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This article reports the findings of a national study examining methods used for final evaluation in master's level counseling programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to update and extend the survey of training practices conducted by Splete and Bernstein (1981). More counselor education programs are offering individual courses in consultation to their master's students, but the preferred method of delivering consultation coursework still seems to be integrating it into other courses. Little consensus was found among program administrators regarding topics covered in didactic experiences. The majority of the respondents reported offering some fieldwork in consultation, either as a requirement or as an elective.  相似文献   

The faculty members of counselor education programs often seek data regarding accreditation. This survey was completed in 1984 in an effort to provide information on the effects of meeting CACREP accreditation standards.  相似文献   

Nine faculty from 4 counselor education departments were interviewed regarding the evaluation criteria and decision‐making processes used during selection interviews. Ten characteristics were identified that participants looked for during interviews. There was a high degree of agreement among participants on the evaluation criteria they used. However, the same homogeneity was not found in decision‐making processes. Counselor educators seemed to use selection interviews to screen out applicants who were unsuitable rather than to select the most qualified applicants. Evaluation criteria and procedures should be refined to increase the benefits of using interviews in the selection process.  相似文献   

Clinical practice in rehabilitation education represents an essential component in the graduate student's course of study and serves as a transition between the didactic learning of the classroom and the employment of the student as a professional counselor. Although the value of clinical practice is well established in master's level rehabilitation education, a number of potential problems currently exist. The author examines several issues related to supervision in clinical practice and provides suggestions for clarification.  相似文献   

对用人单位单方解除劳动合同的个案处理,解雇保护除立法上存在法律漏洞外,在司法实践中也存在着法律解释方法上的利益衡量问题,这常常涉及到对劳资两者利益的考量判断。这需要司法者的悟性,需要站在理智立法者的高度,进行个案中的法益衡量,以弥补立法的不足,寻求正当的个案裁判,实现社会的公平与正义。  相似文献   

This article addresses student counselor impairment related to the potential for harm to clients. Concrete suggestions are given for enhancing monitoring and dismissal processes in counselor training programs.  相似文献   

高职人才培养,再也不能只盯着以内贸为主的中小企业,指导思想上要为"中国的世界企业"培养人才,没有国际知识与技能、全人类的视野与眼光的职业教育是走不出国门的。职业教育必须有高层次人才培养的实践与探索,在国际化视野下,培养满足多层次需要的现代职业人才。少数优质高职院校现在就应该开始,到企业进行调查研究,探索高职本科教育的可行性,探讨培养高职硕士研究生的可能。  相似文献   

文章分析了美国4个在线硕士学位项目实例:佐治亚理工学院计算机科学在线硕士项目是"慕课"时代以来第一个在线硕士学位项目;哥伦比亚大学应用物理学在线硕士项目注重教育质量把控;伊利诺伊大学香槟分校会计学在线硕士项目的全球实时课堂传递领先的学科资源;亚利桑那州立大学社会工作在线硕士项目以主题研讨教学服务于文科学习。其共同特点为:以技术为基础;灵活有序;在线结合实践;考核方式多元,课程质量逐步提高。  相似文献   

在梳理美国专业科学硕士教育创设背景和发展的基础上,介绍了其课程设置和教学贴近社会需求、将实习和顶峰体验项目纳入培养方案、设立校外顾问委员会参与人才培养过程等培养特色,并利用美国研究生院委员会的调查数据分析了毕业生对专业科学硕士教育的反思和评价,以期为我国专业学位研究生教育的发展和改革提供经验启示。  相似文献   

为了解大学生的膳食营养水平和膳食状况,对安徽科技学院1000名学生进行了膳食调查,并对调查结果做了营养评价和分析。结果表明,大学生能量摄入量稍高,营养素供能不合理,蛋白质和脂肪摄入量过高,碳水化合物摄入量不足,大部分维生素摄入量不足,钙、铁、锌摄入量不足,三餐供能比不合理。建议加强大学生膳食营养教育,合理改进膳食结构,增加优质蛋白质、碳水化合物、维生素和铁、钙等矿物质的摄入量,以提高营养水平。  相似文献   

Editorial comment and summaries


Drs Kjöllerström and Lybeck present here a brief report of their European survey of master's and doctoral dissertations in science education, undertaken subsequently to a workshop on Research in Science Education in Europe held at Malente, FR Germany in 1976. The full report of their survey has recently been published by the Institute for Science Education (IPN), Kiel, FR Germany.

The article published here reports on the distribution, size and organization of science education research groups, their areas of research interest and higher degree programmes. It also surveys the main areas of science education research at master's and doctoral level undertaken during the period 1971‐1976, and the employment taken up by master's and doctoral students upon completion of their studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine to what degree the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) standards represent skills and knowledge that mental health agency employers use to judge candidates for master's level counseling positions. A total of 84 professionals who hired master's level counselors in their agencies rated the likely effect of each CACREP knowledge and skill area on their judgment of a potential candidate. Respondents also checked specific knowledge and skills they considered important and the type(s) of master's degrees typically possessed by counselors hired by their agency. Data suggested that each knowledge and skill area may have a moderate to significant impact on the employers' judgments, although some competencies were clearly seen to be more relevant than others. Family intervention was the most highly endorsed specialization, and candidates with social work degrees were hired far more frequently than was any other single type. Implications for counselor education programs and graduates are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent surveys have provided some guidance and recommendations for the student teaching component in early childhood teacher preparation, but specific information on the focus of supervision and evaluation of student teachers is limited. The current study surveyed 128 early childhood programs in 2- and 4-year institutions of higher education across seven states. The study collected data in areas such as which students receive feedback, how students are supervised and evaluated, and what types of assessment tools contribute to the evaluation. Results indicate that across 2- and 4-year institutions, language and literacy are a strong focus of feedback for student teachers, as well as child development, planning, and adult–child interactions. Student teachers are typically supervised through on-site visits that range in number and length fairly dramatically across 2- and 4-year institutions. Finally, the use of specific tools for evaluation varies across programs; about a quarter of programs surveyed use a published tool to evaluate student teachers. The majority of programs use an evaluation tool that is based on local, state, or national standards. Findings are discussed in terms of early childhood teacher preparation programs and the continuing discussions of recommendations for student teaching.  相似文献   

Using a factorial survey administered to college students at two Universities, this study examines students’ tendencies to engage in academic misconduct. The relation of strain, self-control, and deterrence theories to likelihood of cheating are further explored. The results suggest that increasing the severity of the punishment for cheating does not deter academic misconduct; however, several variables indicating an increased certainty of being caught did decrease the likelihood of cheating behaviors. Only the strain variables that indicated a student had an ill family member or that the student found the course difficult significantly increased academic misconduct. Although self-control did not have a direct effect on cheating it indirectly affected cheating behaviors through students’ perceptions of getting caught and their perception of wrongfulness of the cheating behavior. Policy and future research implications of the findings are further discussed.  相似文献   

为了了解全日制生物学教育硕士研究生学习动机的现状,对山东省四所高校的全日制生物学教育硕士研究生以问卷和访谈形式展开调查研究,并针对调查中发现的问题,提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

为了维持劳动关系的稳定,保障劳动者的基本权益,《劳动合同法》中专门列出了“劳动合同解除和终止”一章来规定劳动合同解除的条件和程序。劳动合同解除的条件和程序二者本身在概念、内容和作用、违法责任等方面有所区别,在区分两者内涵和外延的基础上,构建平衡的解除条件和程序,不仅有助于劳动关系的和谐稳定,也能促进劳动力的良性流动。  相似文献   

This phenomenological study investigated the experiences of 8 Black students enrolled in a master's‐level counseling program. Five themes central to participant experiences were identified: (a) isolation as a Black student, (b) tokenization as a Black student, (c) lack of inclusion of Black counselor perspectives within course work, (d) differences between support received by faculty of color and support received by White faculty, and (e) access to support from people of color and White peers. Implications for counselor educators and study limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对广州地区11所高校学生法律意识状况的抽样调查和分析显示,当前大学生了解相关法律知识,但对具体的法律概念理解模糊;一方面信仰法律,另一方面对法律的现实作用却又不太信任;维护个人权益意识较强,但对维护国家或者他人利益时表现冷静.同时对当前大学生法律意识状况的原因进行了分析.  相似文献   

在评价学术水平时,与占主导地位的一级学科评估相比,论文所代表的客观指标有效吗?研究产出在多大程度上影响了一级学科评估结果?现有文献对二者在评价学术水平时的关系尚无实证研究。以CSSCI论文数、引用数、顶级期刊论文数和人均论文数为解释变量,以一级学科评估分数为因变量,运用主成分回归分析方法,对研究产出与一级学科评估结果进行比较。研究发现,基于论文指标的客观评价与一级学科评估结果高度正相关,由规模因子和质量因子构成的综合指标能解释83%的学科评估结果。研究产出很大程度上决定了学科排序结果,基于论文的综合指标是学科评估的一种可行的替代方法。  相似文献   

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