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秦汉时期的始傅、始役、终役的年龄研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦汉时期的始傅、始役、终役的年龄问题是研究秦汉时期赋税制度的重要问题,史家历来观点不一。本文认为:秦朝为十五岁始傅、始役,不满十五岁者,只要身高超过六尺五寸者,也在始役范围之内;有爵男子五十六免,无爵男子六十免。而汉代始傅情况可分为三个阶段:即汉初,袭秦制十五始傅;汉景帝二年,为二十始傅;汉昭帝时,变为二十三始傅。汉朝男子一般均为五十六岁老免,无爵、犯罪夺爵除外。但也有例外,因政治、经济、军事形势的需要,封建统治者会将始傅、始役的年龄提前,或将终役、老免的年龄推迟。  相似文献   

克劳塞维茨与孙武军事伦理思想比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
克劳塞维茨与孙武所处的时代背景不同,并且他们研究战争的哲学方法论基础和思维方式存在差异,这导致二者的军事伦理思想有较大差异。主要表现在军事民本思想、战争的道德伦理评价标准、治军的道德策略、战争的人道主义精神4个方面。对二者的军事伦理思想进行全面的比较,有助于对二者军事伦理思想研究的深入。  相似文献   

Throughout the 19th century, the French army supported and educated the sons of common soldiers known as “enfants de troupe”. The army's chief objectives were to tap this manpower pool for its own uses and to boost army morale by showing that it cared for the families of its defenders. However, during the period 1830‐1845, many officers became increasingly concerned with caring for the children's well‐being, and with providing them with an education beyond practical military training. This concern paralleled similar civilian movements to limit child labor and institute universal primary education, yet the differing cultures and needs of the army and of civilian societies resulted in different approaches to education. Ultimately, the army chose to embrace mutual education with a heavy emphasis on practical training in administrative duties. While officers placed increased emphasis on academic training and on the physical well‐being of the children, the army continued to exploit “enfants de troupe” as “child labor.”  相似文献   

军民共建流动人口服务管理是包括军队人员家属和营区流动人口的服务管理工作。通过调研分析了渭南地区军民共建流动人口的现状及存在的问题。提出强化服务管理的对策建议,给出了流动人口服务管理的机制设计思路,为其他地区在军队人员家属和营区流动人口的服务管理工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In many western countries, government statements about the need to recruit more men to primary teaching are frequently supported by references to the importance of male teachers as role models for boys. The suggestion is that boys will both achieve better and behave better when taught by male teachers, because they will identify with them and want to emulate their behaviour. However, this has not been supported by research evidence. This paper draws on data from an ESRC‐funded project involving interviews with 307 7–8 year old children in England (half taught by male and half by female teachers). Focusing on gender, it analyses children’s responses about their relationships with their teachers and about figures that they would like to emulate (both in school and outside).  相似文献   

This study sought to measure general teacher efficacy levels of in‐service primary teachers in Hong Kong. Participants included 725 Hong Kong in‐service teachers, who were invited to take part in the study. These in‐service teachers came from 28 different primary schools ranging from government, aided, private and direct subsidy schools. The Chinese version of the 12‐item Teachers' Sense of Efficacy (C‐TSE) Scale was applied to investigate the efficacy of the teachers. A factor analysis of these 12 items when male and female datasets were combined led to the extraction of only one factor. But separation of the two datasets led to the extraction of different factor analysis models. This could reflect the different perceptions that male and female teachers had about the formation of teacher efficacy. Overall, this study showed that female teachers were significantly more efficacious than male teachers. Moreover, years of teaching experience showed a weak but significant correlation to levels of general teacher efficacy. Interestingly, educational levels did not have a significant effect on the efficacy of this group of in‐service primary teachers. Overall, the C‐TSE was found to be a valid and reliable scale for measuring the efficacy levels of this particular group of in‐service primary teachers in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

During the early 20th century, practicing San Antonio teachers took part in several different types of in‐service education. This paper investigates the types of in‐service education present during the superintendency of Lloyd Wolfe (1902–1908), a progressive San Antonio educator who employed innovative approaches to in‐service education. Influenced by Francis W. Parker, Wolfe placed emphasis on methodology that stressed child‐centred activities and real‐world problem solving. The paper explores how Wolfe disseminated his ideology to his teachers through the lectures and content of a summer in‐service programme. It contemplates criticism from conservative San Antonio politicians who considered some of the approaches to in‐service education both too progressive and too costly. It demonstrates how personal ideology of particular superintendents shaped and changed teacher education programmes. Finally, the author places the San Antonio programme in a broader context that contributes to what is known about early teacher education programmes in the USA.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,学界对于井冈山时期军事斗争的研究视角逐渐从秋收起义和湘南暴动对井冈山斗争的作用、上下井冈山、井冈山斗争时期重要战役的介绍,更多地向红军的创建与发展、红军的组织建设、红军的会师、红军的军事失败等问题转移,内容不断丰富与深化,学术性越来越明显,并取得显著的新进展.今后我们不妨跳出井冈山来看井冈山,不能仅限于井冈山红军与国民党军的军事作战研究,而要开拓视野,根据时代的要求从不同的角度对井冈山时期的军事斗争进行新的学理诠释.  相似文献   

陆军检阅是北京政府的一项军政制度,其法律地位最初由《陆军部官制》所认可,但长期未得专人负责。20年代后,姜桂题、冯玉祥先后充任陆军检阅使,然实为安排失势军人的闲职。总体来看,目前学术界对此制度及职位虽有所研究,但仍有进一步探讨的必要。  相似文献   

新学员入学入伍强化训练是定型性训练,训练工作的成效是地方青年能否成功转化为军人、青年战士能否成功转化为军校学员的重要保证,对新学员今后的军旅生涯将产生极其重要的影响。为了进一步提高新学员入学入伍强化训练的质量,本文对某军事学院目前在训练中存在的问题,进行了相关研究,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

加强军政素质训练,培养全面发展的国防生   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国防生的培养定位于造就"军政兼优、掌握现代科学文化知识的新型军事人才"。随着国防生培养工作的不断深入,加强军政素质训练已成为实现国防生与军队"无缝对接"的关键,也是国防生培养系统化规范化的要求。军政训练需要结合当代青年大学生的特点,结合普通高校自身的特点,有针对性地开展工作,以促进国防生的全面发展。清华大学在国防生军政素质训练中进行了一系列的探索和总结。  相似文献   

洪武十五年(1382年),平越千户所改置平越卫.自置卫至成化时的八十多年时间中,陆续有武职调入.考察《平越卫选簿》可知,该卫武官主要由南直隶、北直隶和河南调入,旗军主要来自南直隶和湖广地区,部分来自陕西、四川、山西、福建等省区.讨论卫所职役来源地问题,应留意卫所武职与旗军来源地不一致现象.  相似文献   

乌兰夫军事斗争与政治斗争的战略策略思想是毛泽东军事斗争与政治斗争的战略策略思想的重要组成部分,是毛泽东军事思想在民族地区的运用与发展。乌兰夫在领导内蒙古革命斗争中,以政治斗争为主导,充分认识掌握革命武装的重要性。认真贯彻毛泽东“成立维护群众利益的少数民族自己的军队”的思想,创建了真正的人民军队,在内蒙古取得了政治和军事斗争的胜利,有力地支援了全国的解放斗争。  相似文献   

邓小平新时期军事法制思想是邓小平军事理论的重要组成部分,对我军新时期军队建设产生了极为深刻的影响。文章主要从重视军队法制建设及军事立法、执法、普法四个方面对邓小平新时期军事法制思想的核心内容进行了高度概括,并深入探讨了其巨大的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

军正为军中司法官员,出现于春秋末期。至汉代,军正执法之制得到全面正式确立。当时在南、北军及将军幕府均设有军正。其执法权限很大,地位特殊,一般由皇帝亲自任命,人选也通常为皇帝亲信。故军正除于军中职掌军法外,常被委以重任。汉代军正执法制度的成功实施,对后世的军队建设影响深远。  相似文献   

本文所谓高句丽军事问题是指高句丽军队发展、军队部署、军事指挥系统、军队构成及装备等方面的问题,它是研究高句丽历史中一个具有较大学术价值的问题。高句丽的军事发展在高句丽建立、发展、强大过程中起着重要的作用,可以说,高句丽之所以能够不断扩张领土,逐步走向强大,最后  相似文献   

征集大学生入伍,有利于提高部队兵员质量,提高部队战斗力,实现国防与军队现代化、信息化建设。为研究大学生参军意愿的影响因素,本文在已有研究的基础上,以湖北省大学生为问卷调查对象,通过样本数据分析性别、民族、户口类型、政治面貌、就读院校类别和教育程度对大学生参军意愿的影响,并利用SPSS22.0分析样本数据,验证国家优惠政...  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》中的有些文字历来解释纷纭,这也导致了对孙子某些思想的不同阐释。孙子讲"称胜",既体现了"知彼知己,百战不殆"的思想,又体现了量敌制胜的思想。而"军食"应该是"军"和"食",即军队的人员总数及其配备的各项物资和粮草。  相似文献   

军队依托培养实质是军队利用普通高等教育资源培养军事人才,这是由军事人力资本的专用性决定的。从交易费用经济学看来,军队可通过"购买"即采取依托普通高校培养或直接从外部市场引入方式来积累军民通用性人力资本;采用"自制"方式即军队自行投资获取军事专用性人力资本。"制造—购买决策"在于军队对每一项人力资本投资的边际制造成本等于其边际购买成本时的均衡纵向规模,均衡纵向规模大则投资倾向于制造,反之倾向于购买。  相似文献   

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