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Analysis of speech patterns in 27 high school discussion classes revealed that both teachers and students, and both males and females, took an increasingly longer time to express successively higher-cognitive types of utterances. Student utterances, though systematically briefer, followed precisely the same pattern as teacher utterances. The results suggest that duration of speech is related to level of cognition.  相似文献   

A relationship between creativity and misbehavior in the classroom often has been presumed by educators, but actually has had little substantiation. The present study attempts to clarify the dynamics of that relationship by determining the extent to which creativity test scores predict identification of students by teachers and/or peers as misbehavers. Intercorrelations between creativity subtests and peer perception of creative behavior suggest that students high in elaboration and in originality are more likely to be described by peers as exhibiting creative behavior. Results generally failed to support that high creativity scores predict teacher identification of students as behavior problems. However, the sociometric variables of popularity and misbehavior were significantly correlated with high creativity scores. Implications for further study are discussed.  相似文献   

任务型语言教学将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境,把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的重要因素。它把"交际性任务"作为最核心的指导单元,整个课堂以任务为驱动,围绕着任务的完成展开各个教学环节,在这一过程中,学生变被动接受知识为主动发现、探究知识,既提高了语言运用能力和交际能力,又获得了全面发展,因此,任务型课堂的实施过程与传统课堂有着很大的差异。教师只有深入理解其教学理念,熟悉其操作模式和流程,明确各个阶段的作用与要求,才能充分发挥其功能以达成课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

在网络迅猛发展的今天,语言学习的课堂模式也需要积极的与时俱进。当前,许多高校的英语专业都建立起了多模态网络自主学习平台,作为语言学习的重中之重,听力技能如何通过多模态的自学课堂来真正实现有效提高,如何科学合理的设计自主听力学习课堂的基本模式,成为摆在英语专业管理者和教师面前的一项重要课题,合理科学的多模态自主学习课堂是实现自主学习平台最大效果的唯一途径。  相似文献   

Research suggests that early classroom experiences influence the socialization of aggression. Tracking changes in the aggressive behavior of 4,179 children from kindergarten to second-grade (ages 5-8), this study examined the impact of 2 important features of the classroom context--aggregate peer aggression and climates characterized by supportive teacher-student interactions. The aggregate aggression scores of children assigned to first-grade classrooms predicted the level of classroom aggression (assessed by teacher ratings) and quality of classroom climate (assessed by observers) that emerged by the end of Grade 1. Hierarchical linear model analyses revealed that first-grade classroom aggression and quality of classroom climate made independent contributions to changes in student aggression, as students moved from kindergarten to second grade. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Research is reviewed on nonverbal behavior, in particular that related to the glance, facial expression, bodily movements, and personal space. Some implications for communication between teacher and students are considered and some suggestions are presented to teachers for eliminating nonverbal cues by which they may unwittingly communicate favoritism or rejection to students.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we have examined the uses to which direct observation has been put in the study of classroom processes, and taken note of several observation systems possessing a variety of distinct attributes. Problems encountered in the use of observation, chiefly those of obtaining accurate and stable measures, were explored.Future developments in direct observation procedures seem likely to center around several foci. Knowledge about classroom behavior, its correlates, and its effects requires replication and comparison among studies. Inventing new systems prohibits these comparisons. Therefore, users of direct observation are likely to become more interested in the basic dimensions underlying their observational data. This should facilitate the development of sound, behaviorally based instructional theories.Basic instructional dimensions can also be used to generate new observation systems, which are syntheses of the major components of existing systems and which therefore will allow comparisons to these systems. However, these dimensions will be delimited only if researchers take the trouble to investigate and report them.Finally, the use of observation in research and evaluation should increase particularly to measure process variables intervening between the application of a treatment or a new program and outcome variables. As more educators become aware of the potential information available from observation, and as our knowledge of observation system variables increases, observation seems likely to become a standard procedure in classroom evaluation studies and field research.
Die Direkte Beobachtung von Klassenverhalten

Observation directe du comportement en classe

The study investigated the effect of test mode anticipation on performance in the anticipated and the unanticipated mode in four sections (same instructor) of a first-year college algebra course. To build up anticipation, students in two sections received recall tests, and students in the other two sections received recognition tests over 6 successive weeks. Following this, the test mode was changed without warning for half the students in each section. Results showed that performance suffered when the test mode was changed for students anticipating a recognition test. Students anticipating a recall test did equally well in both test modes.  相似文献   

Cognitive style refers to an individual's way of perceiving and processing information. Field-dependence-independence is one dimension of cognitive style. Field-dependence and field-independence respectively refer to a global in contrast to an analytical way of perceiving. Global versus analytical cognitive styles have been studied with respect to their differential influence on attitude development in ESS by Walters and Sieben (1974). The present investigator sought to examine whether a relationship existed between field-dependence-independence and scientific attitudes of sixth-grade students in SCIS. Findings indicate that such a relationship is not statistically significant.  相似文献   

While many investigators have examined the relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement, and between behavior and achievement, there has been little research examining the relationship between self-esteem and classroom behavior. The present study investigated the relationship between self-esteem, using the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, and classroom behavior, using the Classroom Behavior Rating Scale, with a sample of 54 elementary school children. Results indicate that a significant relationship exists between self-esteem and classroom behavior. The implications of this with regard to teachers' modification of student behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

本文就素质型体育课堂教学模式的设计进行了分析探讨 ,即采用“诱导—激发—实践—升华—强化”五步骤的导练式教学模式 ,使素质教育真正进入体育课堂  相似文献   

培养高师生课堂教学能力的"三课"型教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本根据学科教学论课程的特点及高师生课堂教学能力的形成规律,针对传统教学模式忽视对高师生课堂教学能力中“隐含”能力要素培养的弊端,构建了以“说课”,“讲课”,“评课”为核心的“三课”型主体性教学模式。  相似文献   

大学一切以教学工作为中心,提高教育质量的重点是提高教学质量。提高教学质量就需要探索出一条适合本学校的教学模式。本文主要从目前大学教学过程中存在一些问题进行分析与思考,提出了一些教学改革措施方案。在信息时代的今天,教学模式需要高素质的教师,社会需要具有创新思维的全方位学生,这样更有利于社会的进步与发展。  相似文献   

课堂提问是外语教师常用的教学方法。本研究围绕展示性问题和参考性问题的数量、课堂提问方式、两种类型问题引发的语言输出量、教师课堂提问的反馈方式等方面进行分析。结论表明,合理运用展示性问题和参考性问题能够促进学生语言认知活动的发展,是语言教学的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

The concepts of teacher effectiveness and teacher evaluation are growing in importance. Attempts to identify the classroom behavior of more and less effective teachers and evaluate the extent to which they reach pre-determined criteria of effectiveness have led to a heterogeneous array of statistical tools and measurement paradigms, many of which contain sources of invalidity. This paper (a) critically reviews past attempts to identify the behavioral correlates of effective teaching; (b) poses a systematic measurement framework for more effectively studying classroom behavior, and (c) identifies specific sources of invalidity in measuring the behaviors within this framework.  相似文献   

The relationship between hyperactive behavior and children's perceptions of teachers' behavior was investigated. Particular attention was paid to two aspects of teacher behavior—acceptance and demand. An extensive literature review supported the position of viewing hyperactive behavior from a situational and an interactional perspective. The literature also indicated that children's behavior is affected by their perceptions of adult behavior. The subjects were 92 boys enrolled in 8 regular elementary school classrooms. Children's perceptions of acceptance and demand in their teacher's behavior were measured by administering a partial form of the Teacher Behavior Questionnaire to classroom groups. Observed levels of hyperactive behavior were measured by having the subjects' teachers complete the Conners Abbreviated Questionnaire for each boy. Using correlational analyses, hyperactive behavior was found to be significantly related to both variables in the directions of less perceived acceptance and greater perceived demand. The combination of these two measures accounted for 16% of the variance between hyperactivity and student perception of teacher behavior. On group comparison measures, hyperactive boys perceived significantly less acceptance and greater demand than did their nonhyperactive peers.  相似文献   

合作学习倡导学生相互合作,这种教学理论和策略体系被国内外广泛使用。实践高校英语教学改革的一个有效途径是在大学英语课堂中构建和做学习模式。文章主要介绍了合作学习的内涵、组成要素和理论基础,并对合作学习的必要性和在英语课堂教学中的实际应用进行了分析,提出了合作学习的教学模式和有效的合作学习实践活动,并指出教师在合作学习过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了传统的"以教师为中心"的综合英语课堂模式的特点,之后选取了有代表性的新型的综合英语课堂模式并对其分析研究,从多方面描述了目前综合英语课堂模式的现状。目前新型的综合英语教学模式都能够打破传统的教学模式,实现由以教师为中心到以学生为中心的转变。  相似文献   

《建筑工程概预算》是工程类专业核心课程之一,是培养工程类人才的基础,本文试从《建筑工程概预算》这门课程的课程特点以及学生学习现状着手,提出《建筑工程概预算》课程的课程改革方案,并且探讨了一些笔者在教学过程中总结出的教学方法。  相似文献   

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