre muchos educadores y maestros, que perciben que todo el sistema de educación cayó en ruina. Además, se han generado problemas adicionales con la comercialización de todas las esferas vitales y con el aumento de la criminalidad. Los maestros ya no saben qué valores inculcar en los colegios, y el valor de la educación misma se está poniendo en duda en una sociedad en la cual es cada vez más difícil vivir honradamente. El autor aprueba el desarrollo hacia un sistema de educación basado en la elección más que en la coerción, pero también opina que el desarrollo de un nuevo conjunto de valores que se pueda inculcar en los colegios rusos aún requerirá muchos años.

Many college students consider statistical courses as frightening and demanding, yielding high anxiety and low competence, and correlating with maladaptive academic behaviors and low achievement. With undergraduate students, the present pre-post study compared a supportive online teaching program utilizing mandatory statistical exercises (n = 37) with a no intervention, optional exercise statistics class (n = 32). We evaluated whether our statistics teaching intervention decreased test anxiety and academic procrastination and increased academic self-efficacy and academic achievements. Results indicated a decrease in academic procrastination and test anxiety at course end for intervention group and an increase in test anxiety for control group. At the end of the course intervention group reported higher academic self-efficacy and achievements. Teaching statistics using mandatory supportive activities might contribute to more positive psychological outcomes (eg, higher academic self-efficacy and lower academic procrastination) and higher academic achievements.  相似文献   

Contending that justice experiences at school transmit messages about the wider society and affects students' attitudes and behaviour, we investigated the effects of students' sense of distributive and (school) procedural justice on their sense of belonging to school and on their social and institutional trust. The study was carried out among about 5000 eighth and ninth graders in a national sample of 48 middle schools in Israel in the 2010–2011 school year. The two‐level data—individual and school—were analyzed by HLM7 (Hierarchical Linear Model). Findings basically support our hypotheses: sense of distributive justice, especially, with regard to teachers'–students' relation positively affected students' sense of belonging and their trust in people and formal institutions; and school (aggregate) sense of procedural justice added to these positive effects. However, these attitudes were also dependent on sectorial affiliation (Jewish secular, Jewish religious, Arab), which explained a considerable portion of between‐school variation in student attitudes.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to teacher attitudes toward high-achieving culturally diverse student groups. This in-depth study focuses on the experience of Israeli teachers who tell the story of a decade and a half of educational work with their highly motivated, academically successful immigrant students from the Former Soviet Union. The paper explores the differential effect of subject matter and seniority on teachers’ experience. It analyzes communication patterns between teachers and their high-achieving transnationalist immigrant students according to these parameters. Implications for the educational treatment of academic excellence among immigrant students in a globalized context are considered.  相似文献   

Work values play a major role in career decisions, but how often are these values consciously addressed in counselling? Studies based on ethnology offer new insight into the importance of work values. This paper points to some implications for counselling.  相似文献   

Most students of motivation for adult education in general, and post-secondary and higher education in particular, are preoccupied with motives from the standpoint of the individual learner. This article comprises an attempt to examine study motivations from the standpoint of societal expectations. The question raised is: to what degree do post-secondary and higher students take into consideration the collective needs (or ‘functional imperatives’) of their community, instead of, or rather in addition to, their individual aspirations? The question is examined by means of a multi-year statistical follow-up of post-secondary and higher Israeli kibbutz students and a pilot study of their study motives in a random sample. The findings tend to indicate that in micro-social community settings such as that of the kibbutz, individual aspirations in the sphere of post-secondary and higher education may be reconciled to a certain degree with societal needs and expectations.  相似文献   

Recent research on student learning has given close attention to how students experiences and actions are mediated by the whole university learning–teaching environment in which they find themselves. The current article pursues this focus on learning–teaching environments in two stages. Guided by socio-cultural perspectives on learning, the first part:
•  examines issues surrounding how best to conceptualise university learning–teaching environments,
•  highlights the need to take account of central disciplinary purposes and
•  presents a framework for representing disciplinary practices within higher education.
The second part of the article then engages with the task of illustrating how this general framework (which foregrounds disciplinary concerns) can be applied within a specific subject. The framework is employed to structure an account of the insights gained from an ongoing research study concerning:
•  the ways in which the values and central practices that characterise the disciplinary community of history relate to teaching and learning practices,
•  how, taking account of local constraints and affordances, students active engagement with these disciplinary purposes can be fostered.

This study examines the higher education experience among Palestinian Arab females in two national spaces and seeks to determine whether studying at an Arab institution of higher learning in a nearby Arab country can alleviate the emotional and economic difficulties that affect Palestinian women at Israeli universities. What can institutions of higher learning in Israel learn or derive from the proposed model to relieve the alienation and exclusion that their female Palestinian students experience? The study will compare two geographically distinct groups of women students. The first is a group of Palestinian women who attend university in Jordan, while the second consists of Palestinian women of Bedouin origin from southern Israel who study in the Jewish Israeli cultural space. The study seeks to shed light on the experience of Muslim students in Western and Muslim universities.  相似文献   

This study examines the implications of how teachers’ views of immigrant parents predict their ratings of first-grade students’ academic competence and behavioral problems. Teachers rated 191 first-grade immigrant students attending Islamic and public schools in the Northeast United States. The results showed that when teachers perceived parents as having discrepant value differences, they rated students more negatively both in terms of academic competence and behavioral problems, even after controlling for student gender and ethnicity, parental education and parental school involvement. Surprisingly, teachers in Islamic and public schools did not differ in their perceived value differences with parents. The type of school students attend, however, moderated the effects of teachers’ perceived value differences on their academic ratings, but not on their behavioral ratings. While both Islamic and public school teachers rated students’ academic competence equally high when they perceived little or no value differences with parents, public school teachers held lower academic expectations than Islamic school teachers with increased value differences. These findings suggest a mechanism by which children from immigrant families enter a path of diminished expectations, albeit through slightly different levels in Islamic and public school settings.  相似文献   

语音教学在对外汉语教学中具有重要的意义。中级班俄罗斯留学生在已经具备一定程度汉语水平的前提下,语音中的元音、辅音及声调仍会因母语影响而出现偏误。目前,对外汉语语音教学中存在很多问题,应该针对教学中的具体问题找出解决的方法,语音教学作为对外汉语教学的薄弱环节,应得到更多的重视。  相似文献   

徐宁 《哈尔滨学院学报》2003,24(12):127-129
由中学俄语扎扎实实地向大学俄语过渡 ,是大学俄语教学的重要组成部分。只有充分正视和重视这个问题 ,并在教学中着力解决 ,才能保证教学大纲的实现和学生能力的提高  相似文献   

价值观是主体按照客观事物对其自身及社会的意义或重要性进行评价和选择的原则、信念和标准。而大学生择业价值观实际上就是大学生这一主体对于社会职业这一客体的价值的评价。从价值观主客体的角度出发剖析大学生择业价值观现状、存在的问题及其形成原因,阐述大学生应该树立怎样的择业价值观并提出相关对策,对引导大学生形成正确的符合社会主流的择业观念具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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