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Building achievement tests which are sensitive to the instructional effects of school programs concerns both practitioners and researchers in education. To produce such tests, empirical procedures to guide item selection are needed. In this paper, an operational framework and a set of empirical procedures for this task are presented. Within this framework, item sensitivity is linked to instructional implementation. A simple components of variance model has been used to provide actual estimates of instructional sensitivity. These procedures are illustrated using data from a comparative study of alternative item formats for a criterion-referenced test. Even when items were closely matched to instructional content specifications, important differences in instructional sensitivity emerged. These differences were found between the same items presented in different formats as well as between different items presented within the same format. Implications of these results for developing criterion-referenced achievement tests are discussed.  相似文献   

英汉文化差异是导致英汉词义不对应的重要因素之一 ,它在一定程度上限制了语际有效转换的完全实现。本文从英汉文化差异的表现来探讨翻译的可译性限度及其调节策略。  相似文献   

The author has focussed on the situation of women academics at Belarus State University. Wishing to ascertain whether or not women are objects of discrimination, she concludes, despite statistics which indicate a paucity of women at the upper levels of the academic hierarchy and in all levels in the sciences, that the problem is that women are barred from competing effectively for the top positions by heavy household and family duties which are not borne by men. Were this burden to be shared equally by men and women, the career chances of women in the academic world might be roughly equal to those of men. However, because of the socio‐economic crisis which Belarus is experiencing and the resulting effects on the university, the normal university career structure is in disarray. Nevertheless, even in today's conditions, it would be difficult to prove the existence of deliberate discrimination against women academics.  相似文献   

This article considers the position of women academics in British universities. It begins with an historical survey of the evolution of the university teaching career in the United Kingdom, with special reference to women. It then concentrates on the entry of women into academic careers, particularly after the Second World War. Finally, it concludes with a discussion of the latest trends in higher education in the United Kingdom, especially attempts to make universities more cost effective, to rate their performance via performance indicators, and to attune them to the needs of the business world. These trends may end up making academic careers in the United Kingdom relatively less attractive than they were in the past, while inadvertently providing for greater feminization.  相似文献   

《文选》六臣注的文体论与《文心雕龙》异同   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
唐时有李善及五臣给《文选》作注,其注在文体下及文体的类别下、在文章题目下、在作者名下有文体论述说。而《文心雕龙》是当时文体论的集大成者,《文选》注的文体论述说,或与《文心雕龙》有相同、相似之处而又繁衍出新的内容,或与《文心雕龙》有不同之处,或有《文心雕龙》未述者,从比较中可见《文选》六臣注的功能与崇尚。  相似文献   

This study examined whether community college students of differing ethnic backgrounds and enrollment status differed in their perceptions of their growth and development gains as a function of their college experience. The sample consisted of four ethnic groups intending to transfer to four-year institutions. Four gain scales were created to operationalize the student's perceptions of gains. The multivariate test for the interaction of ethnic group and enrollment status was nonsignificant; differences in perceived growth among ethnic groups did not depend on their enrollment status. Significant main effects were found in differences among ethnic groups and between full-time and part-time students.  相似文献   

Beginning with a broad presentation of the ILO, the article concentrates on the activity of the organization in favour of equality in the workplace between men and women. Although the 1974 UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Scientific Researchers is the only international instrument which specifically addresses the employment issues of this occupational category, its provisions arc in fact reinforced by the ILO Compendium of Principles and Good Practices for Professional Workers which was adopted in 1977. With regard specifically to eastern and central Europe, the ILO is in general assisting the countries of the subregion in such domains as the reform of labour legislation, the improvement of collective bargaining, and the enhancement of entrepreneurship. It is also vitally interested in improving the status of women workers.  相似文献   

公用企业也称之为公共企业,属于垄断企业中的自然垄断行业,主要指的是从是邮政、电信、供水、交通等,为社会大众提供最基本的生活必需品的行业.本文拟从公用企业的概念出发,总结公用企业特征,通过考量公用企业与普通企业在法律制度构建上存在的异同性,尤其是对两者在反垄断法律制度以及反不正当竞争法制度上存在的差异性进行评析,并在此基础上进行进一步思考,提出将竞争机制引入公用企业,正确处理公用企业与反垄断法的关系,加快完善我国公用企业法律制度构建的步伐.  相似文献   

文章从汉英插入语的结构形式、汉英插入语的语篇意义和汉英插入语的语用意义三方面,对汉英插入语进行了对比研究。探讨了汉英插入语的异同。  相似文献   

本文试图从文化批评的角度分析中西两种文化氛围下爱情诗的差异,探求两种文化观对爱情诗创作的影响以及中西古典爱情诗中的文化异质:诸如爱情观、婚姻观、审美情趣、性爱观等。从文化与爱情诗创作的作用与反作用中把握两种诗歌所展现的不同艺术魅力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to introduce the conference, the topics to be discussed, and to lay down its parameters. In general, the proceedings fall under four principal rubrics concerned with the consequences for sexual equality of the democratization of higher education, the role of positive discrimination programmes, the legal and professional status of researchers, and strategies for the integration of gender equality issues into R&D.  相似文献   

本文以酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定了54例不同类型及不同并发症的冠心病患者与30名健康人的血浆Lp(a)浓度。心肌梗塞组和心绞痛组的Lp(a)浓度均高于对照组,并发糖尿病组Lp(a)浓度显著高于其他各组,无并发症且年龄较轻者Lp(a)浓度显著高于年龄较高者。表明血浆高Lp(a)水平是冠心病的遗传危险因素,但其升高的程度不能反映冠心病的临床类型或严重程度;并发糖尿病是老年冠心病患者血浆Lp(a)浓度升高的原因之一。  相似文献   

中西方美学史中,在不同时期对"和谐"的看法都不一。这与中西方的文化背景有很大的关系,比如中国重伦理道德、西方重理性科学。本文试图辨析中西方古代"和谐"观念的差别,从而剔除繁冗,直指人类对艺术精神世界的把握、领悟的深层次的联系。  相似文献   

本文讨论了金属羰基化合物和分子氮配合物的键合及差异,分析说明了CO是个比N2分子配位能力强得多的兀酸配体  相似文献   

本文以酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定了54例不同类型及不同并发症的冠心病患者与30名健康人的血浆Lp(a)浓度 心肌梗塞组和心绞痛组的Lp(a)浓度均高于对照组,并发糖尿病组Lp(a)浓度显著高于其他各组,无并发症且年龄较轻者Lp(a)浓度显著高于年龄较高者,表明血浆高Lp(a)水平是冠心病的遗传危险因素,但其升高的程度不能反映冠心病的临床类型或严重程度;并发糖尿病是老年冠心病患者血浆Lp(a)浓度升高的原因之一。  相似文献   

Experience with current instructional strategies employed throughout various educational institutions led the authors of the paper to question the general state of affairs portrayed by recent HEW statements concerning “abstract” knowledge imparted to “passive” students. A research design is given along with a data analysis. Findings are reported and future directions established.  相似文献   

对外汉语口语课是对外汉语教学中占重要位置的技能课之一,其目的是培养学生的口语表达能力与语言交际能力。针对此选取初级口语与高级口语两个阶段,从自身教学体验出发,分析两者口语教学中的异同点并提出一些相应的教学策略。  相似文献   

The article begins with a brief historical overview of sociological studies in Czechoslovakia from before 1914 to 1990. It then turns to a discussion of the beginning of gender studies with the recent opening of the Gender Studies Centre and Library of Charles Univer‐sity in Prague. The aim of this Centre is both to study the conditions of female education and employment in Czechoslovakia and to propose remedies for the underemployment of women in research and development as well as in other fields considered to be male‐oriented. The task of bringing gender equality to Czechoslovakia will be long, but such organizations as the Gender Studies Centre and Library are bound to make an important impact.  相似文献   

The strategies used to cope with performance problems were investigated in 206 basketball players. A total of 127 males and 79 female players, recruited from teams representing different levels of basketball ability, were administered the Ways of Coping with Sport questionnaire (Madden, 1987; Kirkby & McDonald, 1989). A 2x2 muUivariate analysis of variance showed that players of higher ability could be differentiated from those of lower abiltiy by their use of four scales of the questionnaire: General Problem‐focused Coping; Emphasizing the Positive; Detachment; Increased Effort and Resolve. Females could be differentiated from males by their increased tendency to use Seeking Social Support. Separate analysis by ANOVA revealed a gender x ability interaction in the use of General Emotionality coping processes. The findings indicated that the relationship between ability, gender, and coping is more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

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