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A piece of advice that I often receive is "as long as you do your best."This re- fers to success in every- thing from school to careers. I believe that this is good advice because it tells me that they trust my judgment a n d w i l l r e s p e c t m y decisions, even if they are the wrong ones.This helps to take pressure off of me when I am going to school because I don't haveo live up to certain standards and try to accomplish goals that are unattainable.Instead, I can just worry about doin…  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined techniques used to evaluate faculty performance, the literature has generally provided mixed results regarding the proper ways to measure teaching effectiveness. This paper provides the results of a survey of 1300 administrators and faculty of AACSB International accredited institutions. Respondents were asked what they believe is currently being used, and what should be used, to evaluate overall faculty performance and teaching effectiveness. Differences in responses are evaluated across school types, respondent positions, and respondent years of experience. The findings of this study provide a ‘benchmark’ of measures administrators can use to evaluate faculty performance.  相似文献   

威廉·福克纳是20世纪最有影响力的作家之一,他非常重视家庭小说的创作。《我弥留之际》是福克纳众多家庭小说中的一部。从伦理学的视角重温这部经典。我们会发现因缺乏正确的家庭伦理观念.本德伦一家夫妻关系不和、父母子女关系紧张,即使在困难面前也不能团结一致。将伦理主题与小说这一艺术形式结合起来。能够充分挖掘作者对人性的关怀。从而唤起人们对伦理道德的思考。  相似文献   

王安忆关注女性身体,更注重女性精神世界的成长,她在书写女性故事的同时,没有忘记对女性心灵镜城做更深层次的透视和剖析。《我爱比尔》作为90年代女性文学的重要文本,显示了王安忆强大的女性话语力量,展现了女性在社会边缘既反叛又依附的挣扎,文本从身体这一角度和策略抵达了人性的真实。  相似文献   

IF you fancy yourself as a globetrotting executive it makes sense to start as you mean to go on and hop on a plane to a business school. You can absorb a range of cultural experiences while gaining your MBA-what is more, it can be cheaper than studying at home.  相似文献   

Alan Dyson, who last year gave the Gulliford lecture on which this article is based, takes a critical look at the relationship between 'inclusion' and 'social inclusion'. He bases his analysis on a review of the history of special needs education and on some of the thinking which emerges from his work on a current research project, Understanding and developing inclusive practices in schools . This project is funded by ESRC (L 1392 51005) as part of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme and has been undertaken in collaboration with colleagues at Newcastle, Christchurch University College Canterbury and the University of Manchester. The later parts of this article refer to this project, although the views expressed are Alan Dyson's rather than those of the research team as a whole.  相似文献   

Curriculum materials serve as a key conceptual tool for science teachers, and better understanding how science teachers use these tools could help to improve both curriculum design and theory related to teacher learning and decision-making. The authors review the literature on teachers and science curriculum materials. The review is organised around three main questions: What do teachers do when using science curriculum materials?, What happens when teachers use science curriculum materials? and Why do teachers make the decisions they do? For each question, the authors first summarise the findings of two key reviews from the mathematics education literature, then situate the findings from science education in juxtaposition with those findings. The review uncovers that relatively little is understood about the mechanism underlying how teachers interact with curriculum materials. To try to address this gap, complementing and extending the field’s existing understandings of the teacher–curriculum relationship, the authors make four propositions, grounded in the literature on self-regulation. The propositions reflect a mechanism for teacher curricular decision-making. The self-regulation perspective also helps to develop more targeted support for science teachers aimed at the uptake, adaptation and enactment of curriculum materials in ways that are intended, and that teachers themselves experience as an improvement in their teaching. The authors conclude with a call for research that further explores the ways in which individual science teachers’ decision-making is situated within the wider sociocultural context.  相似文献   

“他者”视域与和谐理论——从“我是谁”的追问谈起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从我是谁的追问、自我意识的产生以及符号的能指与所指等三个角度,阐释自我掩盖下的他者本质。文章认为,主客二元结构下的主体独语不利于和谐社会的创建;和谐理论中引入他者的维度可以克服主体自身的局限;承认他者的存在与自我的不足,是认识不断超越自身、进入新境界的不竭源泉。  相似文献   

Shyness is not unlike many psychological constructs in that it connotes a rich cluster of behaviours, cognitions, feelings and bodily reactions. But when adolescents' shyness creates keen sensitivity to cues of being rejected, preventing them from speaking up for their rights and expressing their own opinions, thereby encouraging self-consciousness and excessive preoccupation with their emotions, it becomes a problem for both these adolescents and their surroundings. This paper presents 10 adolescents' experiences of being shy in a school context to such a degree that it is regarded as being a behavioural and emotional problem. In light of elements from an existential-phenomenological understanding, challenges and remedial measures for these adolescents as well as their peers and teachers are discussed. Finally, focus will be placed on how teachers can promote good relationships and working environments and in this manner prevent shyness from becoming a behavioural and emotional problem in school.  相似文献   

在当前各地进行的农村学校布局调整过程中,许多教学点被撤销了,使为数不少的农村孩子的求学历程增加了更多的困难和挫折。教学点的教学质量并不总是低下的,相反,一些教学点具有自己的独特优势。教学点的去留需要遵循科学的依据和标准.对于那些需要保留的教学点要采取各种措施促进其发展。  相似文献   

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