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钱郁 《生物学教学》2009,34(10):49-51
本文着重从两方面阐述了生物信息题的“设问”:(1)利用题干中原有的设问,从知识的另一角度进行设问以达到知识的迁移;(2)利用题干所涉及的知识进行知识拓展和知识网络的重新建构以达到知识的发散和重新整合。  相似文献   

There is little doubt that the verbally gifted have been identified through traditional identification measures. In addition to the heavy verbal emphasis on intelligence tests, lists of characteristics of gifted populations have always included several traits that relate to high verbal ability: early reading, large vocabulary, high level reading comprehension, and verbal interests such as voracious reading on a wide variety of topics (Gold, 1962; Gallagher, 1975; Clarke, 1979). What has not occurred is a systematic study of appropriate program intervention strategies for such students, particularly at the highest levels of ability. This article argues for the inclusion of Latin as a specific verbal intervention to enhance the capabilities of talented students in vocabulary and linguistic competence in English. Furthermore, the paper will argue that the study of Latin directly addresses many of the characteristics of gifted students and meets the criteria for appropriate curriculum for them.  相似文献   

科学探究中"问题"的创设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕建忠 《生物学教学》2003,28(10):14-15
科学的发展始于发现问题.问题可以激励人们去学习,去实验,去创造。因而创设问题、解决问题的方法的学习极为有利于学生创造性思维的发展。  相似文献   

郭立安 《生物学教学》2007,32(10):62-63
纵观近两年全国理综高考中,探究性遗传实验的试题出现的频率很高,此类试题对于学生能力的考查起了重要作用,受到广泛的好评,但这种题型对于绝大多数考生来说得分率极低,因此,笔者在高三复习中,结合遗传学规律,将各种类型遗传学探究实验进行归纳,对学生进行专题训练,收到了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

学校道德教育向生活世界的回归并不必然导致道德教育的高效。回归生活世界的道德教育仍然需要对一些问题作出回答:生活世界中的道德是应如何生活还是事实上如何生活;基本的道德认识是把道德看成是道德德性还是权利;“做人”的道德规范是否完善。在现代性条件下,学校道德教育应当关切基本道德规范的教育;关切道德规范背后的道德权利教育;关切“做人”的道德规范的教育。这些问题不解决,学校道德教育即便回归生活世界也无法提高效率。  相似文献   

Using questions to foil discussion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Case studies of five high school classrooms illustrate the general proposition that teacher questions foil discussion, whereas nonquestion alternatives foster discussion. Even where conditions are favorable, questions are seen to forestall an emergent discussion or to frustrate it. By contrast, students in discussions of every kind speak more extensively in response to teacher statements and exhibit more complex thought, deeper personal involvement, wider participation, greater interconnectedness, and richer inquiry. This general case ought to be tested in research and tried in classroom practice, so that our understanding of questions will become more informed and our discussions more educative.  相似文献   

Instructional sensitivity is the psychometric capacity of tests or single items of capturing effects of classroom instruction. Yet, current item sensitivity measures’ relationship to (a) actual instruction and (b) overall test sensitivity is rather unclear. The present study aims at closing these gaps by investigating test and item sensitivity to teaching quality, reanalyzing data from a quasi-experimental intervention study in primary school science education (1026 students, 53 classes, Mage = 8.79 years, SDage = 0.49, 50% female). We examine (a) the correlation of item sensitivity measures and the potential for cognitive activation in class and (b) consequences for test score interpretation when assembling tests from items varying in their degree of sensitivity to cognitive activation. Our study (a) provides validity evidence that item sensitivity measures may be related to actual classroom instruction and (b) points out that inferences on teaching drawn from test scores may vary due to test composition.  相似文献   

Research from interactionist second language acquisition and sociocultural theoretical perspectives shows that referential questions are important for learning, but also, that they can be difficult for English language learners (ELLs) to understand and produce answers to. By integrating analytical tools from both traditions, this study examined the scaffolding functions of a fifth grade teacher’s talk. The study found that the teacher utilized various communicative moves to engage ELLs in referential questions. Examples illustrating these communicative moves and their scaffolding functions are provided. Implications from these findings for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The practice of reading is rapidly moving from print to screen. Young children are not immune from this trend; indeed, many children's principal literacy experiences occur using iPads and other handheld digital devices. This transition raises important questions about how the emergence and development of literacy might change in these new environments. This paper reviews research to date on e-reading, both in the pre-tablet and tablet era, within the context of what we know more generally about literacy development. We then propose topics for future research and discuss methodological issues related to the investigation of these topics. Our goal is to spark further discussion about how to study young children's literacy development in the emerging e-reading era.  相似文献   

Duration of response to teacher questions and statements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To examine the effectiveness of teacher questions in stimulating student participation, 26 high school discussion classes were tape-recorded and the duration of utterances timed by stopwatch. Analyses of variance performed on class mean duration of student response revealed three findings. (1) No significant difference was observed between response to questions and response to declarative statements. (2) By question type, opinion questions received significantly longer responses than factual ones, and closed longer than open; no differences were observed for six other ways of classifying questions. (3) Response to questions appeared unrelated to selected characteristics of classroom, teacher, and student. The findings offer little support to current emphases in theory and practice on the use of questions in discussion classes. The study may be situated within a body of recent research that has failed to validate traditional claims for the efficacy of teacher questions.  相似文献   

The results of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS 2001) were published in 2003. In addition to data about the reading achievements of 10‐year‐olds in 35 countries, PIRLS 2001 also collected questionnaire information from children, their teachers, headteachers and parents. The results showed not just how well students can perform in various reading tasks, but also the relationship between reading abilities and other characteristics, including the characteristics of their homes and schools, the students' attitudes to reading, reading enjoyment, self‐confidence, engagement and perceptions of their reading abilities. Surprisingly enough, children in England were reported as having poor attitudes to reading, compared to children in many other countries, despite high achievement on the reading tests. This paper raises some concerns about the interpretation of results from the study, suggesting a more complex picture than that presented in the summary index published in 2003. Our secondary analysis of the attitude and achievement data from PIRLS shows that pupils with low ability levels have misunderstood the questions which tested their attitudes towards reading. The authors point out that caution is needed when making cross‐country comparisons to avoid naïve approaches to interpretation.  相似文献   

开放性试题以探究性、生成性为基本特征在各种考试题型中独树一帜。在新课程学生评价的理论研究与评价实践中 ,它正受到越来越多的关注。但开放性试题的不确定性与评分标准的主观性 ,又使得它的运用受到局限。本文将介绍两种在国外和境外有着深入扎实的理论研究与实践基础的、可运用于开放性考试的质性评分方法 ,即以SOLO分类法为代表的“等级描述型评定方法”和以PTA量表为代表的“要素分析型评定方法” ,并对两种方法的理论依据、编制过程、评定程序、适用题型等问题做以浅近探讨  相似文献   

李辉 《中学生物学》2007,23(5):11-12
质疑问难是探求生物知识、发现问题的开始.爱因斯坦说过:“提出一个问题比解决一个问题更重要.”因此,教师从儿童的好奇、好问、求知欲望等特点出发,积极培养学生勤于思考问题,敢于提出问题,善于提出问题,是培养学生创造思维的前提.  相似文献   

The authors report an implemented environment for computer-assisted authoring of test items and provide a brief discussion about the applications of NLP techniques for computer assisted language learning. Test items can serve as a tool for language learners to examine their competence in the target language. The authors apply techniques for natural language processing to help teachers prepare test items for elementary Chinese. Teachers can then compile the test items to form test sheets for formal examinations on the Internet. The system can record the results of the tests for post-test analysis of students' achievements so that teachers can gain .insight into the distributions over students' competence levels and can adjust the teaching activities for the students who may need individualized care. At this moment, the system offers assistance for authoring test items for basic listening comprehension, cloze tests, incorrect-character identification, sentence reconstruction and usage of measure words.  相似文献   

数学课题研究性学习是指在教师的指导下,学生运用探索、研究的方法主动获取知识、应用知识、发展能力的学习活动。这是一种先进的教育指导思想和理念。它具有内容的开放性和方法的多样性等特点。有价值的问题是开展研究性学习的前提和保证,发现问题和提出问题是开展研究性学习的着眼点和生长点。  相似文献   

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