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通过分析<左传>"赋诗"、"引诗"的<诗>用状况,结合<论语>"论诗"和孟子、荀子的"引诗证理",利用上博<诗论>所传递的评诗信息,可再现先秦时期的两大<诗>学系统--"赋诗"系统和"评诗"系统,补充载籍之缺,有助于我们深入认识<诗经>早期的流播.  相似文献   

《易》是“六经之首”。孔子的学说正是从《周易》的天地人三才之道逐渐形成的。因此,可以说“六经”构成了孔子学说的完整系统,我们必须把“六经”作为一个整体来研究,才能从整体上去理解和把握孔子的学说体系,才有可能描绘出一个立体的孔子形象;在“六经”之中,各经都有其偏重之处,《周易》是其哲学总纲,《礼经》《乐经》《尚书》《春秋》是礼乐刑政的原则表述,《诗经》则是各个方面的综合体现。  相似文献   

清代孔尚任的《桃花扇》作为传奇名剧,思想和艺术兼胜,对后世影响很大。为普及传播和开展研究之用,20世纪至今,《桃花扇》有了多种整理本和影印本。其中,整理本主要包括《桃花扇》的最早注本《详注桃花扇传奇》、《中国古典文学读本丛书》本和《孔尚任全集辑校注评》本等;影印本主要包括《古本戏曲丛刊》本和《续修四库全书》本等。这些整理本和影印本对《桃花扇》的流传和接受做出了贡献。但遗憾的是,它们也各自存在或多或少的缺陷,主要是文字错误、体例不善和注释欠妥。  相似文献   

陈频 《襄樊学院学报》2014,(6):23-25,60
为什么中国的先进分子在十月革命后选择了马克思主义?其原因在于:(1)资本主义制度在中国行不通;(2)马克思主义在中国的广泛传播;(3)马克思主义是指导中国新民主主义革命的科学理论。十月革命以后,一批具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子经过比较、争论、甄别,最终选择了马克思主义。  相似文献   

广东省医药院校在校生课外体育活动现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对广东省5所医药院校和5所普通院校在校生课外体育活动的现状及影响因素进行系统的调查、统计和分析研究.广东省医药院校大学生课外体育活动的参与率为68.4%,其中成为体育人口占26.5%,与普通高校相比,参与率减少14.8%,体育人口减少7.8%.广东省大学生参加课外体育活动的主要动机为"第一,增强体质.第二,舒缓学习压力.第三,娱乐及兴趣爱好所在".影响广东省医药院校学生参加课外体育活动的主要因素为"第一,学习任务繁重.第二,缺乏体育锻炼场地及设施.第三,缺乏有效的组织和指导".  相似文献   

李道纯从内丹哲学的视野出发,将老学与易学切换成内丹之道,确立起其内丹思想的两大基石,在此基础上李道纯将儒释思想融摄到内丹学理中去,开创了内丹学史上三教融合的新风,在丹法内容上,李道纯汇集了南北二宗丹法的特点,成为"中派"的实际开创者。  相似文献   

<周易>以及整个传统易学本身蕴涵着丰富的逻辑思想及思维.本文通过对易学与逻辑学的关系、中国逻辑史和易学的现代逻辑学的研究,探讨了研究易学逻辑思想及"逻辑易"的方法论问题,以促使易学的逻辑学研究能够在合乎学术规范的基础上不断推进.  相似文献   

朱熹花费了近四十年的时间学习与诠释《论语》,后与他诠释的《大学》《中庸》《孟子》汇为一编,以《四书章句集注》为名刊行。四种书中,朱熹对《论语》倾注了极大的心力,共撰成有关《论语》著作四种,今传世者三种,以《论语集注》影响最大。朱熹在《论语集注》中,采取了明显的“六经注我”的诠释方法。本文通过对《论语集注》的举例分析,说明朱熹“六经注我”的特点,并指出这种诠释方法对当下教育的指导意义。  相似文献   

在《文心雕龙》的论诗之言中,五言诗论重要且独特,然而前人未对它做过专题的研究。文章分析了《文心雕龙》的五言诗论之后提炼了刘勰的五言诗现,并将其与同时代的五言诗观相比较,指出了它的独特性。刘勰的“折中”观念在其五言诗论中也有所体现:他承认五言的流变,但不因此贬低;不反对人力雕琢。强调要建立在自然而然的基础上;情与采兼重。  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments The Case for a Comprehensive Model of College Readiness The Complexity of College Readiness Quasi-Ecological Approaches to College Readiness The Next Generation of College Readiness Research Method and Organization The Human Ecology Framework Principles of Development in Ecological Systems Environmental Contexts Environmental Interactions: A Fully Ecological Model Individual: The Attributes of College Readiness Resource Characteristics Force Characteristics Demand Characteristics The Individual in an Ecological Context Microsystem: The Direct Experience of Students Academic Preparation in Schools Out-of-School Microsystems Direct Experience in an Ecological Context Mesosystem: A Network of Overlapping Relationships Cultural Capital and the Mesosystem Social Capital and Mesosystem Connectors College and High School Integration Overlapping Relationships in the Ecological Context Exosystem: The Site of Systemic and Structural Changes Precollege Intervention Programs School Reform Role of States Role of Federal Government Role of Foundations and Nonprofit Organizations Systems and Structures in Ecological Context Macrosystem: The Arena of Culture and Ideology Foundational Beliefs Language, Subculture, and Theory Culture and Ideology in the Ecological Context Chronosystem: The Role of Time in College Readiness Cohort and Era Sequence and Timing Developmental Change The Role of Time in Ecological Context The Ecological View of College Readiness The Ecology of College Readiness Using an Ecological Approach in Research and Evaluation Implications for Policy Implications for Practice Moving Toward an Ecological Approach to College Readiness References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

新世纪的《玉台新咏》研究进一步深入发展,在理论建设和实际操作方面都体现出了多维的角度和空间,引进了各种理论和方法,尤其体现在《玉台新咏》的成书时间,《玉台新咏》与《文选》的关系,《玉台新咏》的编选问题,《玉台新咏》与音乐的关系等方面;但在某些问题的研究上有待深入挖掘和开拓,比如《玉台新咏》和《文心雕龙》、《诗品》的比较研究,《玉台新咏》在中国诗歌史上的地位以及与宫体诗的关系等。  相似文献   

当今小说呈现出空前的开放性、变革性、多元性。本文论述了小说观念变革的五个方面 :小说与其他艺术门类的联姻繁殖、主题意蕴的多维指向、典型的新解与建构、情节的弱化与虚化、结构的新颖多元。并认为这种变革是改革开放的现代社会孕育的产儿 ,是一场旨在使小说面向未来、面向现代人类、面向整个世界的文学革命  相似文献   

The Theoretical Framework: Psychosocial Oppression and Diversity Overview of the Framework The Importance of Reaffirming Diversity in Higher Education Structural Change Through Affirmative Action: A Report Card Why Is a Cross-Disciplinary Framework for Achieving Diversity Needed? Asymmetric Institutional Power and Oppression The Antidote for Oppression: Reciprocal Empowerment The Metaphorical Perspective: Silence and Disempowerment The Biopsychosocial Framework The New Paradigm in Overcoming Barriers to Faculty and Staff Diversity Affirmative Action and Diversity: Partners and Protagonists Historical Development of Affirmative Action in Perspective The Interrelationship of Affirmative Action and Diversity The Impact of Supreme Court Decisions and Roads to the Future Stages in Developing Diversity The Role of Culture and Climate Walking the Talk: Lip Service or Real Gains? On the Way to Diversity: Psychological and Behavioral Barriers Psychosocial Discrimination and Attributional Ambiguity Psychology of the Agents of Oppression Dimensions of Contemporary Workplace Discrimination Internalization: The Impact of Discrimination on Self-Esteem The Physiological Impact of Perceived Discrimination: A Scientific Perspective On the Way to Diversity: Organizational Barriers Formal and Informal Organizational Barriers Workplace Power: Understanding the New Battleground The Power of the Accreditation Model Diversity and Decentralization Navigating the Straits: Overcoming Challenges to Faculty Diversity Faculty Hiring for Diversity: Defeating the Narrowing Sieve Whitewater Rafting: The Tenure Journey Reward Structures, Intentionality, and Diversity Best Practices in Diversity Planning and Assessment The Twenty-First-Century Diversity Strategic Plan A Conceptual Approach to Diversity Assessment The Diversity Scorecard Retention and Beyond Reaching Reciprocal Empowerment: Recommendations and Implications Appendix: Representative Diversity Strategic Plans and Diversity Web Sites for Public Research Universities References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

司马迁在《史记》的一些纪传中,使用了类传方式写人叙事,但《史记》中到底哪些传纪属于类传,至今人们没有完全搞清楚。《史记》中的类传共有《外戚世家》《刺客列传》《循吏列传》《儒林列传》《酷吏列传》《游侠列传》《佞幸列传》《滑稽列传》《日者列传》《龟策列传》《货殖列传》等11篇。《史记》中的人物类传具有先议后叙、详略结合两个鲜明突出的特点。  相似文献   

利用显微技术对雉鸡(Phasianus colchicus)、鹧鸪(Francolinus pintadeanus)及鹌鹑(Coturnix coturnix)的肾进行了比较.结果显示:与大多数鸟类相似,肾由许多肾小叶构成,皮质与髓质分界不明显,主要由许多肾单位、集合管和少量的结缔组织组成.肾单位由一个肾小体和一个与其连接的肾小管构成.肾小体体积小,数量多;肾小球结构简单,由一团蟠曲的毛细血管构成.近曲小管上皮细胞游离面有刷状缘,远曲小管和集合管管腔较大,腔面无刷状缘.鹧鸪的肾小球、近曲小管及远曲小管的数量均高于雉鸡和鹌鹑,表明鹧鸪的肾较鹌鹑和雉鸡的肾具有更强的尿液浓缩功能,但需进一步研究.  相似文献   

The Explosion of Distance Education Recent Growth of Distance Education The Digital Explosion Political Initiatives The Changing Marketplace Who Is Interested? Impact on Discussions of Quality What Is Ahead The Significance of “No Significance” State of the Art Recent Criticism of the Research The Critics Criticized What the Critics Reveal Summary Research Basics Source of Studies Absolutes Definitional Dragons Complexity of Research on Learning Theoretical Approaches Summary Research on Technology and Students The Role of Technology The Role of the Learner Summary Research on Faculty and Institutions The Role of Faculty The Role of Institutions Summary The Pursuit of Guidelines Using the Research You Have More Traditional Views The Latest Thinking in Accrediting Distance Education Comparing the Guidelines Faculty Tips and Guidelines Guidelines for Students Growing Acceptance and Criticism Summary Advice to the Confused New Quality Measures Other Models of Quality Attitudes About Quality Empowering the Consumer Using the Guidelines Responsibility for Quality Quality Education Conclusions  相似文献   

欧阳修<诗本义>旨在辨正毛传、郑笺得失和归纳诗篇本义.它在一定程度上改变了毛、郑所代表的<诗经>阐释传统,对宋代<诗经>学的演变产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

本文从影片的视听语言方面对胡安的新片《美人依旧》进行解读。影片在“唯美风格”的追求中,讲究色彩、光线、情境设置、影像与造型,节奏舒缓而悠长,有些画面还具有象征意味。化妆、服饰、道具考究而精致,音乐和音响很好地切入了时代环境,光色搭配协调而又给人以强烈冲击。影片对视觉元素的运用优于听觉元素。  相似文献   

第一次世界大战使俄国经济濒临崩溃,广大人民群众生活水平迅速下降,工人、农民和士兵提出了“和平、土地、面包”的要求.布尔什维克的反战政策赢得了人民群众的信任.十月革命胜利后,苏俄退出帝国主义战争,为人民群众争得了宝贵的和平喘息时机;苏维埃政权实行工人监督,把土地无偿交给农民使用,保障了人民当家做主的权利;新经济政策以粮食税代替余粮征集制,调动了农民的生产积极性,满足了农民的面包要求;文化革命坚持唯物主义,巩固了马克思主义在俄国的指导地位.  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments Dedications Introduction, Context, and Overview of the Volume The National Context: Important Trends in Racial Demographics and STEM Fields The Urgency of Fostering Minority Students' Success in STEM Purpose and Overview of the Volume Key Concepts and Definitions Limitations of the Volume The Current Condition of Minority Students in STEM The Impact of Race and Racism on Minority Students' Success in STEM Factors in K–12 Education That Influence the Success of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students in the STEM Circuit The Link Between Academic Preparedness in K–12 Education and Minority Students' Success in STEM K–12 Contributors to the Insufficient Academic Preparation of Minority Students in STEM K–12 Factors That Promote the Success of Minority Students in STEM K–12 Initiatives That Contribute to Preparedness and Success Among Minority Students in STEM Conclusion Factors That Influence Success Among Racial and Ethnic Minority College Students in the STEM Circuit The Role of Colorblind Meritocracy and Affirmative Action The Impact of Economic Influences The Impact of Minority-Serving Institutions and Selective Institutions The Impact of Campus Environments The Impact of Institutional Agents The Impact of Psychological Factors The Impact of STEM-Specific Opportunity and Support Programs Conclusion Implications for Future Research, Policy, and Practice in STEM Education The Racial and Ethnic Minorities in STEM Model Implications for Future Research Implications for Future Policy Implications for Future Practice Conclusion Notes Appendix: The K–16 STEM Education Model References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

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