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培养反思思维习惯 促进创新能力提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从优化课堂教学过程入手,力求从数学问题的设计、数学定理(概念)教学过程的递进以及在阶段性回顾中注重学法指导等几方面,启发学生实践与体验,促使学生形成独立的反思性思维习惯,确立学生在学习中的主体性,提高学生创新精神和思维能力,形成更适应于学生自己的学习方法.  相似文献   

Federal, state, and local policy makers' high-stakes standards-based accountability reforms are transforming the early childhood teacher education process. These reforms affect how early education teacher candidates figure their role as teachers. By employing Holland, Lachicotte, Skinner, and Cain's conception of figured worlds to analyze the findings of a qualitative case study, this article examines how three early childhood teacher candidates' figured conceptions of themselves as early educators evolve in high-stakes classrooms and teacher education environments. It also investigates how these candidates see themselves addressing these reforms in their own classrooms. Such a study not only further details the impact reforms have on preservice teachers' conceptions of teaching, but it also provides a chance for early childhood teacher educators to consider strategies they might employ to assist their candidates in developing a figured conception of teaching that addresses these reforms in an developmentally appropriate manner.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of interprofessional collaboration in the identification and reporting of a child in need. Such collaboration is especially important in the context of the global pandemic caused by the novel Coronavirus disease of 2019, known as COVID-19. The child protection system must have the capacity and resources to respond to increased demands during this time, and early childhood educators serve as an essential link for child protective services in identifying and reporting a child in need. As an effective system to accomplish these two aims requires a working collaboration among its participants, Bronstein’s interdisciplinary collaboration model was used as a framework to interpret this practice. A small-scale qualitative study was conducted that included principals of nursery schools and child protection workers from one region in Estonia. Findings indicate that effective collaboration was believed to require communication and ongoing systematic relationship building. Collaboration in practice varied, as principals reported a high turnover rate for the child protection workers, which hindered the development of a working relationship and support for the process of noticing and thereby identifying a child in need. In contrast, child protection workers assessed collaboration more positively, recognizing the need to have a supportive system in place for nursery schools. Both groups of collaborators acknowledged the need to train teachers, particularly to conduct joint training exercises to foster a common understanding of the child in need and of the intervention process itself.


Early childhood professionals can play an important role in helping divorced fathers to be more involved in the lives of their children. They can include involving fathers in all school and classroom activities from parent conferences to class celebrations. Educators can also serve as child care consultants to help fathers become better caretakers. By taking these measures, teachers will not only improve the emotional health of children and their fathers, but will also improve the educational experiences of children  相似文献   

Research has indicated a gender disparity in early education environments. This disparity has been recognized in terms of the student–teacher interaction, the differing types of play fostered, the varying use of praise and gender-specific messages, and the stereotypical messages evident in children's literature or play materials. The purpose of this article is to outline areas within a classroom that prospective teachers or childcare providers can update to reflect a more gender-fair environment. Suggestions for assessing classrooms for an antibiased environment are also offered.  相似文献   

语文既是人类思维活动的成果 ,又是人类籍以思维的工具。语文课堂教学是学生在享用人类思维成果的同时 ,学会运用思维成果 ,从而发展自己的思维能力。因此 ,围绕思维发展这一主线 ,从创造思维的独立性、求异性、广阔性着手 ,加强阅读教学 ,指导读书内化 ,是实现语文教育根本目的的需要 ,也是发展学生语文素质乃至整体素质的需要 ,更是培养创新人才的需要。一、指导读书内化 ,重视自我发现 ,培养思维的独立性。契可夫说 :凡是儿童自己能够理解和感受的一切都应当让他们自己去理解和感受。学生自我发现的知识 ,无疑印象更深 ,记得更牢。这就要…  相似文献   

The psychiatric community has only recognized Asperger Disorder (AD) as a distinct syndrome since 1994. Therefore, for most early childhood educators, AD is still a new diagnosis. The majority of the children with AD are being educated in the general education classroom although it's not uncommon to see specialized placements. Unfortunately, due to the uniqueness of this condition, teachers often question their academic and classroom management skills with these youngsters. This article suggests basic strategies in each area of AD that are useful in helping the student demonstrate success in the general education classroom or in specialized services. In addition, the characteristics of AD in young children are provided with some early indicators that may be important in early identification and referrral for specialized services.  相似文献   

在数学教学中培养学生创造性思维能力,可通过以下五个方面:重视知识的形成和发展过程,采用"发现法"教学;加强直觉思维能力的培养;加强发散思维的训练;加强开放型问题的训练;增强应用意识,培养学生实践能力。  相似文献   

This study examined how preservice teachers view the nature and role of creativity in light of the complexities of contemporary early childhood classrooms. A multiple methods approach was utilized and data were collected with the Questionnaire Examining Student Teachers' Beliefs about Creativity (Diakidoy & Kanari, 1999 Diakidoy, I. and Kanari, E. 1999. Student teacher beliefs about creativity. British Educational Research Journal, 25: 225243. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) survey instrument and through a qualitative examination of a learning community whose members were preservice teachers engaged in their student-teaching semester. Findings from both the survey and qualitative measures indicate that the vast majority of preservice teachers valued creative thinking; however, they voiced concerns over their own unclear understandings of how to support children's creative endeavors in complex classroom environments. Additionally, this research strongly suggests that early childhood teacher educators take a supportive role in the development of preservice teachers' understandings of the interrelationships between content, pedagogy, and creativity in early childhood classrooms.  相似文献   

本文结合教学实践,认为在小学语文教学中,培养学生创造性思维的方法有创设气氛法、引导质疑法、激励想象法。  相似文献   

在创新精神和实践能力的培养中,思维素质处于核心地位。没有经过优化的思维和经过优化的思维能力,创新精神和实践能力就难以形成。因此,教学中应重视培养学生的创造性思维。所谓创造性思维,是重新组织已有的知识经验,提出新的方案或程序,并创造出新成果的思维方式。创造性思维是人类思维的高级形式,是人类思维能力高度发展的表现。  相似文献   

提高实验室的综合能力 培养学生的创造性思维   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
介绍了该院以培养高质量的创新人才为目的,在实验室的设计与建设、实验设备、实验室的运用情况、学生在实验中能否达到创造性思维等方面进行重新思考,同时改革实验教学方法,实现实验教学新突破,取得好的实验教学成果。  相似文献   

Using a focus group approach, this study explored emergent issues for men in early childhood education. Preservice teachers, classroom teachers, and male professors identified 6 categories of issues including low salaries, family, and other influences on entering the field, teaching beyond the basics, improving preservice education, recruitment of males, and advantages and disadvantages of males in the field. Implications of the study focus on ways to create gender-fair classrooms.  相似文献   

在医学教育改革中,培养学生的创新思维能力已成为基础医学教学改革的重点内容。树立以科研结合教学为核心的现阶段临床医学本科人才创新能力培养模式,把创新思维的培养放到突出位置上,通过科研活动以拓宽学术视野,提升创新能力,对于促进科研优势资源转化为教学优势资源,全面提升创新人才培养质量有着重要意义。  相似文献   

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