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Under the joint auspices of the Ministry of Sciences & Technology (MOST) and China Association for Science & Technology, more than 1,600 Chinese scholars including CAS and CAE members, chief scientists of the National Basic Research Program (dubbed 973 Program) and directorsof national key labs, have voted for China's top 10 events in basic research in 2007.  相似文献   

On January 20, 2010, ten S&T advances were announced to have distinguished themselves as the most outstanding work made by Chinese scientists over the past year, as the result from a ballot attended by 563 Members of CAS and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).  相似文献   

Thanks to their decades of painstaking efforts, Chinese S&T historians recently saw two book series on ancient Chinese history of science and technology and astronomy in print.  相似文献   

On behalf of the CASleadership, Prof. BAIChunli, executive vicepresident of CAS, recently gave abriefing on the future blueprint of“CAS Innovation Bases,” which areclusters of science and technology.Over the next five years (2006– 2010), says Prof. Bai, CAS willimplement the third phase of theKnowledge Innovation Program(KIP), focusing on the develop-ment of “one plus ten” S&T inno-vation bases.Prof. Bai notes that these basesare an organizational form for imple-menting major …  相似文献   

The CAS Academic Divisions(DASAD)is established on June 1.1955, At present.it has six divisions of mathematies&physics, chemistry. lif sciences&medical sciences.earth sciences, information sciences and technical sciences.In 1984, the State council defined its principal function in clear terms.i.e.  相似文献   

CAS has recently completed a research project on China's S&T strategic planning. More than 300 experts from various S&T disciplines worked diligently for more than a year to produce a blueprint of China's S&T innovation roadmap towards 2050. It covers energy,  相似文献   

Since the latter half of 2004, China‘s top leaders have given higher priority to the issue of national capacity building for S&T innovation, Chinese President Hu Jintao reiterates that stress should be placed on the upgrading of innovation capacity when making overall plans for S&T development, and the task should remain the key link in promoting economic structural readjustment and raising national competitiveness. This strategic transition from imitation to innovation is also found in the National Long- & Medium-term Plan for S&T Development, which is being formulated under the leadership of Premier Wen Jiabao. The author explains the reason behind such a transition and the major administrative measures to be adopted for its implementation.  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiang and CAS Vice President Chen Yiyu paid a visit to Tibet from July 10 to 17. They exchanged ideas with leaders of the region on S&T cooperation between the two sides and the establishment of a CAS institute of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau research.During their trip, Lu and Chen met with the Institute administrators in Nyingchi, a district in southeast Tibet, and listened to the report by  相似文献   

A panel of CAS Academic Di-visions (CASAD) held itsfirst conference May 7 todiscuss the overall consultation onthe mid- and long-term national planof S&T development in China.Present at the meeting were adozen of CAS members, includingZhao Zhongxian, chairman of thepanel and director of the CASADWorking Committee on Consultationand Evaluation (WCCE), and SunHonglie, vice chairman of the paneland vice director of WCCE. CASVice Secretary-general Shen Baogenalso attended the meet…  相似文献   

Editor‘s note: At the 04‘ National Conference for Science and Technology (5&T) Awards held on March 28, 2005 in Beijing, CA5 scientists were honored by 10 prizes of the National Natural Science Awards and 11 prizes of National Awards for 5&T Progress. BCAS is to present in installments a brief introduction to some of the winners.  相似文献   

(Division of Technological Sciences) CHEN Zuyu, an expert in water conservancy, hydropower and civil engineering, serves as professor at China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research.  相似文献   

The Executive Committee of the CAS Presidiumsets the consultative work on the State long- andmedium-term S&T development plan the top pri-ority for the CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD) in thecoming two years. This was announced at the secondsession of the fourth CAS presidium executive commit-tee convened on June 10 in Beijing.Chinas national long- and medium-term S&T de-velopment plan is an all-inclusive deployment documentfor S&T activities in the next 15 20 years in China.It addr…  相似文献   

A set of new standards willbe employed for S&T as-sessment in China, accord-ing to a directive jointly issued bythe Ministry of Science and Tech-nology (MOST), Ministry ofEducation, CAS, the Chinese Acad-emy of Engineering, and the NationalNatural Sciences Foundation ofChina.The document stresses thatquality of a research result is the pri-ority consideration in scienceevaluation, and the final goal in theappraisal lies in encouraging andguiding S&T workers in innovativeresearch. S&T…  相似文献   

On behalf of the Academy,CA S Presi de nt LUYongxiang, who is alsovice chairman of the Standing Com-mittee of China’s top legislatureNPC, sent his congratulatory mes-sages on January 10 to CAS mem-bers and scientists winning the na-tional S&T awards in 2005.At the national S&T conferenceheld on January 9 in Beijing, YEDuzheng and WU Mengchao, bothbeing CAS members, received theNational Supreme Award for Sci-ence and Technology; Mu-MingPoo, an American scientist servingas direc…  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiangmet on March 25 in Beijingwith a delegation from theRussian Academy of Sciences(RAS). The delegation, which washeaded by RAS Vice President N.A. Plate, came to participate in theacademic activities dedicated to the10th Anniversary of CAS-RAScooperation. Lu swapped ideas onfurther cooperation and exchangeswith his Russian counterpart.CAS and RAS signed an agree-ment on S&T cooperation on De-cember 18, 1992 in Beijing.Since then encouraging progresshas b…  相似文献   

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