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蒋广宇 《成人教育》2021,41(1):82-87
随着高等教育的普及和终身学习理念的传播,英美等国开始对学习者的先前学习成果进行评价并为其提供相对应的教育课程和学分,逐步形成了各自的先前学习认定模式。我国开放大学也已经开始在小范围内开展先前学习认定的实践探索,但由于缺乏理论指导,存在着诸多问题和困难,急需对已开展的先前学习认定的实践进行梳理和反思。基于“经验学习理论”对开放大学先前学习认定实践中的核心问题进行回应和反思,是解决实践中存在的困惑和问题,推动我国开放大学先前学习认定实践进一步开展的重要依据,也为我国构建学习型社会提供实践参考。  相似文献   

This article argues that greater understanding of the Aristotelian concept of phronesis or practical wisdom would make an important contribution to the conceptualization and implementation of Recognition (Assessment) of Prior Learning (RPL/APL) in formal education contexts. However, there is a need to identify phronesis empirically so that RPL assessors can identify it and RPL candidates can articulate it. Extracts from the qualitative data of two separate research projects are presented to show examples of phronesis. These extracts also show the difficulties associated with its articulation and identification. It is argued that even if phronesis cannot be accredited for RPL purposes, it should be taught and discussed in the curricula of adult education and RPL portfolio development courses to show the importance of this form of knowledge and reasoning and the different forms it might assume in formal education and life contexts.  相似文献   

This paper examines important factors in maximizing children’s experiential learning in the context of inquiry-based children’s museums. Learning is understood as situated in physical, social, and interactive context that is best achieved when children have opportunities to engage in play-based inquiry. Recommendations for maximizing children’s learning in museums, supporting children’s interactions with peers and adults, and offering affordances for children’s play are discussed.  相似文献   

经验学习作为成人教育学的理论假说之一。研究者一直在不懈地加以确证。文章综述分析了前人在这方面的研究成果和观点,包括成人从经验中学习的重要性、学习过程、影响因素、学习模式和方法等;同时分析了前人研究存在的缺陷:缺乏系统框架,缺乏深入机理,缺乏案例研究,缺乏成人有实际指导意义的方法体系,缺乏组织从经验中的学习研究。并提出了今后期待的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   

The question addressed in this paper is: what does a knowledge claim consist of in the context of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? The research comprises a case study of RPL applicants' entry into a postgraduate diploma (a fourth-year programme) in project management. The focus is on the knowledge claims made as part of the RPL application by experienced project managers and leaders. Three different aspects of the knowledge claims are analysed: what the knowledge claim consists of; what the academic interpretation of the claims is; and how the interpretation of the claims impacts on the RPL approach. The findings deal with the knowledge of the project management cycle prior to entry into higher education. It is found that knowledge claims not only consist of theoretical knowledge but also mainly situational knowledge, ability and attitude. In addition, the knowledge claims made in the RPL application based on the relevant and substantial knowledge are acknowledged by the academic institution in question. The RPL approach that results from the interpretation of the knowledge claims does conform to one RPL approach, within the paradigm of project management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the notion of ‘competence’ in the VET systems of France and England. While both countries have developed ‘competence-based’ approaches, underlying the similar terminology are distinct meanings, rooted in the countries’ institutional structures and labour processes. A key distinction is identified between a knowledge-based model in France and a skills-based model in England. Competence in the French sense is multi-dimensional and relies on the integration of practical and theoretical knowledge, as well as personal and social qualities within a broadly defined occupational field. By contrast, in England, competence refers to the performance of fragmented and narrowly defined tasks, with minimal underpinning knowledge. Thus, whereas ‘competence’ in the English VET system usually denotes functional employability for what may be relatively low-skilled employment, in France, it encapsulates the multi-dimensional development of the individual as a citizen as well as an employee.
Michaela BrockmannEmail:

本文结合电大“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”课题研究工作,论述了新形势下电大教师面临的新任务,分析了开放教育试点与课题研究相结合的必要性和重要性,探讨了科研与教学和管理之间的辩证关系,对于深化电大教学改革、推动电大科研工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Interference and inhibition processes as discussed by Dempster and Corkill (1999) are useful on two levels: first, metaphorically in terms of general themes for educational psychology, and, second, in terms of psychological mechanisms for understanding learning. At the same time, there are a number of issues that must be addressed in future theory and research before interference and inhibition processes can be accorded a primary explanatory role in models of learning, including the operation and sequencing of interference and inhibition processes in relation to other cognitive, motivational, and self-regulation processes; the definition and construction of the relevant–irrelevant information dimension; the role of interference and inhibition in the active selection of goals, strategies, and behavior; the stability and trait-like nature of interference and inhibition; the range of generality and applicability of interference and inhibition in relation to all other aspects of learning and behavior; and the utility and power of interference and inhibition as explanatory constructs.  相似文献   

非正式学习是非结构化的、目的模糊的、情境性的、自主的学习方式,研究生的主要学习形态是非正式学习。从该角度来思考,硕士研究生的培养既要注重增强学生学习的自我效能感,传授给他们非正式学习的方法,培养他们自主学习的能力与习惯,还要促进他们情感与道德的发展,并注意构建学习共同体。  相似文献   

本文针对高职导游专业的现状,提出“工学渗透,单元穿插”人才培养模式,并从模式的内涵、运作方式、实施对策三个方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

新工业革命下,未来工作要求和相关能力的变化需要劳动者能够快速适应新环境、新情况、新技术,采取自主工作行动找到创造性的解决方案,工程教育需要新的教学理念、创新性的学习环境和学习方法以应对挑战.学习工厂为学习者提供跨学科的基于实践经验的学习机会,学习者在接近真实生产的环境中通过自主行动完成企业生产流程中面向产品全生命周期的...  相似文献   

陶行知在杜威“从做中学”实用主义教育理论的基础上,经过两次认识上的飞跃,创造性地提出并充分论证了著名的“教学做合一”思想。“教学做合一”是陶行知生活教育理论的方法论,也是职业教育的根本方法。当前,在职业教育贯彻“教学做合一”的思想,一要在课程设置上遵循“按事施教”的原则,二要积极探索“工学结合”的教学模式。  相似文献   


The authors explored how prior student achievement, through school types, predicted teacher self- and collective efficacy and perceived academic climate of 222 middle school teachers in Singapore. Teachers assigned to high-track and regular middle schools differed in their perception of self- and collective efficacy to promote organizational changes and student achievement, and of the academic climate of the school. Prior achievement was shown to be best predicted by perceived teacher collective efficacy and academic climate, but not self-efficacy. Further analyses revealed that the teacher collective efficacy partially mediated the relationship between teacher self-efficacy and academic climate. These findings were discussed with respect to the sociocognitive perspective.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships among Taiwanese high school students’ scientific epistemic beliefs (SEBs), conceptions of learning science (COLS), and motivation of learning science. The questionnaire responses from 470 high school students in Taiwan were gathered for analysis to explain these relationships. The structural equation modeling technique was utilized to reveal that the students’ absolutist SEBs led to reproduced COLS (i.e. learning science as memorizing, preparing for tests, calculating, and practicing) while sophisticated SEBs were related to constructive COLS (i.e. learning science as increase of knowledge, applying, and attaining understanding). The students’ reproduced COLS were also negatively associated with surface motive of learning science, whereas the constructive COLS were positively correlated with students’ deep motive of learning science. Finally, this study found that students who viewed scientific knowledge as uncertain (advanced epistemic belief) tended to possess a surface motive of learning science. This finding implies that the implementation of standardized tests diminishes Taiwanese high school students’ curiosity and interest in engaging deeply in science learning.  相似文献   

体验是人的智慧和品格发展的一种重要的方式,它使知识的学习不再限于认知、理性范畴,而扩展到情感、生理和人格等领域;使学习过程不仅是知识增长的过程,也是身心与人格健全与发展的过程。体验性学习直接指向个性的和谐发展。语文课程要全面提高学生的语文素养,体验性学习是必不可少的。  相似文献   

This article reports a literature review of self-studies by beginning teacher educators examining their experiences of the transition from classroom teaching to teacher educator. The authors conclude that becoming a teacher educator involves several complex and challenging tasks: examining beliefs and values grounded in personal biography, including those associated with being a former schoolteacher; navigating the complex social and institutional contexts in which they work; and developing a personal pedagogy of teacher education that enables construction of a new professional identity as a teacher educator. This research provides beginning teacher educators with a reference point for understanding their personal and professional transition to university-based teacher education. It also provides teacher education faculty and administrators with key information about how the transition from teacher to teacher educator can be supported and enhanced within professional learning communities.  相似文献   

In this self-study, we look at the contribution made towards our professional learning through an aspect of teacher education work that is not commonly featured in the research literature: exploring the implications of our work as co-editors of an international collection about teacher educators’ journeys of professional becoming. Through this self-study, we argue that this type of work is valuable to individuals and institutions in relation to its impact on the professional learning and career development of teacher educators. Adopting a narrative approach, we examined our experiences of co-editing the book and the associated activities such as conference presentations, to understand how this influenced our professional learning and identity as teacher educators. Findings include having a stronger sense of the evolution of our professional selves over time and greater insight and awareness of our strengths and uncertainties. A clearer perspective on our own career development and professional becoming was evident, and many parallels could be drawn between our experiences of professional becoming and those of the chapter authors in the edited book. We conclude that while activities such as book editing do not usually count in institutional metrics as outputs, they are nonetheless a significant opportunity for professional learning and make a contribution to knowledge and to teacher education practice, and should be recognised as such by institutions and colleagues.  相似文献   

The article will argue that Charles Sanders Peirce's concepts of the 'Dynamics of Belief and Doubt', the 'Fixation of Belief' as well as 'habits of belief' taken together comprise a theory of learning. The 'dynamics of belief and doubt' are Peirce's explanation for the process of changing from one belief to another. Teaching, then, would be an attempt to control that process. Teaching critical thinking represents an attempt to teach the learner to regulate and discipline his or her own 'settlement of belief'. The 'settlement of belief' takes four different forms based on doubt. Peirce's concept of the 'habits of belief' refers to the inner and outer constraints placed both on belief as such and belief as it becomes action. The article may be read as both an exegesis of learning and as a pedagogical guide for teaching critical thinking to college students.  相似文献   

在人工智能视域下的课堂教学智慧评价中,基于中国优秀传统文化中的知行哲学和大脑认知活动的信息自由能理论构建的学习发生知行模型,描述了学习发生的条件与路径、学习风格、有效教学方法等,关涉学生学习发生这一教育核心问题。学习发生知行模型批判地吸收了ELT、4MAT等学习理论中富有启发性的观点,将知行与外在可观测的语言刺激(四何)数据关联起来,使学生内部认识活动与外在教学环境的相互作用即课堂认知活动具备了人工智能可分析的可能。它将学习发生的认知过程划分为外界信息的处理过程(不涉及大脑自由能减少)和内部世界认知模型的调整过程或思想练习(减少大脑自由能)两类,提出的人工智能课堂认知活动量化评价指标框架,尝试解决现有机器分析无法覆盖课堂思维方式、教学风格等重要维度的问题,为完整性的、本土化的、易理解的课堂教学智慧评价分析系统的设计提供了可行方案。  相似文献   

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