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This article aims at analysing and discussing student participation in Portuguese higher education institutions and, specifically, in university governance. In a first moment, it describes this participation under both the previous (1988–2007) and the new legal frameworks (since 2007). A discussion of the changes introduced by this last framework and the extent to which it has contributed to the erosion of student participation in governance is undertaken. Next, the article deals with the ways students are involved in quality assessment at both its systemic and institutional levels. The case of a specific Portuguese university is used as an example of how this involvement takes place. The article concludes with a discussion on the main features of Portuguese student participation in governance, focusing on its effectiveness and suggesting measures for improvement.


Tertiary Education and Management - In the United Kingdom, the higher education landscape has undergone a transformation since the late 1980s as seen in the “massification” of higher...  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This article introduces the special issue of Tertiary Education and Management dedicated to the positions and roles of students in higher education governance....  相似文献   

中国高等教育治理变迁70年,大致经历了中国高等教育制度的探索与建立(1949~1977年)、中国高等教育办学体制和管理体制改革(1978~2011年)以及以治理体系和治理能力现代化改革为旨归(2012至今)三个阶段。从70年的治理变迁中不难发现,我国高等教育改革发展呈现出鲜明的中国特征,主要体现为:始终坚持和完善党的领导、政府政策始终发挥主导作用、高等学校内部治理的基本制度框架始终是党委领导下的校长负责制等。这些相关治理制度在高等教育实践中不断形成、确立、完善和定型,并逐渐成为中国高等教育治理的根本制度。同时,在这70年中,中国高等教育治理在高等学校的法律地位、学术权力在高等教育治理中的作用以及全球化背景下中国高等教育治理方式等三个方面都发生了转变。未来,在国家治理视域下,中国高等教育治理应着重考虑如何将制度优势转化为治理效能。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This article provides a synthesizing overview of the roles of students in higher education governance in Europe. We first review the existing literature on...  相似文献   

By "higher education" is meant all types of tuition provided by universities, colleges, and other post-secondary educational institutions which may be attended by students who have either completed their three-year upper secondary program and have passed their final examination, or who can prove that they have reached a corresponding level of competence. Higher education used to be the prerogative of those who had passed their final examination at the old gymnas (high school); this examination, known as examen artium, may be defined as the Norwegian equivalent of the British GCE "A" Level examination, the German Abitur, or the French baccalauréat.  相似文献   

Higher Education and Graduate Employment in Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The governance of higher education in colleges and college sectors that offer other types of education and training is distinctive in four main respects. First, governance structures are frequently separate and different for higher education and for other segments of tertiary education. Second, the size and scope of the higher‐level education taught by individual institutions will bear on the extent to which the management and governance arrangements in colleges are joint or divided. Third, the growth of small and distributed forms of higher‐level education has created specific problems and dilemmas for national and sub‐national governance. Fourth, the multiple missions of many colleges continue to pose questions about their educational and organisational coherence and governability. It is only in recent years that a base of evidence has been available to comprehend these developments, although definitional difficulties and data deficiencies remain.  相似文献   

<正>中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第四次全体会议指出,加强系统治理、依法治理、综合治理、源头治理,把我国制度优势更好转化为国家治理效能,为实现"两个一百年"奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供有力保证。实践及研究表明,源头治理是社会治理有效性的基础和前提,是一种有效的社会治理方式。高等教育治理在国家治理体系中就是一种源头治理。  相似文献   

<正>近日,有同道邀约参加高等教育治理现代化专题笔谈,百般推辞不过,只好冥思苦想下笔作业。通过文献的浏览学习,发现相关研究成果十分丰硕,治理概念跃然于纸间,治理理论已达到了体系化的高度。我继续言说已成多余,只好选择一个僻静角落,站在前人的肩膀上,提几个小问题敲一下边鼓,以就教于方家。  相似文献   

In this paper we review the major historical developments in the evolution of Canadian university governance arrangements and synthesise data from two important national studies in order to provide an overview of university governance in Canadian higher education. We provide an analysis of university governance structures and arrangements, and conclude by reviewing a number of important contemporary issues. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

高等教育治理理论作为深化高等教育改革的理论创新,在高等教育领域有其存在的实践依据与所遵循的原则.它与高等教育管理的根本区别就是,高等教育治理模糊了高等教育管理中的主客体边界,高等教育治理是通过合作、协商、伙伴关系、确认认同和共同的目标等方式实施对大学的管理,并在治理过程中引入问责机制.  相似文献   

高等教育评估腐败及其治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育评估腐败是指有意识地不尊重评估规律并因之谋求个人或局部利益的行为和现象。造假、贿赂、欺诈是高等教育评估腐败的基本表现。文化缺位、制度不完善和监督乏力是高等教育评估腐败产生和蔓延的温床。高等教育评估腐败对社会造成极大危害,成为中国高等教育评估健康、可持续发展的巨大阻力。我们需要按照邓小平同志提出的关于"整个改革开放过程中都要反对腐败"的思路对高等教育评估腐败进行治理。  相似文献   

高等教育治理的中间机构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国从计划经济向市场经济转轨,政府管理公共事务的范围和方式都在发生着显著变化,特别是在高等教育管理方面.建设高效、廉洁、有限的政府,实现良好治理,是中国改革开放、快速发展的必然要求.而高等教育的治理方式,也是随着政府治理方式的变化而改变的,尤其是出现了治理中间机构.  相似文献   

从高等教育基金委员会看英国高校治理模式的创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代,英国高等教育的治理模式发生了变革,1919年建立起的大学拨款委员会模式已经终结,取而代之的是新的基金委员会模式。基金委员会模式体现了英国高等教育治理的新思路,以英格兰地区的高等教育基金委员会最有代表性。该地区的高等教育基金委员会不但要求大学在财政方面积极承担绩效责任,而且在科研以及教学方面也对大学施加外在影响。基金委员会主要通过财政备忘录对大学进行财政风险评估。作为政府的代理机构,基金委员会有鲜明的商业特征,主要通过一系列审查和绩效问责措施促进高校治理变革。然而,基金委员会自身存在一些不足,需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

智利高等教育具有公私立并存、多样化发展的特征。中央政府对高等教育进行集中管理和协调,大学都是自治的,且与政府间有完善的对话机制。智利传统大学的经费大部分来自政府资助,非传统大学的经费主要来自学费,大学也可引入市场机制进行融资,如发行债券。政府还有完善的学生资助制度。智利高等教育治理模式对我国的高等教育改革与发展具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

<正>党的十九届四中全会《决定》明确提出"支持和规范民办教育",这为民办教育治理体系和治理能力现代化指明了纲领性方向,强化了进一步激发民办教育活力与创造力的目标任务,民办高等教育治理也不例外。近年来,在普遍适用于公办、民办高等教育的制度体系不断健全的同时,我国民办教育的重要领域和关键环节改革取得突破性进展,《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》修订施行、《国务院关于鼓励社会力量兴办教育促进民办教育健康发展的若干意见》及相关配套政策先后印发,非营利性和营利性民办高校分类管理政策全面发力、纵深推进,民办高等教育领域改革的广度和深度也不断拓展,体现了国家对民办高等育治理的形势新判断、制度新安排。  相似文献   

治理理论作为一种推进政府公共行政管理改革的新理论,开始波及到高等教育评估领域。本文提出高等教育评估治理理念,探讨该理念的基本含义、核心内容,并分析该理念产生的原因和效用。  相似文献   

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