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How HRT & Exercise provide the Effect of Women Well - being is discussed here with the Presentation about (1) Information o,1 Honmone & HRT; (2) Introduction to Estrogen Replacemen; (3) Review of Relational Studies.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to establish whether anthropometry, muscle strength and endurance accounted for differences between junior and senior elite rowing ergometer performance, and to determine annual development rates for juniors associated with training. Twenty-six junior (8 females, age 18.0 ± 0.3 years and 18 males, age 17.9 ± 0.2 years) and 30 senior (12 females, 23.7 ± 3.0 years and 18 males, 24.0 ± 3.9 years) heavyweight rowers, were assessed anthropometrically, performed a 2000-m ergometer time-trial, and completed various muscular strength and endurance tests. There were no anthropometrical differences between males; however after controlling for body-fat and standing-height, senior females were of greater body-mass (70.5 ± 4.6 kg and 77.2 ± 5.9 kg, P = 0.01) and sitting-height (89.8 ± 2.2 cm and 92.2 ± 6.1 cm, P = 0.04) than juniors. Moderate to very large standardised differences in all strength and endurance tests were observed between juniors and seniors (effect size (ES) range 0.9-1.9). Greater development rates (5.0% to 6.0%) and adjusted 2000-m performance was associated with upper-body strength (males) and endurance (females). In conclusion, after identification of desirable anthropometry, the 2000-m ergometer potential of juniors may be accounted for by upper-body strength and endurance.  相似文献   

~~Ukrainians in the all-around events.Though there is time for the Russians toreturn to glory before the AthensOlympics, they have a long way to go. Bu t i n w om en's c omp eti ti on, arejuvenated Khorkina will show she is stilla force to be reckoned with at the age of25. She won her sixth successiveEuropean uneven bars title in May. As Asia and America catch up andRussia slumps, European countries arenot as strong. Romania, however, keepsits predominance. Marian Dragulescu is eager …  相似文献   

Physical fitness testing in Singapore is mandatory from age 9 years old till 18 years old in schools. Time and effort are spent annually in training for these tests as schools are ranked according to the test results and pupil obesity rate. There are natural rhythms and tempos for the development of physical capabilities but these remain unexplained in the Singaporean context. Identification of these "sensitive time periods" for fitness development will help PE teachers be more realistic about young people' s physical fitness and allow for a more balanced approach in the conduct of PE in schools.  相似文献   

ItseemsthatluckhasbeenfavouringChinasportssince2000-ChinahadthebesteverOlympicperformanceintheSydneyGames,Beijingwonthebidtohostthe2008OlympicGamesandtheChinesesoccerteamqualifiedforitsfirsteverWorldCupfinals.That'sallhistorynow.WearenotsooptimisticaboutChina'sprospectfortheAsianGames.FormproblemIntheSydneyOlympics,36Chineselanded28goldmedals.Most  相似文献   

To explore skills of enhancing the performance of reception and publicizing World Philatelic Exhibition,Executive Committee of China 2009 World Philatelic Exhibition(China 2009)together with Transporting Management Department of Luo Yang Transportation Bureau run a training course called"Creating a Civilized City,Greeting the World Philatelic Exhibition",April 28,2008. Executives and managers from Luo Yang taxi companies attended the course.There, they were mainly equipped with relevant  相似文献   

FBRan 《电子竞技》2008,(8):66-67
为什么选择车辆为Audi Le Mans R8:因为此车的操控性是本游戏中最好的!而且具备极强的平衡性。在不打开NOS的情况下,此车无疑是极品飞车10(Carbon)中的最强车辆。此外R8还不需要调校,对于新手来说非常适合适应性赛道练习。NOS是正式比赛一律禁止的,这个规则笔者就不多说了。  相似文献   

ShanghaiSportsProductsExpo,slatedtoopenonSeptember27,willbreakworldrecordsandbecomethemostinfluentialexpositionofthisMindintheworld,claimsaChi-nesesportsofficial.Theexpoisexpectedtodraw1,000entrepreneursand150000visitors.LuoJieanofficialwiththeSportsmentCenteroftheStateGeneralAdministrationofSport.saidthatthe10theditionoftheexpositionwillbethemostinfluentialsportsfairintheworld,thelargestintheAsianandPaciflcRegionandofthehigheststandardintheworld.Theexpositionhasbeenheldonarotationbasisandthat  相似文献   

Live For Speed(后文简称LFS)可以说是一款历史上最真实的赛车游戏。它的真实并不是体现在画面(尽管它的画面环境光影也做得非常逼真),而是在驾驶的手感操作和物理特性上。在这个游戏中,你能很明显地感觉到什么是惯性,你会知道把车子停下来有多困难,狠踩油门的结果就是一不小心便整个车子原地打转,而比赛时的超车更完全取决于过弯微妙的技巧。尽管和极品飞车只差一个单词(极品飞车的英文名是“Need For Speed”),但是在游戏内容上却有天壤之别。下面让我们来看看这款游戏。  相似文献   

北京马拉松,BM编辑团队精英出动,实实在在参与了一把;厦门马拉松,这次不跑了,但我们成了官方合作的唯一体育类杂志媒体,不管我们跑不跑,马拉松都在那里,人潮汹涌,望不到边。  相似文献   

While motor dominance appears to drive limb selection for reaching movements at the midline and ipsilateral (dominant) side, this study examined the possible determinants associated with what drives the programming of movements in response to stimuli presented in contralateral space. Experiment 1 distinguished between object proximity and a hemispheric bias for using the hand on the same side as the stimulus by comparing imagined and actual reaching with arms uncrossed and crossed. Experiment 2 examined the role of comfort in limb selection via participants reaching for a cube under two conditions: 1- and multiple-df movements. The first experiment demonstrated a proximity effect; participants preferred to keep their arms crossed to reach with the hand closest to the stimulus rather than uncrossing their arms to support a bias. Comfort was eliminated when participants continued to prefer the nondominant hand, even though they were able to reach with the dominant hand at all positions using only a 1-df movement. In summary, we offer evidence suggesting that limb selection in response to stimuli presented in contralateral hemispace is determined primarily by information related to the proximity between the stimulus and the hand.  相似文献   

Background: In recent years increasing attention has been given to models-based approaches to physical education as a way of promoting standards and particular types of learning through better alignment of teacher planning and delivery with pupil learning and achievement. However, little attention has been given to the specific contribution a pedagogical model for outdoor adventure education (OAE) has to make to pupils learning.

Purpose: This paper is presented in two parts. Part one is an advocacy paper and draws upon the broader discourse around models-based practice to make a case for the development of a pedagogical model for OAE. Drawing upon guidelines for models-based approaches to physical education, this paper considers the theoretical foundation, rationale, review of research findings and major theme that inform the development of a model of OAE.

Conclusions: The selected review of the research suggests that the major impact of OAE is upon the affective domain, particularly in relation to pupils developing a positive self-concept. Learning is also evident in the cognitive and physical domains, but this is secondary to learning in the affective domain. Drawing upon the analysis of the research literature, the major theme for the model is identified as ‘personal growth through adventure’ and ‘OAE’ is suggested as the name of the model. Part two of this paper builds upon these foundations to outline what a pedagogical model for OAE might look like in a secondary school in the UK.  相似文献   

The app for the System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (iSOPARC®) was developed to enhance System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities data collection and management. The study aim was to examine the usability and inter-rater reliability of iSOPARC®. Trained observers collected data in 16 park areas in two Latin America cities (Curitiba, Brazil; Bogotá, Colombia) using both the original System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (mechanical counter) and new iSOPARC® (electronic counter) methods. A total of 8,707 park users (3,958 females and 4,749 males) were observed. Reliabilities among observers were determined using the intraclass correlation coefficient and relative overall agreement (%) in three ways: (a) mechanical versus mechanical, (b) mechanical versus electronic, and (c) electronic versus electronic. When both used mechanical counters comparisons overall agreement was over 78% (intraclass correlation coefficient = .982; p < .001) for variables in all analysis. When one used a mechanical counter and the other used electronic (iSOPARC®) comparisons overall agreement was higher for age (84%; p < .001) than for physical activity (83%; p < .001) variables and average intraclass correlation coefficient was .965. Using both used iSOPARC® comparisons overall agreement was 81% to physical activity and 83% to age group. Results suggest iSOPARC® can be used reliably for examining variables previously validated in System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities.  相似文献   

China has been regarded by Germanyas the biggest rival in the AthensOlympic Games. Germany, who usuallystayed third behind the United Statesand Russia in the Olympic medastandings, finished a disappointingfourth place in the Sydney Olympicsfour years ago with 14 gold medalsonly half of what fourth placer Chinacollected. Germany has vowed to regain theithird place and has made great effortsto this end. The German government will investwo million euros directly for theAthens-bound athletes,…  相似文献   

This paper overviews the importance for sports biomechanics of movement variability, which has been studied for some time by cognitive and ecological motor skills specialists but, until quite recently, had somewhat been overlooked by sports biomechanists. The paper considers biomechanics research reporting inter- and intra-individual movement variability in javelin and discus throwing, basketball shooting, and locomotion. The overview does not claim to be comprehensive and we exclude such issues as the theoretical background to movement and coordination variability and their measurement. We overview evidence, both theoretical and empirical, of inter-individual movement variability in seeking to achieve the same task goal, in contrast to the concept of "optimal" movement patterns. Furthermore, even elite athletes cannot reproduce identical movement patterns after many years of training, contradicting the ideas of motor invariance and "representative" trials. We contend that movement variability, far from being solely due to neuromuscular system or measurement "noise"--as sports biomechanists may have previously supposed--is, or could be, functional. Such functionality could allow environmental adaptations, reduce injury risk, and facilitate changes in coordination patterns. We conclude by recommending that sports biomechanists should focus more of their research on movement variability and on important related topics, such as control and coordination of movement, and implications for practice and skill learning.  相似文献   

alo石日丫扭d 一甲e哪姗冲。w goe戴r. and!洲alka!one 招时irS叨me协牌赐卒娜ng 如m咖ngto肉ht ou宝OflUek 燃燕等 youf白一elf i口y加rdream台.inyour钓or火Never give up——just for you@Jack~~  相似文献   

喻强 《时尚球类》2006,(3):50-50
阿妹用她独特的嗓音把保龄球这项高雅室内体育运动的独特气质吟唱得淋漓尽致。而如今保龄球在中国的发展真的“很寂寞”。 中国保龄球在经历了上个世纪90年代中期的“黄金时代”和本世纪初的“黑铁时代”之后,它的发展仍然吸引着众多体育学者的注意。保龄球在中国的兴衰历程正是我们研究如何在中国推广一项体育运动的生动教材。[编者按]  相似文献   

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