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This exploratory study was designed to investigate the accuracy of high school students' confidence in their answers on classroom tests, how that accuracy varied between different types of questions, and whether having to judge their confidence in test items resulted in an improvement in accuracy over the school year. The study was conducted in a rural high school in a South Eastern state of the US involving 54 students enrolled in three sections of a human anatomy class. For an entire school year the teacher asked students to indicate their confidence in a response's correctness when they answered questions on tests and examinations. Further data included interviews with 25 students and a career goals questionnaire. Having students gauge the correctness of their responses to test questions on class tests over the school year did not result in quantifiable improvements in their accuracy. However, students indicated that reflective use of the language of human anatomy and physiology through reading out loud to themselves, practising writing words and phrases, and verbal questioning and discussion with others helped them to achieve higher academic outcomes. Modelling or discussing effective study strategies with family members were also identified as important factors on the ways students prepared for tests.  相似文献   

Student performance in and attitudes towards oral and written assessments were compared using quantitative and qualitative methods. Two separate cohorts of students were examined. The first larger cohort of students (n = 99) was randomly divided into ‘oral’ and ‘written’ groups, and the marks that they achieved in the same biology questions were compared. Students in the second smaller cohort (n = 29) were all examined using both written and oral questions concerning both ‘scientific’ and ‘personal development’ topics. Both cohorts showed highly significant differences in the mean marks achieved, with better performance in the oral assessment. There was no evidence of particular groups of students being disadvantaged in the oral tests. These students and also an additional cohort were asked about their attitudes to the two different assessment approaches. Although they tended to be more nervous in the face of oral assessments, many students thought oral assessments were more useful than written assessments. An important theme involved the perceived authenticity or ‘professionalism’ of an oral examination. This study suggests that oral assessments may be more inclusive than written ones and that they can act as powerful tools in helping students establish a ‘professional identity’.  相似文献   

This paper reports an analysis of response strategies employed by 300 first year undergraduate students on a chemistry test to answer questions posed in multiple choice and constructed response formats. Test answers were categorized and analyzed for format-related differences in solution strategies and error patterns. A subgroup of 21 students who had written the test were interviewed following the test with the intent of further exploring the response strategies which they had used. The verbal reports from the interviews were scored for the presence of typical problem-solving behaviours. Analysis of the test data indicated no significant differences in the types of solution strategies employed, nor in the types of errors committed, across test format. Most students used algorithmic production strategies and worked out the answers without regard to question format. However, the verbal data revealed evidence of subtler differences in the types and frequencies of problem-solving behaviours, particularly with respect to problem representation and answer evaluation.  相似文献   

A study was designed to test the effect of using MetaCognitive Awareness Guidance (MCAG) as a vehicle for activating and engaging learners’ existing prior knowledge before they begin a reading assessment task. A total of 300 pupils (aged 9–10) studying in ten 4th grade classes in four different schools in Israel participated in the research. The major assumption of the study was confirmed: increasing learners’ metacognitive awareness by means of well-planned guidance, built on prior knowledge, facilitates their learning and improves outcomes on a reading assessment task. This paper focuses on the linkage between three components of learner performance, what we refer to as the ‘Assessment Triangle’: (1) achievement on reading assessment tasks; (2) performance on metacognitive awareness guidance; and (3) awareness of metacognitive reading strategies. The implications and the function of this revealed linkage will be discussed.  相似文献   

This research compared the effectiveness of Peer-Centered (PC) and Instructor-Centered (IC) formats for Teaching-Assistant-led discussion sections in chemistry. In addition, an Aptitude-Treatment Interaction (ATI) was hypothesized, such that self-described collaborative students would report more learning from the PC format and competitive students would benefit more from the IC format. The PC format utilized small subgroups and student presentations, while in the IC format the Teaching Assistant lectured, solved problems, and answered questions. The two sections were approximately equal in overall learning, except that more learning from fellow students occurred in the PC sections. The expected ATI effect was found. In addition, students with interpersonally oriented learning styles benefited more from interactive learning opportunities (such as sections), while those with other learning styles gained more from impersonal media (such as textbooks).  相似文献   

Technology‐enhanced formative evaluation (TEFE) could enhance student achievement while diminishing the burden of formative evaluation for educators. The current study examined data from 360 randomly selected schools that either used a TEFE program for 1 year to 4 years 11 months, for 5 or more years, or not at all. Analyses of covariance found a significant and moderate to large (d = .51 and .78) effect on percentage of students who scored proficient on state accountability tests in math. Moreover, among schools that used TEFE, those with a non‐White student population of at least 50% scored in the proficient range on state math tests at a rate equal to that of those with at least 50% White students. A significant and moderate to large (d = .71) effect was found, however, between these two groups of schools among schools that did not use a TEFE program. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effects of problem format and the number of independent variables in the problem on the responses of students to a control of variables reasoning task. The Bending Rods problem was used. A four times two factorial research design with four levels (2-, 3-, 4-, 5-variables) of the number of independent variables and two formats (essay and multiple choice) was set up for the investigation. 548 eighth graders in 24 science classes in a suburban public school district northwest of Chicago participated in the study. Students were administered the Bending Rods problem in groups in their science classes. Each classroom was randomly assigned to a cell in the research design. Initial analysis of the data indicated four separate levels (2-, 3-, 4-, 5-variables) of the independent variable number of independent variables in the problem' were unnecessary. The 2- and 3-variable levels were pooled as were the 4- and 5-variable levels to give two distinct levels of this variable. Analysis of variance indicated that: (1) task format had no effect on subject's scores; but (2) the differences between subjects' mean scores on the 2-, 3-variable essay versions and the 4-, 5-variable essay versions are significantly greater than the mean scores of corresponding multiple choice versions of the task, which exhibit rather uniform scores; and (3) the 2-, 3-variable forms together were significantly less difficult for students than were the 4-, 5-variable forms together. Discussion focuses on interpretations that include: (1) task demands on working memory; (2) Pascual-Leone's M-energy; and (3) the use of testwiseness strategies in solving essay and multiple choice tasks, respectively. Implications for science teachers are set forth in view of these discussion points and their relevance to test construction and classroom assessment of learning objectives in science.  相似文献   

Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement (GLISI) used ISPI's 10 Standards of Performance Technology to share the design, development, and implementation of an intervention striving to help Georgia districts and schools share their success stories in a clear and concise format. This intervention took the form of a PowerPoint presentation, GLISI Promising Practices, and has become a successful tool for districts to share and communicate their success.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of conversational noise on the comprehension/retention of 2000-word text excerpts, two groups were randomly formed. Group 1 (n = 20) studied under noise conditions and Group 2 (n = 24) studied under nonnoise conditions. In the analysis of the scores on tests over the material studied under noise and nonnoise conditions, overall ANCOVAs indicated no significant differences among the two groups in performance on the comprehension/retention tests. Further analyses, however, indicated significant differences between the performance of identifiable subgroups under noise and nonnoise study conditions. Internals on Rotter's I-E scale outperformed Externals under noise, whereas the reverse was true under nonnoise conditions.  相似文献   

In this study of college student retention and progression, significant differences were found between black and white student cohorts in terms of their attrition rates, overall progression rates (defined as length of time to graduate), and tendency to follow the prescribed progression pattern (sophomore in the second year, junior in the third year, senior in the fourth year, and graduate after the fourth year). However, multiple regression analyses show that racial differences disappear when the effects of other student and institutional characteristics are statistically controlled. Therefore, colleges and universities would do well to rethink special retention and counseling programs designed especially to serve minority group students.  相似文献   

根据张量的变换性质,得出了电磁场的洛伦兹不变量以及张量维数与独立不变量个数之间的关系。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of research to determine if a significant interactive effect exists between students' lingual background (English as a primary language [EPL] versus English as a secondary language [ESL]) and question format on students' examination scores. Students were administered examinations made up of four subtests covering the same subject matter. The subtests were composed of four question formats: multiple choice quantitative, multiple choice theoretical, open-ended quantitative, and open-ended essay questions. Based on analysis of variance and analysis of covariance, significant differences were observed between EPL and ESL students depending on the type of question on the examination.  相似文献   

Feedback can have a great impact on student learning. However, in order for it to be effective, feedback needs to be of high quality. Electronic marking has been one of the latest adaptations of technology in teaching and offers a new format of delivering feedback. There is little research investigating the impact the format of feedback has on quality of feedback and subsequently on student learning. This study sets out to investigate the impact paper-based and electronic methods of assignment submission and return have on students’ and markers’ perceived quality of feedback. Students and markers on an undergraduate course were asked to complete an anonymous online survey investigating their perceptions of quality, format and timeliness of feedback delivered electronically and on paper. The results showed that marking and providing feedback electronically was an acceptable method for markers, reporting improved speed and consistency of marking. There was no increase or decrease in satisfaction with the feedback received. Overall, electronic marking was found to be an acceptable method of delivery of feedback on written assignments by both students and markers. The findings of this study suggest that electronic marking can result in more timely feedback for students without impacting on quality.  相似文献   

为了研究新型斜拉-梁拱组合体系桥梁的力学性能,以跨越宜兴大溪河的荆宜大桥为对象,对现场静、动载作用下结构的实测反应与相应的数值计算结果进行了对比分析研究.首先,给出了试验方案、任务、相应的测试方法及引用的相关规范;然后分别建立了三维Ansys实体模型和三维Midas杆系模型;最后,对比分析了模型计算结果与试验测试结果,...  相似文献   

In the class session following feedback regarding their scores on multiple-choice exams, undergraduate students in a large human development course rated the strength of possible contributors to their exam performance. Students rated items related to their personal effort in preparing for the exam (identified as student effort in the paper), their ability to perform well on the exams (identified as student ability), and teacher input that might have affected their exam performance. Students rated most student effort items higher than teacher input and student ability items. Notwithstanding, across all exams, ratings of student ability and teacher input correlated more strongly with exam performance than did student effort ratings. High and low performers on the exams differed significantly on ratings of student ability and teacher input, but were more similar on ratings of student effort.  相似文献   

The effects of grading practices (strict, lenient) and time of rating (after a lecture, after taking an examination, after receiving feedback on performance on the examination) on student ratings of faculty performance and student learning (i.e., performance on an examination) were assessed in two experimental studies. Results indicated that (1) student ratings were directly affected by grading practices and this effect was a function of the time at which ratings were cornpleted, and (2) student learning and students' ratings of faculty were positively correlated, and grading practices had no effect on student learning. Implications of these findings for the administrative use of student ratings are considered.  相似文献   

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