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William Clark University Of Chicago Press,2006正如本书第一句所言,"这是一本奇特的书"。作为一部非同寻常的大学史,它在隐秘的历史中追述,仿佛探幽览胜,以最谦卑细致的笔触写下最有富于野心的叙述——从中世纪至近代,学术生活如何完成了理性化、科层化,学术卡里斯玛如何被转移、分解和重新定义,大学如何从行会、民族团、神学院、象牙塔变为由现代国家控制的科研机构——研究型大学如何在时代的转变中形成。  相似文献   

Due to the globalization and the spread of the Internet, distance learning (D-learning) has gained extraordinary impulse in recent years by classes broadcasted by Websites and assignments fulfilled by students in their own computers. D-learning facilitates the access to education to those people who are working or have low buying power due to its reduced cost and time convenience. Although D-learning has existed in the world for over 150 years, only in the last decades, it has become the focus of academic studies and researches in a systematic way. In this context, the objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of computer literacy on the academic performance of the D-learning students of Faculdade lnterativa COC--EAD (COC--D-learning Interactive College), P61o Lafaiete (Lafaiete Branch), Ribeirao Preto. The research consisted of a questionnaire with 21 qualitative dichotomous questions, concerning the level of knowledge and mastery of information techdologies, besides the gender and academic performance (weighted average and marks of the last module). The data were tabulated, being considered two main variables: (a) academic performance, represented by the marks of the last module; and (b) computer literacy, represented by the sum of the questions concerning this matter. The data were analyzed statistically, and the correlation between the two variables considered was analyzed by Pearson's Correlation Test. The interviews of the 54 interviewees (24 males (44.45%) and 30 females (55.55%)) taking the business administration course were analyzed. The correlation coefficient r = 0.303 indicates that there is a meaningful correlation between the students' academic performance (marks) and their computer literacy, that is, the greater the computer literacy, the better the marks obtained by these students in the D-learning course. D-learning has computing as its main tool, theretbre, the students with less computer literacy find barriers in D-learning, which o ref  相似文献   

The Myself-As-a-Learner scale (MALS) has been constructed to assess academic self-concept (Burden, R. L. [2000]. The Myself As a Learner Scale. Birmingham: Imaginative Minds; Burden, R. L. [2012]. The Myself As a Learner Scale [2nd ed.]. Cognitive Education Development Centre, Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter.). The scale consists of 20 self-referring statements to which individuals are invited to respond in a positive, negative, or neutral manner. A Norwegian translation proved to be an internally consistent tool for schools. The internal consistency was explored in a sample of 84 monolingual children in which all children were assessed twice with a time difference of about 8 months. Compared to a control group (N?=?31) we found no significant effect of participation in a vocabulary training study on the children’s academic self-concept. Instead we found that high achievers evaluated themselves more positively over time, while low achievers evaluated themselves more negatively in the same period.  相似文献   

This paper is offered as a contribution to a debate about the public accountability of church‐affiliated schools grant‐aided by the state. The paper provides an account of two parallel secondary school systems in Northern Ireland, popularly described as ‘Catholic’ and ‘Protestant’, in effectiveness terms. The outcome measure is academic performance in public examinations taken by pupils at the end of the period of statutory schooling. The paper extends earlier work of the author by focusing on Catholic schools in the light of access to a second and more up‐to‐date data set and to recent Scottish findings. Having indicated ‘raw’ performance differences between the two sectors, a value‐added approach to performance measurement is presented. Doubt is cast on aspects of the received wisdom concerning the superior academic performance of Protestant‐educated pupils.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Over the past several decades, empirical support for inquiry-based forms of science teaching has accumulated. Critical voices, however, also exist, claiming that...  相似文献   

In my commentary, I discuss the historical origins of the Fredricks et al. 3 dimensions of engagement, provide some critical assessment of the individual papers in this special issue, and lay out the argument for renewed theoretical analysis of the concept of engagement. Specifically, the importance of theoretical work related to the definitions of engagement, dimensionality questions, and origins of, and influences, on engagement are discussed.  相似文献   

改革开放以来的中国政治实践表明,政治行为变化诱导政治系统及其子系统发生局部或全部的变迁,这种变迁既是原有政治系统的一种部分性延续,也是新系统结构渐成雏形的开端.除政治系统的外部环境发生改变外,新中国建立的组织化的政治系统自身的生存与维系产生困境,其内部的结构张力是导致系统变迁的关键性要素.当封闭的政治环境向半开放或开放的条件转变,在内外部因素共同作用的情景下,政治系统经历了由领袖权威式结构的“让位”到以“民族-国家”为核心的结构性“归位”,由政治系统核心因素替换引发的系统变迁标志着中国的政治系统开始了性质与行为方式的变化.  相似文献   

Assessment of undergraduate research (UR) programs using participant surveys has produced a wealth of information about design, implementation, and perceived benefits of UR programs. However, measurement of student participation university wide, and the potential contribution of research experience to student success, also require the study of extrinsic measures. In this essay, institutional data on student credit-hour generation and grade point average (GPA) from the University of Georgia are used to approach these questions. Institutional data provide a measure of annual enrollment in UR classes in diverse disciplines. This operational definition allows accurate and retrospective analysis, but does not measure all modes of engagement in UR. Cumulative GPA is proposed as a quantitative extrinsic measure of student success. Initial results show that extended participation in research for more than a single semester is correlated with an increase in GPA, even after using SAT to control for the initial ability level of the students. While the authors acknowledge that correlation does not prove causality, continued efforts to measure the impact of UR programs on student outcomes using GPA or an alternate extrinsic measure is needed for development of evidence-based programmatic recommendations.  相似文献   

Science & Education - Using the social media platform Twitter, this study explores public reference to “scientific method(s)” in tweets specifically pertaining to COVID-19 posted...  相似文献   

New technology devices such as iPads and iPods have become very popular and widely used in special education settings to teach students with disabilities. The 20 selected single-case design studies published by November 2015 were comprehensively reviewed to examine the effects of using iPads and iPods on academic performance and engagement of students with disabilities. This study also examined the approaches of using the devices during instruction. Results of the review indicated that using the devices was effective for enhancing both academic performance and engagement of students with disabilities. The results also indicated that the devices could be used for instruction in various ways, including use of a variety of types of applications and delivery of videos. Directions for future research and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The higher education sector is a dynamic environment where universities compete on a global basis for resources, students, and high-quality staff. The impending retirement of the baby boomer generation will create increased competition for research leaders. One way to address this is to develop research leaders from existing researchers. However, little is known about what it takes to transition from a leading researcher to a research leader, so there is much to be learned from the experiences of those who have successfully navigated those transitions. To explore the transition from early career researcher to leading researcher to research leader, we undertook a mixed methods study involving 30 senior research leaders and administrators from a range of organisations across Australia. In this paper, we describe how the career paths of these research leaders developed in a highly competitive research environment and discuss how universities can attract, retain, develop, and promote their researchers.  相似文献   

With some reflections on the management culture of higher educational institutions in China, this paper presents that it is not adequate to make analyses of rules and regulations from the mere perspective of institutional economics to get rid of short-term, which can be accounted for on a deeper level by the absence of management culture in the prevailing assessment system of teachers' achievements; while the key to reform the system of assessing teachers' work is to rebuild cultural conceptions in the management of higher educational institutions.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - For decades, science policy has been promoting interdisciplinary research (IDR), but universities have not responded uniformly. To explain this variation, we...  相似文献   

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