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This papers describes the economic difficulties in Ghana from 1973 to the early 1980's, culminating in a situation where libraries in Ghana, including the UST Library, were unable to acquire library materials. Books in the main library and faculty libraries became so outdated that they were unable to support current academic work. The Library was not able to subscribe to core periodicals and journals.In 1987, the PNDC government, with the help of the World Bank, instituted a policy to replace scientific equipment and to supply books and journals to higher education institutions. Under the Educational Sector Adjustment Programme (EDSAC), academic libraries in the country received books, journals, and equipment including photocopiers, microfilm/microfiche readers and cameras, and telex machines.In 1991, the PNDC Deputy Secretary for Education invited the three university libraries to review the procedures for procuring journals for tertiary institutions in view of difficulties which had been encountered in previous years.Besides materials received under the EDSAC programme, the UST library receives gifts and donations from recognized international agencies. Some of the gifts create problems when materials donated do not cover subject areas of interest to the library. The library also exchanges publications with other institutions as a means of acquiring useful items. The university's calendar and prospectus are the main publications used for the purpose. The Newspaper Registration of Ghana Act, 1963, urges publishers to deposit copies of books published in the country at the UST Library among five others. The majority of publishers flagrantly refuse to do so because the sanctions against defaulters are rarely enforced. The library also receives budgetary allocations, though not enough to purchase books locally.  相似文献   

馆藏建设的风向标——读者决策采购   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
读者决策采购(PDA)是近年来风靡美国大学图书馆的一种重要馆藏建设模式,并被广泛用于电子图书建设。本文通过分析其产生背景、发展状况、典型案例,探讨它对图书馆发展的意义影响及对我国大学图书馆建设的启示和可资借鉴之处。  相似文献   

编辑的职业道德既要符合一般道德要求,又要体现编辑职业的特点。它应当是编辑人员在编辑过程在形成和必须遵守的行为规范的总和。编辑工作中,在处现同国家、社会、作者、同行以及参加编辑活动的其他人员的关系时,应以编辑职业道德为准则。为了保证编辑工作的质量,编辑工作者除了应该具有很好的业务素质外,要加强职来道德修养。  相似文献   

企业并购战略制定的竞争情报保障研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业并购战略制定的核心问题之一是目标行业及目标企业的选择,而竞争情报对于正确选择目标行业和目标企业具有极其重要的保障作用。企业并购竞争情报工作就是根据企业并购对目标行业和目标企业的情报需求,收集、分析有关行业和企业的竞争情报,并按照一定的竞争情报分析方法和分析模型,对目标行业的行业吸引力及目标企业的相关度进行评估,从而为并购战略制定提供决策参考。  相似文献   

中文图书现货采选与书目选书的选择性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现货选书与书目征订是目前国内大学图书馆中文图书的两种主流采访模式,二者各有优势与不足。因此,应有针对性地制定不同的采选决策,合理进行选书过程中的分工合作,使这两种选书模式扬长避短、有机地结合,形成正确的采选决策,实现既定的图书采选计划和藏书发展目标。  相似文献   

The hard sciences and the soft: some sociological observations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper focuses on the implications of the terms "hard" and "soft" as they are used to characterize different branches of science; this is one approach to understanding some of the relations between knowledge and social organization. Given the importance to scientists of having their work evaluated accurately, it can be seen that the more rigorously a body of knowledge is organized, the more readily professional recognition can be appropriately assigned. The degree of rigor seems directly related to the extent to which mathematics is used in a science, and it is this that makes a science "hard." Data are presented in support of the hypothesis that "harder" sciences are characterized by more impersonality in their members' relationships where impersonality is indexed by the frequency that only first initials are used in footnotes. Finally, some parallels between the economic and the scientific sectors of society are suggested, viewing money and professional recognition as "generalized media" and noting certain analogies in science to inflation and deflation in the economic system. Implications for the obsolescence of parts of the literature of science are discussed, and the relevance of this analysis to Kuhn's work on scientific revolutions is briefly noted.  相似文献   

文献采访政策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文献采访政策是图书馆文献采访工作的规范和指南。研究和制定符合本馆实际的文献采访政策,从制度上保障文献采访工作的顺利进行,是图书馆的一项基本工作。  相似文献   

This review summarizes the literature of a subset of the published research and commentary on peer review – the ethics of peer review. It attempts to track the various ethical issues that arise among the key participants in peer‐review systems: authors, editors, referees, and readers. These issues include: bias, courtesy, conflict of interest, redundant publication, honesty, transparency, and training. It concludes that debates over such issues as open vs. blind reviews continue unresolved but that new technologies offer some prospects for resolving old issues while they also may create new challenges.  相似文献   

一把标尺:高校图书馆数字资源采访原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字资源建设是一项系统工程,涉及到数字资源的采集、组织、整合、保存和服务等整个生命周期.概述了数字资源采访的基本含义和我国高校图书馆数字资源建设的状况,提出了高校图书馆数字资源采访中应遵循的15项原则,即:适用性原则、知识性原则、特色化原则、系统性原则、保障性原则、超前性原则、易检性原则、合法性原则、学科主导原则、平衡互补原则、联合采购原则、量力而行原则、民主决策原则、试用评估原则和成本效益原则.  相似文献   

The founding fathers of the United States recognized that freely available information and an educated citizenry were essential to the functioning of a representative democracy. But almost as soon as the ink dried on the Constitution, political forces moved, and have continued to move, to restrict the flow of information from the government to the public, as well as among members of the public. This article examines whether information availability has become a victim of the war on terrorism – whether the nation has entered a time in which legal and policy initiatives are creating information gulags – secreting government information and restricting communications among members of the public, including the academic community. This article explores how policy is shaping the information relationship among the government, the public, academia, and the media and whether new models may be appropriate and more beneficial to society. In doing so, we examine in depth not only public access to government information but also the emerging and vital issue of government restrictions on scholarly exchange, as most recently presented by the legal dispute between the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), Department of Treasury, and subsequently the litigation brought by the Association of American University Presses (AAUP).  相似文献   

This study examines the practice of information ethics of the members of the mailing group of the Pakistan Library Automation Group, called PAKLAGPK who participate frequently in the discussions on a variety of LIS ethical issues. The research uses both qualitative and quantitative methods, including a survey questionnaire to measure subscribers' prior knowledge about certain issues in Information Ethics (IE). The research also uses the content analysis method to investigate the information communication behavior of the subscribers over this mailing group.  相似文献   

文献资源采购工作是图书馆各项业务工作的第一环节,再好的图书馆没有丰富的馆藏文献支撑,也无法为读者提供满意的服务。笔者通过工作实践,摸索出了少儿图书馆图书采购的五个特点,并对这五个特点进行了详细论述。  相似文献   


The fact that not everyone may like a given television program isn't news; but the fact that the demographic characteristic of race is associated with selective liking and disliking of network television programs that were designed to appeal to a “mass” audience may be surprising. The following article aroused a great deal of heated discussion when an early version was presented at the 1965 meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism, and should do so again after publication in these pages. James W. Carey is Research Assistant Professor in the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Illinois.  相似文献   

地方文献在各级图书馆中,都作为重点藏书范围.而在全馆的藏书体系中,地方文献又具有相对的独立性.因此,在文献采访工作中,应单独制定地方文献采访原则及策略,使地方文献的采访既能坚持原则,又可灵活多变地进行.  相似文献   

图书馆越来越广泛地收集图书、数据、图表、图像、音乐视频等资料,尽可能提供给读者全面快捷方便的服务,但与此同时也产生了与著作权的冲突。本文借鉴了国外著作权的一些解决方法,提出了应如何正确对待图书馆的自由获取与著作权,对图书馆的发展会有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对中医药多媒体资源在网上的分布特点,采用链接类型过滤、链接内容过滤、网页内容过滤三层过滤和临时页面存储、目标页面存储,中间链接存储、更新存储四层存储机制,设计并实现了一个对包含中医药多媒体资源(包括音频、视频和Flash动画)的网页进行采集的定题采集系统;结果显示,可以大大提高查准率。  相似文献   

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